
Chapter 1215: Incarnation: Yuhe

"Too precious..." After a long time, Xu Yangyi came back to his senses and solemnly wanted to put the jade away.

This is the proof of blood, the remnant of memory, and the proof that can remind him who he is in his long cultivation career.

But at the moment when he touched the gold inlaid jade, an old hand made of spiritual energy had already grabbed his hand.

It was Yuchang.

Xu Yangyi was slightly stunned, looked up and saw the other party's burning eyes, but he was just a little bit surprised, and immediately understood it. He turned his head and looked at Tianshengtai with the same fiery look.

Yes... I originally planned to use my spiritual consciousness to directly entangle the core, without the basis of heavenly materials and treasures, but now I have it!

The body of Tianshengshi, his own spiritual consciousness, and the King of the Eternal Pill Scripture, these are all things that can be withdrawn after failure. But the Heshi Bi is different! This is a real treasure of heaven and earth! The national treasure of China, one of the four ancient civilizations on earth! It will definitely not be inferior to the treasure of hell!

Although it may not reach the top, it is already the most luxurious core at present!

"It's a pity that I've been working on gold thread for others every year." He laughed. Zhu Changluo had put in so much effort, but he didn't expect that he would benefit from it in the end.

Yu Chang didn't think about it, but looked at the He Shi Bi and said solemnly: "You have come into contact with two kinds of power now, spiritual power and demonic energy. The power of destiny, the energy of the real dragon, is an independent third power."

"Boy... don't use it for experiments. This experimental material is too precious and hard to find in five hundred years. This is the core of the Chinese imperial seal... No one knows what changes will happen, but there is absolutely no harm! This body, a fusion of your spiritual energy, the devil's demonic energy, the dragon energy of destiny, the future... I'm afraid it's bigger than you!"

Of course, I won't be a test subject.

Xu Yangyi also sorted out his thoughts. If he hadn't been 100% serious before, he immediately soared to 120% at this moment. He did not speak again, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the void. The Wanhua Zhenjian's mind-controlling spell was instantly cast, and behind him was like a midnight orchid blooming. Thousands of blue spiritual threads slowly stretched out, forming a blue light hand, gently entwined with the Heshi Bi.

The practice room became quiet. There was no time in the mountains, and time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, three years had passed. In the practice room, Xu Yangyi looked calm, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the void, with his thumbs facing each other and his four fingers crossed. In front of him, the Tiansheng fetus seemed to rotate slowly with the wind, and a fist-sized golden heart in his chest was about to condense.

I thought it was very simple, but I found it was not easy to do it. I kept my consciousness highly concentrated for a long time, and my mind was aching from time to time. There were already many jade bottles of various sizes around me, and he had almost eaten all the pills he had refined before.

However, the medicinal materials from the Wolf Chief plane were about to be delivered. He was not worried about the shortage of medicinal materials.

A series of golden talismans lingered on the Heshi Bi, wrapping it into a golden cocoon, which looked magnificent and colorful. Now only the last small part was left, and it was about to condense.

"Swish..." With a flash of golden light, more violent than before, like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, more than an hour later, the core of the incarnation was finally condensed. Xu Yangyi did not delay at all. Under the pinching of the seal, five talismans spread out from the core, spreading towards the head and limbs.

"Huh..." At this moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. It took three years, not too long or too short. Finally, the incarnation was refined.

"Quick! Cover it with your spiritual consciousness now! This is the time to give the other party basic spiritual intelligence!" Yu Chang reminded.

He nodded, pointed his index finger at his forehead, separated his spiritual consciousness, and a burst of pain rushed into the exhausted sea of ​​consciousness, but he immediately endured it.

A few seconds later, a one-inch square white light ball appeared on his finger. With a light flick, the ball immediately sank into the body of the incarnation. The other party's body shook violently, and then... there was a faint breathing sound.

Under the eyes of the infinite truth, the essence of all things in the world could not escape. He clearly saw that the consciousness rushed into the core, and a black light spread with the golden light. Then more and more, in just a few seconds, the black light had covered the entire surface, and along the talisman tree that grew like a tree, it poured towards the limbs and bones.

Finished... He finally stood up, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, because of years of sitting, his joints made a crisp sound, stretched his waist, and felt his consciousness, which had increased by about 200%.

This is the result after he separated a part!

"Not bad." Yuchang smiled with satisfaction and said, "Give it a name. None of us can predict its future path. With your qualifications, the King of Eternal Pill Scripture as a method, and the Heshi Bi as the is qualified to have its own name."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. He invested a lot of effort in this incarnation. It can be said that he used the best conditions he could use now. He couldn't bear that the other party had no name.

"Jinxiangyu, Heshi Bi...take the last word and the first word of the two, and call it...Yuhe, how about it?"

"Yuhe? Great goodness." Yuchang laughed.

At this moment, a flame turned into a crow and flew in, showing a curtain of flames. Musaweis appeared above with a respectful look: "My great master, the humble Musaweis greets you."

