
Chapter 1218: Family with Children

"Go to hell..." it thought bitterly. However, before it finished thinking, its face was completely dull.

Right in front of it, the pale demon in the unevolved state looked at him calmly, with a fist-sized black hole spinning between its eyebrows, and all the breath was sucked into the vortex without leaving any trace, without hurting Xu Yangyi at all.

Is this man a monster?

How could a human... an unevolved demon body be so powerful? That he, who had evolved once, didn't even have the thought of resisting?

Time seemed to stop. Yu He stared at all this with his eyes wide open, and after a long time, he said hoarsely: "You... your trump card... isn't it the so-called domain..."

Then what is this?

Xu Yangyi smiled: "I forgot to tell you."

"There are more parts that make up my domain."

"Unfortunately, you angered your father in the end."

Before he finished speaking, he threw his right hand casually, and with a bang, Yu He was smashed into the ground in the middle of the hall from the air like a bullet, and his lower body sank directly into the ground.

What a strange power!

Before Yuhe could spit out a mouthful of blood, a demonic energy quickly wrapped around it. In just a moment, a ten-meter shield was formed around it. Yuhe was stunned for a moment, and then with a furious roar, the demon wings spread out and slashed over like a knife.

Boom! ! The demonic energy was overflowing, but it could not be broken at all!

"Let me out!!!" Humiliation instantly filled its mind, sickle, claws all used, screaming madly: "You can't do this to me!!"

"I was created by you! You can't lock me up here!!"

Xu Yangyi's pale figure fell in front of it, and he said lightly: "It's not a lock-up."

"It's a punishment."

"It's not a punishment for your disrespect to me, but a punishment for you not knowing the other party's foundation and daring to act rashly. Not wiping out your spiritual wisdom is already my kindness to you."

Yu He looked at the demon in front of him with red eyes, and the infinite truth was activated again. Xu Yangyi returned to the human form and patted the light shield: "Practice for a hundred years. If you have the ability to break my seal, it's okay."

"This is your homework."

After speaking, his figure disappeared into the space with Yu Chang.

After a few seconds of silence, Yuhe suddenly punched the ground and said angrily: "Wait..."

"One day, I will defeat you squarely and make you admit my existence! Break away from you... and become an independent self!"

It is not stupid, on the contrary, it is very smart. After just one battle, it understands that it is impossible for it to kill this monster that is more monstrous than itself. It is the best result to defeat him in one's lifetime.

No one will pay attention to Yuhe's thoughts. In the flashing light, Xu Yangyi has appeared in a bedroom in the palace. Immediately, two succubi came up to massage him and change his clothes.

He slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed everything he deserved. It must be said that the succubus race is indeed a specialty of hell. Because of the flames all over the body, the massage hands are very warm, but they don't burn people at all. Even if you raise your eyes, you can see the towering peaks shaking above your head because of the angle.

Except for the lack of pupils, red skin, a pair of horns and a pair of wings, and a slender little devil tail, there are almost no shortcomings. Perfect figure and face are their identity cards.

"Why don't you just wipe out its intelligence?" Yuchang asked in his consciousness.

Xu Yangyi shook his head gently: "There is not enough time, and there are not enough materials. If I take out my consciousness, the core will collapse, and this incarnation will be useless. And... don't you think it's interesting?"

Yuchang said with a straight face: "I don't think it's interesting at all."

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "With its character, it must work hard to practice. After a hundred years, it will be in vain. I am looking forward to its crying expression."


Is this really the upright Xu Yangyi?

Yuchang looked at him unbelievingly for several times. Such black-bellied words are not like his style at all! Is he really a new father? Being the child of this guy is really a tragedy in life!

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes gently, enjoying the rare relaxation. After another ten minutes, he suddenly said: "Hongxian, what have you been doing recently?"

Since coming to Tiragangdis, the other party has never shown up once. The saying that crying children get candy is absolutely true. Hong Xian will not cry or make a fuss, let alone act cute. If you don't call it, it will be as quiet as death. In addition, after coming to hell, there are so many things to do that there is no real moment to slow down. Over time, I even feel that the other party and the field have merged into one, and I almost forgot the other party's existence.

Yuchang teased: "Forgetting the old when there is a new person, as a father, it is too irresponsible."

Xu Yangyi's old face blushed rarely, and before he opened his mouth, he heard Hong Xian's timid voice: "Dad... I feel that there are many terrible existences here, I, I dare not come out..."

"Don't do this, you should show your presence more." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the succubus retreated. He sighed and said, "From today on, you can go wherever you want. It's not easy to come to such a powerful plane. How big is my sea of ​​consciousness? It's too lonely for you to stay in there."

"Really?" Hong Xian's voice was obviously excited, and he asked crisply, "Then... can I stay on Dad's shoulder?"

"I won't go far, just stop there and take a look..."

