
Chapter 1214: Gold inlaid with jade

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, he touched the storage ring with his hand, and two coffins appeared in the training room.

Ordinary coffins, one has the word "sky" engraved on it, and the other has the word "earth" engraved on it.

"The child is born in heaven, the corpse is raised in the earth..." His eyes passed over the two coffins with nostalgia. After hesitating for a long time, he waved his hand gently, and the lid of the coffin in which the corpse was raised in the earth opened silently.

Su Lianyue's beautiful and cold face appeared in front of him, as if she was just sleeping, not falling.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were complicated, and his fingers slowly passed over the other person's cold face. It was beautiful, like an ice lotus that would never wither. Scenes from the past reappeared in his mind.

That is proof that I started from a humble beginning, a memory that has passed away. Like a flying butterfly, it turned into ashes inch by inch with the touch of his fingers and disappeared into the long river of memory.

"That's what cultivation is like." Yuchang sighed: "This is an unstoppable tide. If it doesn't get stronger, it can only be washed away by the tide and slapped to the shore. Not everyone has a mind like yours. You are like this." "

Its voice suddenly paused, a little sad: "Just like me, I have already started to break away from this tide. If you rise to another level, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

Xu Yangyi paused while stroking Su Xingyao's hand. He understood Yuchang's thoughts. When entering the fourth realm, Fish Intestine helped a lot, and several times I relied on it and Mistertin's unblocking to get out of the game. But after becoming a sage, he had accumulated so much experience that Yuchang could no longer keep up with his speed.

Now that he has reached this point, Yuchang's function is more of guidance, communication with a master of the same realm, and its experience, and these are slowly being surpassed by him.

"I once asked Andelina..." he said after considering it.

"Expand the talisman in my sword?" Yuchang shook his head: "It's useless, at least it's impossible in hell. The devil rejects other flames, and the side doors are almost cut off. The real masters of weapon refining are from the east, and the other party hates you deeply. There is no need to take risks for me alone.”

"I can wait until I return to the Seven Realms."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. This was an excuse. The fish intestine looked like nothing on the surface, but once you study the talisman, you will immediately find that it is something from the realm of no return. The talisman in its body is incompatible with the seven realms. The flying sea ascension monk created by himself His identity will be revealed immediately.

I can't bear the consequences now.

"Is there no other way?" The atmosphere was a bit depressing, and he was also unwilling to let such an old friend, who was both a teacher and a friend, just disappear, so he asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Yuchang said with a smile: "The nine swords merge into one to reappear in Xuanyuan."

"Xuanyuan Sword, the golden sword of the second generation Yawei, as long as you can do it, under Yawei I can walk sideways among the weapon spirits."

Xuanyuan Sword...

Xu Yangyi secretly remembered this, and before he could speak, Yuchang smiled and said: "You and I are one, so why say more. Come on, let us verify whether your guess can be successful."

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply, as long as he remembered some things, it would be shallow to say it. He didn't talk about this topic anymore. With a wave of his hand, the coffin in which the corpse was raised was closed and he solemnly put it away. The coffin in which the fetus was born opened in response.

She has long, disheveled hair, a skinny figure, and is dressed in an actor's white clothes. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and followed the techniques of the Yin and Yang Soul Body. After several seals, the newborn fetus slowly floated up.

Bit by bit of the technique echoed in his mind, and he had a photographic memory of the fermentation of the elixir. He was like the most sophisticated machine, not very fast, but he did his best with every seal and every spiritual power transmission.

"It's not enough..." His eyes moved slightly, and his pupils suddenly turned into deep black holes, and he looked over inch by inch.

In the past, I had only heard that raising twin corpses was the best material for incarnation. I couldn't tell it at all, but under the direct fire of Infinite Truth, there was no longer any secret.

The body surface of a born fetus is covered with layers of fine talismans. Xu Yangyi has rarely seen a living being covered with so many talismans. And each level is not low, at least if he is still in the golden elixir realm, he will never be able to analyze it in such detail. They are flawless and flawless, the ultimate form of living things.

However, this is only the surface. Once inside, the inside of the fetus is completely blank.

Yuchang pointed and said: "After a creature dies, its genes, that is, the talismans, immediately dissipate, leaving only the genes in the skin. Incarnation is the process of reshaping these talismans. You must first condense a core in its body, Carry your own strong self-imprinted core. Imprint it with your spiritual consciousness.”

"This core is the heart, brain, and center of the incarnation. It is directly related to the strength of the incarnation. It uses the treasures of heaven, material and earth as the core, and the spiritual consciousness as the intertwining. However, this incarnation is experimental in nature and cannot be obtained in a hurry. It’s not impossible to use the supreme treasure of heaven and earth in hell.”

Xu Yangyi did not act immediately, but asked: "Why? What are the benefits?"

"There are many benefits." Yuchang said with emotion: "For example, if you can get a phoenix feather and use it as a core, your incarnation will most likely get a weakened version of Nirvana and rebirth. If you use the scales of a real dragon as a core, you can control the wind and rain. If you have the remains of an immortal, you can scatter beans to form soldiers, shrink the ground into inches, and so on."

