
Chapter 1216: The Secret of the Pale Demonic Body

Without getting entangled with Aio, his figure instantly turned into a black light, and appeared in the training room a few seconds later.

He had just left for an hour, but now the scene in the training room was completely different. Yuhe didn't know when, or it was his own instinct, he had been suspended in the center of the entire hall, above that groove, and the black light outside his body was like a tide. With the rise and fall of the light, the talismans engraved on all sides kept flickering, and a series of dark magic energy rushed into its body like a tsunami.

"Self-instinct?" As soon as he rushed in, Yuchang and Xu Yangyi's eyes shrank. The magic energy here was too huge, and it had reached the peak of an early stage of the Venerable Saint. The surrounding talismans flickered not because they were damaged, but because Yuhe was desperately absorbing the magic energy, causing this magic array similar to the Gathering Spirit Array to be unable to bear it!

The terrifying tide of demonic energy brought up a raging wind, blowing Xu Yangyi's clothes fluttering. He said in a deep voice: "What's going on? Why can it start looking for food by itself when I gave it the lowest level of intelligence?"

"I don't know..." Yu Chang also stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes wide open: "I have seen many processes of refining incarnations... I have never seen this scene... But... your incarnation is completely different from them, and what will happen is also unpredictable."

"No one can use the Heshi Bi as the core, and no one can use the Eternal Pill Sutra King to practice... and you did it..."

"Woo woo woo!" Yu He suddenly opened his eyes, and two dark beams of light shot around. An extremely hungry consciousness swept in all directions, and a beast-like cry came out of his mouth, and his hair flew up. At the same time... the muscles all over his body were twisting rapidly. His body suddenly expanded and shrank.

"Gene recombination... no, it's talisman recombination." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and took a step forward, suddenly saying: "Do you feel that this scene is very similar to when I was promoted to the infinite truth?"

That feeling of hunger...that kind of demonic energy that wanted to chew up the ground, it was exactly the same!

"It is self-promoting the evolution of the Eternal Pill Sutra King."

At this moment, the last word just fell, and the mutation in the field suddenly occurred!

It was probably absorbed to a peak, and a vast golden color instantly replaced the black. Rootless golden lotuses bloomed in the void, swaying like a Buddhist forest. The demonic energy in all directions turned into blood red at some point, and the gold and blood colors complemented each other, and the Buddha and the devil were one body.

It's so familiar...

Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning, and this scene was exactly when he got the Eternal Pill Sutra King!

The rootless lotus bloomed, and the sky was full of light. The next second, the gold color soared rapidly, and an ethereal breath was like a gust of wind, replacing all the gloomy demonic energy in the blink of an eye.

The Eternal Pill Sutra King was promoted!

In just one second, he was promoted from the Qi Refining Stage to the Foundation Establishment Stage. Then, in just over ten minutes, the void vibrated with a roar, and golden light flashed, and he immediately broke through the Golden Core!

The speed was even faster than when Xu Yangyi broke through the Infinite Truth!

However, after the Golden Core, the demonic energy in all directions became thinner, and Yuhe made an unbearable gurgling sound. The demonic energy that had been slightly calmed immediately became impatient and searched everywhere frantically.

Brush... A talisman could no longer withstand this kind of killing the chicken to get the eggs, and it went out instantly. Like the sound of the bell of the end, swish swish swish... The talismans in all directions were like insects chirping, and one by one, the talismans went out. In just ten minutes, the flashing talismans in the training room were pitch black, and the gathering spirit magic array was completely ineffective! And the rolling demonic energy that condensed here also began to slowly dissipate.

"Gugugu... woo woo..." Yuhe groaned anxiously. Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply, pointed his finger at the void, and a light curtain opened.

"Musavis." He said calmly: "Immediately ask Aio to send down 5 million magic crystals. Don't ask for magic crystal tickets, but cash. Tell him that he can pick three pills of this pill. Be the first to pick."


"You want to feed it?" The light curtain went out, and Yuchang said solemnly: "I remind you again that this thing is not simple. It is not human, not demon, and its power system is unknown. Moreover, it has this kind of intelligence when it is born, and its wisdom in the future will definitely not be low. Be careful... raising a tiger will bring trouble."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yangyi looked at Yuhe coldly: "I have been practicing for so long and it still climbs over my head? If it really has this ability, this Saint Lord will not hesitate to give it freedom."

He has absolute confidence in himself.

Yuhe's cry became more and more urgent, and the brilliance of the Eternal Pill Scripture King became dimmer and dimmer, and the surrounding demonic energy almost disappeared. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he hooked his fingers. The door of the practice room opened silently, and Musavis appeared at the door panting, holding a ten-meter-long box, and flew silently into the practice room.


"Boom!" Before it could finish, the door closed immediately. On the other side of the door, Yuhe seemed to feel the extremely strong demonic energy in the box, and her voice became dry, even with a kind of crazy urging.

Xu Yangyi ignored it, waved his hand gently, and the box opened silently. Inside were all black magic crystals in the shape of gold bricks, crystal clear, and black clouds seemed to be wandering inside. The demonic energy like a tide instantly filled this space.

"Gugugugu!!" Yuhe's cry was suddenly sharp like crying blood. Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at the other party and said, "Do you want it?"