Xu Yangyi was in a good mood and smiled: "You came on time. The treasures in my hands have just been used up. You should be credited."

Musavis suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and immediately replied: "It is my honor to serve you!"

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "If you work hard, you will benefit from it."


After that, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the practice room.

The incarnation was refined, but it did not have any skills. It just inherited Xu Yangyi's realm. The skills are all at the lowest level. It can be slowly practiced to push the Eternal Pill Sutra King to the level of Venerable Saint. But how could Xu Yangyi wait so long?

The first experiment is to see if the magic energy can promote the operation of the Eternal Pill Sutra King.

And once it succeeds, this incarnation is made of magic energy, and the power belongs to the magic energy. To push the skills to the level of Venerable Saint, a lot of magic crystals must be consumed. He remembers how many magic crystals he needs to break through the Infinite Truth several times. It's really like a sea. Now he is deceiving the evil palace, and he can't devour demons like the black street.

So, the furnace should be opened. I'm afraid that Prince Arcane can't wait. There is still half of the deposit in the other party's hands.

He didn't see that after the two disappeared, Yuhe's eyelids moved slightly and his fingers also bounced slightly.


On the palace, Xu Yangyi just appeared and saw a huge demon beast at the door.

It had wings on its back and five humps in the middle, like a rhinoceros with camel feet. What was rare was that it didn't have the kind of hellfire that could erupt at any time, but was actually full of the breath of life.

"Honorable Master Xu." Before he could see clearly, a well-dressed demon came up, with a side-parted curly blond hair in an anthropomorphic way, and bowed respectfully: "You want to transport these things, why didn't you tell us? Space demon? Storage ring? No, those things will damage some of the magic power of the original treasure. Only this variant of the space demon can be perfectly preserved."

After speaking, it snapped its fingers, and the humps on the demon's back opened, and piles of natural treasures like small mountains flew out of the palace.

Xu Yangyi knew that no one in the Wolf Chief Plane knew the value of these things. At least the last hundred years were the high-productivity period of the Wolf Chief Plane. The next high-productivity period might have to wait until a thousand years later. After all, the longer the efficacy of the medicine, the better. The resource planes under his control were still too few to form a benign cycle.

If there were ten, or even a hundred, a batch of thousand-year-old spiritual medicines would be delivered to him every five years. How willful that would be.

"Who are you?" He looked at the demon and asked.

"Under the command of the King of the Evil Eye, Foreign Affairs Minister Aio, our caravan happened to pass through the Wolf Chief Plane... Of course, since you revealed that the Wolf Chief Plane was your territory, all the top nobles withdrew their garrisons at the same time. I happened to see Mr. Musavis who was at a loss. Please forgive me for my self-assertion."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows without comment. This was the benefit of status. He had not even explicitly said that the Wolf Chief Plane was his backyard. But it was obvious that a demon had gone to see it. The fact that the Wolf Chief Plane could not find the boundary anchor did not mean that a powerful person like Tiragangdis could not find it. Seeing the mark on the boundary anchor, they understood everything.

Not only did they not disturb him, but they also ran errands for free, and he didn't need to do anything. A wink was enough.

"Excuse me..." Io carefully looked at Xu Yangyi's face and asked tentatively: "You... are you finally going to open the furnace?"

It's a good move.

Xu Yangyi laughed and nodded: "I just came out of seclusion and have some experience. I'm short of money, so I just refined the things of the Prince of Arcane."

"Oh... Look at what you said, just say a word, and I can grant you 5 million magic crystals on the spot." Io immediately said with a smile. Xu Yangyi shook his head, some things are not so easy to get, especially when the realm is not equal.

Any alchemist, if he is spoiled and doesn't know how to please both sides, then in a place like Tiragangdis, only destruction awaits him.

"But..." He paused and glanced at Io.

He started to refine pills and waited for the feedback from the Prince of Arcane. At least one month, Yuhe could practice in advance, and he could also harvest in advance. He didn't want to wait any longer.

"I will refine some other pills this time, some for magic energy, some for spiritual energy, you..."

"Here is a deposit of three million!!" Before he finished speaking, Aiou's face flushed and he took out a red jade box without hesitation, breathing rapidly: "Do you think it's enough? We made a lot of money this time! This, this is just to buy two pills from you, how many do you want to refine? If it's not enough, I... I can mortgage some caravans here!"

Xu Yangyi looked around and saw a huge caravan of three thousand meters flying in the sky, all of which were flying magic beasts. Judging from the height of the flight, it was obviously very heavy.

"You are sensible." He laughed and took away the jade box. Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, the whole palace shook.

A strong demonic energy rushed up from the ground, the initial stage of the Venerable Saint, almost exactly the same as Xu Yangyi!

"Roar!!!" A violent roar shook the entire land. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he looked at Yu Chang in disbelief: "Yuhe?"

"It... woke up?"

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