
Chapter 1206: Grand Council (III)

The sudden shock prevented the waves from exploding at first, but after a brief silence, the demon group finally turned from murmuring in disbelief to the excitement of the whole place.

"What the hell is going on?" "Please explain, Mr. Deputy Speaker!" "I hope this is a joke, if not... you really played it big this time." "There has never been such a precedent in history. ! If the surnames of the Ya contract are included, how many people will the Feilers family produce in so many years? "

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi let out a chuckle, and the demons around him moved away quietly, because they felt that, as the audience was full of questions, this black-robed demon was emitting a weak but extremely sharp energy. Sharp murderous intent. Like an unsheathed knife.

He just watched quietly, looking at this ugly but prosperous Ukiyo-e scene.

"No explanation is needed." Kendramo's voice became stronger: "This is the Abyss Arena, the stage for all the top strong men. Since he bears the surname of Felus, he is a member of Felus. And I I think he is very strong.”

"Strong enough to get a spot on the bench."

"Haha... nonsense!" "A mere human being, a race like ants, how strong can they be?" "How many human planes are there under our command? Countless human worlds are trembling under our iron hooves! You tell me Are they very strong?" "The Saints and Taixu at the same level are not as good as the demons. They are just the base ones! Can such a race produce strong people?"

In all directions, the angry sea surges, this scene challenges the history of the Ferrers family, and too many demons do not consider why they oppose it, but just instinctively oppose it. Because this is completely inconsistent with their worldview.

How could a foreigner, even if he bears the surname of the Ferrers family, represent Ferrers in the Ten Thousand Demons Ceremony?

Before Demon's Oven, only demons could stand! Never stand for aliens!

Kendramo's eyes shrank, and he was still too gentle with all the devil's rebuttals. Now the roar of the audience, the unanimous opposition, and the support of tens of thousands of congressmen made it suppressed for a while.

There are countless top nobles among them, and the other presidents and deputy speakers? Can't count on it at all.

Suddenly, Luther spoke: "Everyone, Lord Demon Lord has no objection."

One sentence, very plain, made the whole place fall silent.

Yes... Lord Mephistopheles's gaze is here. If he really objects, then Kendramo will have been reduced to ashes.

but none.

"This is could Lord Demon Lord tolerate such a ridiculous joke?" A nobleman was stunned for a long time, shook his head and sat down: "The devil does not need the endorsement of other races at all. Under our army, any race They are all weak."

"Mr. Kendramo." Prince Grizzly Bear also spoke: "I understand your approach, but it does not mean that I agree. I will abstain from this vote. Of course, I have no objection to this gentleman. But...he should also understand."

"Yes, I can understand." As soon as he finished speaking, a calm voice rang out, and a figure slowly stood up and slowly opened his hood.

Black hair, soft skin compared to the devil, extremely ugly appearance for the devil, and a relatively short body... Xu Yangyi's face appeared inch by inch in the surprised eyes of all the devils. He was so incompatible with the surroundings, but he turned a deaf ear. He said calmly: "But that doesn't mean I agree."

He was actually there!

Every demon took a deep breath, and the tall demon next to him looked sideways and gasped.

So brave...

In front of all the demons of the Ferrers family, all the nobles, and the princes and princesses who were watching, and such a huge opposition force, this human... actually dared to take off his cloak and stand up!

Why should he?

Just because the Demon Lord doesn’t object? Did you kick your nose into your face? Or does he think someone will vote for him?


"You actually dare to show up here..." A demon noble gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know that you are just a joke, a clown, a flatterer..."

Before he finished speaking, a stream of light rushed into the sky and exploded with the name of Chu Yi. Ferrers.

"I have objections." Xu Yangyi ignored all looks and bowed towards the main stage: "Juniors want to challenge for the alternate seats."

All the demon's words were stuck in his throat, and he looked at this standing-out human like a ghost.

First of all... first of its kind in history! A human alien actually wants to participate in the Abyss Arena as a challenger! And challenge the alternate seats by name!

A second later, the whole place exploded for the third time.

"Why do you have that?" "Humans... don't think that just because you are standing here, you have the same qualifications as us!" "You don't have the blood of Ferrus in your blood! You are not even a demon!" "Go back to your weak place. Go to this plane, the powerful Tiragandes doesn’t welcome you!”

"You don't have the qualifications, don't make unreasonable demands!" "Understand your identity, and then sit down quietly. For the sake of Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo, we grant you the gift of listening to this. You may never participate. to the High Council.”

