
Chapter 1212: Protect the emperor! Protect the emperor!

Xu Yangyi cautiously took the invitation and said after careful consideration: "Actually, if you all want to make elixirs, you only need to follow the rules. There is no need."

Take the opportunity to test the tolerance of the top nobles among the deceivers.

"Haha..." The Evil Eye King smiled, and his voice became extremely seductive: "Master Xu... do you really think that the Abyss Arena is that simple?"

"This grand event that happens once every tens of thousands of years is not only the only opportunity for bloodline sublimation, but also the roar of the entire Tiragandis capital."

"Have you ever thought about how many people in one plane are waiting for this carnival? How much gambling money will be on you? I forgot to tell you, the gambling money is divided into 50 and 50. Once chosen, it is difficult to withdraw. Also There are adjustments to the odds...don’t you want to keep winning?”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly: "What do you mean..."

"You need us. We also need you." The Evil Eye King's laughter became louder and louder, obviously very happy: "You know too little about the Abyss Arena. A person's victory is not just for himself, but also for himself. With the analysis team, intelligence team, small families, and demons who signed up at their own expense, they simply cannot afford to form these expensive teams."

"But we can. It is no exaggeration to say that our top fifty top nobles control about 5% of the entire deception's assets. Don't underestimate those opponents who are not from the original family. Tiragandes still has many talents. The ancient survivors who survived the battle between heaven and hell, you never know whether you will encounter them.”

"With a team without intelligence and analysis, you know nothing about them. You don't even know which bloodline the opponent is from, whether they can be killed or not."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment, and then nodded under the blazing expectant gaze of the King of Evil Eyes: "Okay."

“Fifty years later, I’m on time for my appointment.”

"Very good." The King of Evil Eyes smiled and said: "The top three will be here at the same time. This is a feast prepared for you, and I am looking forward to that day..."

Sand... As he said the last word, everything in front of him blurred, and the space turned into black sand and disappeared into the sky. After the sand and dust disappeared, he had appeared at the door of a gorgeous palace.

He had never seen this palace before, but when he sensed some spiritual energy inside, he smiled and walked in.

When... he just entered the palace, he was stunned, completely stunned.

The fish intestines suddenly flew out of his body, and he looked at the hall tremblingly, also in disbelief.

Among them, there were more than a dozen female succubi who were almost naked and burning with flames. They had beautiful looks and graceful figures that made people vomit blood. They were in beautiful shape, with their jade bodies lying half on a big bed. Each of them was They all held a tray with exquisite food. And a black and white figure was among these powders, touching a handful on the left and taking a sip on the right, feeling very excited.

"This is paradise... This is paradise! The place without Xu Laohei is paradise!"

"Look here, where he is is training, training, and training! This man... is almost impotent. Come on, come on, give me this piece of meat, wow! Eviscerate the bones!"

very good……

I am working hard outside to make money to support my family, but here it is responsible for looking beautiful and beautiful... Today is the time to clean up the house.

"Have you never thought about what Master Xu is doing now?" With a gloomy face, it slowly walked in, its intestines spitting out an evil light.

"Aren't you worried at all?"

"Have you never considered who brought you the high quality of life you have now?"

Mao Baer's huge dog head was lying in a wine bottle as big as a basin. He stood up and drank happily. Hearing this, he wagged his tail and said: "I am happy here and don't miss Shu... Huh? How could it be possible? Male voices? Come on! Get them out! Even the pigs here must be female!”

Fahai, who was sitting cross-legged and chanting sutras, had already gotten up from the futon, quietly and very wisely, making way for him.

"Is that so..." Xu Yangyi blew on the fish intestines with a very kind smile, the kind of kindness that one would expect when someone peels the fish and stews it in soup. Therefore, the succubus next to them all screamed and fled away.

It has to be said that it makes sense for disasters to be left for thousands of years. Creatures that seek death are often very sensitive to the prediction of danger. Cat Baer raised his head in excitement and saw a cold light flashing straight towards the dog whip.

"You evil disciple!!" The bitch was so frightened that he said, "We agreed to be each other's angels!"

As he said this, his body quickly twisted into an unimaginable arc, and he actually dodged the sword.

"Angels have no gender. I will help you fulfill your destiny today!!"

"Wow! Xingtian! Where is Xingtian! Quick! Protect me! Protect me! Destroy this unruly man who is harming me!"

Xu Yangyi sneered and stabbed out several swords. The sword's light was like a poisonous snake, and it went straight down the third road. Mao Baer screamed repeatedly, escaping from left to right as if acting, but Xing Tian didn't come out at all.

"Bald thief! What are you looking at! Why don't you come and help me!" The dog's hair fell off piece by piece, and the cat Baer became anxious.

Fa Hai glanced at it lightly: "I have seen too many dramas about fights at the head of the bed and fights at the end of the bed... Ahem... Almsgiver Xu, this is not what I meant..."

Xu Yangyi ignored him at all and struck out with another sword. The bitch couldn't avoid it. Suddenly, his body went limp and he fell down against the corner of the wall.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, put away the fish intestines, walked over and kicked his feet without mercy, and the other party's fat body rippled a few times like a mountain of meat. like a statue.

