
Chapter 1205: Grand Council (II)

The atmosphere became heated unconsciously.

No one in the first place, the Red Night Demon, dared not raise their hands, but the rest...

Everyone has their own choice.

No noble would think that his own seeds were weaker than those of others.

Shulala... The light curtain flashed, and a demon wearing a black cloak, whose face was completely unclear, appeared on the light curtain. The only eye-catching thing is the huge scythe behind it, which is as big as two people.

"Pale Eyes became famous three hundred years earlier than the Red Night Demon, and has now entered the late stage of becoming a Saint."

"Its experience can be regarded as a legend in my eyes. It was originally the illegitimate son of the ninety-seventh member of the Council, the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame. Its talent is mediocre, and its bloodline is mixed. It has not been inherited from the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame. Cangling Demon Fire was not recognized by the family even in the Golden Core Stage."

"Subsequently, it applied to enter the most dangerous place in Tiragandis, the Gorgones Table Trial between the Originals. That batch entered a total of 572 elites, and in the end... no one I thought it was actually coming out.”

It paused and scanned the whole place: "It was the only one out of that batch."

"After that, its demonic energy increased by leaps and bounds. Eight hundred years ago, it killed three late saints who were directly connected to the Bo Xun Demon God, and became famous in one battle. Later, it escaped death at the hands of the three direct demon kings of the three doomed brothers and sisters, and even suffered cuts. The palm of the devil. I think you must have heard the name of this devil. It is the chief steward guarding the south of the hell of doom, 'Mercy Fen Ersi'."

Escaped death at the hands of Taixu? Even hurt Taixu?

Xu Yangyi crossed his fingers tightly. The feeling of this one was completely different from that of the previous Red Night Familiar. It was cold, lonely, and filled with the desolation of death. Likewise, just the projection made his blood boil with excitement.

Masters... masters of the same level!

The standards of this Ten Thousand Demons Ceremony are really too high! He is the top among the saints, and there are two of them as soon as he comes out! This is just a family! And for an original family like Ferrers...there are still eighteen in hell!

"I really want to fight these monsters quickly..." He licked his lips and glanced at Kendra Mo. He happened to meet the opponent's line of sight under his cloak, and the two sides separated after a brief contact.

Swipe... The first row of numbers pauses, representing the total amount of demonic energy. It is...

One hundred million!

A full 100 million!

The real quasi-taixu!

All the silent council members finally took a deep breath. They had known for a long time that these demons were very strong, but they didn't expect...the other party had already touched the line of sainthood.

Beep beep, three crisp sounds brought everyone back from their thoughts. Xu Yangyi looked over with the same solemnity.

Attack, 5.

Defense, 5.

Speed, 10!

Wisdom, 10!

Thirty o'clock devil!

Plus the first 10 of 100 million demonic energy...

Forty o'clock! Eternal Diamond Level!

"Now, let's vote." Sifuxu nodded. There can be no personal relationship at this time. These people represent the entire Ferrers family and are the direct descendants of deceiving demons! Going out when you are weak will only tarnish the name of Fellers.


Countless demons exchanged glances. Yes, the Pale Eye was strong, but... it was not the disciple instructed by the Demon Lord.

As the first second passed, one hand was raised first.

He is the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame.

As it raised its hand, there was a second one, a third one... and soon, it was completely black. The number of people was close to that of the previous Red Night Familiar, but at this moment, a ray of demonic energy shot straight into the sky, exploding into a brilliant firework in the sky.

There was a moment of dead silence.

brush! The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame suddenly stood up, staring in the direction where the name appeared, and his voice was extremely hoarse: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." An equally hoarse voice spoke, it sounded like a female voice, but it was extremely old, and sneered: "Grand Duke Red Moon, raise an objection. I apply to reserve the quota of Pale Eyes for the Battle of the Abyss. Please give your verdict.”

Still dead silent.

A second later, the demon group exploded with a roar, and countless demons all stood up and looked at the Red Moon Archduke in disbelief.

"It's crazy..." The congressman beside Xu Yangyi stood up tremblingly. The handrails were clattering and almost crushed. His fat body seemed to fall to the ground at any time, but he refused to sit down.

Sifuxu rarely stopped him, but looked at Duke Red Moon solemnly: "Although what I asked is nonsense, I still have to ask, are you sure?"

"Battle of the Abyss... Anyone who has questions about the top three and alternate positions can apply. As long as your seed can defeat one of the top three, it will be directly promoted."

"This time the Devil's Oven broke out for too long, and I have only presided over it this time. It is not that there have been no families in history who proposed the Battle of the Abyss. On the contrary, there are quite a few... But there have been only thirty attempts to challenge the top three! Success! Of…only five times!”

It took a deep look at the Red Moon Grand Duke: "The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame does not have a very good temper."

Xu Yangyi stood up with the same burning eyes, crazy... so crazy! Something that has almost never happened in history, challenging the top three seed players, this time it broke out as soon as the second seat appeared!

