
Chapter 1222: The Final Assassination (Part 2)

The figure was thirty or forty meters long, and with a wave, a majestic figure appeared in it.

It seemed like a lion, or a Pixiu, lazily lying in a sea of ​​magic crystals and magic weapons, holding a hydrangea in its front paws and playing with it. It didn't look fierce at all, but rather... a little cute?

"Be careful!" Yuchang shouted, and turned into a sword curtain to surround Xu Yangyi's side. At the same time, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy was already running wildly, forming an indestructible spiritual energy shield.

Cuteness was just an appearance. Even if it was the opponent's phantom, Xu Yangyi felt a terrifying pressure.

This was Taixu... the real Taixu! And it was the kind with extremely strong strength!

The cyan giant lion looked at him without interest, and suddenly said: "You are so lucky."

"Roar!!!" Without any delay, the cyan giant lion's shadow suddenly changed. It was only a projection of 30 to 40 meters, but its mouth suddenly opened to 70 to 80 meters. There was another mouth inside, and then there were layers and layers... Infinite mouths, like a stomach that never stops and never knows how to be full.

A cyan light column rushed out towards him, and the surrounding void was shattered at the same time. Even this palace shattered immediately after buzzing for a second!

In a room upstairs, Fahai stood up as if he had been pricked by a needle, revealing a look of surprise: "Is it... the projection that is infinitely close to the main body? It actually chased here?"

Swish... The whole palace turned into black sand and disappeared, and the shadow immediately rotated and disappeared the moment it spit out the light column, without even looking at whether it was successful or not. Because... in the sky, a more terrifying gaze was instantly nailed here like a searchlight.

"Younger Dongfang..." A magnificent voice resounded through the sky: "Who allowed you to cause trouble in my territory?"

That being said, the ten-thousand-meter-tall demon king in the sky did not protect Xu Yangyi. It was a stranger to him, no... even if it knew him, no one could make it take action.

It was just that this Eastern demon touched its majesty, and it casually defended its territory. Even before its eyes were cast, the Eastern demon had already left here at the fastest speed.

It gently spit out a strange character, and countless silver-white demonic energy gathered in the sky from all directions, condensing into a small vortex beside it, and then with a whoosh, the white light had already sunk into the void, and it actually chased the Eastern demon.

However... facing Xu Yangyi's blue light column, it was still there! This attack... although it was a phantom, it was definitely at the level of an ordinary Taixu! The ground was evaporating! The air was burning!

Too fast, too abrupt, too decisive, and it escaped immediately after a strike. All the hairs on Xu Yangyi's body stood up, and there was only a piece of green light in his pupils.


The infinite truth was running at full speed... Not only the infinite truth, but all the means that could be used were used.

Swish! The soul hunter appeared, dancing into a long golden river. The golden surface of the long river contained countless black lights. That was the manifestation that the swallowing talisman had been running to the extreme.

He didn't dare to cover the surface of his body. This was a real Taixu attack. If he couldn't absorb it, his whole body would be shattered immediately.

The fish intestines were already tightly held in his hands, and the killing was in a state of complete explosion. The arrow was on the string, but at this moment, he suddenly felt...

Time seemed to slow down, the spirit was highly concentrated, and the spirit reached an unprecedented height. Under the crisis of life and death, he actually saw... In this terrifying green light... there was a black spot?

It was very small and very subtle. He could even see that there were endless talismans around the black spot. They twisted and entangled desperately, making the opponent's move almost flawless. But it was at this black spot that the talisman was a little different?

Boom! ! With a deafening roar, the Soul Hunter instantly turned into a golden river and disappeared. The Devouring Talisman flickered, and the green light broke through the first line of defense of the Soul Hunter in the blink of an eye and rushed straight to itself. However, it has been weakened by two or three tenths.

After all, it is a devouring talisman, even if it is a Taixu magical power, it will be swallowed.

But... it is not enough!

Buzz buzz buzz... Xu Yangyi held the sword with both hands, and there was no way to retreat. This move was too fast. At the moment when the Soul Hunter collapsed, Yuchang suddenly raised up and killed everything.

A bright sword light flashed between heaven and earth, killing everything, killing everything. Cut the sky, cut the earth, cut the human heart.

As fast as a startled wild goose, floating like a swimming dragon, the sword came out and disappeared. Only the enduring sword mark was left. The black spot that pierced the light column.

The different talismans are the flaws.

Rumble... With a deafening roar, the green and the killing collided, and the green light instantly engulfed Xu Yangyi's figure. The world seemed to collapse in this shock. In less than a second, Xu Yangyi groaned, spitting blood and flew out. However... at the same time, the green light column in front of him turned into a demonic aura and dissipated suddenly.

Deathly silence.

Andrina covered her mouth, her chest heaving violently. It was a long story just now, but it was actually just two or three seconds. She didn't even see Xu Yangyi's attack clearly, let alone react, but...

