
Chapter 1199: The Core of the Hell of Deception

The space channel was sprayed into pieces by the breath of countless demons, and began to shatter wildly from behind the space demon. They planned to rely on their own projections to tear up this channel directly, so that the space demon could not reach the Deception Palace.

As long as he was not under the wings of the Demon Lord, no matter how strong Xu Yangyi was, he could not face the tide of demon god believers.

In response to them, there was a dazzling sword light, and a black tide rushed into the sky. It was the blood color of killing, and the purple-black solidified after thousands of years. In the blood rain, a towering figure, wearing a bamboo hat and a linen robe, made the same action as Xu Yangyi.

Draw the sword, draw the sword.

It was extremely simple, but it was like a fleeting moment, exquisite and incomparable.

Swish! The world seemed to be split open by this sword. With just one sword, it broke through the air for three thousand meters, standing proudly in the air like a water-dividing staff, without shape, only sword intent, all the demonic energy that impacted this sea of ​​swords instantly turned into black demonic light all over the sky.

It is an invisible dam, welcoming the waves behind it, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

"How could it be?" "Did he really block our thoughts with just one sword?" "Our thoughts are almost materialized... He actually blocked it?"

The demonic energy dissipated, and the dots of demonic light flew in the air like black snow. All the incarnations of the demon god saw the opponent standing proudly on the meteor with a sword in hand. He was dressed in black, obviously blending into the black snow, but extremely eye-catching.

Deeper than black, sharper than demons.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but flicked the fish intestines with his index finger.


The sword sounded like a dragon, oppressing the entire passage to silence.

His eyes were as calm as a lake, but there was a sword-like arrogance hidden, slowly sweeping across dozens of space cracks behind. Then, the second sound was gently played.


Dangdangdang... It became more and more rapid, the long sword was a song, the fingers were a piano, the drumbeats of the invitation to fight were deafening, and the fighting spirit was soaring. However, in the evil spirit behind, there was silence.

"That's all?" The wind blew up the black hair, like the wings of the crow god. Xu Yangyi asked the same question for the second time with a sneer on his face.

In the mind of the Space Demon Lord, Andrina had covered her mouth and collapsed on the ground with trembling all over. On the other side, Mao Baer's eyes flashed, and he stood up completely, returning to the state of Xingtian. Fahai narrowed his eyes, turning the rosary in his hand faster and faster, emitting a trace of light.

"Great Infinity. The Eye of the True Demon." Finally, in this dead silence, countless small arms grew on a skinny crimson arm, quickly forming seals, and many talismans and methods appeared, tangled into a rotating triangle.

Silent provocation is more piercing than a loud slap in the face. From the beginning of the Ruos tentacles to the manifestation of their thoughts, in just a few minutes, there was still one man and one sword, and one man guarding the pass. They were so determined that they couldn't cross the line!

Standing there, this human was an invisible wall.

Its voice opened Pandora's box. The previous arrogance and contempt disappeared, and it was replaced by an extremely solemn one. Then, the third crack, the fourth, the tenth... After a few seconds, dozens of cracks and dozens of incarnations gathered all the wills that could be mobilized into one place, filling the entire space channel.

"Hydra's Roar." "Leviathan's Spear." "Infinite Greed." "Devil Subdues."

The magnificent demonic energy distorted this space, and the endless talismans surged, making the channel crack even more. Each one exuded a chilling magic power. That was enough to make the Nascent Soul cultivators prostrate themselves.

"Only for show." Xu Yangyi glanced at him indifferently. He wanted to erase himself just by relying on the will of the advent? He killed all the way from the earth to the seven realms, and dared to steal under the eyes of Yahweh?

Naive to the point of being ridiculous.

It seems that they have not really understood what kind of saint they are facing.

Under the accumulated power of Mammon for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, they have lost the most basic judgment.


Clang, Yuchang slowly pulled out, an inch of iron an inch of light, the power of the holy sword for thousands of years, illuminated the surroundings brilliantly. Reflecting the deep darkness in front.

Then, like an eagle, he pulled himself up, and the tiny figure faced the surging demonic energy that filled the entire passage, bringing up a raging wind.

Then, let me wake them up!


Deception Palace, the platform of all worlds.

This platform is probably tens of thousands of meters in size and is at the highest point of this area. On the edge, there are fingers that look like flesh, constantly wriggling. Countless patterns are engraved on the surface of the platform. Many space demons appeared from the void, of different sizes and colors, and parked here.

Between each finger is a stone staircase with a width of 100 meters. About 100 meters below, at its bottom, is the core of the Deception Hell, the Deception Palace.

Countless castles, bone, stone, obsidian, and red crystal buildings, as tall as monsters, rough and primitive, burning with silver-gray flames, standing like torches in the core of this hell. Isolate roads one by one, and the Platform of All Worlds is at their center. And now, in these roads like river branches, countless demons with excited faces, talking like a tide filled all the streets.

