
Chapter 1207: Shocking the House of Commons (I) (About Yesterday

Yesterday I posted a message in the book review area. I wonder if readers have seen it...

Well, I moved to Chengdu in 2000. At that time, my family bought a house in a small town. My parents liked it, and I would go there occasionally. This year, when my house was being renovated, I stayed there.

Ran Goose! ! !

It's generally not a good thing to have random geese... The property management in this damn community is so fucked up! ! ! Before New Year's Day, the water supply was cut off for 2 days, and the power was cut off yesterday. We thought it was a wiring problem at first, but when we asked, we were shocked! It was said that someone did not pay the property management fee, so we stopped.

I\u0026@*¥…@\u0026¥%…@¥*%! ! !


We pay on time and get the same treatment as them? Then this property management fee is of great use!

There was a power outage from 9am to 10pm yesterday, the 28th! It’s New Year’s Day soon!

I have some quirks as a person, or in other words, when I sit, I can't write at all when I'm not in a familiar environment or a quiet environment. I just wait quietly in the dark community for a call, hoping to code after the call comes in as soon as possible. As a result, fuck Got it! 10:30 or 40, the call came!

I have already called 12345 and West China Metropolis Telephone, but to no avail!

This morning I said I would go to the city hall to petition, but I got a call later and didn’t go.

I want to say that some things are really intolerable, and the law is there to protect them. In China, there are many civilians who find it troublesome and feel that the world is brighter if they take a step back. I feel that there are some things that cannot be backed down. How can we tolerate the oppression of property developers? Pooh!

My lungs hurt from the gas

It is said that there will be a power outage on New Year's Day? Now I'm trying my best to write down a few pictures. No matter what, I will definitely pay a lot of compensation for the debt next month. There are really too many things broken recently. I hope you can forgive me.

There should be another update today...because...there will be a power outage later! !


The third participant in the Diamond of Eternity level...

The Diamond of Eternity is no stranger. Almost all the top three in all families are Diamond of Eternity. This rating cannot be faked. The Abyss Arena is a carnival of all realms, a feast of the strength of all demons and their subordinates. Countless capital wants to vent and roar, all waiting for the madness that happens every tens of thousands of years. Every player is a moving magic crystal, and no one dares to cheat.

But... this is an alien Eternal Diamond! !

"This is just your family's opinion." After a long time, a family member recovered from the shock and said solemnly: "The Eternal Diamond level... is the most powerful competitor to the top of the Devil's Oven. With all due respect, it has never been It is not a rating that can be made by a single speaker or deputy speaker.”

That's right.

All the families who were shocked by this terrifying number have come to their senses. The situation is very delicate now. Kendra Mo wants to push Xu Yangyi to the top. Who knows how much water there is in this?

No...even if it doesn't have much moisture, this is the only alternate seat outside the top three! Who might be spared?

"Haha..." Kendramo sneered and glanced at the excited family in the audience before saying anything.

"Idiot...this human being is much more terrifying than the countless demons you the real demon."

The sound at the scene became louder and louder. As if they had found spiritual support and reasonable explanations, each family stood up and sprinted for the final position.

"The Sylph Witch Council requested to join the Alternate Battle of the Abyss!" "The Rose family requested to challenge this alien race!!" "The Hengdun Destruction Demon Clan requested to participate in the Abyss Battle!" "The Devouring Demon Menethil applied to join this magnificent battle. battle!"

Thirty, fifty... By the end, all one hundred and thirty families stood up. The names of ancient clans exploded above the hall.

Sifusu and Luther looked at each other, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Approval."

"The Abyss Duel is established." "Approved." "Allowed."

The voices were conveyed one by one, and all the fiery eyes were on Xu Yangyi.

"Then, please ask Speaker Sifusu to preside over it." Luther glanced at the scene: "Now, any families who want to compete for alternate seats and engage in the Battle of the Abyss, please come with me."

"According to clan rules, the Battle of the Abyss is supervised by ten deputy speakers. The process is never shown. Everyone... this duel will take a long time, about two or three months. If the top three are finalized here, just go back and wait. "

Swish, swish, swish... All the figures of the family stood up. The ten deputy speakers began to leave their seats, and Xu Yangyi also stood up. But the smile on his lips was extremely cold.

"Do you really want to spend so long with them?" Yuchang asked.

"Thinking too much." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "It doesn't take an hour, I will let them know the difference between them and me."

Luther counted the number of people and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, everyone who stood up felt a slight dizziness before their eyes and completely disappeared from the scene.

The people have left, but the whole place is not calm.

"Look..." A female demon count pondered for a long time and whispered to the demon councilor beside him: "This alien... has any hope of entering the candidate list?"

The devil next to him is a marquis, with an equally suspicious look: "Did you notice it too? Ms. Muir?"

“Of course…” The female demon exhaled a long breath, and looked at the audience with a gloomy look: “I didn’t notice it at first, but… Mr. Holy Flame Remnant, the representative of the demons, Lord Prince Grizzly, and Prince Sumendar… Among the ten princes and fifty dukes of the Ferres family… more than half of them didn’t speak, as if… they knew this Yi…”

The Marquis’ eyes flickered: “They didn’t object, but here, no objection is the greatest support! This human… I’m afraid he’s not simple.”

Beside the Grizzly Prince, around the huge body of 20 meters high, his disciples gathered there like ants. One of the disciples asked softly: “Sir, why don’t you speak? This is the time to show your status. He is an alien! A weak human? You…”

“Weak?” Under the black cloak of the Grizzly Prince, a huge green eye His eyes lit up and he sneered: "Pass my order, whether Mr. Yi can enter the candidate list or not, send him an invitation to the 'Grizzly Feast' immediately!"

