
Chapter 1221: The Final Assassination (I)

The black tide continues, Tiragandis is too big, and even if it is illuminated by light, it will take several years for the convergence plane to be measured in light years. This shadow is cast from the original space, and now it only reflects the last part of each hell. Just the center.

Black swallows everything, and blood red covers it, forming the main theme of Tiragandis. The true face of hell slowly opens up. No matter who it is, they can only feel shocked in front of the darkness and boundless scarlet that covers the universe.

Ten minutes later, the annular solar eclipse had swallowed up everything and moved into the distance. Only then did all the demons stand up in silence. They all returned to their rooms, and Xu Yangyi swore that he had never seen the devil behave so well. It was as if he had changed into a different personality before the shock of the devil's oven.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi frowned suddenly and pressed his eyebrows together abruptly.

"What's going on?" Yuchang asked in shock.

what happened?

Xu Yangyi didn't even know that at this moment, the Devouring Talisman and the Desire Talisman started jumping wildly without warning. As if he was alive, he wanted to break through his body and enter the oven several times. If he had not completely mastered these two talismans, he would have been broken out by the other party.

It's as if... the mother's body is calling the child who has left home.

Brush, he suddenly looked up into the sky, the infinite truth was moving, but he couldn't see anything. However, a kind of throbbing from the bottom of his heart, like the most primitive call, no sound, no words, but through the overwhelming The black tide spreads to the bottom of my heart.

He shook his head vigorously, his heart still beating wildly, but the silent call had quietly disappeared. It was as if it had never happened before, and before he could reflect on it carefully, there was a sound of "tat-tat-tat" high-heeled shoes coming from far away. Andelina opened her mouth wide, holding up her princess dress, and shook her mouth with two huge fangs. Outside, he jumped out of a car sweating profusely.

"What are you still doing here!" As soon as it saw Xu Yangyi, it was so frightened that it grabbed his hand: "Do you want to die? Come in immediately..."

The incoming words were swallowed up in a majestic shock. One second, everything was silent, and the next second, thunder shook the sky. The entire Palace of Deception and all the buildings were humming. Then, on the Gray Tower of Deception in the center, A huge silver-gray light burst out, and a huge shadow wrapped in devil wings, carrying an unbelievable devilish aura, appeared spinning in the sky.

It is huge, about 10,000 meters.

It is so unique that once you see it, you will never forget it.

Its power, its majesty, and its dominion over the world cannot be expressed in words. Wherever it stands, people can only have one feeling when they see it.

See, this is cheating hell.

"Mephistopheles..." Xu Yangyi raised his head and let Andelina pull him in without looking away at all. Dubu was so close to him, about tens of thousands of meters away. This terrifying pressure deeply shocked his soul. The gap between Dubu and Taixu was indescribable. If Taixu was said to be, he could still feel that he was human. But Doppo...he no longer knew what it was.

The pinnacle of the three middle realms.

The most powerful existence in the entire Tiragandis appeared at this moment.

The Roaring Ram - Mephistopheles, the demon king who survived the war between gods and demons for hundreds of thousands of years, spread out his huge wings, and could only see the appearance clearly, not the reality at all. It's clearly right in front of you, but it seems so far away. Seeing flowers in the fog, it gently raised its hand.

A string of ancient magic words that no one had heard resounded through the sky, but strangely everyone could understand them.

"The mantra of deception...the call of corruption...the silver crack...respond to the call of Mephistopheles...spread your wings at this moment..."

boom! ! !

Following its magic words, the entire deception erupted into a silvery gray brilliance. Talismans that were extremely complicated and should not exist in the world flowed throughout the entire deception palace, including every house. With a loud noise , a silver light curtain blocked the entire palace.

At this moment, whether it is between deception, tyranny, or even origin, viciousness, or decay... Looking from the farthest reaches of the universe, one can see eighteen heart-stopping huge phantoms. Standing outside the clouds, they spread their wings to protect the entire plane.

A few light-years away, a female demon, wearing iron armor, chopped off the head of the astral beast in front of her with a sword. The opponent's huge body of thousands of meters fell into the void wailing. At this moment, the pendant on its chest suddenly started beating crazily. It suddenly turned its head and looked in the direction of Tiragandes.

Kakaka... The surrounding void was trembling because of an infinite power. It had no place to come from and no place to go. The stars in all directions trembled slightly.

"The Devil's Oven opened... so soon? Didn't it mean a hundred years later? It will only start to condense after twenty years. Why is it so early this time?"