Suddenly, the space was torn apart again, and a dark green space demon appeared in the space, much larger than Andrina's, hundreds of meters in size. The back was covered with purple crystals.

It slowly opened its mouth, and the stone tongue formed a long passage. Then, two rows of demon guards wearing gorgeous armor walked out neatly from inside.

With the appearance of these guards, the demon below was breathing more and more rapidly. When a huge flag was raised, a one-winged demon with a body burning with flames and a height of three meters appeared at the end. In an instant, the emotions of the demon below were... Reached the climax!

"Destroyer! Enlisas!" The first scream of worship, filled with excitement, sounded at the same time as the desolate horn sound: "It's Enlisas, the lord of the blue sky who deceived the south of hell!"

This sound was like a firecracker lighting a fuse, and the suppressed scream exploded instantly. "The Blue Sky Territory is ranked 34,600th!!" "This is the number one lord within the last 50,000!" "We can't. We know the list of the top nobles, but we can all see these 10,000 high-level demons who are expected to enter the Abyss Arena!"

Discussions came and went, and finally turned into boiling waves of "Lord Destroyer!!" "Lord of Blue Sky!!"

Having deceived the Palace of Sin and the Gray Tower, Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo opened his eyes, glanced at them indifferently, and sneered: "Maggots."

Then, slowly close it.

Enlisas shook its head like a cow. It liked this atmosphere very much. The grand ceremony that happens once every tens of thousands of years is approaching, and it is no longer a matter of thought that its cultivation in the early stages of becoming a saint will enter the "thousand" ranking. There are almost only this number of top nobles in the entire hell, but it is confident that it will enter the ten thousand.

Don't underestimate this number. Among the demons measured in trillions and the contestants measured in hundreds of millions in Tiragandes, being able to enter ten thousand is the highest affirmation. Whether it is it or the family behind it, it can usher in a rapid explosion.

It likes this crazy atmosphere for it, and these low-level demons will also be excited for the advance army of this grand ceremony, and for these nobles who they can't see at ordinary times. Here, it is the king, the supernova of this century. Instead of looking up to the Demon King.

He waved his hands casually and received even more fierce cheers. Just when it was about to walk out, it suddenly looked up at the sky.

The tidal wave of noise below continued, but it soon died down because... everyone realized something was wrong.

"This is..." "What's going on? Space tearing? Could it happen on the Platform of All Realms?" "Could it be that one of the contestants came? Tsk, tsk, tsk... I don't know what low-level space they are traveling in. The devil can't even stabilize the space. "Are these contestants from those families that have been in decline for more than ten centuries?"

Right before their eyes, the clouds in the sky above the Platform of All Realms were converging crazily towards one point, and strands of demonic energy were drawn out from all directions, spinning and rushing into the vortex that was tens of meters in size, and there were even thunders wandering around.

Flames were shooting out of Enlisas's nostrils, which meant that it was in a very bad mood. There were so many demons participating in the abyss arena, and those high-ranking families would select the ones that were truly worthy of investment. Their arrival is to show off, to let the other party see it, and now, someone actually steals the limelight? Are you still using such dirty tricks?

"Who?" It snorted coldly. There was obviously something wrong with the Space Demon. It was sure that it would never appear in those super families.

Before he finished speaking, a vast force suddenly rushed out of the whirlpool. It only uttered one word, and then involuntarily, it knelt on the ground with a bang.

It wasn't until this moment that its whole body began to tremble.

In an instant, the demons with a radius of tens of thousands of meters were like ducks whose necks were pinched. No more words were spoken, only the sounds of plopping and kneeling were heard one after another. No demon could still stand.


Pure strength. There is no distinction of kind.

A piece emerged from the vortex, and it was this piece that made them feel like the weight of the mountain was overwhelming, and they couldn't bear it at all.

In the Palace of Deception, Kendramo suddenly opened his eyes and stood up slowly.

"So strong!"

"This is the do you give me the feeling that it can compete with Taixu?"

"Which family's supernova has arrived?"

Before he finished speaking, a silver-gray beam of light shot straight towards the Platform of All Realms, and the dark vortex exploded. Then, a corpse of a space demon with only bones left, and the bones rotted due to violent burning, rushed out. In full view of everyone, Shattered into flaming fragments on the platform of all realms. A fiery red figure, carrying the typical silver-gray deception energy of the Ferrers family, rushed out screaming.

Top noble! The original family!

Enlisas felt as if his heart had stopped beating. What was going on? The person who came down was a direct descendant of the original family, and the silver-gray deception demonic energy could not be faked, could he ride on such a low-quality, damaged space demon.

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