
Chapter 1211: Invitation from top nobles

The next update will be around 9:30...


The entire Grand Council was completely on fire.

The impact was too big. This time the Great Council really had twists and turns. First, Red Moon challenged the top three, then Kendra Mo forced a human to take the top position. Finally, the selection of alternate seats ended within an hour.

This is simply unheard of!

"It's unbelievable..." Prince Grizzly looked deeply at this scene, his eyes wandering calmly, and he instantly received the signals from other top nobles.

The remnants of the Holy Flame, Sumendar, and the other Grand Dukes who had been to the Black Street had extremely complicated expressions in their eyes. None of them had expected it, and they had no such guess at all. He was the last one left!

How long does it take to become a quasi-holy alchemist? Three hundred years? Five hundred years? Among the great alchemy masters in hell now, whose combat effectiveness has exceeded 5? Why is everything reversed here with you?

When manpower is limited, no one can be multi-purpose. But now... is this a monk who is committed to his spiritual path? Or is he a master who has been immersed in alchemy?

This is a completely impossible situation!

"Our quasi-sage is very extraordinary..." After a brief shock, the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnants gently tapped the armrest and looked at Xu Yangyi as if he were looking at a flickering magic crystal mine. He was of the same status as the others. The noble said: "In just over four hundred years, the quasi-sage alchemy master has become a supernova on the bench this time. It seems... we need to have a good communication with this master."

"I have prepared to invite him to the Grizzly Bear Feast to be held fifty years later." Prince Grizzly smiled, but before he could finish speaking, Prince Sumendar spoke calmly: "Thirty years later, the Sumendar family I have also drawn up an invitation letter for the Ganges Grand Party.”

After the last word fell, another voice sounded: "What a coincidence, I have just conquered a dragon territory. Now in the Vine Star Territory, it can be seen that one percent of the life plane is under my command, Prince of Kent. Forty years after the expedition, When the master returns to the court, he also plans to hold a grand banquet, which can be regarded as a warm-up for the upcoming Abyss Arena. I think that with the participation of a quasi-holy alchemist, this banquet should be easily promoted to a grand event. "

"Oh? What a coincidence. It's the 500th birthday of my thirty-second daughter. I think..." "Dear Grand Duke Hydra, are you sure you remember your daughter's name?" "Haha, one percent. What qualifications do you have to say that you are celebrating in this plane?"

The top nobles in the front row were chatting in low voices. Everything at the scene had little to do with them. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, they had reached a position below one person and above ten thousand people. All they had to wait for now was the parliament's verdict. .

It's all decided, why are you still making a fuss?

"You read that right." Just when the whole place was buzzing with discussion, a voice came from the void, and then, the appearance of ten figures completely silenced the Great Council.

The figures of the ten deputy speakers condensed in the void. After a few seconds, the sad Kurt said solemnly: "I solemnly announce that from now on, the alternate seat will be Mr. Yi Ferrers. He will represent one of the direct descendants of the deception devil. Fight in the Abyss Arena."

"I object!" "Objection! How can a human being participate in this supreme holy war on behalf of the devil?!" "Aliens should not appear in that great city in the sky!" "I suggest that his contract with Ejah be withdrawn and Feiler be expelled Si’s last name!”

Suddenly, a tsunami of opposition came. No matter what strength or identity, they were all fake. They just didn't allow a foreigner to stand in the abyss arena!

Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in the void, and then, a vast amount of demonic energy poured into the whole place.

The sudden intrusion does not make people feel awkward at all, because it has been completely integrated into the air and is everywhere.

Although he couldn't feel it, it made all the hair on his body stand up. The top nobles in the front row, the princes and princesses, felt the deepest feeling. They gasped and stood up suddenly, half-kneeling on the ground like a landslide and tsunami: "Welcome my lord! !”

The whole place fell silent for an instant, and then, the demons in the rows behind were just stunned for a moment, and immediately half-knelt on the ground, neatly, and shouted in unison: "Welcome our Lord to come!"

Streams of bright black light were projected from the air. It didn't feel evil, it even felt majestic, but it was such a soft brilliance that made the scene audible.

Mephistopheles, the Lord of this hell, wills down!

No one dared to speak, and even their breathing became lighter. I saw a wave of fluctuations in the air. From Luther and Sifuxu, the space rippled like ripples. Then, a piece of parchment and a huge quill appeared. Half empty.

No one was controlling it, no one dared to move it, but the pen quickly started writing on the parchment with a rustling sound.


"Huh..." A marquis' eyes twitched and his heart was beating wildly: "How could the king... write a name for a mere human being?"

"Do you think we are making too much trouble?" "How could the king affirm a human?" "My king... this is the feast of the Ferrers family. Why do you want to give this place to other races?" "Is this human? Is your strength really strong enough to occupy a place in the Zunsheng battlefield?”

