
Chapter 1208: Shocking the House of Commons and the House of Lords (Part 2)

With a rumble, the teleportation array created a whirlpool, and then, endless bloody air spewed out from below, forming a bloody pillar of light. The cloaks of countless people around him were blown upwards, and a demonic energy from the early stage of the Saint spread unabashedly everywhere. After the red light, a dark fifty-meter abyss replaced the teleportation circle.

"It's Karl..." A noble took two steps back, with a hint of caution in his eyes: "The thirty-seventh son of the Keen family, 'Crazy Karl', has been gifted since birth, and has been imprisoned by his family. Hundreds of years, a real killing machine.”

"Sure enough, it is it..." Another female noble took a few steps back solemnly and glanced at Xu Yangyi with a pity look: "It is your misfortune to encounter it... I pray that the deputy speaker can take action in time and save it. Take your life..."

Kara... Kara, the sound of chains ringing sounded from the abyss, and with a shocking roar, a one-meter-long palm suddenly grabbed the edge of the abyss. Dark, covered with scales, burning with smelly flames, and with a crazy roar, a huge creature with four huge chains rushed out from below with a bang.

"Kill... Destroy... You are the top genius of our Keen family. In order to let you enter the alternate seat, we have suppressed you for hundreds of years. Your sealed murderous intention, now I allow you to be like a volcano. Pour!" The demon from the Keen family laughed loudly at the edge of the abyss and pointed at Xu Yangyi: "Go!"

"Let this whimsical maggot from another dimension understand the difference between humans and demons..."

Before it finished speaking, its voice suddenly paused.

Not just it, everyone's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Suddenly, a bright sword light flashed. They could not see the trajectory of each other's actions at all. Like an eagle flying across the sky, four white lines seemed to appear at the same time at this moment, and then suddenly disappeared.

It was a sharp sword that surpassed the speed of sound and cut through the shadows of space.

The figure settled down, and Xu Yangyi was already standing calmly beside the abyss. The fish intestines that were trembling with strong fighting spirit were slowly inserted into the scabbard of the sword.

When... if Huang Zhongda Lu, echoes echo around.

The next second, there were four "dang-dang-dang-dang" sounds, and the four thick chains wrapped around Carl's body broke in unison.

There was no fierce battle as imagined.

There is no illusion of unstoppable momentum.

At this moment, the place became quiet. Except for Kendra Mo, the other nine deputy speakers gasped, and their eyes suddenly pierced Xu Yangyi like lightning. And more than a hundred demon nobles, whether they were marquis or baron, all suddenly opened their eyes wide, and retreated a hundred meters away as if they were stabbed by needles, looking at the scene in disbelief.

Xu Yangyi's hand grasped the hilt of the sword, and the fishy wind brought by Karl blew his black robe and waved it like wings. Although there was no trace of murderous intent, people from all directions felt a chill in their hearts. He said slowly: "What?"

"Did I take action in advance?"

No one answered. Keen looked at him with his mouth wide open. What just happened? Did he take action? He struck out four swords in an instant? Released the demon chain that imprisoned Karl?

"I don't believe it..." It retreated unconsciously. It could instantly cut off the chain of demon sealing and make so many nobles present unable to see the move. This had overturned the huge gap between its thinking, imagination and reality, and impacted it. It tightened its nerves, leaving only a blank in its mind.

Fast... too fast... so fast that you can't even see clearly!

Is this really human? !

"No..." A few seconds later, the sad voice of Kurt was the first to sound, saying deeply: "It started from the moment the other party appeared. You... didn't take action in advance."

"That's right." The storm got even worse, causing Xu Yangyi's black hair to fly almost parallel, and two black holes appeared in his eyes. He looked at the astonished behemoth in the abyss, and tightened his hands: "Then... I won't be polite. "

"Ahhh! Woohoo!" Just as he finished speaking, something even more shocking happened. Crazy Carl, the monster that the Keen family had suppressed for hundreds of years, suddenly fell down with all his strength. Beside the abyss, kowtowing desperately.

It kowtowed so hard that the ground made a thumping sound. After a while, the scales on its forehead were flying like knives, but it didn't dare to stop at all.

The lonely and silent space seemed even more dead because of this voice. Finally, Baron Keen's screaming voice sounded like a ghost: "This, how is this possible!!"

"Is it afraid? That crazy Karl of the Keen family, the strongest genius of this generation, is it afraid?" Another fat demon opened his mouth wide and covered his chest with three hands: "The devil is above... both are in the early stage of the saint. , the Great Demon level, it, it is actually afraid? "

"Isn't Karl sane?" "I heard that it was precisely because he had no sapience and was murderous that he was sealed by the Keen family!" "If it weren't for its terrifying talent, it would never have been able to become a demon. "Come out of the abyss!" "The only times he appeared, there were rivers of blood every time, and once he even slaughtered half of the world! Is this really that Karl?"

