
Chapter 1204: Grand Council (I)

Sifus took a step forward, and with a bang, the Taixu-level demonic energy erupted like a tide, oppressing the entire venue like a mountain: "I don't want to waste time on unnecessary rules, but I want to remind you that the outbreak of the demon furnace has been delayed this time, and accordingly, everyone has more time to prepare. Since the outbreak time was determined five hundred years ago, we have started all the auditions two hundred years ago."

Its voice was full of murderous intent: "Don't trample on our efforts. I am tired of this tedious work, and don't let me vent this nameless anger on you, so... make sure your vote is worthy of the surname of Ferrus, otherwise I don't mind sending it to the River of Fire myself."

It exhaled a long breath, and the demonic energy was instantly restrained. It snorted coldly, and waved its hand, and ten light curtains appeared behind it.

On the first light curtain, there was a demon figure, and below were various jumping numbers, and the other light curtains were all blood red.

Ten vice-chairmen and two chairmen looked at each other and nodded silently. Xu Yangyi saw Kendramo, and even it was extremely solemn at this moment.

The grand ceremony that happens once every tens of thousands of years, the whole hell and its subordinate forces, the Eastern genealogy, the Western genealogy, and the direct lineage of the foreign demon god are all celebrating together. No one can and no one dares to make any mistakes.

For example, now, if it is said to be today, it will be today, and it will not be changed because of anyone, even the quasi-saint alchemist that many top nobles are flocking to.

"Then, let's officially start." Xu Yangyi likes the demon's straightforward approach. I saw Sifuxu's hand gently pressed, and this time, even the heavy breathing just now disappeared. You can hear the real pin drop.

"The first candidate, the top three elites of the Ferres family, Prince Ferres Sequence Zero, the Red Night Familiar."


The light curtain burst into a brilliant red light, and a demon's projection appeared on it. The whole body is red, and the outside is full of bones, as if wearing bright red armor.

It has no palms, but its left arm is twisted into the shape of a spear, and the bones of its right arm become a shield. It has two more joints than humans, golden eyes, and no demon wings.

The moment he saw its projection, Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched slightly. A fierce killing aura, even if it is a projection, is so strong that it cannot be dissolved at all.

It even makes people think that the bone armor on its body is stained with blood.

"A mobile killing machine." Yu Chang commented affirmatively: "It... has the same aura as me... No, it is stronger than me. I only had this aura when I was just unsheathed. After thousands of years, the sharp aura has long dissipated, and it... must be using endless killing to keep its boiling killing intent."

"This is a demon born for killing... Be careful, this demon is definitely one of your biggest opponents."

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the screen. This is Kendra Mo's comment, one of the eighteen original families who is not inferior to himself, the top three of Ferrers?

Swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

However... who is better or worse, who can tell without actually fighting?

"Hong Ye, became famous a thousand years ago. In the battle that made him famous, he killed the Saint-level Star Beast, Deep Blue Eyes, on the Star of Sochala. Then he made rapid progress and broke through the middle stage of Saint five hundred years ago."

"In the next five hundred years, it successively broke through the three planes of the elves and massacred the northern town of Silvara. The Silvara Plane Group Life Tree used as a gift is still displayed in the Hall of Glory of the Ferres War. It is undoubtedly one of the top three of the Ferres family."

Xu Yangyi listened calmly, and his heart was also quite shocked.

Only when you walk out of the plane, you will know how many powerful people there are in the heavens and the worlds.

Star beasts... Even if they are of the same level, they cannot be resisted without dozens of Saints. Otherwise, how could the seven Star Beasts suppressed under the seven realms cause such great harm?

With the same spiritual power, the destructive power brought by the huge body, the super vitality, the recovery ability, and the weird blood talent, these directly crush the human race by several streets. And the Red Night Demon Servant... was able to kill a Star Beast of the same realm one-on-one. It can only be said that there is no false reputation under the reputation.

The numbers below the light curtain jumped up, and he watched without blinking. The first number that stopped was the value representing magic power.

"Magic power, 96 million and 120,000!" Sifuxu's voice was full of praise: "In our hell's counting method, when the magic power reaches 100 million, it will enter the realm of Demon King, but... this indicator is floating."

"100 million can enter the Demon King, 200 million can also be, crossing the lower four realms, the first promotion to the middle three realms brings about the accumulation of strength. The more solid the accumulation of the lower four realms, the purer the blood of the advanced Demon King, and the higher the magic power, so there is a full 100 million floating indicator."

"It is really surprising that you can reach the level of approaching the Quasi-Demon King in the middle stage of the Venerable Saint."

Xu Yangyi looked calm. He was confident that he would never fall below this level, and the difference would not exceed one million.

But the numbers have not stopped.

There were three more beeps, and the data on the light screen finally stopped completely, and it was written, Attack: Total score 7.8. Defense: Total score 7.8. Speed, total score 8, Wisdom, total score 8, Diamond level demon.