Many chaotic thoughts lingered in the brain, and cold sweat flowed from every forehead of the previously noisy demon. The soft rustling sound was like a death knell. When the last letter was completed, the entire parchment rolled up silently and slowly disappeared into the void.

There was no word from beginning to end, until three minutes after the parchment disappeared, the top nobles, princes, princesses, and other nobles, led by Prince Grizzly, slowly stood up in order.

"No one has any objections anymore, right?" Kendra Mo's voice was a little hoarse, and he spoke first, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

This is the Doppo Demon King.

It is everywhere, and wherever the consciousness goes, it is its kingdom. If it wants to, it can clearly know everything within the scope of its spiritual consciousness. It didn't know why the Demon Lord would personally send a message of consciousness to write down Xu Yangyi's name, but... it prayed that the other party would not discover its ambition.

No one spoke, and no one dared to comment on the person the Demon King personally decided.

"Okay." Luther breathed a sigh of relief. There were too many changes in the Great Council this time, and it wanted to end it immediately. He said solemnly: "This is the end of the Great Council. When the battle of the abyss between the two nobles Red Moon and the Remnant of the Holy Flame ends In the future, the Ferrers family will release the contestants of this Abyss Arena.”

As the meeting was dismissed, all the demons turned into a black light and left the venue. Xu Yangyi did not enter the hall again after the previous competition. At this moment, he appeared in the outside world with an inexplicable repulsive force.

But unexpectedly, Kendramo was not seen this time, but appeared in a magnificent hall.

Surrounded by European-style buildings, this hall is about a kilometer in size, with carved beams and painted pillars. The walls are engraved with reliefs of legendary demons. In the center is a 30-40-meter-high Seven Demons Fountain, which spurts out pieces of blazing flames, and the top of the head. The unknown huge palace lanterns complement each other beautifully.

The servant demons in silver-grey robes were carrying drinks and food, walking in all directions like cats with rhythmic steps, silently, even if there was no one here.

"This is the Roaring Hall. Mr. Yi." A voice suddenly came from behind. Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy suddenly surged, and he held the fish intestine almost out of habit. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, but he slowly loosened his grip on the hilt. open.

He didn't even feel that there was anyone else here!

Only when the other party spoke did he feel a hint of it, and it was this hint that made him let go of the hilt of the sword.

It was just a little bit of demonic energy, but it was so pure that it was as different from other demons as iron or steel. Among the demons he had seen up close, only Kendra Mo felt this way!

Behind him stood a Taixu Demon King...

After taking several deep breaths, he turned around.

Behind him is a quiet territory, with the red carpet extending all the way to a 100-meter-wide stone staircase, which then divides into two sides and spirals up, guarding the central terrace.

The balcony railings were decorated with a huge roaring ram emblem. Above the emblem, a ten-meter-tall figure, completely hidden in a black cloak, was staring at him from above.

Its cloak is very strange. It is separated from the middle, and countless extremely pure demonic energy spreads out from there. It seems to have no body, only one bloody eye, and cracks grow in the entire body of the black mist, like an immobile black eagle. .

The other party suppressed his pressure and raised the skull wine glass in his hand: "This is our first meeting, but you should still remember my chief steward. You can call me the King of Evil Eyes."

Is it it?

Xu Yangyi bowed slightly calmly. I don't know if he was a prince or a grand duke. He represented someone who had also been to the underworld. There was no doubt that he was the top noble among the deceivers.

"Don't worry. Although I brought you here, I have no ill intentions." The King of Evil Eyes seemed to want to look friendly and tried his best to make a joke: "Even if I want to do something to you, I can't do anything to you." No one else is allowed."

"Who are you?" Xu Yangyi asked, speculating on the other party's intentions.

The King of Evil Eyes seemed to smile. His black-like wings and silky-smooth cloak moved slightly. Two silver-white ribbons fluttered in the wind. A withered hand stretched out from the black mist, like an old man, full of wrinkles. But these folds were filled with blood-red eyes. A black invitation was twisted in half-meter-long fingers and delivered to Xu Yangyi.

"The last invitation I personally sent out was to a holy alchemist, and it was from a Western genealogy. I've always wanted to send another one, but I didn't expect that it would take thousands of years." Its voice seemed a little strange. Feeling: "Solomon's Feast... This is the supreme banquet that must be hosted by at least three princes to be called Solomon."

"The demon rich who can buy the plane, as well as the top nobles, will all appear here. There will be no idlers to disturb us. Those councilors and families ranked after fifty all dream of getting a share of Solomon's Invitations. But invitations are common, but banquets are not.”

Bloody eyes looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "No prince or grand duke would hold such a high-level banquet with nothing to do. And this time, it is the Grizzly Prince, me, the remnants of the Shengyan, Sumendar and seven others. Prince, twenty princes held it together, which is not too many in the history of deceiving the evil palace. "

"We sincerely invite you to come to this feast fifty years later. I hope you can give me a pleasant answer."

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