"These are things similar to bloodline magical powers. They cannot be obtained through practice. For example, the poisonous demonic energy of your wolfsbane. If it weren't for the fact that demons are almost immune to the poison, this would be your world."

Xu Yangyi nodded, without regret. This was an experimental work. If there was a mistake, he would destroy it himself. After all, implanting the Wan Gu Dan Jing Wang to cultivate the demon body was indeed too bold.

There was no need to invest too much effort in a possible failure.

These things were mentioned in the practice of the Yin-Yang Soul Body, but they were not explained. Yu Chang served as the best footnote.

Who said that the other party was old and useless?

He held his breath and continued to pinch the magic formula without a trace of distraction. With his movements, the demonic energy from all directions fluctuated slightly, getting faster and faster. Finally, it formed a turbulent black fog sea, all rushing towards the Tiansheng fetus.

Swish... It was like a black hole, desperately absorbing these essences of demonic energy. The demonic energy passed through the chaotic talismans of the Tiansheng fetus due to death, and was pulled by Xu Yangyi to the chest, slowly rotating and twisting. Under his guidance, countless black talismans were like virtual tentacles, slowly rotating around the other party's heart. Inch by inch, it penetrated the body surface, soaked into the skin, and penetrated the bones.

"Huh?" At this moment, he was suddenly stunned, and his hand paused. The spreading black talisman tentacles immediately shook. He immediately suppressed his spirit and continued to attract, and then it stabilized again.

"Gold?" He was a little stunned. The black genes covering his body were like a filter. After the magic talisman passed through, it actually faded a little bit. When it spread to the heart of the Tianshengtai, it had become pure gold!

And... something was clicking near the other party's heart, as if it had touched...

"Get out of the way!" Yuchang shouted, and Xu Yangyi immediately retreated. In an instant, the entire Tianshengtai suddenly emitted a golden light, bursting out from the seven orifices and pores, and the whole body seemed transparent. And in the chest, it seemed to have a fist-sized hole cracked open. This was the source of the golden light.

Xu Yangyi opened the aura shield radioactively, but to his surprise, these golden lights actually ignored his shield! Passed through the body directly.

There was no harm, but I felt... my soul was shocked. It was as if he was facing a kind of magnificence in his blood, which he could not escape even with his realm.

"This is..." With golden light like a tide, Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the natural fetus: "Restriction?"

"It's not impossible." After a moment, he came back to his senses and pondered: "When I got this thing, I was in the Jindan stage, and I never took it out afterwards. Maybe I couldn't see its restriction at that time... What is hidden here?"

Yu Chang's expression was extremely solemn, and he took a few deep glances: "Boy... The things in it are not simple... I know, Zhu Changluo wanted to reverse the yin and yang and re-proclaimed himself emperor, but he is not a cultivator. Do you remember that he wanted to use the two corpses of heaven and earth as his carrier?"

Xu Yangyi nodded. How could he forget all this when he had a photographic memory?

"So, he also needs a core, a core with a strong self-symbol. What do you think is the most suitable?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. Without waiting for his answer, Yu Chang continued: "There is something, the proof of the emperor, and... these golden lights are dragon qi, pure and incomparable luck. You may not be able to shock you now, but on Earth, this thing can definitely suppress countless golden elixirs..."

Before it finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already stretched out his hand with a burning gaze and went straight to the other party's heart.

There is only one thing...only it can be Zhu Changluo's core!

I really didn't expect...the other party actually sealed that thing here!

Swish! The hand immediately sank into the black hole, and when it was taken out, a triangular fragment had appeared in the palm.

About an inch long, it was a crystal clear, transparent jade without a single impurity. Like a flowing ocean, it is fascinating.

"It is indeed it..." Even Xu Yangyi's eyes were slightly hot when he saw this thing: "Gold inlaid with jade!"

"The Heshi Bi... is four inches in diameter, with five dragons on the top, and the front is engraved with eight seal characters written by Li Si, 'Received the Mandate from Heaven, Long Live and Prosper'. It is also called... the Imperial Seal." Yu Chang also took several deep breaths and murmured: "At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped the throne. Emperor Liu Ying was only two years old, and the Imperial Seal was in the hands of Empress Dowager Xiaoyuan. Wang Mang forced the emperor to abdicate, and the Empress Dowager threw the Imperial Seal to the ground in anger, breaking a corner. Later, it was repaired with gold, leaving a flaw from then on, so it was named Gold inlaid with Jade."

"This is the missing corner of the Imperial Seal... Zhu Changluo actually found it? Legend has it that the real Imperial Seal disappeared at the end of the Song Dynasty or the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Could it be that he found the entire Imperial Seal?"

No one can answer these historical puzzles. This thing is not precious and has no spiritual value at all, but it is a proof of the descendants of the Chinese people. Seeing it is like seeing your own mother planet.

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