"Perhaps some of you are new councillors, so I will explain it in detail. Copper, iron, silver, gold, and diamond are the five most common basic metals in the universe. In order to facilitate the subsequent estimation, as well as the investment and the logistics team, we also use this method."

"The score is calculated from four aspects: attack, defense, speed, and wisdom, plus the first digit of the magic value. For example, Hong Ye scored about four eights, with a total score of about thirty-two. Add nine, which is forty-one. Every five points is a stage, which is simple and easy to understand, and convenient for all the nobles who invest in venture capital."

"More than forty points is the highest level of Eternal Diamond, thirty-five points is the Eternal Gold level, and as for Silver Record... It is impossible for this kind of garbage to appear in the Abyss Arena at the end. So there is no need to record it."

Eternal Diamond...

Xu Yangyi tightened his grip on the armrest. Yu Chang knew him well and smiled, "Are you excited?"

He did not answer immediately, but let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in the chair: "Practice is like a sword, which needs to be sharpened from time to time. However, how difficult is it to meet a worthy opponent? Perhaps... this is the real gain of my coming to hell."

After many life-and-death battles, fighting with peerless geniuses of the same level in the highly anticipated abyss arena, both sides have reached their peak spirits. Once they win, their confidence, and their understanding of supernatural powers and practice will definitely reach a higher level.

A sharp sword is made by grinding.

He continued to listen.

"Well, let's vote now." Sifuxu turned around and looked at everyone: "Bloodline talents will not be written here. The bloodline talents of these next-generation geniuses are absolutely confidential, even we don't know. Those who want to speculate can give it a try."

The scene just stopped because of the rubbing sound of Hong Ye, and was replaced by a series of thoughtful eyes. Sifuxu raised his hand: "Within three seconds, raising your hand is valid. If you get more than two-thirds of the votes, you will be directly promoted to the top three. If you get half of the votes, you will be reconsidered. If you get less than half of the votes, your family will have one chance to defend itself."

"Now, the voting begins."

As this sentence fell, hands were raised without suspense. As for the Red Night Familiar, even Kendramo had heard of its name, not to mention... This is the zero of the prince sequence. Every one of the top three princes was personally instructed by the demon king.

One by one, soon, everyone's hand was raised.

"Time is up." Just after three seconds, Sifuxu's eyes swept across the audience like lightning. In just a few tenths of a second, he was sure that no one raised their hands late, but when he saw Xu Yangyi, he paused slightly.

Too far away and shrouded by demonic energy, it was very curious, who dared not give face to Lord Mephistopheles? The disciple personally instructed by the master did not raise his hand?

It can be said that the Red Night Familiar was a foregone conclusion from the beginning. This was just a formality.

"Passed unanimously." It retracted its gaze, grabbed the void, and a huge feather pen, one meter long, appeared from the void, and Luther next to it also grabbed an old parchment from the void.

When Sifuxu made the first stroke, the parchment shone brightly in an instant, and the divine consciousness of different life nature appeared again, watching them calmly recording everything.

The pen moved like a dragon, and when the Red Night Envoy had written three lines of his real name, the whole parchment flew into the air, and a ten-meter-wide vortex appeared in the void, emitting a magnificent demonic aura, and rolled the parchment in.

"After each person is determined to be in the top three, the file will be kept by His Excellency the Demon Lord. In the next ten years, the list of candidates appointed by the major families will all come here in this form. Before the Abyss Arena opens, no one except His Excellency the Demon Lord can know who will participate in the competition."

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze.

He no longer had much interest or curiosity. The moment he saw the Red Night Demon, he was full of expectations for this Ten Thousand Demons Festival and understood its specifications.


In the top upper realm, demons gathered, and there were many geniuses. Even the demons of the Eternal Diamond could not guarantee to get the first place. How could he be missing in such a battlefield?

Yu Chang said in a deep voice: "Be patient, Kendramo has not made a move yet. It said that it will do its best to help you get this ticket. At least before you go to the demon furnace, your goals are the same."

"I'm just a little impatient." Xu Yangyi pulled his cloak again: "I can't wait to play... After the battle with Su Xingyao, no one of the same level can let me let go. Sometimes... I really miss her..."

"It should be faster, otherwise... I might ask to join myself."

From the bones, he is a warmonger.

To seek the real goal, it must always be backed by absolute strength.

At this moment, the light screen flashed again, and as Sifuxu waved his hand for the second time, the next light screen quietly lit up.

"The first qualified person has appeared in the top three. The next one to appear is the Pale Eye of the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant Faction!"

The magnificent voice resounded throughout the audience: "Cast your crucial vote. Today is the moment when the top three and alternate seats of Ferres are born! The emblem of Ferres will be honored by you! Come, join this grand ceremony that only happens once every tens of thousands of years! This is the stage for the strong!"

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