
Chapter 1203: Dark Opportunity

"Yes!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning and he sneered: "It will not allow me to live...the words of these demons are just farts! It is almost dead. In order to survive, it will do anything!"

"But it left a gap for me."

"You mean..." Yuchang also thought of something. His eyes flickered. Before he could speak, he could clearly see a dark vortex and a purple vortex in Xu Yangyi's body, which had begun to spin crazily.

Devouring talisman, desire talisman!

"This is my trump card."

This is the palace of deception.

It was also the final destination for him to completely get rid of the Mark of Mammon and return to the Seven Realms.

Starting from the underworld, in order to get rid of this tarsal maggot, he started from humble beginnings, started from the ordinary, silent games again and again, and Andelina, and deceived the top nobles, and the Eastern genealogy, with the identity of a foreign race After signing the Yi Ya contract, we finally got here. It is only one step away from completely stripping off the Mark of Mammon.

Whoever stands in the way of this step will kill someone, and a Buddha will destroy the Buddha.

Yuchang immediately understood what he meant.

That's right...this is their biggest advantage and biggest disadvantage!

The battlefield is inside him, and inside him... there are several things that Kendramo can't even imagine! At the same time, he could not predict the consequences of using these things in the body!

for example……

"Nanming Lihuo." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said.

Yuchang said solemnly: "But while the devil rejects other flames, it is also rejected by other flames. The innate spiritual fire is probably not able to cause much damage. And... this is your body."

Use Nanming Lihuo in your body to kill one thousand enemies and damage yourself eight hundred.

Xu Yangyi stood up as he pondered. His mind had never been so active. The huge crisis made his brain cells move rapidly. Instead of facing Taixu's decadence, he desperately searched for loopholes that could defeat Kendra Mo.

Once he stands on top of the Devil's Oven, it's time for him and Kendra Mo to fight to the death.

After a few seconds, he raised his head and said: "So...where is the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra? And the seed of Khaos? Or..."

Yuchang's eyes flashed: "Tenggebal's Senluo Road Sign!"

The two people's eyes were blazing. Even if it was too weak, its strength would not be the same when it entered one's body. This battle was not without a chance of winning.

After a long time, Xu Yangyi shook his head, forcing himself not to think about it, and slowly closed his eyes: "That's it...the heat is not yet here."

"The most important thing is to get the admission ticket. I didn't expect that the candidates for the Ferrers family would be finalized so quickly. Only after we get the admission ticket can we talk about other things."

Yuchang nodded deeply: "You can distinguish the priorities and the priorities. You are becoming more and more like a high-level monk."

"Have a good rest. Tomorrow will be your first battle as a human being in the Palace of Deception."

The night passed quickly, and just when this isolated space was filled with traces of white, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes again.

It wasn't that his biological clock was on time, but that a wave of demonic energy suddenly appeared in Anselphine.

It's hard to explain clearly what this is. It feels different from Kendramo's. It doesn't feel powerful or overwhelming. Instead, it feels like... it's not the same creature, and the essence of life is completely different.

Something is watching here.

"Don't panic." Kendramo's voice rang in the room: "This is the will of Lord Ferrers. Taixu has begun to change the essence of life, and the life of Dubu's body has become perfect. In other words, when it has developed to this race, a single person At the pinnacle of being an individual, it’s normal for you to feel weird.”

"The Devil's Oven breaks out once in ten thousand years. Every candidate needs to be finalized by the Upper and Lower Houses at the same time. This is a family carnival. You are lucky. How many aliens can't even see the door of the Ferrers Family of the Upper and Lower Houses, and you , you can still sit in the selected position after killing two congressmen."

Is this the legendary demon king? Deceiving the Lord of Hell?

"It's terrible." Yuchang said solemnly: "I have a slight feeling that at this moment, a spiritual consciousness is projected from the center of the Demon Palace. Situations like yours occur throughout the entire Palace of Deception. In other words, it is in the Palace of Deception in an instant. Identify all candidates who can participate in this grand council."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. It was indeed terrifying. This was the real incarnation of Qian Qian. Although it was not in front of others, it was full of miracles.

Just when the thought came to an end, a golden light flashed in front of him, and a line of demonic writing appeared in the air, and it turned out to be Yi Ferrers.

The name vibrated slightly, as if seeking some confirmation. After a few seconds, a silver-gray brilliance burst into his pupils. Immediately afterwards, a circular array of several meters in size automatically appeared around his body, and the talisman was rotating, completely absorbing his figure.

Create something out of thin air.

"Is this the power of being alone..." Feeling the dizziness of time and space folding, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and murmured: "As gentle as water, but indestructible. We are like fish living in water. It has become a habit. Natural. But cannot escape the control of the sea..."