It's not beautiful. Its red hair is draped over its shoulders like flames. It wrinkles its nose like a black hole and sniffs: "All eighteen lords have awakened... It really broke out... This is the family calling me again... I must gone back……"

The corpse of the astral beast contained great value. It did not close up at all, but turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the back. At the same time, there are many lone rangers like it in all directions of the universe, and they all turn into countless streams of light and rush back.

There were hundreds of plane shuttles among them, rushing back at lightning speed. From a distance, one after another, the radiant light was all converging towards one goal.


"Let's go!" Andrina pulled Xu Yangyi and rushed into the door. The door closed with a bang. Xu Yangyi realized that all the demons in the hall moved without his command. They were holding candles and lighting the whole hall.

Andrina breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xu Yangyi hatefully: "Do you want to die!"

Hongxian jumped in shock and immediately shrank behind Xu Yangyi: "Auntie Ugly is so fierce."

Andrina wanted to bite this damn spirit to death!

Who is ugly! Who is fierce! An ugly creature like your master who has no demon horns and wings and has a weird shit-yellow skin, do you think a noble demon would like him!

No... the point is not here... it took a deep breath and said: "Although I don't know why, the Demonic Furnace has erupted in advance. At most one hour, all the names on record will be sent to the Demonic Furnace. From then on, you are absolutely safe and no one can harm you except the contestants."

"However, these names are searched by the Demonic Furnace itself. Its huge divine consciousness will sweep the entire Tiragangdis! Only the Taixu Demon King can survive under this terrifying divine consciousness! Any saint who touches it will die!"

"Divine consciousness?" Xu Yangyi came back to his senses and raised his eyebrows and said: "A magic weapon also has divine consciousness... Is it a spirit?"

Andrina stopped talking suddenly, looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, and said after a few seconds: "It seems that no one has ever said... The Demonic Furnace is a dead thing?"

Living thing?


What on earth is this cosmic artifact that gave birth to all demons?

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he took a deep look at Andrina. Since he came to the Palace of Deception, the other party had deliberately alienated him because of fear. The purpose of coming here at this time is really worth pondering.

"Don't look at me like that." Andrina sneered: "I am afraid of you. According to the Yiya contract, I will sell your pills and we will never have any contact from now on. Until now, I am not stupid enough to think that I can control you."

"It's just that I just found out that your gambling money is zero?" A fiery light burst out of its eyes: "Oh... Damn, those idiots didn't see your value? Only I know you best. You need magic crystals now? You need your own team, right? I... am willing to bet three million magic crystals on you! In exchange for your exclusive naming rights!"

Xu Yangyi laughed, and was amused by Andrina's fantasy. Before she could speak, Andrina suddenly raised her hand, her ugly scalp deeply wrinkled, walked around Xu Yangyi, and stared at him: "Why are you lighting so many Fellers silver candles?"

Xu Yangyi turned his head and saw that there was already a sea of ​​candles behind him, with thousands of candles burning at the same time. The candlesticks were extremely delicate, made of pure silver, and engraved with reliefs of demons. The burning flames were not red, but silver-white, and could not be blown away by the wind, emitting an addictive fragrance.

The servants were all moving respectfully and methodically, silent and peaceful. He turned around and said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Of course it's wrong!" Andrina rushed over in one step: "You don't know the rules of hell... Each plane has its own unique etiquette, such as now. The world fell into darkness, and the Fellers Silver Candle responded to the dispute... This is the ceremony to welcome the devil's furnace, and each class has a corresponding number! And only the fighters who are determined to join the Abyss Arena are qualified to respond to the call, which is a great honor!"

"But the ceremony for any demon to respond to the call is fixed, they have exceeded the scope of the marquis or even the duke! Who allowed them to do this? Stop immediately, I order as the princess of the Fellers family!"

However, the servants seemed not to hear it, and they were still acting on their own. Xu Yangyi glanced at them, and his eyes suddenly shone.

It seems peaceful, but their movements... are exactly the same! In this candlelight swaying palace, countless identical figures are reflected, and... are slowly condensing!

The Seven Star Divine Calculation worked quickly and immediately got the answer.


"Don't go over there." Xu Yangyi hooked his finger, and Andrina immediately screamed and flew back. At the same time, all the candles burst into flames several meters high, burning desperately with the naked eye! The swaying candlelight cast an endless shadow, outlining a strange shape.

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