
Chapter 1217: Yuhe is executed

The talisman was reorganizing and twisting for dozens of minutes. With a deafening explosion, a black light exploded and turned into the same rolling black tide as before. Both people present knew that something was different.

In the center of the black tide, a powerful force was reconstructing, as if adjusting some inharmonious parts of the body. A few minutes later, with a swish, the black cloud dissipated. A figure about two meters tall, not considered tall among demons, has appeared in the field of vision.

There are more bones than before, and bones in many places climb out unscientifically, forming something like bone armor, with more barbs, and two huge demon horns on the top of the head are as eye-catching as elk. About one-third of the body is covered with black lines, the skin is still pale, but full of cracks, and flames jump out from under the cracks from time to time.

The legs are typical recurved joint demon legs, two bone scimitars grow out of the elbows, two golden eyes appear in the palms, and the two demon wings behind are at least ten meters in size. The whole figure looks much better than Xu Yangyi's. It is also much more powerful.

"Is it still far away now?" Just as the two of them were observing all this calmly, Yuhe spoke with a smile, and he could actually speak human language, staring at Xu Yangyi: "Father?"

"You still have a lot to learn." Xu Yangyi took a look and nodded: "Are there any new changes?"

"Do you know..." Yuhe did not answer, but adapted to his body, slowly walked in the void, and every step shook the entire space with a spider web pattern, and said hoarsely: "I hate being used as a research subject."

"You created me, which really disgusts me. Knowing that there is another thing in the world with the same core as me... Let's call it a human, it really makes me sick and I don't want to go out."

It smiled and turned its head: "I just want myself to be the unique 'only one,' what do you think? Father?"

Xu Yangyi also smiled: "I am very tolerant of children."

"What a bad father-son relationship." Yuchang sighed and silently walked away dozens of meters. Everyone can feel that the two identical demons, one tall and one short, one up and one down, one day and one place, exude a fierce fighting spirit.

No one expected Yuhe to grow so fast. As far as it knows, it would take at least a thousand years for any incarnation to reach this stage. But this monster was born with it. It is really unknown whether Xu Yangyi's genes are too strong, or the King of the Eternal Pill Scripture, or the Heshi Bi played a role.

In hell, this kind of thing is called an alchemical product. It is not classified as a biological category at all, even if it has a wisdom close to or higher than that of a biological being.

Yuhe is completely different from these things. It has extremely rich emotions at the moment of birth, and now it has challenged Xu Yangyi's sovereignty.

The same inner self, the same "I," this kind of thing only needs one. Unless it is another one who is willing to be the subordinate.

"What a pity... I'm not a grateful child." Yuhe stepped forward with a cold smile on his face: "I can feel that your genes are very strong, and I don't recognize the talisman in your body. Well... thank you."

"Then, go to hell."

The voice fell calmly, without any fluctuations. In this indifferent voice like a lake, it seemed as if a line was broken, and its figure suddenly turned into a black light and rushed straight towards Xu Yangyi.


Extremely fast!

Even Yuchang didn't see the opponent's speed clearly, and the pale figure had stopped in front of Xu Yangyi.

At the same time, another demonic energy rushed into the sky, and the infinite truth was fully operational. Yuhe grabbed with one claw, and a piece of the same black mist suddenly rose in front of him. Another pale hand suddenly broke through the black mist and grabbed Yuhe's claws.

With a flash of his eyes, Yuhe screamed, and his right wing passed like a blade, but it couldn't cut Xu Yangyi's skin at all, but only dragged out a streak of golden sparks.

Dang! The sound of metal and iron dispersed the countless black fog around. Two pale figures intersected with lightning. They had no magical powers or magic, and relied entirely on their own strength.

Claws, demon wings, legs, these parts all became tools for killing, bringing up blade-like winds, so fast that only afterimages were left. Two groups of white shadows intertwined wildly, and the surrounding void was shattered layer by layer, but they all maintained the basic qualities of the saints - meticulous control, no power was released at all, and all were covered within 50 meters.

Rumble... A large number of spider web patterns began to appear on the foundation. This close combat did not last too long. After only five minutes, with a cry of surprise, a white voice was like being hit by a cannonball, flying dozens of meters, and suddenly crashed into the wall, looking at the other party in disbelief: "This... How is this possible!"

It was Yuhe.

Punches hit the flesh, and every knife saw blood. It never thought it would lose! Yes, its experience may be insufficient, but its strength is absolutely overwhelming! It is a demon body that has evolved once, and the other party is still in a state of no evolution at all! The skin couldn't resist the slash, the internal organs couldn't stand the pressure, and there was no place to hurt him except his fists, but... he still lost!

He lost by one move, but it was just one move, and he still lost.

