
Chapter 1213: The Holy Incarnation

"Don't be surprised." Fahai's voice showed a hint of pride: "I may not be as talented as you, but I am also a leader at the moment. After being locked in Danxia Palace for hundreds of years, only Senior Xiaoqing and I are left. There is nothing wrong with us putting aside our hatred and talking about something off-topic."

"She happened to tell me about this magical power, but she didn't expect that I could reverse it... Hehe, maybe she knew it, but she was just killing time."

Xu Yangyi was in high spirits. Yes, the Qinglian magic is now at a level he can touch. Speaking of it, the infinite truth is even higher, but the infinite truth is obviously a little incomplete. The demon who created this unprecedented skill no longer has the energy to create its own magical power.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Fahai paused and sighed: "This was originally my secret skill, but... it is not an offensive magical power."

He took a deep breath: "This... is an incarnation magical power."


Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly. He really didn't expect it to be the magical power of the incarnation. Similarly, he also held Zhu Changluo's natural and earth-raised double corpses in his hand. This is an excellent incarnation embryo. Although he didn't have the idea of ​​training Su Lianyue into an incarnation.


"You should have heard my request clearly." His voice became slightly colder: "Register for the Abyss Arena, do you think you can still retreat? I say again, I want offensive magical powers. If you still want to go back, I hope I can try a little harder."

Fahai's eyes flickered: "Not entirely."

"My incarnation technique... is different."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi said lightly.

Fahai's face flashed with a fiery: "Any other incarnation magical power is based on the main body as a branch, and the incarnation is a branch on the main body. The talent and skills are exactly the same as the main body. But this magical power is not, it... is the second tree on the same piece of soil."

Strange metaphor.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and his eyes suddenly flashed after a few seconds.

"You mean... these incarnations can practice alone?"

Fahai nodded solemnly: "Not only that, it can also allow all incarnations and the original body to communicate with each other. It can be called the top incarnation method. Even if the incarnation magic power is unique, it may not be as exquisite as it."

Xu Yangyi's face has changed from indifference to solemnity, and he slowly stood up. Without other things, Fahai's words opened a door, and a terrifying idea arose in his mind.

After the point reset, the Eternal Pill Sutra King disappeared, and the golden apple was contributed to an unknown Yawei, and his cultivation speed has returned to the same as other cultivators.

Four hundred years of honor... This legend was achieved by the unknown Eternal Pill Sutra King and the golden apple. Although they can't see their figures in battle and can't hear their voices in enlightenment, they have consolidated their foundation bit by bit. It is also because of this that according to the previous speed, he should have reached the middle stage of the honored saint, but now, he is still more than one-third of the initial stage.

Originally, we could only follow the steps and do it bit by bit. However, once the Yin-Yang Soul Body can allow the incarnation to practice another set of exercises...

Eternal Alchemy King!

The physique of the natural corpse, his consciousness, the monster created, plus the terrifying practice speed of the Eternal Alchemy King, even without the golden apple, it is definitely fast!

"Not only that, once the incarnation can communicate with the main body, it is just an east wind for others, but for you... it is a tornado!" In the consciousness, Yu Chang also realized this and immediately said: "Then you will learn the incarnation of the Eternal Alchemy King to feed back to the main body! Although your speed cannot reach the abnormal level of the past, it is definitely much faster than now!"

"Not only that!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning, and once the gate of his mind was opened, many ideas came out: "The greatest help of the Eternal Alchemy King to me is actually the dual cultivation of alchemy and martial arts! If I didn't practice alchemy, my alchemy would never reach this point!"

"If this can be inherited by the incarnation..."

One man and one sword looked at each other.

That's really too scary... It can be said that within this hundred years, his cultivation can be increased to a striking level. After all, he is only in the initial stage now.

If he finds a suitable technique...

Even if the peak value of the Eternal Diamond between the originals is reached, he has the confidence to fight!

He took a deep breath, his expression returned to calm, and he nodded and said, "It belongs to me."

"From today, I will enter seclusion and will not come out until fifty years later. Everything outside depends on fellow Taoists."

Fahai said no more, patted his head, and a roll of green bamboo slips appeared in the air. Xu Yangyi reached out and grabbed it, and his figure slowly disappeared.

This kind of luxurious palace has a special practice room. Soon, he appeared in the practice room.

The devil's practice room has a unique scenery, like a bowl upside down on the ground, semi-circular, completely made of stones, but the craftsmanship is very exquisite.

Obviously, there is some formation engraved in it. Sitting in the center, pieces of refined magic energy are pouring in from all directions. Unfortunately, the human form cannot receive magic energy.

There were seven stone sculptures of demon heads around, carved to look lifelike, with flames spurting out of their mouths, blending with the surrounding demonic energy. When the demonic energy came into contact with the flames, the rolling black mist took on a hint of red, becoming even purer.

