
Main text Chapter 121: Pill Success (IV)

"Don't be impatient." With Xu Yangyi's words, Mao Baer's excited expression finally calmed down.


Seems like a good idea.

However, you must make corresponding preparations for this auction.

Two hundred years after the Age of Ending Dharma, what will happen when the first elixir appears?

Needless to say, crazy, and crazy looting, needless to say. However, for him, how to ensure his own safety is the most important thing.

How many people will come to investigate the origin of this elixir? How many people would care about the person who refined the elixir? What will they do?

The elixir market will definitely receive a strong impact. If nothing else, Duobao Pavilion will devote all its efforts to find him.

If you find it, what will happen?

"It's not the time for me to reveal my identity yet." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I will definitely be present at the auction in person."

Mao Baer, ​​Li Zongyuan, was awakened by these words.

There was silence. After about dozens of seconds, Mao Baer put the elixir in Li Zongyuan's hand, with a serious face: "Indeed... now is not the time for you to come forward. However, there is no need for you to come forward. If you need anything, tell the auctioneer The official is."

"No..." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes dangerously: "What I want... must be traded on the spot."

Now, two years have passed since the goal of completing a task in five years.

This mission is no ordinary mission. It doesn't matter if you help someone find a cat or a dog, but it must be a real and difficult task. Otherwise, why does the Yulin Guard maintain so many legions?

With three years left, he had no goals and no team. Now that he is exposed as an alchemist, there is no way out, which is too unwise.

At that time... in the worst case scenario, it will not be just Master Fuyun who is chasing him, but even all the top ten real men will be involved!

Li Zongyuan seemed to understand something and lost his voice: "You, you want to..."

The three people's eyes met together, and they all clearly saw the murderous intent in Xu Yangyi's eyes!

"Master, you have not avenged your vengeance. To improve your rating, you must find the icons of SS and SSS-level demon clans. This can only be done by accepting missions through the Xingtian Legion... However, once you go on a mission, Qianren's side..." Li Zongyuan said When he said these words, he shuddered, and he was already breaking out in a cold sweat without even realizing it!

He guessed Xu Yangyi's thoughts, but he never expected that Xu Yangyi's heart was so big!

Kill the foundation-building monks!

This is a way to tell everyone who is chasing him that Xu Yangyi is not someone to be trifled with!

"God..." Mao Baer trembled and looked at Xu Yangyi like a monster: "Yangtao, you, you are so crazy..."

Two more levels to counterattack!

It's not impossible...the key is to see how much capital you have!

For example...a magic weapon that can block Foundation Establishment monks, for example...a magic weapon that can kill Foundation Establishment monks! Another example...a magic weapon that even the foundation-building monks can't catch up with!

It’s not that there is nothing, one word, money, two words, spiritual stone!

As long as you can afford it, don't worry about it. The key is that there are too few people in this world with this kind of capital. Except for the legitimate sons and daughters of Master Jin Dan, there will not be more than fifty!

Qianren would never have thought that Xu Yangyi had such capital. A monk without any background has a spiritual stone that can kill him? What a joke!

Because of this, whatever Xu Yangyi wants, he can only choose and try it out in person. During the auction, he must be present in person!

"Are you crazy?" Xu Yangyi just had this thought, but now, this thought has become completely firm.

"The world laughs at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others because they can't see through it." His eyes turned cold and he licked his lips: "Mao Baer, ​​starting from today, you start to pay attention to all A-level and above tasks."

Mao Baer stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then sighed: "You are really crazy... But, this time... you really have a damn chance of succeeding..."

"Li Zongyuan." Xu Yangyi ignored him at all and turned his gaze: "Immediately, collect for me all the talismans, magic weapons, and pill names that can kill, resist, or escape the foundation-building monks."

"Master..." Li Zongyuan hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "These things... are not unavailable, but the price... twelve pills cannot be exchanged..."

"I have my own plan." Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Yes." Li Zongyuan nodded and bowed: "In addition, there is one more thing. Master, the specific age and approximate owner of the box you gave me have been determined."

Xu Yangyi's eyes became solemn: "Tell me the place and I will go there in person tomorrow."

Auction, no rush.

Doing it now is like digging up the imperial seal and taking it to the auction house. It is likely to fetch a sky-high price on the spot. However, he would not want to live anymore.

Without careful planning, he would rather trade on the black market than use an auction to maximize profits.

"Besides, you'd better pay attention to this thing." Xu Yangyi wiped it on his fingers, and an ancient parchment scroll appeared in his hand.

He looked at the two of them closely: "Any news...about this thing must be notified to me as soon as possible."

Things stopped here, and he was ready to have a good night's rest and head to the place where the archaeologists were tomorrow.

At the same time, Longsu Province, Jiuquan City, Asa Autonomous County, Luliugou.

In the eyes of the world, this may be an ordinary place, and some Chinese and foreign scholars and geographical geologists may come to take pictures from time to time. However, because of its barrenness, remoteness, and lack of water, it has always been sparsely populated since ancient times.