Brush... The slight dizziness lasted only a few seconds, and my vision blurred slightly. When it became clear again, the first thing that rushed over was a vast amount of demonic energy!

Not powerful, probably all of them are saints, but there are too many... at least tens of thousands! Some have reached the Great Perfection of the Saints, especially... ten of them are so majestic and majestic that they are like bright lights in the fog, unable to escape people's attention.

Too weak!

Before he could open his eyes, all the spiritual energy in his body was mobilized instantly, traveling throughout his body, his muscles tensed, and his consciousness radiated out in an instant. But at this moment, tens of thousands of divine consciousnesses from the same saints swept over him almost at the same time, Colliding with his consciousness. Suddenly, he groaned, as if thunder flashed through his mind, and his mind was in chaos.

The unconscious collision slightly injured his consciousness. I don’t know how many people are here or where they are, but the place where the power of tens of thousands of saints is condensed... is definitely no small matter!

"Idiot!" Kendra Mo's snorting voice appeared next to his ear: "Open your eyes, don't embarrass me!"

After gritting his teeth, the dizziness from the teleportation passed, Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes. As soon as he saw clearly, he couldn't help but gasp.


It’s so big that you can’t see it at a glance!

The circular open-air square is in the shape of a staircase and lined with countless high-backed thrones. More than 100,000 meters!

Every throne is made of white bones, carved with blood-red runes. And these thrones are already filled with tens of thousands of demons, all dressed in black robes, making it impossible to see their faces clearly. Some are as big as a human being, some are three or four meters high, and the tallest one actually reaches more than thirty meters. They are like small hills, exuding majestic demonic energy under the black robe, forming a silver-gray mist.

They are like judges in the mist, cold and ruthless. It is also like a mechanical and lonely tombstone, with a depressing and chilling atmosphere from all directions, surrounding the small platform 100 meters in the center.

A true pilgrimage for all demons!

"Is this..." Xu Yangyi took several deep breaths, and his consciousness returned to clarity. He looked around and saw twelve figures standing silently like giant mountains in the fog on the 100-meter central platform. And above their heads... the magnificent demonic energy formed a sword, penetrating the shadow of an ancient book. A circle of magic words surrounded the surroundings.

"House of Ferrers?" Xu Yangyi looked carefully and suppressed the fluctuation in his heart. Mephistopheles' teleportation actually sent them directly into the parliament, without giving him any time to prepare!

Take it as it comes, and quickly adjust from the initial discomfort. Among the countless demons, among the countless holy demons who dominate one side, a human being is so conspicuous. He pulled up the black robe on his body, crossed his hands, He crossed his legs and remained silent.

"Interesting." Next to him was a ten-meter-tall demon. He moved his golden eyes back like a small hill and sneered: "When did aliens become eligible to participate in the Great Council of the Ferrers Family?"

The sound was instantly swallowed up by the mist, and then fell into silence.

In the silence, finally, a melodious bell rang, and silver brilliance lit up from all directions, dispersing all the fog. Among the twelve figures, a short figure stood up and spoke hoarsely: "Feiler Si Family Great Council, everyone is silent now.”

"Salute to the great Lord Mephistopheles."

All the demons lowered their heads, put their claws on their chests, and muttered something.

Xu Yangyi did so, and at the same time, he once again felt that the divine consciousness that had seen him before, with a completely different nature of life, swept across the entire place, like a parade of gods, and then floated away.

God is in heaven, but he never interferes in the world.

After a few seconds, the short demonic figure raised his head: "Very good. I am the Speaker of the House of Lords, Luther. Many of you have never seen me, but it doesn't matter, because you will remember me after this time. I don’t like nonsense or procrastination, and I know we’ve been waiting for this day for too long, so let’s get started.”

It nodded to a four-meter-tall demon next to it, who dragged his black robe hanging to the ground and took a step forward: "I am the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sifu Xu. Today, we have only one purpose here, which is to finalize the abyss." The promotion quota for the Arena. The Fellers family is the largest family in the Hell of Deception, so, like last time, we have three main players and one alternate.”

Xu Yangyi clearly felt that when he heard the word alternate, his breathing became slightly faster in many places.

The Seven Star God calculated that the person who wanted to attack him was right here...

He squinted his eyes, and the coldness swept over the small mountain-like bodies. It was best not to let him know who it was. Now, unless necessary, he has never exposed his strength other than alchemy. If he knew...he could not guarantee these The seeds of the family can survive safely.

A fragmented death is their best option.


Have you noticed any changes in the writing style? Although it is very small, it is very important. I feel that I have evolved again... I have opened the third layer of genetic lock...

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