Angry shouts burst into his ears, and only the top nobles who knew Xu Yangyi's true identity remained silent. He is like a rock in the midst of an angry sea, unmoved by all winds.

He just looked directly at the two speakers of the upper and lower houses.

Now, here, he wants an explanation.

Luther and Sifuxu looked at each other. Today they really encountered a wonder that had never been seen before. First, the Grand Duke of Red Moon challenged the top three. Did they think this was the climax?


The more terrifying thing was still to come. A human had actually signed the Yiya Contract and challenged the reserve seat by name!

Andrina sat in the front row, her face getting worse and worse. The eyes of brothers and sisters from all directions almost set her body on fire. She knew what Xu Yangyi had, and she knew that the other party was not a good person. Just as she opened her mouth and was about to speak, an extremely cold soul call sounded in her ears.

"If you want to die, just try it."

"Unless you never leave the Deception Palace for the rest of your life, otherwise, between deceptions, I will dare to make you regret being born into the world."

It was him!

Andrina gritted her teeth. This man... actually had the mood to threaten her in the face of such a frenzy! He... what did he think of himself? Did he really think he didn't dare to say it?

It didn't dare.

Bravely opened his mouth several times, but cowardly clamped the tape.

Because it knew very well that this human could really do it! It knew this clearly from the time when the other party dared to kill the councilors before they even arrived at Tiragangdis.

This is a daring alien race.

The voices in the whole venue changed from silence to noise, and then from boiling to silence. Everyone was looking at Luther and Sifuxu, waiting for their decision.

A few seconds later, Luther looked up at Xu Yangyi, who was as eye-catching as a lighthouse, and said in a deep voice: "Do you know... who are the candidates?"

"How many top nobles are eyeing this position? The demons of the Ferres family, which are in the billions, have no hope of competing for the top three, and all stare at this place with red eyes."

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "I can compensate them."

"Your compensation?" "Ridiculous, using your meager worth?" "We don't need your cheap compensation, get out, that's the best apology." "As a human, you shouldn't appear in this supreme place."

The hall that had just calmed down became noisy again because of this sentence. However, this time many nobles did not speak. Including the twelve speakers on the main stage.

Compensation for a quasi-saint alchemist...

This... is possible!

However, before they could finish their thoughts, a murderous voice swept through the whole place like a cold wind: "But I don't need to know who the substitutes are."

"As long as there are people vying for this position, I will beat them one by one. I will beat as many as there are. Until no one dares to come up."

Such a strong murderous aura!

This position is the only one that belongs to me, and the momentum of being determined to win it can no longer be described by arrogance and confidence, which actually made many demons' eyes light up.

Xu Yangyi glanced around, and all the councilors around him were forced by his invisible murderous aura to sit down involuntarily with their bodies tilted. He continued, "No matter how many years it takes, as long as there is a seeded player who is not satisfied, I will beat him until he is satisfied."

After a pause, he suddenly smiled: "But, believe me, someone will soon be desperate."

"What a big tone..." Kendramo licked his lips, his eyes shining, and whispered to himself: "But I like it."

"What a pity... If you are not the only one who has the hope of taking me to the demon furnace, the king really doesn't want to do this to you. But what's the point of saying this now?"

"Without me standing here, the moment your name appears, it will be wiped out by the angry demon group."

"Without me putting your name up for you, you will never have the opportunity to enter everyone's vision."

"I saved you. Just like last time. You should be grateful and use your life."

Luther also breathed a sigh of relief, exchanged glances with Sifuxu, and gritted his teeth and said: "Challenge..."

"Wait!" Before he finished speaking, the councilors of thirty families stood up at the same time, almost in unison: "We also request alternate seats for the Abyss Battle!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and put on his cloak.

Very good...

The one who dared to attack me yesterday was among you, right?

So, just die.

"Really?" Kendramo sneered at everyone: "I remind you again, you'd better take a look at my evaluation of him. Although it's just my personal opinion, it's helpful anyway..."

All the demons remembered that Xu Yangyi's value had appeared for a long time, but no one paid attention to it.

All eyes were focused on the light curtain. Luther almost didn't believe his eyes when he saw it for the first time.

Not only him, but every demon's pupils suddenly dilated.

Strength: 10.

Defense: 10.

Speed: 8.

Wisdom: 10

Spiritual power... at least 100 million!

"38 points, plus 100 million... 48 points of demon! Eternal Diamond level! Kendramo, are you kidding us?! This is a full 7 points higher than Hong Ye!"

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