
Chapter 1200: Super City in Another World

All the demons had this idea, but before they could react, the fiery red figure let out a scream and suddenly crawled to the ground.

"It's not it..." Enlisas breathed a sigh of relief. This terrifying power does not come from it, then...

The next moment, with a shocking loud noise, the entire sky shook, and a far more violent force than before enveloped the entire Platform of All Realms like a tsunami.


All the demons present could not help but tremble. At this moment, they saw the real hell, the peak of power that was unmatched.

"Ha..." There were other space demons on the platform of all realms. Everyone who came out at this moment screamed, gasped and fell to the ground. Countless eyes stared at this magnificent ocean of power with their mouths open.

It's too powerful... so powerful that they can't even develop a peeping heart.

At this moment, a black figure with billowing black demonic energy suddenly tore open the gap, like a wild dragon emerging from the sea, and appeared on the platform of all realms.

it's him! !

Enlisas, who was sweating profusely, had twitching at the corners of his eyes. His relaxed mood suddenly tightened, and the pores all over his body shrank, as if he were facing a terrifying predator.

They are both respected saints, but... in front of him, I am at most a rabbit, a trembling rabbit.

"Which family's supernova is this..." The majestic force pressed down on it so much that its neck cracked, and it couldn't help but tremble.

However, it was not over yet. At the same time as this figure appeared, dozens of terrifying auras instantly filled the sky, rushing out crazily from the torn cracks. Black claws, twisted limbs, ancient talismans burning in the flames of destruction, like the sky inverted, thunder annihilated, roaring out of the whirlpool!

"Damn it... you actually... actually managed to escape here!!" "I will remember this shame and tear you apart completely in the abyss arena!!" "The enemy of the devil is waiting for you. Only destruction!"

"The big demon...he, he is being chased by dozens of big demons!!" The demon who could maintain a trace of consciousness immediately screamed: "No wonder the space demon is broken!" "Oh my God...I, I still I thought I was riding a low-quality space demon, but I thought it was a small family!" "To be able to come here from the pursuit of dozens of big demons, and... without a single scratch... This, this is the super elite of the Ferrers family! ? ” “Which plane-experienced monster is back?”

On the other side, Kendramo's narrowed eyes turned cold.

"They are followers of the devil..." It walked to the window and gently shook the window lattice: "Who gave you the courage..."

"How dare you go to the Palace of Deception and act wild!!!"

The voice suddenly rose in pitch, and just as those hands reached out to Xu Yangyi, a larger hand of demonic energy appeared above the vortex, covering the sky with a radius of 100,000 meters.

Carrara... grabbed her mercilessly, and those arms where the will was condensed instantly let out endless wails, shattering in the air like pieces of paper. Then, this illusory claws squeezed at will, as if kneading mud, and crushed the space. The cracks are completely closed.

It was extremely majestic just now. Dozens of Demon God incarnations took action at the same time, but in front of the Demon King, it seemed as if they had never appeared before.

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi stood up and patted the dust on his body. After a few minutes of travel, there were no dangers, and the opponent did not break into the 100 meters around him in the end.

The surroundings were so quiet that he could even hear the rustling of his clothes with his fingers. He immediately raised his eyebrows keenly and scanned the whole place.

He seemed to be standing in the middle of a huge stage, with thousands of demons beside him, all staring at him dumbfounded. His level was no more than Golden Core and Foundation Establishment, and he was in no mood to look at it until he landed on a single-winged bull-headed demon. On his body, he paused.

In the early stage of Zun Sheng... Looking at this posture, is he greeting the other party?

"Did I bother you?" He looked away and asked casually.

Enlisas shook, then immediately touched his forehead to the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "No, no... you, as long as you are happy..."

Xu Yangyi didn't care about its answer at all. He glanced at Andelina who looked a little gray and said, "Can you move? Tell me what's going on here?"

In the silence, Andelina gritted her teeth and stood up. She was thinking about returning home in glory. This was simply the worst way to appear! none of them!

"The delusions of some low-level maggots." Andrina gritted her teeth and said: "There are still a few decades before the Abyss Arena begins. I said that this is a grand ceremony that happens once every tens of thousands of years. This grand ceremony will happen before the Devil's Oven erupts. Let’s start. Auditions, trials, qualifying rounds, and finals… Each region and each family will launch their most powerful demon.”