However, this is only in the eyes of the world.

There is a group of people with a very small base, but they are superior to more than a billion people. Their names are monks.

In their eyes, this is also a place they cannot come to. However, this does not mean that they do not know this place. On the contrary, everyone remembers the name of this place, Longsu Danxia Palace.

The Eight Great Jedi, Colonnade Danxia Palace in Longsu Province, has long been known as a thunderous name.

A high-ranking and unknown Jindan real person, dozens of foundation-building Dzogchen masters, and hundreds of Qi-training late-stage Dzogchen masters all disappeared in the Longsu Jedi Land. No one dared to despise this red area in the west.

"That's the notorious Colonnade Danxia Palace of Longsu Province." An old man pointed to a reddish-brown hillside a thousand meters away and retracted his finger with emotion: "You juniors, please remember , If nothing happens, you must not get close there. Even if you want to get close, you must not look back. "

"Uncle, what does that mean?" A girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, asked with a smile and wide eyes: "I always heard my dad say that our Longsu Zhao family can be ranked among the best in the country. A hundred...why can’t you come in here?”

The old man was in the middle stage of Qi training, and there were about seven or eight people around him. They are all teenagers between the ages of fourteen and seventeen, and they all wear a feather-like badge on their chests.

The Longsu Zhao family has about two hundred families in the country. He can be ranked among the top one hundred. Even if he is at the bottom of the top one hundred, he can feel comfortable.

Their family head, Qi Lian Dzogchen, is really not worth mentioning among the top ten super families with Foundation Establishment monks as the core.

"Xiaonan, listen to your uncle." The old man looked at the hills with extremely vigilant eyes, as if looking at a motionless monster, and said solemnly: "The Jindan Master has been damaged here, let alone Even if one Zhao family or ten thousand Zhao family members are put in, they won’t be able to come out alive.”

"Zhenren Jindan?!" A young man exclaimed: "Impossible! They fly into the clouds and mist at every turn, how could they..."

"This is a fact. Even my uncle, I don't dare to get close, I can only watch from a distance. As for why I can't look back..." The uncle smiled and said, "It's strange, ordinary people can't feel anything when they walk past here. . But once a monk passes by Danxia Palace, he will hear the people closest to him calling his name. At that time, once he turns around..."

All the teenagers opened their eyes nervously and looked at their uncle closely.

"Wow!!" The old man suddenly made a scary move. Suddenly, all the teenagers were startled, and then they all blushed and shouted: "Uncle Clan is scary!" "Too bad!" "I, I want to Tell my dad!"

"Okay, okay." The old man laughed loudly and touched his beard: "Let me tell you, once you look back, that person will die on the spot, no, or become a vegetative state, and all three souls and seven souls will disappear. It’s the same no matter how high your cultivation level is.”

"Uncle Clan, what's in that?" A bold young man asked curiously.

"Who knows?" The old man smiled and touched his head: "Some people say that it leads to the underworld. Some people say that it is an ancient cultivator's palace inside. Some people say that there is a living ancient cultivator inside. There is no one there. Know what's inside... Xiaolin, what are you looking at?"

He looked at a young man. This young man was the most talented monk in the clan. He was usually very lively, and especially had a trace of bloodline supernatural power. His eyes and pupils were white, which were the legendary Netherworld Pupils. Most valued by the elders of the clan.

However, at this moment, this young man was frowning and looking at a certain place without blinking.

Hearing Uncle Clan's words, he seemed to come to his senses, turned around, and asked doubtfully: "Uncle there anyone thousands of meters tall?"

"What are you thinking about?" The old man chuckled and flicked his forehead: "Thousand meters tall, that is the demon clan. Why did Xiao Lin think of asking this?"

Xiao Lin took down the old man's hand and pointed in the direction of Danxia Palace: "But I saw it... there was a giant more than a thousand meters tall, using an ax to chop at the place you mentioned..."

"Haha, how is that possible!" "Xiao Lin, don't tease me. We all know that your eyes can see into the underworld. This is not your place to joke." "That's enough. If you don't go back, I won't play with you anymore." "

Their laughter grew louder, and the old man's expression became more serious. Finally, he suddenly raised his hand and looked at Xiao Lin steadily: "You didn't lie to the clan uncle? Did you really see it?"

Xiao Lin looked at his uncle in confusion, and then at the hills.

That's right... I did see it...

A soldier wearing ancient armor, with iron chains tied all over his body, seemed to be holding up the sky and the earth.

The armor on his body has been covered in rust and cracks for an unknown amount of time.

From the chains on his body, one could see mysterious talismans from such a distance, emitting a spiritual pressure that made him feel frightened just by looking at them.

In his hand, he held a huge iron axe, which he was slashing at the Danxia Palace below.

The scariest thing is his face.

Because this Pangu-like giant has no face!


Starting today, four days later, I and a few friends will go to Jiuzhaigou to play, and we will use the draft box... I hope there will be no problems with the draft box...

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