At this time, they dare to challenge the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame. Regardless of whether the challenge is successful or not, both sides have formed a huge gap, but this is not important. The important thing is that this outbreak lasted too long, and they dare not bet whether it will happen next time. It will be longer. Those top nobles with little reputation also showed their sharp fangs.

No one can wait.

No one wants to wait!

There was only heavy breathing left in the scene, and the tall figure of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame and the Grand Duke of the Red Moon looked at each other from a distance. The twelve chairmen and deputy speakers on the main stage exchanged glances before Luther lowered his hand and spoke cautiously: "The challenge is established."

"After the Grand Council ends, all the people in dispute will take turns to fight the Battle of the Abyss in front of us. We guarantee its fairness with the surname of the Ferrers family. Your Majesty the Demon King is also watching us."

It waved its hand, and two golden letters flew towards the two grand dukes. Both parties looked at them solemnly and put them away.

"It's so rare..." A familiar voice sounded, and the corners of Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched.

It's Kendra Mo.

Now that this incident has been provoked and the fuse has been lit, is it... finally going to take action?

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and sat back in his seat. How would he get a place?

"Kendra Mo..." On the main stage, Luther glanced at it and frowned slightly: "It's not your turn yet."

"What does it matter?" Kendra Mo walked out leisurely. He was about to die, and with his impressive military exploits in the past, he believed that no one would stop him without opening his eyes.

"It's too lively here, I just want to add fuel to the fire."

"What do you want to do?" Sifuxu stepped out of the way. Indeed, it did not want to confront this dying old monster head-on, but it still reminded: "Don't make trouble, anyone, I mean anyone, including you and me, It’s impossible to make any mistakes regarding the Abyss Arena. The Demon King is watching over it.”

"A mistake?" Kendramo seemed to have heard a big joke and smiled: "Of course not."

"It's just...I'm a little anxious."

Before it finished speaking, and without waiting for everyone to react, it lightly snapped its fingers. Suddenly, the third light screen did not light up, but the tenth light screen lit up.

Xu Yangyi sat up a little straighter. He had a hunch that next, he might be facing this angry sea.

Brush...the light curtain flashed so fast, and when it stopped, the whole place exploded instantly.

"This..." Prince Grizzly Bear stood up. It was a huge demon with a height of fifteen meters. The shock this time was greater than the last time, no... far beyond!

So much so that it, as a prince, looked at the light screen without saying a word. The twisted face under the cloak had its mouth wide open and its eyes widened.

"How is this possible?" "Demon God...what did this king...see?" " this also a candidate?"

The shock was far greater than before, so that none of the demons below could speak a complete sentence. The figures who had just sat down all stood up this time, and everyone looked at the tenth light curtain in a daze.

It was an alien figure.

Wheat-colored skin, like a vigorous cheetah, dark eyes, two sword-shaped eyebrows, high bridge of nose, plump lips, so... ugly!

It's Xu Yangyi!

"What are you doing!!" Sifuxu was the first to come back to his senses and looked at Kendramo in disbelief. Is it crazy? Take out a human projection! How does it do it! Why did a foreigner appear here? This is simply the biggest joke of the Ferrers family in this era!

It would be a great shame to have an alien race, a human race that has been fooled by demons all year round, appear in such an important ceremony, under the eyes of all the demon nobles, even if they are not chosen!

"Are you crazy!!" The deputy speaker ranked first. The sad Kurt raised his black robe and his voice had a tremor: "It's hard for Mr. Mephistopheles to spare such a little time and abandon it. The guarded heavens cast their sights on us, and you made such a joke!"

"Close it! Kendramo!" "Have you lost your mind and gone crazy?! No alien has ever appeared in such a place!" "This is a demon oven! A cosmic artifact! The Abyss Arena is Tiragondis A grand ceremony that takes place every tens of thousands of years! What’s going on with this alien race!” “If the challenge to the top three is still a thing, do you know how much the Ferrers family will become a laughing stock?”

"That's enough!!" Kendra Mo roared suddenly, demonic energy surged out of his body, and he looked at the audience with red eyes: "A joke?"

"You think this is a joke?"

"Open your eyes and take a good look at my evaluation of him! Moreover, I don't forget to remind you that his name is Yi Ferrers! Do you understand!"

Yi Ya contract!

In an instant, all the demons understood.

This is a foreigner who has signed the Yi Ya contract. He can indeed be considered a member of his own tribe. As long as he is a member of his own tribe, he will definitely have a chance to get this quota... Which prince or princess did such a stupid thing! Did you give the contract of Eijah to an outsider?

In the first row, Andelina's face was ashen. She never expected that Xu Yangyi's projection would appear on such an occasion. Kendra Mo has the energy to do this!

That's right... "nominally" he is indeed a deception demon, but... he is actually a human being!

This is the first of its kind in history! The Ferrers family chose a human? Represent the devil in the Abyss Arena?

Is there no one in the Ferrers family?

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