I don't know if he understood it, but Yuhe's body responded for the first time, and his head nodded silently.

"It seems... your intelligence is really high. It doesn't matter. This Saint King never hesitates to use capable people or non-humans. But you have to remember..."

He gently touched the box with his hand, not caring about Yu He's almost crazy aura, and said word by word: "Only by knowing how to advance and retreat, and being sensible, can you live a long life."

"I can create you and I can destroy you."

After the last word fell, a dozen boxes were randomly pressed, and a long river of magic crystals roared out, a total of five million pieces, forming a surrounding ocean of magic crystals.

"Goo!!!" A scream of extreme excitement, the magic crystals in all directions shattered at the same time, and the raging volcano of magic energy erupted, surrounding it into a black nebula, and it was the only star in it.

Absorb, absorb, absorb again!

The magic crystal fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just after one third of it disappeared, Yu He's body suddenly shook. This time, his body no longer grew larger or smaller, but curled up, as if enduring something difficult. The pain of speech.

Swipe, pull, pull... Its fluttering black hair was broken inch by inch, and the skin all over its body began to turn pale, and its body became more slender. Horns that went from pale to yellowish-white pierced the skin and grew from all over the body. The eyes have turned into black whites and white pupils.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi frowned: "My demon body?"

Yuhe's demonization is exactly the same as his!

The same pale, primitive demon with no tail, no devil wings, and no sharp teeth!

There was no answer, the nebula of demonic energy rotated, Yuhe was like a black hole, plundering everything around it, the aura of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra became more powerful, and its own demonic energy was also rising. If it was the first time to become a saint, now he has firmly established himself as a saint, and the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra... has advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage!

Boom... there was a silent buzz, and the golden light that almost disappeared reappeared. The top of the training room was like a sky curtain opening, projecting a colorful brilliance. Golden lotuses surged from the ground, and auspicious clouds surrounded the sky. With an earth-shattering roar, countless cracks suddenly appeared throughout the training room. Yu He panted, his chest rose and fell sharply, and he had completely transformed into Xu Yangyi's pale demon body.

Its eyes were no longer dull, and it turned around quickly. When it saw Xu Yangyi, it obviously paused, and then immediately turned away, observing everything around it.

After a few seconds, it took a long breath, and then took a crazy breath with all its strength!

Brush... Thousands of demonic energy around it resonated with the sound of the ocean tide. Its chest swelled to a full meter in size, like a rubber ball, and the long river of demonic energy lingering around it screamed and rushed towards its mouth. And its strength has increased visibly to the naked eye!

"Is it almost done?" Yuchang was a little worried.

Xu Yangyi shook his head and said calmly: "If you care, you will be confused. It... is still far from enough."

Yu He seemed to have heard these words and glanced here with a very obscure look, but did not stop. Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Now it is almost at the level of Marshall. I thought I could create a monster stronger than me."

Yuchang sneered: "For a monster like you, one is enough."

"...It's one." Xu Yangyi corrected seriously.

Don't you care about yourself getting stronger? He was still in the mood to joke... Yuhe's eyes narrowed, and his scarlet tongue licked his lipless mouth without opening a word, trying his best to increase his strength.

Time passed by, and five million units of pure demonic energy, even though Yu He was already a saint in strength, still swallowed it for six hours. Six hours later, there was no trace of demonic energy around, and its pale demonic body had swelled into the shape of a pufferfish, with a belly that was five to six meters in size. Flying in the air like balloons.

The scene was a bit ridiculous, but no one could laugh. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "It's interesting."

The seemingly funny Yuhe, the pale demon body is filled with terrifying power, like a moving nuclear bomb. As it breathes for a long time, the surrounding space begins to crack.

Its belly was shrinking at a slow speed, getting smaller and smaller... About an hour later, he finally returned to his original posture, raised his white hand to wipe his mouth, and suddenly burst out with a cry A terrifying roar.


Looking from the outside, the entire gorgeous palace was shaking desperately, and succubi flew out of it screaming. Even Ai Ou was completely stunned, looking at the palace in shock: "What... happened?"

In the training room, the pale demon body... changed for the first time.

Xu Yangyi and Yuchang completely stopped smiling, not because they were shocked by each other's strength, but because...the pale demonic body changed for the first time! From that weak form, it began to transform in some unspeakable direction!

"Your demonic body..." Yuchang took a deep breath, looked at Yuhe, then at Xu Yangyi, and said in shock: "Can it evolve?"

"Can the Kung Fu evolve after becoming a saint?"

Xu Yangyi's current infinite truth is still Nascent Soul, body, and martial arts. When the two completely reach a balance, the pale demonic body finally begins its transformation.

Kakaka... sharper bone spurs broke through the skin and grew out of the body, and the legs began to grow. They were not thin and weak, but full of muscles. Although they were not human, they had a shocking beauty. Like a muscular cheetah. His body is still pale, but the black tattoos that were originally small have become more numerous and spread across his arms like flowers.

What's even more terrifying is that bone scythes actually grew out of its elbows. At the same time, two huge muscles on its back swelled higher and higher. Ten minutes later, with a scream, two huge white devil wings suddenly unfolded. .

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