The opponent's finger lightly touched him, and he was hit by thunder and flew 50 meters away. He couldn't understand how he could lose to a demon body that hadn't evolved!

"That's about it." Xu Yangyi touched the white skin a little uncomfortably. He hadn't appeared in this form for too long, and it felt a little unnatural. The most important thing was that this state had no lethality and was too weak.

"If the child is naughty, he can make trouble, but if he makes trouble to the point of killing his father, the parents will not forgive him."

Damn it!

Hearing this, Yuhe's eyes turned red, and he spread his wings, turning into a white meteor and rushing up again.

Kakaka! Countless bone spurs grew all over his body, like flying bayonets, and the void was silently broken wherever he passed.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were slightly cold.

Yuhe could be regarded as his first creation, or even his son, so he still had some feelings for him. The reason why he didn't let Yuhe feel desperate at the beginning was that he wanted to see how strong the other party was. Now...

I have to say, I am very disappointed.

He has no combat experience. Obviously, the demon wings, bone spurs, and sickles are all first-class killing weapons, but he can't use them at all. During the contact, he could feel that the other party's body density was very high, the power was very strong, and the demonic energy was also very majestic. He could actually practice magic and body cultivation, but...

He couldn't use it at all!

It was almost the same as the crazy Carl.

"I have never advocated corporal punishment for children." He took a step forward slowly and said lightly: "But sometimes, it seems that I am too kind."

Just as Yuhe approached him, a black tide suddenly rose, with countless barbs standing in it. The long-silent red line rose into the air like a meteor with a cry of joy. Suddenly, the black tide on all sides turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the ground became purgatory. One by one, the Asura statues rose from the ground, staring at Yuhe with overwhelming oppression.

"This is..." Yuhe's heart jumped suddenly. It could feel that this man was very strong, but he lacked only skills. However, the moment this purgatory appeared, this idea completely changed.

Magnificent and majestic, it traveled through hell, and the other party was the king here. In the indifference of the gods and Buddhas, it felt a kind of powerlessness and insignificance.

The flames were raging, and the divine power was like a prison. The devil walked in the palace of flames and came from the sky.

"Damn..." Yuhe's pupils suddenly contracted, his hands quickly made hand gestures, and his chest swelled up quickly, but at this moment, a sound quietly rang out in this space.


It was not clear, but it conveyed the bottom of his heart.

It was not grand, but it made Yuhe's skin instantly flush red, and his chest, which had just swelled up, immediately deflated.

The magical power interrupted...

It was just a slight step.

"This..." It raised its head in astonishment, and the pale figure that had not evolved was reflected in its horrified pupils, and it took a step and landed.

Dong!! This sound was like a loud bell, and it suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, as if it was in the center of a typhoon, and it couldn't keep its balance even with its wings spread out. With an unbelievable scream, its heart beat wildly.

Demon King...

A terrifying word appeared in his mind. Before he could think about it, he stepped forward like a god, breaking through the void, steadily and firmly. Every step made his heart beat faster. Later, his heart almost beat out of his chest, and his whole body was trembling. The terrifying aura that was enough to crush him was eroding his heart all the time.

It wanted to escape, but it felt that its legs were weak. It couldn't stay calm under such a huge terror.

It wanted to fight back, but its hands were shaking and it couldn't keep its balance at all.

One hundred meters, fifty meters... There was a buzzing in his ears, and with a loud noise that shook the earth, the seemingly weak pale demon body was already standing one meter in front of him.

And he himself, without knowing when, had wrapped his whole body with wings, shivering like a leaf in the wind.

A white hand, with human warmth, slowly pinched its throat, like an antelope caught by a tiger, and a cold voice sounded in his ears: "Do you know?"

"I have never opened the domain since I came here. It is your father's last trump card."

"You are not bad for being able to hold on for a minute under my domain."

An emotion called fear spread to Yuhe's newborn heart. It lowered its head and trembled: "Its...what's"

"Killing." The other party's voice was very gentle, and he used his thumb to touch its chin: "Be obedient, huh?"

Yuhe pursed his lips tightly, it didn't want didn't want to! It didn't like this human! It didn't want to have a creature with the same inner qualities as him in the world!

As long as he thought of it, he would have a killing intent! It is the only one, it is unique!

"Hmm..." But now it can only lower its head and respond muffledly.

"Very..." Before Xu Yangyi could finish his words, Yuhe suddenly raised his head, with countless flames floating around the edge of his mouth, staring at Xu Yangyi. With a fierce roar, a black demonic light column with the flames of hell rushed out of his mouth!

Devil's Breath!

After evolving once, in addition to the change in appearance, this is the biggest trump card.

The symbol of the devil.

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