
Chapter 1202: Heart of the Entropy Demon

Nothingness...decades of nothingness. The other party didn't want to kill him, but just let him disappear for decades. This... is even harder to accept than killing him!

When is the next Devil's Oven eruption?

Fifty thousand years? Thirty thousand years?

Mark of Mammon, Eastern genealogy, in this hell surrounded by wolves, can he really live this long? Especially after showing such value?

Tens of thousands of years later, the Stargazer Stone in the Tower of Babel has also reached the Seventh Realm. Will it still exist without anyone taking care of it?

He has always kept this matter in the dark. As a foreigner, this identity is destined not to be publicized. It is the most stupid behavior to reveal his strength before the arrival of all the unparalleled geniuses in this kind of festival of demons. However, some people still know it now.

Who revealed his intentions?

"When Andrina came back, she asked several times about the Abyss Arena." Kendra Mo solved the confusion with one sentence: "It is very careful, but not careful enough. It cannot participate in the Abyss Arena itself. , then why are you asking?"

"There's only one answer, it's asking for someone else, and who else is this person besides you?"

"You used Dan Dao and other princes to pull up a huge net. This is a good move. But this net is not strong because it is too fast. The so-called feelings are generated in long-term relationships. This is too can at best keep them silent, but it’s not enough to let them fight for a waiting seat for you. “You’re in a hurry.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly. No wonder... only thirty top nobles came to the last alchemy in the black street. The number of top nobles who deceived hell in trillions is definitely more than this number. Where did everyone else go? Are you really not interested in Alchemy?

It turns out... No, they are equally tempted, but more tempted by the Abyss Arena!

"It seems that those who came at that time either did not have the idea of ​​competing for the top 100, or they were sure that they would not be eliminated." He said solemnly.

"Yes, for example, the remnants of the Holy Flame and the Ice Queen, they are the stable qualifying spots within the clan. For the remaining alternate seat, you have to compete with all the elites of the Ferrers family. And now, only the remaining It’s the last day,” Kendramo laughed.


Although he expected that the Deception Palace would be a huge whirlpool, even Xu Yangyi himself did not expect that the tsunami rolled up by this vortex was so violent. As soon as he arrived, he showed his sharp fangs at all costs.

He took a deep look at Kendra Mo: "So...what do you need?"

Kendramo smiled: "You are a smart man."

Like a wily spider, it finally begins to tighten the web it originally laid.

"You know... ever since I learned that you wanted to go to the Abyss Arena, I've smelled a scent, a scent that breaks through the longevity restriction..."

"Immediately afterwards, your record came over. I have investigated Marshall and Cillian. They are not weak. There are no weak demons who can enter the House of Commons. But that's it. They can't last more than two minutes under your hands."

"Don't you understand what I meant when I told you before that the top three in the clan are not weaker than you? What I mean is that you are on the same level as them, a true super genius. A genius like you definitely has hope of standing At the pinnacle of Devil’s Oven!”

It was a little excited and stood up slowly. The whole room was blazing with flames. Its wide and exquisite black robe floated like wings. There were burning flames in its eyes: "No one noticed this! Only me! I If I’m about to die, nothing can be done in five hundred years! If I don’t break through in five hundred years, I will still turn into ashes! Including you!”

"You have been cultivating for more than four hundred years and reached the status of a saint. This is one of the miracles. And then you killed two congressmen when you first entered the realm of saints. This is the second miracle! When I saw you just now, I’ve confirmed this even more!”

Its voice became louder and echoed throughout the room. He took a few deep breaths and sneered: "My race is called entropy demons. They can see through all hidden things. They are considered the top line in the Ferrers family. I can see ...I can see clearly...your probably stronger than I expected! You are trying your best to suppress it. Anyone who underestimates you will suffer a loss!"

It exuded endless demonic energy and approached Xu Yangyi like a whirlpool, like a hungry glutton that was about to swallow Xu Yangyi up in the next second.

Taixu's coercion erupted without warning. Although he was suppressing it, Xu Yangyi couldn't help but groan. His face immediately turned red and his breathing was a little unsmooth.

"Sorry." Kendramo gasped and retracted his demonic tentacles, and said hoarsely: "You can't understand a dying demon's desire for life. Those fools think that a mere five hundred years of life extension can satisfy me. ,Innocent!"

"Agree to my conditions and I will give you this ticket! And...I will help you reach the top at all costs!"

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party with great vigilance.