Yuchang was filled with love and glared at Xu Yangyi fiercely. Xu Yangyi rubbed his nose and said awkwardly: "Of course, you can go wherever you want. It was my father who did something wrong before..."

"Very good." Hongxian flew out in a flash, and lay obediently on Xu Yangyi's shoulder, touching his face with his wings: "I know dad is busy, so you didn't ignore me on purpose. Besides, aren't I very close to dad? "

Xu Yangyi felt a rare softness in his heart. He touched the other person and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this in the future. No matter how busy dad is, if you want to play or make trouble, dad will accompany you."

Rubbing, rubbing again, the red thread that finally came out was obviously appeased. This is a little demon spirit that is easily satisfied. Xu Yangyi's answer was to stick to his shoulder and refuse to fly down, desperately rubbing his aura body against the other person's shoulder. face, occasionally picking up his black hair with wings, having a great time.

Yuchang glared at Xu Yangyi again, look what you have done to your daughter!

"Come on, Hongxian, come to grandpa." Yuchang stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the red thread seemed startled, and immediately hid in Xu Yangyi's hair, pushing up a large piece of his black hair, exposing half of his head and looking at the fish intestines carefully.


"It's okay." Xu Yangyi also felt strange. He and Hongxian didn't communicate much, so why did the other party kiss him so much? Is it really because of the God-Sealing Knot planted by Nanhua Butterfly Mother that the other party was separated from her, and blood is thicker than water?

"Just go and play with grandpa, he... um... he's a good person."

The face of Yuchang, who was inexplicably given the good guy card, turned a little dark, but it soon brightened up, because the red thread finally flew over tremblingly and lay on its beard. The picture was very weird, as if it had a bow on its beard. , but very warm.

Seeing the two of them having fun, Xu Yangyi finally felt that his conscience had been redeemed, well... that's how it should be.

The warm time always passed quickly. After dozens of minutes, he stood up, nodded towards Yuchang, and was about to walk out of the palace, but Hongxian immediately abandoned Yuchang and flew over, a huge The wings covered Xu Yangyi's face, preventing him from leaving.

"No, no, no."

"Okay, I'm not leaving...can you come with me?"

Finally, the restless little guy settled down and walked towards the outside of the palace with Yuchang.

"Are you ready to turn on the stove?" Yuchang asked in a deep voice after subduing his joking mood.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, with a solemn look in his eyes: "Solomon's Feast is about to be held, bringing together many grand dukes and princes of Tiragandis. They may not come themselves, but their representatives will definitely come. Do you think they will Why hold this party?”

"The Devil's Oven is about to explode. Every second is extremely precious. Where do they get the American time?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Hongxian looked confused.

"I'll tell you later." Xu Yangyi smiled and patted the other person's head. This feeling of someone being attached to him... isn't bad...

Yuchang pondered for a few seconds: "Have you ever felt that the operation mode of the Abyss Arena is very similar to something on earth?"

"Boxing match." The two said almost in unison.

The analysis team, the intelligence team, the huge gambling capital, the magnificent arena, the rating data... any of them are exactly the same as the boxing matches on earth. What is the difference between Zunsheng, Taixu battlefield, and boxing competition? It's just expanded tens of millions of times.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. They could not guess how large the Abyss Arena was. After an object was expanded tens of millions of times, it would be far from its original appearance. That kind of scale was beyond human imagination. However, they can get to the bottom of it.

"That's right." Yuchang nodded deeply: "So... I think this Solomon's Feast is not so much a wish for you to succeed, but rather..."

"Final investigation." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. He had already thought of this possibility, and Yuchang has now confirmed it.

Yuchang considered it carefully and said: "The Ferrers family is ready to place bets. This is a carnival for all demons. I don't know how much money is being gambled... The gambling money of these top nobles is also a signal, who they are optimistic about and who they are not optimistic about." , will affect the nobles of the next level, and then the nobles of the next level can affect the next level of those who have no access to the top nobles, and finally... spread to the entire Ferrus line! "

"Furthermore, the original family will follow the lead of the deception, and other big families will also refer to the betting numbers of the Ferrers family. It may not be the same, but it will definitely be affected. In other words..."

It took a deep breath: "This is a silent assessment, and it is very important! Don't forget, a win in the Abyss Arena is divided into 50 and 50. This is related to your first pot of gold! If you want Yuhe in the future If you continue to develop and devour its cultivation from time to time, then at least let it be at the same level as you."

Otherwise, even the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra would not be able to match the speed of Zunsheng's breathing and inhalation compared to Taixu. Once Xu Yangyi advanced to Taixu and Yuhe was still Zunsheng, then the means of joint cultivation with this incarnation would be meaningless.

"With your investment... a trip to the Abyss Arena, you can acquire the magic crystal that will never be exhausted! Enough to make Yuhe your perpetual motion machine!"

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