
Chapter 1210: The quota is finalized (Update notice)

Tomorrow's update will be a little later, the time is uncertain. I will resume the second update. It seems that there will be no power outage...


Its hoarse scream resounded through the hall, and all the demons stared at this man. They couldn't believe that Karl lost and fled without a fight. Corzos also lost, and there was no room for resistance for more than ten seconds.

I had previously doubted the authenticity of the Diamond of Eternity, thinking it was a rating that Kendramo had added in order to increase the other person's worth. But now everyone knows it.


totally not!

This... is actually a genuine rating! No moisture at all!

How can this be! It jumped out from the cracks in some rocks! With this kind of talent and strength, even a foreigner should be famous in hell. Why have I never heard of it?

There are no words for extreme shock, because any language will turn pale under such complex emotions. Hundreds of demon nobles looked at Xu Yangyi with complicated eyes, and for a while, a needle could be heard.

"Do you want to continue?" Xu Yangyi slowly scanned the circle of demons, but no one answered. It seems that these distinguished members of parliament have suddenly become mute.

Is silence enough to deal with it?

After watching this scene, Yuchang sneered. Arrogant at first and respectful at the end...if he could swallow his anger, he wouldn't be him anymore.

Sure enough, before it could finish thinking about it, Xu Yangyi's cold voice sounded again: "Yes, or not."


The teeth of all demon nobles are grinding so hard that they have to be merciful and don't understand? Yes, you are strong, we admit it, what else do you want?

We endured a slap in the face, but now you don't think it's enough? Do you want to step on it with your feet?

"There's no answer, right?" Xu Yangyi calmly raised the fish intestines, and the sword edge passed over the heads of all the demon nobles: "Then, continue."

"I said, I will beat you until each of you dares to come out."

"According to the regulations, the battle of the abyss is not over if one side does not say stop." Kendramo's cold voice dropped from the sky, with a sneer and a sneer, and the Taixu level demonic energy surged like a sea, gushing out. When it came out, it stretched across the whole place like a mountain, pressing firmly on the heads of all the nobles.

"Come on, my children."

“Until there’s only one last person standing here!!”

Clang! The fish intestines were buzzing, and all the demon nobles lowered their heads, grinding their teeth and clenching their fists. Their cloaks were flying due to excessive humiliation and anger.

So shameful...

Hundreds of demon nobles were silenced by a foreign race and surrendered. These two words were so simple, but it was so difficult to say them now.

"I..." Under tremendous pressure, a count finally came out, took a deep breath, and said with flames between his teeth: "I... give in..."

"I didn't hear you clearly." Kendramo said indifferently: "Who are you? Tell me clearly."

Which side are you on? !

All the honorable nobles almost spit out blood in their hearts!

Isn't this enough?

Isn't this enough?

Do we have to let this foreign race step on our faces and let the nobles sweep the floor to be satisfied?

Are you the deputy speaker of the Ferrers family? ! Is he your illegitimate son?

"Louder!!" A roar suddenly came from mid-air, and Kendramo seemed to hit the void hard. Suddenly, terrifying cracks spread. The noble's legs went weak, and he immediately trembled: "Oh The Elvis family surrenders! Get out of the waiting list for this battle in the abyss!"

Such a thing as backbone does not exist here at all in the devil. After one person started, the quasi-grand Duke Wells of the Sarn family stood up with a livid face, and his heart was as painful as ten thousand knives. The battle of the abyss that takes place every tens of thousands of years... There are no tickets this time! How not to feel heartache?

"I...I..." It grinded its teeth several times before bowing: "The Sarn family...withdrew from the bench for the Battle of the Abyss..."

"The Xinluo family admits defeat." "Baron Muwel admits defeat." "The Scarlet Clan withdraws from the battle of the abyss." "Blue Night Castle gives up the fight for power."

One by one, the voices finally sounded. As Xu Yangyi pointed with his sword, every nobleman lowered his head desperately and spoke with extreme reluctance from between his teeth. It wasn't until the last person finished speaking that he sheathed his sword. Smiling slightly: "Wouldn't it be better if it was like this?"

"Be sensible and know how to advance and retreat. Isn't it convenient for us to communicate like this?"

The nobles almost broke their own teeth.

Kurt and Linn exchanged glances, including the other deputy speakers, who were filled with emotion.

No one expected that this time the battle of the abyss would end so quickly. It only took more than an hour. There was no tit-for-tat battle, no stalemate. It was simply overwhelming, and one horse could equal a thousand.

"Then it's decided." Kendramo sneered: "Let us notify you as soon as possible. I guess... other nobles are impatient to wait..."


At the Great Council, the ninth and final person has now been voted on.

"Killing Gorsh, the voting begins now." Following Luther's words, some of the hands below were raised and some were lowered. It took a look and said: "If you get less than half of the votes, you will not be allowed to enter the top three."

"Then, this is the end of the first vote in the Abyss Arena. When the results of the Battle of the Abyss come out, I will..."


