
Chapter 1220: Hell's Annular Solar Eclipse

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Eighteen rays of divine consciousness as vast as a galaxy swept across the entire Tiragandes in an instant, and no one could notice that these mythical monsters had awakened again from their eternal slumber tens of thousands of years later.

Because of this grand gathering of all demons.

The deceiving Mephistopheles, the destructive Baal, the vicious Botis, the festering Larkin...these famous demon kings once again opened their eyes and looked at Tiragandes outside.

No one can see that the peak of the original world is bursting out with magnificent rays of light that travel through the universe and cut through the stars. The surrounding universe seems to be collapsing, and the most exquisite black shadows emerge from the depths of the universe, heading towards Rushing here.

It is as majestic as the sea, and the tide of clouds spans the stars. A solar eclipse visible to the naked eye, with the appearance of this sea, has spread down from the peak of the original space.

"The Devil's Furnace has begun to condense..." The King of Thousand Throats took a breath. Even with their status, they felt unbelievable at the moment: "How is this possible... Why is it so fast this time? It has only been four or five years. Huh? Wasn’t it twenty years after the first gathering?

All the light screens were silent, and every top nobleman of the Ferrers family looked at the sky in astonishment. Suddenly, the light screen of the Grizzly Prince flickered and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn!!" "Go back and prepare! How could it be so fast this time?!" "Within half a year, the Devil's Oven will absorb all the finalized lists! If you are not ready, it will be too late!"

Several princes and princes cursed angrily, and then all the light curtains dissipated.

The King of Thousand Throats stared at the sky blankly, and then lowered his head for a long time. Due to the surge of demonic energy, the black robe more than ten meters wide was fluttering like death wings. He slowly raised his hands, and his laughter was filled with madness and exhaustion. Xi Dili: "Come on...come on..."

"Let the killing wash away everything, let the blood purify everything. We have waited too long for the feast that takes place every tens of thousands of years..."

They were the first ones to notice it, but soon, the entire plane of deception was aware of it.

"Well done!!" "Kill it! Tear him to pieces!" "Bull Rodan! I pressed three thousand magic crystals on you! You must win!!" "Stand up and fight back! Are you like Are you lying here like a coward?"

A grand arena, about five kilometers away, the Devil's Oven is approaching. All the important hubs of the Eighteen Hells have set up such large arenas. The quotas for the top nobles and big families are determined within the clan. But that doesn't mean that they can only be allowed to enter the Abyss Arena.

There are also countless small families and countless grassroots demons, some of whom are remnants of ancient times, and some of whom are super powerful demons who have received great luck from the sky. They are also eager for this ticket. And after the fifty years are over, the top one thousand people in all the arenas will be sent to the Gray Tower of Deception, and will be sent to the Devil's Oven by the great Demon Lord.

In the arena, two tall demons roared, spread their wings, breathed out in all directions, and red beams of light burst into the air like fireworks. This is a low-level scene that Xu Yangyi's kind of high-level people have no access to. And around the arena, endless low-end demons were screaming at the top of their lungs. Waving his wings and arms.

They twisted into a huge piece of demonic energy, and tried their best to support the demon they had bet on. The market has started as early as now.

"Boom!!" A demon's arm was broken, but he refused to step down at all, because his opponent was not much better. The wings were torn to pieces, the ground was covered with spider web patterns, and everyone was at the end of the crossbow. It used up its last breath of demonic energy, and a breath rolled out, shining with fire and thunder.

However, the opponent also tried his best to avoid it. Before the demon that breathed out could take the opportunity to attack, it was completely stunned.

Not just it, all the demons were sluggish. The scene that had been hoarse just now and filled with rage could be heard in an instant. All demons, whether spectators, referees, or players, all raised their heads, extremely shocked, looking at the sky like puppets, and even kept cheering with their arms raised.

Darkness follows you like a shadow.

Bloody, everywhere.

A pitch-black sky has quietly descended, and there are countless blood-red colors inside, like blood-colored eyes. And in the center of this darkness, in the sun, something vague is gestating and transforming.

It was like a furnace, emitting boundless but silent red light. A black light spot erupted from the center, then slowly spread, and a few minutes later, turned into a terrifying annular solar eclipse.

Shadows covered the sky and passed over everyone present, plunging the place into boundless darkness.

"Click..." A sound was very slight, but it resounded throughout the entire field. It was the record book held by the referee, which had fallen to the ground due to the sharp trembling of his body.

This sound seemed to wake everyone up. A short demon calmed down the enthusiasm on his face and became extremely solemn. He lowered his head and clasped his hands together. Silently muttering something.

Starting from it, ten, one hundred... one thousand, ten thousand! By the end, the entire arena was extremely solemn and dignified, and every demon had their hands clasped together, praying for something.