Countless shocked and trembling eyes were cast on Xu Yangyi like a spotlight. He said with an indifferent look: "I heard that when God closes one window, he will definitely open another. It seems that although you are deprived of your intelligence, Gives you extraordinary biological instincts.”

He took a step forward gently. Suddenly, the huge demon shivered and kowtowed even more violently.

Baron Keen opened his mouth wide and his body was trembling. My feet felt weak and I took several steps back.

Their seed player... Crazy Karl, when facing the other party's culture, he didn't reject it at all, but was as docile as a cat. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be unimaginable!

"Can you see me?" Xu Yangyi asked with a smile. However, this smile made Karl's eyes shrink and he screamed and shivered.

It can see...

It could see clearly that there was a huge force in front of it.

Different from demonic energy, but... very scary! It has never seen a demon of the same level possess such power!

In front of this power, it can do nothing but pray for survival!

"You are very smart." Xu Yangyi was very satisfied with the other party's attitude and waved his hand: "Go away."

Without any argument, Karl seemed to be waiting for these words. Without saying a word, his huge body quickly retracted into his own abyss, not caring whether he would be released again hundreds of years later.

Dead silence.

Deathly silence.

After a few more seconds, the scorpion-like demon turned back like a machine and looked at Xu Yangyi blankly: "Actually... you are a pure-blood deception demon... right?"

"How is this possible!" "How can humans reach this point?" "This is Karl from the Keen family! The spokesperson of terror! A real madman! Actually... actually..." "He ran away without even daring to move his hands. "What happened?"

No one could believe this picture.

The impact was too great for them to bear. Even a blind person can see that this person is very strong, very strong! But...but it is absolutely unacceptable intellectually!

The crowd was overwhelming, and Xu Yangyi relaxed some of his sword hilt: "A word of advice to everyone."

"If it's not as strong as it is, don't show your shame." His eyes swept over all the demons: "I don't have much time."

A silent slap, loud but hot.

At first, when all the demon nobles were shouting, he did not speak, but now this slap made all the nobles present speechless.

With all the pretense he had shown before, he sent out the strongest seed player in the family, but he couldn't even make a move?

"Please announce it." Xu Yangyi said regardless of their attitude.

Behind them, all the deputy speakers exchanged glances. There was uncertainty in his eyes.

As a quasi-holy alchemist, they did not expect Xu Yangyi's combat effectiveness at all. Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen any alchemy master who still has fighting ability?

No! Every word they say reflects their own combat power, but they themselves are definitely the weakest among their peers.

But now...from the moment Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy burst out, they knew that what Kendra Mo said was true! This is really an Eternal Diamond level monster!

A quasi-holy alchemist of the Diamond of Eternity level?

What kind of monster could do this in hundreds of years? This is simply out of their minds!

"Mr. Yi wins." After a long while, the twisted Lin En said with great complexity.

Xu Yangyi calmly glanced at the scene. All the demon nobles he saw took a step back. His voice was the same as before: "Who else is there?"

No one answered.

"Who else wants to challenge me?"

The sound echoed in this virtual square, and the formation was called for the second time. One person spoke, but no one from the group of demons responded.

"Then I will be disrespectful." He smiled slightly and was about to turn around when a hoarse voice finally came.

"Wait a moment."

A skinny demon wearing a cloak and two meters tall stood up.

The eyes under the cloak were hesitant, disbelieving, uneasy and unwilling. Many complex emotions were condensed into one sentence, but there was no trace of provocation. He looked at Xu Yangyi solemnly: "Quasi Grand Duke Wells. Sarn, belongs to the Northern Family of Deception, careful.”

Xu Yangyi glanced at it: "Are you sure?"

"Your Excellency Sarn is the first family under the Grand Duke, a foreign race." The scorpion-like devil stared at Xu Yangyi closely, almost spitting out provocative words out of habit, but for some reason he suppressed them with all his strength: "I admit... you It's very strong, much stronger than we imagined. Karl can't withstand it for more than a few seconds in your hands, but the Sarn family is different."

"If we say that the most powerful contender for the bench seat is none other than Mr. Sarn. As long as you can defeat the killing weapons of the Sarn family, I swear, I will definitely welcome you into the abyss arena with both hands! At the same time..."

It took a deep breath and gritted its teeth: "I am willing to provide you with a team! Whether it is an analysis team, a financial team or an intelligence team!"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and did not respond to it at all. Instead, he looked at everyone: "What about you?"

"I don't have much kindness, and I don't have much patience. It's better to be faster...otherwise I can't guarantee that the challengers who are dozens of times behind will be able to complete the journey."

So crazy!

However, no one dares to refute this madness! Even the would-be Grand Duke Wells' eyes flashed, but he kept his mouth shut sensibly.

No one expected that such a peerless figure would appear in the competition for the bench seat... Why don't you compete for the top three! damn it! ! how

A tiger suddenly broke into a group of monkeys, and this is the current scene.

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