Frowning, he walked up to the other party, and was about to open his eyes to take a look, when Mao Ba'er's trembling voice came with his eyes closed: "That's enough for you... That's almost enough... I'm starting to pretend to be dead, give me some face..." …”

Hahaha... Xu Yangyi sneered and stabbed between the legs of the bitch with a sword. Fahai sighed: "Cleave the road of life and death with two hands, and cut off the roots of troubles with one sword. That's good, that's good..."

"Woof!" Cat Baer jumped up immediately, but before it could jump up, Yuchang stopped.

No matter how hard Xu Yangyi tried, the fish intestines swore not to stab downwards.


Yuchang was silent for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said, "It's so dirty... it can't be stabbed..."

"Yes! Yes, yes! That's right!" Mao Baer was already frightened, with tears in his eyes: "I'm dirty, I'm vile, I'm despicable and shameless! So just think of me as a fart and let me go. "

So cool.

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, kicked Mao Baer aside, and sat on the couch. Only then did the succubus around him react. It must be said that they had excellent psychological quality, and they actually surrounded him again. , his hand moved toward the lower third road without hesitation.

"Get out." Xu Yangyi frowned, and a trace of saint-level spiritual energy burst out. Suddenly, these succubi who only had the foundation were blown away from the palace in an instant.

Then, with a pinch of his fingers, countless talismans appeared, instantly surrounding the place.

Mao Baer hid behind the pillar and stretched out half of his dog's head to look at Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi waved and shook his head like a rattle, unable to survive.

Xu Yangyi ignored him and looked at Fahai. The two looked at each other calmly, and Fahai also stopped smiling. After a long time, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Want to go back?"

With one sentence, Fahai's eyes suddenly shone.

Although this place is nice, it is not my hometown.

"How did you do it?" he asked after pondering for a moment.

Xu Yangyi looked deeply into his eyes: "I got the waiting list for the Ferrers family."

"Alternate place for the Abyss Arena."

Fa Hai opened his lips slightly and stared at the other person, as if to see if what he said was a lie. Xu Yangyi nodded calmly and firmly. He still did not withdraw his gaze, just looking straight at him, chest They all rose up and down sharply, and their breathing began to become thicker. After three minutes, they lowered their eyelids and said with a hint of trembling in their voices: "Amitabha..."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, he said in a deep voice: "Tiragondis is notorious, but its strength is too great. Even among the planes of heaven that I know, it is the strongest one... Before it came, I never thought that there would be eighteen unique ones and hundreds of Taixu in one plane..."

"Their nature is to conquer, so the status of the portal here is unusually high. In order to prevent other planes from tracking here... With my status, I can't apply to use the portal at all. I really didn't expect it. …”

He looked at Xu Yangyi with an extremely complicated look and did not finish his sentence.

I really didn’t expect that... the little Qi Qian who could be crushed to death with one finger back then... would now be able to get an alternate spot in the Ferrers family!

Even if he doesn't agree with the devil, he still knows very well how powerful the so-called original family is, and it is the only direct line! A clan of more than a dozen Taixu beings! And once the family recognizes it, this former little Qi refiner is already qualified to use the portal!

"What do you want me to do?" After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked. He immediately added: "As long as you can return to the human plane, no matter what it is, I will do my best to assist you."

A smart person doesn't need to talk too much. He immediately understood Xu Yangyi's honest thoughts: How many eyes are staring at the alternate seat that the other party got as a foreigner? These hundred years are the final moment of preparation. A hundred years later, all realms will gather together and demons will dance wildly. And isn't he making preparations?

The other party doesn't want to expose his trump card to others. Although the other party doesn't trust him very much, he is the only one who can do something for him now. Regardless of his identity, status, and familiarity, this is a choice he has no choice.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, very wise, so there is no need to do it yourself...

"Supernatural power." He raised two fingers solemnly: "First, I want magical power, an absolutely powerful and killing magical power!"

"When I was promoted to the Supreme Saint, I faced an opportunity to 'cleanse my points'. I once obtained a skill that washed away my previous skills, but this skill... has no magical powers."

Infinite truth has no magical powers, it is just the application of worldly principles. It is the avenue of the universe, but it does not have the function of killing.

And the opponents he may encounter, the top three members of the Ferrers family are the three Eternal Diamonds! This is still the twelve levels of hell, what about the higher ones?

What about the peak of the original space?

Will there be a peak eternity diamond with a score of 50?

Let him have no magical powers and only rely on his ethereal immortal body to fight the opponent hand-to-hand?

"You are a physical cultivator." Fahai muttered: "Physical cultivators have magical powers in every gesture, but this is compared to Yin Zun...Physical cultivators also have their own magical powers, which are far better than the physical cultivators. For example, the Dharma looks like heaven and earth, with three heads and six arms, and a golden armor These are the unique skills of Jade Body."

Xu Yangyi nodded. He had once obtained a correct explanation of the Zhenwu Immortal Technique, the Zhenwu Dragon Slaying Style. He knew very well that physical training was not without magical powers.

Fahai seemed extremely hesitant, and Xu Yangyi did not urge him. After a few seconds, Fahai raised his head: "I have a move..."

"It's called... Qinglian Demonic Technique. Yin and Yang Soul Body..."

Qinglian magic?

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of the Lotus Reincarnation. He didn't know if this move would disappear with the reset, but how could Fahai have the Green Lotus Magic?

Isn't this Xiaoqing's unique skill?

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