"Zizi..." "My Lord! Think twice! This is the highest standard banquet of the Grizzly Family. He is a foreigner..."

"Don't you understand what I said?" The Grizzly Prince said coldly: "I tell you, this person... Even if he doesn't enter the candidate list, he can still thrive here. Hehehe... Just watch, those noble families who asked him to get out will cry soon. You know, I don't support or oppose, which is the best support. He understands..."


Xu Yangyi didn't care about what happened in the hall of the Ferrers Family House. After the light in front of him changed, he just opened his eyes, and suddenly, from all directions, a magnificent cheering sound suddenly came into his eardrums.

It was so loud that the sky was broken.

It was so high and exciting that the moment he heard it, his heart was like a drum beating, and his blood began to boil wildly.

"Prince Grizzly is invincible!!!" "Anthony Family! Anthony Family!! " "The glory of the original family will last forever!! " "Bloodthirsty Anluo, this time I have invested three million magic crystals!! Stand up! Then defeat all your opponents! Tear them into pieces!! "

Rumble, these boiling sound waves formed a vast ocean, hitting his heart all the time.

"This is..." He opened his eyes and found that he was now standing in an extremely huge arena.

Similar to the ancient Roman Colosseum, but every place is full of typical demonic violent aesthetics, but it is countless times larger than the ancient Roman Colosseum, a full million meters in size! And on the steps and seats on all sides, endless demon phantoms stood like hills, and thousands of gold foil-like paper coupons fell into the air like salutes.



No matter what language is used to describe it, it is not an exaggeration. When he first saw the Tiandao competition venue, he was very shocked. However, compared with this endless arena, the Tiandao competition venue is as childish as a child.

"Are you stunned?" Dozens of demon shadows appeared around him at the same time, and an old demon stood up hoarsely: "Human, this is the projection of the eighteen abyss arenas. It's just a projection. When the real peak battle comes, the scene will be ten thousand times grander than this!"

"This is not a scene that you humans can imagine! As an alien race, you are not qualified to stand on this grand stage!"

"That's right, this is a stage prepared for demons. Not to mention the substitute seats, even other demon families who participated at their own expense. The blood is ten million times purer than yours! The strength is countless times stronger than yours!" Another demon who was about ten meters tall and lying on the ground like a scorpion said in a deep voice.

"If you know what's good for you, get out of here right now!" "You are not welcome here, alien." "This is a stage prepared for pure demons, a stage for the strong, not for a mere person like you to set foot in!" "Recognize your identity, human."

Is this the scene of the Abyss Arena?

Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear to the nonsense of these demons, because soon, his slap would be swung to the faces of these people. Why waste words with them now?

He just looked at the sky, where a huge object emitting red and black light replaced the position of the sun, emitting a heart-pounding light.

Is this the demon oven known as the artifact of the universe?

The moment he saw it, all the pores of Xu Yangyi's body tightened. A kind of majesty that could not be expressed in words appeared in his heart.

It was like a person facing the insignificance of the universe.

Even if it was just a projection, it made people feel excited.

"It's worthy of being the Grand Ceremony of the Ten Thousand Worlds." Yu Chang sighed: "It's magnificent, just a projection can show it."

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyebrows suddenly moved.

The Desire Talisman...

The Desire Talisman moved, and an indescribable sense of familiarity, in the magnificent pressure, keenly touched his eyebrows.

"This..." He looked at it intently and took a deep breath: "Su Xingyao?"

In this sea-like pressure, there is actually a breath of Su Xingyao!

There is something in it that depends on each other for life and death!

His mind suddenly became confused, Su Xingyao...Su Xingyao has actually been here? Is she related to the devil's oven?

What's going on?

However, he didn't have time to think about it, as ten towering demonic energies descended on the scene instantly. Immediately afterwards, ten illusory demonic heads appeared above the venue.

"First Deputy Speaker. Sad Kurt." "Second Deputy Speaker, Twisted Lynn." "Third Deputy Speaker, Desert Death." "Fourth..." "Fifth..." "Seventh Deputy Speaker, Kendramo..." "Ninth Deputy Speaker..."

One by one, famous figures in the Ferrers family appeared above. The ten deputy speakers have fully arrived.

"The battle of the abyss begins now." The sad Kurt said immediately without any hesitation.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, slowly pulled off his cloak, and walked up step by step.

"Mr. Yi. Ferrers." Kurt glanced at him. It was very aware of Xu Yangyi's other identity, so it was not disrespectful at all: "The Battle of the Abyss, like the competition, is actually a warm-up for the Abyss Arena. It is organized by We draw lots and decide the groups..."

"No need." Taking off his crow-like black robe, Xu Yangyi cracked his knuckles and made a crackling sound: "I said... whoever competes with me for this position, I will fight them one by one until no one dares. Until then.”

"Now, who comes first?"

There was silence.

Everyone looked at him as if he had seen a ghost. Were you kidding me before?

Do you really want to pick dozens?

Everyone thought that the other party was just talking about it, but they didn't expect that the other party was actually planning to do this!

"Very good." A demon noble sneered and walked up: "I don't know whether to live or die... I don't know what to do... In this case, I will completely let you understand how low your status is under the wings of a powerful demon!"

"The Baron Keen family challenges you!"

Before it finished speaking, it quickly made a mark, and then, a fifty-meter-sized demon teleportation array appeared on the ground, and a crazy roar rushed out from it.

"Come... Keen's prisoner, my lovely thirty-seventh son Keen Carl. Send this small and humble human being to where he belongs!"

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