The street was still bustling with traffic just now. Countless demons were looking at the products, and some even took action in the street. But when darkness fell, everyone froze instantly.

In the carriage, a nobleman stretched out his head and looked at the sky with his mouth wide open. He didn't notice that the carriage had stopped.

Some little devils were pulled by the tribesmen and stood by the street without saying a word, with their hands clasped together and their attitude pious.

Solemnity spread from here, chilling replaced fanaticism, and the Eighteen Hells, no matter which side they were in, fell silent. Even if they have not experienced this scene, everyone knows what happened because of the historical records.

One prayer from hell, eighteen prayers from hell, covering Tiragandes's annular solar eclipse shadow, shrouding this ancient plane.

The Demonic Oven Condensation Begins!

Brush... In the distant chaotic hell, the Gluttonous Demon King stood up, holding the hydrangea in his hand, and looked deeply into the distance, as if he wanted to see through the void.

In the hell of doom, countless low-level three-headed dogs, giant snake demons, and harpy demons were silently licking their tongues, their demonic energy gathering momentum, as if waiting for something. Perhaps this is the first horn of this feast.

In the endless hell of Bo Xun, outside the void, three devils with overwhelming magic power allowed their cloaks to be blown by the strong winds rolled up by the devil's furnace. They looked directly at the light that was as bright as a torch several light years away, and their chests rose and fell sharply.

"Huh?" Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes after deceiving Nie Gong, and at the same time, so did Yu Chang.


It was extremely quiet, as if... some terrifying existence was about to arrive.

It's strange. He is clearly isolated from all demonic energy here, but he feels strangely... all the eighteen hells are quiet.

It was the shock that rose from the bottom of my heart and the awe that spread from the depths of my soul.

"What a terrible feeling..." In an instant, goosebumps surged all over his body. Even he felt the trembling in his heart at this moment. Like death whispering in my ears.

What on earth is this?

Without any unnecessary words, he immediately rushed out with Yuchang following the red thread.

As soon as he opened the door, an indescribable demonic energy suddenly swept through everyone. His knees paused and he almost knelt down involuntarily. Then, he saw endless darkness.

Those lewd, slutty, succubi who wanted to take off his pants every time they saw him. There were also the housekeepers and servants who were usually respectful to him. They all seemed to have not seen him at this moment. They all knelt on the spot, clasped their hands, and muttered something, with a look of fanaticism and piety on their faces. It actually showed a kind of holiness.

Regardless of this, he tried his best to get rid of the terrifying pressure that followed him and rushed out of the palace with all his strength.

"Ha..." Yuchang, him, and Hongxian all gasped.


Real hell.

If the previous hell still had some so-called breath of life, the hell at this moment has revealed its true appearance.

Depressed, blood-red, the whole world is left with the main theme of black and red, as if the red is blood and the black is scars where blood has solidified.

In the black and red realm, strong winds swept around, rolling up the surrounding flags and clan emblems, making his clothes rustle. Looking up into the sky, I saw that only the outermost ring of the sun was left at this moment, and the surrounding kilometers were red. Beyond the red, countless blacks were sweeping towards the sun crazily.

The vortex of sin, the annular eclipse of hell.

"Is this...the start of the Demonic Furnace's condensation?" Xu Yangyi said in astonishment.

It was only now that his mood became completely serious.

I had heard people talk about the Great Gathering of Ten Thousand Demons before, and heard people talk about the spectacle that happened every tens of thousands of years, but I couldn’t understand it at all. Only when you really see it can you appreciate the so-called grand event.

Far beyond anything he imagined, this kind of celestial phenomenon, this kind of change, this kind of... the worship of all the heavens and the world is just the beginning, and it is enough to get a glimpse of the leopard.

Yuchang was also stunned. This was a change in mentality. Hearing about war and participating in war are completely different things. No matter how much preparation they had made before, at this moment, they felt it was not enough!

"It's begun..." After a long time, Yuchang lowered his head. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Xu Yangyi frowning slightly and looking towards the sky.

"How did you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already raised his hand to signal it to stop.

Such a familiar feeling...

The exact shape of the oven shadow in the sun could not be seen clearly. According to his knowledge, this kind of explosion would occur twice. However, for the first time, he actually felt a... call?

"It's Su Xingyao..." He closed his eyes, pondered for a few seconds and then opened them again, looking at the black and red hell in front of him. This time he was extremely sure: "It is indeed her!"

"She really was here!"

There was one part of Su Xingyao's life experience that she never mentioned, and Xu Yangyi didn't ask about it either.

That is...where did she go after she left Wangxian City? Why did he wake up in the Tower of Babel on Earth?

There was a blank space in the middle, but now, an answer appeared vaguely.

"Tiragondis...she came here...came here with the original prototype of the Talisman of Desire..." Xu Yangyi looked deeply into the sky and murmured.

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