At this moment, except for three light screens, the other light screens suddenly flashed. In the pull of the magic energy, dark magic light burst out and illuminated the entire hall.

"This is..." The eyes of the Grizzly Prince flashed, and he said in astonishment: "The ones left are the confirmed top three... The ones flashing are the most powerful candidates for the reserve seats, Crazy Carl, Killing Korzos... Is this the candidate seat to decide the winner?"

"Impossible." The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant clenched the armrests and sat up solemnly: "Each candidate for the reserve seat is about the same in strength. There are hundreds of nobles in the family. Even if two people fight for a day, it will take forty or fifty days. There is an hour?"

"What's going on?" "There is an error in the magic projection system?" "No, this is infused by the magic power of the Deputy Speaker and the Speaker. How could there be an error?" "Then... Is it that the candidate seat has already decided the winner? This... This is impossible?"

As the voices rang out, suddenly, with a swish, the first light screen went out.

"Really...really the substitute seat decided the winner?" Luther gasped and looked at Sifuxu who was also stunned. How could it be possible! How long has it been? Just one hour! There are hundreds of nobles who have entered! Each of them has his own trump card, representing the seeded players of the major families, how could it end so quickly!

"This is Crazy Karl..." Below, a noble looked at the light curtain with a flickering eye, and then the second light curtain suddenly went out, followed by the third and fourth!

"Korzos of Killing..." "Gray Tower Maniac..." "Smiling Shavaran..."

As the names went out one by one, the eyes of all the demon nobles gradually became solemn. Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, and there are probably only a few clans that can get the substitute seat, but now, this steelyard is crooked.

Still going out... Still going out!

Da... When the fifth light curtain went out, a demon noble stood up. Some people had their cheeks supported by their hands before, and at this moment, they all waited in astonishment, as if time had stopped.

A ten-meter-tall, fat demon couldn't help but stand up, holding the handrail with his hands, his butt hanging in the air, staring at the dark light screen in astonishment, his voice was floating: "Kermasus. Bonebreaker lost? Damn... How is this possible?!"

But it's not over yet.


The sixth light screen went out, and everyone realized that something was wrong. The seemingly sci-fi idea just now was actually confirmed: this is a scene that will only appear when all the competitors for a seat are defeated!

"Devil God... The alternate seat is really decided!" "How can it be so fast!" "Oh my God... What happened this time?"

There was no answer, and the light screen was still going out quickly.

The seventh one!

"Bloodthroat is also extinguished, oh my God..." A noble was stunned for a second, and suddenly looked at the remaining three people.

There are three more light screens.

All the top genius information that can compete for the alternate seat is gathered here. Those who are not here are not without hope, but too small, which means... there are still three people with the greatest hope now?

O'Neill the Devourer, Lianna the Cruel, and... that human?

That weak human?


The eighth picture!

Huh! Two-thirds of all the demons at the scene stood up and looked at the light screen with wide eyes.

O'Neill the Devourer extinguished!

Time passed too quickly, so quickly that they had no chance to think about it. Now they were shocked.

The whole place was dead silent, with only heavy breathing and burning eyes accompanied by heartbeats. A terrifying idea suddenly entered everyone's mind, and their heartbeats almost stopped.

Supernova is coming!

In the reserve seat... a supernova appeared... Only a supernova that can defeat thousands of people, at least not far from the level of the Red Night Demon, and has touched the rating of the Eternal Diamond, can sweep the whole place in such a short time! Let all demons have no desire to compete!

Snap... The ninth picture, Lianna the Cruel is extinguished.

Along with it, all the demons suddenly jumped up as if pricked by a needle, looking at the last picture in disbelief.

From the flash of the magic light to the extinction, time was too fast, there was no time to think too much, but now everyone saw it. There was only one projection left that was not extinguished.

The words on it were so clear at this moment.

Yi. Ferrers.

Strength: 10.

Defense: 10.

Speed: 8.

Wisdom: 10.

Spiritual power: more than 100 million.

It has never been as clear as it is now, because... it has not been extinguished. Moreover, it is still emitting magic light, which is extremely conspicuous.

Time seems to have stopped turning. Tens of thousands of demon nobles, deceiving the demon lineage, keep the same action and look at the picture, with their mouths slightly open and their eyes wide open.

Among them, there are the famous Prince of Grizzlies, the remnants of the famous Holy Flame, and the old royal princes like Sumendar.

The sound seems to have stopped spreading. At this moment, it is as quiet as death, without heartbeat or breathing.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In the fifth second, someone screamed first: "This... is this that human!?"

"He got the reserve seat?! How is this possible! Something must have gone wrong! A human... a mere human? He actually defeated all the candidates in an hour?!"

Wow! This sentence was like a fire that ignited dry wood. In an instant, the whole hall was boiling.

"Did I see it wrong?" "Never before... never before has such a ridiculous act happened!! How could a tiny human being represent our Ferrers family to fight in the Abyss Arena?!" "God of War... something must have gone wrong! This... is simply not something a human can do!"

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