There was a groove with runes engraved in the center. The room was about 300 meters in size, and the groove was about 10 meters. Xu Yangyi sat in it, and the runes around him lit up one by one. In an instant, the calm demonic energy suddenly surged.

"It's quite rich and has many benefits for devil cultivation." Xu Yangyi did a chest expansion exercise, his joints cracking: "Then, let's get started."

He didn't need to say anything, the fish intestines flashed out and turned into hundreds of sharp swords, surrounding Xu Yangyi with murderous intent.

He slowly closed his eyes and let go of all thoughts. Following the soft and long breathing, the entire training room fell into silence.

He didn't know how long it took, but he finally opened his eyes, grabbed it gently with his hand, and the green bamboo slips spread out. Countless golden words floated on it, and then turned into a golden light and disappeared between his eyebrows.

His body shook slightly, and he became silent like a stone sculpture on a mountain peak.

One day, another day, three days later, he finally pulled himself out of the fugue, with a complex light flashing in his eyes. He did not speak, but pondered thoughtfully.

"Any ideas?" Yuchang asked.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly: "The concept of this technique is very subtle, but the important thing it integrates into my system."

"There will still be a hundred years before the Devil's Oven is opened. How to use it to maximize your strength during these hundred years is the most important thing."

Yuchang hesitated for a moment, then asked: "What about...the magical power?"

There is no magical power in Kongyou realm, and his explosive power is down by more than one level.

"I have some ideas." Xu Yangyi mused slightly: "Fifty years later, the top nobles of Felus invited the top three and me to the Solomon's Feast. I will practice a few top-quality elixirs in exchange for a top-notch elixir." Demonic powers. I think those families will give me this face, especially if they think that I am a human and cannot practice at all."

This is a blind spot in thinking. Maybe you can use it to exchange for some techniques that you simply don't dare to think about.

"Practice the devil body?" Yuchang was noncommittal. The devil body has never fought in actual combat at the same level. Once any problems arise, it does not think that its opponents who are also Eternal Diamonds in the Abyss Arena will give the other party a chance to regret. .

Moreover, without breath or superpowers, that pale demonic body was like the lowest demon.

Take the next step.

Xu Yangyi paused, his voice hesitated at first, then became firm, and said in a deep voice: "This is the second thought I want to say...can you... help me correct it?"

Yuchang Ning nodded, making a monk with strong self-confidence like Xu Yangyi unable to help but seek advice. This idea must be extremely risky.

Xu Yangyi stood up, walked slowly, and said after careful consideration: "When practicing a path, the realm is the foundation, and the magical power is the house. The foundation of cultivating the Yin and Yang soul body is to use the terrifying cultivation speed of the Eternal Alchemy King to feed oneself back a hundred years later. This Since the incarnation has my qualifications, I understand that once the resources are abundant, the power absorbed in a hundred years is definitely a terrifying figure. "

"Maybe it won't get me into the mid-term, but it will definitely get me to the next level."

Yuchang keenly noticed his words and said solemnly: "Power?"

"Yes, power. Not spiritual power." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips tightly: "I just said, 'Once the resources are abundant,' but have you ever thought about it, this place... is Tiragandis, the nest of all demons, There is no spiritual stone at all.”

Yuchang nodded, but the next second, a horrifying premonition rushed into his heart. He stood up suddenly, swords from all directions sounded, and said in a voiceless voice: "You... want to use the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra to cultivate the demon body?!"

This idea is too exaggerated!

That weak demon body doesn't even have the sharp teeth of the evil demon! Is it appropriate to use the Eternal Alchemy Sutra Wanghe? Even if you practice, will you become stronger in the future?

If not, this precious natural corpse will be completely useless! It’s still a trivial matter, the most important thing now is time! Over the past ten years or so, it has really been a waste of time!

But... I have to admit, this is a genius idea!

Because Xu Yangyi has no shortage of magic crystals at all!

As long as he is willing to speak, as long as he lets out a little bit of news, a lot of magic crystals will be sent to him immediately. The demon's body originates from himself, bypassing the natural laws of other flames that repel demons. It can also make alchemy! Applying the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra, refining elixirs means practicing. The elixirs you practice are exchanged for magic crystals, and you can continue to refine elixirs...

Infinite loop!

After a full minute of silence, Yuchang gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck it!"

"I support you!"

"Besides, even if you can't win in the Abyss Arena, you, as a Quasi-Saint, should be qualified to use the portal! We are back in the Seven Realms, and I still don't believe that Mammon can catch up there!"

Xu Yangyi's smile froze.

The Seven Realms... Mammon's true form is there! He didn't even know that the person he had come into contact with was the first generation of Yahweh.

He suddenly had endless speculations about the Seven Realms. Why...why did everything start from here?

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