
Chapter 1201: The so-called nothingness

"Time is running out..." Xu Yangyi slowly retracted his gaze, and just as the carriage stopped, he pushed open the door and walked out.

They had stopped in front of a huge palace, which was completely dark, as if one could see into the deepest part. Even he felt a little dizzy after taking a few more glances.

"This is obsidian." The female demon bowed slightly and smiled, "The crystal that conducts magic power best. The entire royal family of the Deception Palace is all made of obsidian. This gate is called the Gate of Faust. After entering from here, it is the territory of the royal family of the Ferres family."

"You can call it a city within a city. It covers an area of ​​500 square kilometers and has a total of 1,500 Faust Gates. Only distinguished guests can enter from here."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. He had seen the demon guards in silver armor standing on both sides in front of him. The roaring ram flag representing the Ferres family had been raised, and in the center, a two-meter-tall, pale, covered with black stripes, skinny six-handed demon, wearing a black and luxurious robe that was dozens of meters wide, stood in front of the gate with his hands behind his back.

Like a mountain.

There were obviously many guards around, and the towering palace was obviously behind, but whoever looked over could only see it and could not jump over it.

Its momentum made everything around it seem like nothing in front of it.

"Heh..." He took a deep breath, and his pupils suddenly turned into black holes. The infinite truth started to operate on its own. Suddenly, the world in his eyes changed. What he saw was not a demon, but an indescribable mass of desires full of great power. Some extremely complicated talismans that he could not understand at all were desperately entangled and became a human-shaped black hole, reminding him frantically that it was dangerous... very dangerous! The not-too-tall demon opposite him had the power to destroy the world!

As vast as the universe.

"Be careful." Yu Chang said solemnly: "This is the Taixu Demon King... the real Taixu, and it is very likely to be the peak of Taixu!"

Xu Yangyi nodded. The demon king stood proudly in front of the Gate of Faust. He was about to walk over and suddenly stopped.

His fingers moved automatically and operated according to the trajectory of the heavens. The Seven Star Divination had already fluctuated without warning.

But in just a second, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Great evil, a sign of nothingness!

Why? Nothingness? What is this?

His nerves were completely tense, and he looked around calmly. There was peace in all directions, but now it was like the eve of a storm.

He did not move forward.

However, the demon on the opposite side realized his abnormality. The three eyes turned and squeezed out a dry smile: "I am the deputy speaker Kendramo."

Its voice was very calm, and every word it said made the surrounding void tremble fiercely.

The sense of disharmony that had just risen was instantly dispersed by this sentence, and Xu Yangyi actually felt...

The hidden sense of crisis faded a little when the other party spoke? As if... he didn't want to be discovered by the other party?

Not him?

Kendramo walked over step by step, stood in front of him, and slowly stretched out his dry hand: "Hello according to human etiquette."

Suppressing his pounding heart, Xu Yangyi also shook it.

His hair stood up instantly. At this moment, he felt that he was holding the ocean with human hands, facing an unpredictable, violent or deep endless sea.

The other party did not let go.

One tall, one short, one human, one demon, stared at each other quietly. After a long time, Kendramo said calmly: "Are you scared?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

"Then, why are you sweating?" Kendramo tightened his hands slightly: "I have been to the human world. This secretion comes from emotional fluctuations. You look calm. This is not because of exercise, but because of nervousness."


Xu Yangyi looked at each other, sweat quietly oozing from his back, but he did not speak.

"Why... are you nervous when you come here?" Everything about him was exposed under the eyes of a Taixu Demon King, but Kendramo seemed not to see it, and slowly said: "Are you worried? Ah... We are allies, exchanging interests with each other. Are you worried that you don't have enough chips? Or..."

Kendramo moved closer, just an ordinary action, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes of infinite truth, but saw a black hole that swallowed the universe, just half a meter away from pressing on him.

Kakaka... It seemed as if all the bones were screaming.

"Or, do you want too much?"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what is too much."

Kendra Mo looked deeply into his eyes and answered word by word: "For example... the ticket to the Abyss Arena?"

"You did so much, isn't it just for this extremely precious ticket?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but looked at Kendra Mo calmly.

Since he has come here from insignificance, it is meaningless to hide it.

Kendra Mo squeezed his hands hard: "I can open this door for you, seeing that you have worked so hard, but... are you really ready for this feast? Believe me, hearing or writing on paper can't describe the greatness of this feast at all."

"The Ferres family has three super elites, Prince Ferres, Sequence Zero, and the Red Night Familiar. The illegitimate son of the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame, the Pale Eye, and the successor to the seventh deputy speaker of the House of Commons, the sinful Peter Pan... They are training in the most dangerous place in the entire Deception Hell, the Endless Killing Land, and I think... they will be back soon..."