"The selection of hundreds of millions of demons requires a full fifty years of auditions. It has begun now. You will also be one of them."

After saying that, it walked forward without looking back.

"Its mentality has changed." Fahai walked up, pinched the rosary slowly, and said slowly: "Before, it tried its best to win you over and did whatever it took to keep you in hell. But after seeing this After countless incarnations of the devil, it no longer knows whether to send you away or keep you."

Xu Yangyi didn't answer. He looked away after a long time and sneered: "Just these people want to set foot on the top of the universe?"

"Did you know..." Fahai said calmly: "In the last fifty years, all registrations have ended, and every family's quota has been settled. The remaining time is for the major forces to prepare. What you see now is just When civilians fight and fight, all that comes out are small fish and shrimps..."

"In another thirty-five the last ten years before the registration deadline, you will see the flags of the princes, the princes, and the royal family."

"That is the real strong man, your real opponent."

They were like fireflies in the dark night, extremely conspicuous. After a period of silence, whispers surged below again, and finally turned into a sea of ​​excitement again.



A human appears in the Ferrers family! Could this be strong support from outside? With that kind of power just now, even Lord Qingkong didn't dare to say a word! Is he also going to join the Abyss Arena?

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers, a cloak covering his body, exuding endless demonic energy, and walked downwards.

He had already seen that the demon group consciously gave way to a path, and several demons wearing the Ferrers family crest were already kneeling on both sides respectfully, greeting them with fear. Among them, a four-meter-tall body exuding silver-gray demonic energy was looking at him with interest.

"Warmly welcome you. Your Excellency." The demon group has automatically made way for a path. A female-looking demon with two faces in front and back of her hair and a pair of sheep-like curved horns bowed deeply. : "We have been waiting for your visit since we received the notification from Her Highness the Princess. Believe me, many elders and congressmen in the tribe are impatiently waiting for you."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, and walked out of the crowd with Andelina in front of everyone's attention. A carriage pulled by a hell horse had stopped outside.

After getting on the carriage, the carriage sped away. The female devil smiled and said: "In the Palace of Deception, there is a forbidden sky spell by His Highness the Demon Lord. Please forgive me."

Xu Yangyi nodded casually and looked outside the carriage. He didn't go out at all on the black street, and the place was deserted and barren, like a forgotten corner of the world. Only when he got here did he truly understand what a devil's city was.

In all directions, towers one after another pierced the clouds of flames in the sky. Instead of steel and concrete, they were huge skeletons and indestructible boulders. Countless runes were engraved on it. Within ten minutes, a magic power penetrated the entire tower, and the huge tower lit up with a colorful halo.

The styles are different, but it feels like walking in the most prosperous international metropolis on earth.

This is a super city belonging to the devil.

In view of the size of demons, each street is thousands of meters wide. There is a constant flow of vehicles pulled by various hell horses or other monsters. Occasionally, huge demons tens of meters high can be seen. There are various shops on both sides, full of original style, but more importantly, there are crowds gathering everywhere and the excitement. besides……

Almost the entire Palace of Deception is hung with the vast sea of... battle flags of the major families!

Bulls, giants, axes, severed claws... bloody brushstrokes, rough style, thousands of war flags hanging on major buildings. Below them is a huge bone family emblem, suspended in the air with demonic energy, majestically appearing in every corner of the Palace of Deception.

"Each side represents a family, a family with at least count level." The female demon keenly noticed his gaze and immediately said empathetically: "There are still a hundred years, and the Abyss Arena is about to open. Fifty years later The year is the time to determine the number of people. The hundreds of millions of demons in Tiragandis have to be selected from the past fifty years. Now... it has begun."

"In the next few decades, countless demon contestants will come here one after another, and tens of millions of demon elites will gather here. When the first demon oven condenses, it will reach The real peak. And those super elites will also return from all major planes, emerge from those terrifying abyss, and return to their respective families."

Has it started yet... Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze, his gaze already extremely solemn.

This is not a simple flag... it is a declaration of war. There are still decades to go before the Hundred Years' War. This basin of dry firewood has begun to ignite. The flames falling from all directions will converge into a prairie fire in a hundred years, and together we will welcome tens of thousands of years. A great occasion.

There is no such feeling at all in the black street, but after arriving at the Palace of Deception, this silent heat, all the families are waiting, the war letter is hanging high, and the sense of chill is everywhere, like a shadow.

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