This is not a deal with Andelina, but a deal with Taixu Demon King! It turned out that the other party had paid attention to him so early, but he had hidden it so well! He understood that everything was driven by a secret hand, and this hand belonged to Kendra Mo! He came to the Palace of Deception, and even if the news spread, it would have its shadow.

No evidence is needed, because there is only one beneficiary of this, and that is him, the deputy speaker of the House of Lords of the Ferrers family, the devil Kendramo.

What a deep scheming, what a hidden method!

"What do you want?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Get a chance to purify your blood!" Kendramo stared at him and said, "As long as you stand on the top of the demon furnace, you will get a chance to purify your blood. This is the ultimate goal of all demons! I can't break through anymore, I know... I can't break through to the Demon Lord! Unless the blood is purified!"

Xu Yangyi considered every word by himself: "Can you enter a battlefield with me? If I remember correctly, Andrina said that Taixu is a battlefield and Zunsheng is a battlefield."

Kendramo laughed coldly: "Yes, I can't do it."

"But... it can do it!"

It suddenly reached its hand into the cloak and inserted it into its chest. Flames rushed out of the cracks. Its skin and muscles were completely shriveled, like a mummy. When it gritted its teeth and took out its hand, a deep black heart, emitting an extremely refined demonic energy, was beating in its hand.

"Heart of Entropy Demon..." Kendramo panted, with a desperate blood red in his eyes: "Hundreds of years ago, I injected all my strength into my heart. This is the top magic of the Entropy Demon series... It will not be discovered by anything. Implant it in your body, you are me, I am you..."

"At the moment of blood purification, I swear that I will leave your body. At the last birthday audience, I got a corpse of the Kongming clan. It is hidden in the Heart of Entropy Demon. I will use its corpse to reincarnate again. In this life... I have the purest blood and a spotless body... I will definitely reach the Demon Lord!"

"Never be like this again... Watching myself grow old day by day, but I can't do anything!!"

The crazy roar was deafening, Xu Yangyi's heart beat rapidly, but his face was as calm as possible.

This is a madman...

A madman who is running for eternal life, a sane madman. After getting a lifespan of 500 years, it wants more and has a bigger plan!

So big that... even the Deception Palace can't contain it.

As for the time being when it will leave its body, as for the oath, that's bullshit, none of the devil's words are credible. To put it another way, even if the other party has this idea, will it allow itself to live as the only one who knows about it?

He can't do it.

"If..." He spoke carefully, his spiritual power had reached its peak, and he said vigilantly: "Junior refuses?"

Boom! ! !

Before the voice fell, a magnificent demonic energy like the starry sky exploded, the entire Anselfin Palace was humming, pieces of obsidian crystals rose into the air, Kendramo's huge black robe was raised, forming a terrifying dark cloud, and the endless flames around it were jumping, making it like a demon in the fire.

"Human." The sound shook the space and countless cracks appeared in an instant. It walked down from the throne more than ten meters high step by step. Every step created a shock wave of hundreds of meters in the void: "Do you think you have room to refuse?"

"Do you think you can still negotiate with me?"

"Why did I bring you here? How dare you play dumb in front of a future demon king?"

Kakaka...Xu Yangyi's bones were making a wail of unbearable burden. He resisted this vast pressure like the sea, and his teeth were clenched. Finally, he groaned and half-knelt on the ground.

The gap is too big...At the peak of Taixu and the early stage of Venerable Saint, he didn't even last ten seconds.

He had guessed long ago that the other party brought him here not to keep it secret, nor to really save him, but... not to let him escape.

Bang! The knees fell to the ground, and cracks appeared on the obsidian on the ground. Kendramo's skinny body like a mummy slowly walked over, and the pressure was suddenly relieved, and his hand was placed on Xu Yangyi's shoulder.

"We are allies and partners, right?"

In the palm of his hand, murderous aura was overflowing, penetrating from the place where the other party's hand pressed down, which was Xu Yangyi's heart.

"Yes..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, his knuckles clenched white, and squeezed out these words from his teeth.

"Very good." Kendra Mo turned around suddenly, his black robe like a tide, rolling up the shadows of the room: "You will stay here tonight, it's not safe outside."

"Tomorrow, you will follow me, no matter what, you must strive for this substitute seat."

The building was empty, and a black door in front of him slowly opened. Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the empty hall and walked in.

The eyes blurred, and when he appeared again, he was already in a dormitory. He did not hesitate and immediately called Yuchang.

No one can discuss, this is house arrest, the only thing that can be discussed is this.

"I heard everything." Yuchang's voice was also unusually solemn: "What do you think?"

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