Taixu didn't kill the other party with one blow?

This... How is this possible? !

That's the Demon King, and he is not of the same level as the great demon of the Venerable Saint! The nature of life is different! How could he not kill the other party?

It can feel that Xu Yangyi's breath is unstable, but he is still thriving. No... It's not that he didn't kill him, but that he didn't cause any fatal damage at all!

"Zi La La!" Xu Yangyi leaned on the ground, half-kneeling and was pushed directly a thousand meters away. A deep sword mark was left on the ground. The speed was so fast that even the friction between his knees and the ground produced sparks. He covered his chest, his face was pale, but his eyes were filled with unbearable ecstasy.

He was breathing rapidly, and maintained this posture for a full few seconds. Then he tried to stand up tremblingly. As soon as he stood up, he immediately spit out several mouthfuls of blood, groaned, and simply sat on the ground.

"Survived..." Even he felt a little unbelievable at this moment.

This was Taixu of the Eastern Genealogy who took action personally. The Eastern Genealogy had only launched an assassination once before, and he almost forgot about the other party. But the other party obviously abided by his own rules: any grandmaster left outside would be killed without mercy!

"It said I was lucky, meaning that after the list was submitted, I was protected by the demon furnace..." He panted, his body was seriously injured, but his spirit was extremely excited: "So, this is their last chance to attack."

"While there is still an hour before the list is submitted, they must take action, but... hehe... hahahaha!"

He actually looked up to the sky and roared, and suddenly stood up from the ground.

"Cough cough cough..." Covering his chest, he raised his sword, flicked the fish intestines lightly, and repeated again: "I... survived..."

"Once upon a time, the two words Taixu were like mountains, and now... I can take Taixu's attack with my full strength!"

The ascetic practice of cultivation turned into sweetness flowing through my heart at this moment.

At this moment, an extremely powerful demonic energy suddenly appeared, with a clear mark, firmly protecting him in it, forming an extremely solid protective shield.

"Master Xu." The voice of the remnant of the Holy Flame sounded around: "Just now... Taixu with the Eastern genealogy entered?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi panted.

"Are you okay?" The remnant of the Holy Flame, with the dignity of a top noble, spoke in a very friendly voice: "Sorry, this is our mistake, you got hurt under our noses. We should have thought of it earlier. The Demon Furnace suddenly gathered. This is the last chance for the scum of the Eastern Genealogy to take action."

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and felt it for a while: "Not bad."

It's just that his internal organs are dislocated. He took out a few pills and ate them in the other party's suddenly burning consciousness. Soon, his breathing became even.

"I'm so envious..." The remnant of the Holy Flame sighed and lowered his voice: "Where is the Demon God Mark?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

A Taixu of the Eastern Genealogy took action personally, but the Demon God Mark did not move. The Eastern Genealogy took action twice, both of which were extremely dangerous. However, the Demon God Mark... that was destruction, it was complete destruction. The other party didn't take action?

Are they not afraid of the protection of the Demon Furnace?

This is impossible. The Demon Furnace is the supreme law of Tiragangdis, and no one can break through it.

No one knows that at this moment, outside of Tiragangdis, in the nebula, a huge dragon, with a looming shadow flickering among the stars, staring at the shadow of the demon king opposite.

"Mephistopheles..." The dragon's voice shook the starry sky slightly: "I am the incarnation of Lord Mammon, how dare you stop me from entering the deception? In front of the great Lord, you are just a dog! How dare you stop me from entering!"

The shadow of Mephistopheles loomed in the deception, with a calm expression, and after a long time he said: "New Luard. Morning Star Dragon... We haven't seen each other for tens of thousands of years..."

"Don't reminisce with me!!" It was obviously Taixu, but New Luard did not face the demon king who commanded one side of hell. Without a trace of fear, he said fiercely: "There are still dozens of minutes left. Let me go in. I will kill an ant and leave immediately. Do you know that he has been marked by the adults! And I have cast a double curse! He must die!"

Mephistopheles' voice was still calm: "I still say the same thing."

"You can join as a contestant and use your avatar to suppress the realm to the Saint to kill, but the incarnation of the demon god is never allowed to enter Tiragangdis, except for those who stayed before. This is the agreement of the seven monarchs."

"You are presumptuous!!" The Morning Star Dragon roared.

"New Luard..." The demon king's voice suddenly became extremely cold. Although his words were calm, they broke the surrounding planetary belts into pieces and turned into fireworks in the universe. His figure suddenly became taller, 100,000 meters, 1 million meters... Finally, it formed a towering shadow far exceeding New Luard.

"This Saint has not attacked my own kind for tens of thousands of years..."

"I warn you, you'd better learn to respect the Demon Lord, otherwise... even if this Saint kills you, Lord Mammon won't say anything..."

"If you say dogs... we are all dogs, but... obviously I am much more useful than you, an old dog who can only roar."

"Now, either stay in the Abyss Arena with your avatar, or get out."

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