"You are strong, but... humans, I'm afraid none of them will be inferior to you. This is the real peak selected from the trillions of demons in the entire Deception Hell. Even they are not completely sure to get the top three. And the quota for a family... is only four at most. Three supernovas and one candidate."

Xu Yangyi's eyes fluctuated slightly, and after a few seconds, he whispered: "Why?"

"Why tell me this?"

Their friendship is not good enough.

The sound of Andrina, Fahai, and Mao Baer's carriage sounded behind them. Kendra Mo glanced at him slightly, took Xu Yangyi's hand, and the wide and exquisite black robe dragged on the ground, like the wings of the god of death, and the two of them turned into gravel and disappeared on the spot.

At the moment Kendra Mo left, a silver-gray light curtain formed in the center of the Faust Arch, and three divine consciousnesses swept out frantically.

"The Vice Speaker took him away." "Why did it do that?" "Damn... This is the prince's decree, but now we can't complete it?"

Xu Yangyi couldn't see this scene. There was only a flash in front of his eyes, and when he appeared again, he had come to a suspended land.

A huge platform, probably 10,000 meters in size, with huge pieces of obsidian scattered around the edge in columns or blocks, as if they were dug from an obsidian mountain. And in the middle, a ruined temple appeared there.

There were no flowers, no rivers flowing with honey and milk, only flames without decorations all over the ground, and red cracks like blood vessels.

"This is the king's bedroom, Anselfin." Kendramo walked forward like a god of death walking in the underworld. Countless inferior demons jumped out of the flames from time to time, holding various blood-red wines. He picked up a skull wine glass and took a sip: "Do you want it?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head slightly.

There was no conversation along the way. When they arrived at the huge temple, they didn't need to move at all. A ten-meter-wide eye opened on the gate. It was lightly swept and opened by itself.

Walking on the blood-red carpet and walking on the cold tomb. Those vast reliefs, gloomy sculptures, and weird oil paintings made this place full of coldness. Their footsteps knocked on the obsidian floor, like the keys of the god of death. Kendramo finally sneered and spoke again: "Do you know... if you took one more step just now, you would fall into a situation that you dare not even think about."

After saying this, it waved its hand lightly, and suddenly, countless ripples appeared in the space in all directions, and pictures appeared on it.

Xu Yangyi saw a convoy, an extremely luxurious and heavily guarded convoy.

There was a familiar emblem engraved on it, and all the demon knights around were all covered in armor, and magic patterns appeared from time to time, which was definitely not an ordinary product. And... everyone was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

From the screen, you can feel the murderous spirit of this team. This is definitely not a rookie team, and it is a world apart from Andrina's guards.

This is a real killing machine.

"The Bear God Guards of the Grizzly Prince have conquered countless planes." The picture moves forward with their actions. One person and one demon walk as a car, and continue to move forward. Kendramo waved his hand again, and the space was freely kneaded, and another picture appeared.

A group of people wearing black tattered robes pushed open the tombstone, stretched out pale hands from under the soil, and more than a dozen figures stood up from below.

Gloomy... bloody... evil... no matter what words are used to describe these things, it is not an exaggeration. The moment Xu Yangyi saw it, he seemed to see the endless roar of the dead.

"The Death Seal Legion of the Ice Queen has only eleven demons, and they have destroyed eleven worlds."

The picture changed again, and demons that were dangerous enough to be SSS-level appeared on the screen. When the last one disappeared with a swish, Xu Yangyi was slightly stunned, and then he realized that the two had walked into a hall.

There is only one throne here, the throne of the devil, and there is a small seat next to it.

Kendramo seemed to spread his wings like the god of death, and the huge black robe raised a dark cloud. With the sound of the wings flapping, he sat on the throne like a crow, crossed his legs, and tapped the armrests with his fingers wearing several rings. With the rhythm, red flames roared out from all directions, like purgatory.

"How many years have passed... Anselfin welcomed the entry of aliens for the first time. This is also the first time for me to bring people in here, you should feel honored."

It held the huge head diagonally with one hand, and said faintly: "And this honor comes from your value. The so-called value is that you have what I don't have, and I want it very much."

Simple, straightforward, and rough.

"I believe you haven't forgotten the monsters you saw just now. From the moment you decided to participate in the Abyss Arena, you stood opposite them. They can be subservient to you for the sake of alchemy, but they have no choice at the Ten Thousand Demons Festival that takes place once every tens of thousands of years. After you came to the Palace of Deception and Sin, can't you feel the atmosphere of impending storm?"

"They have many ways to make you disappear, not die, but disappear, simply disappear, and miss the registration time. Believe it or not, as long as you walked into the Gate of Faust just now, at least three beings whose names you don't want to know will immediately attack you. You don't even know who made you disappear for decades, and when you appear again, the dust has settled."

"It was this king who saved you just now, human."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, it turned out...the dangers predicted before were them!

This is what is called nothingness.

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