
Chapter 1223: A grand event in the dark (I)

New Luyard's body hiding in the cloud of stars shrank, looking at the layers of black tide emanating from the peak of the original space, and then looking at the terrifying shadows filled with stars in front of him, he said nothing for a while.

"Although I can't understand why you are so crazy about the devil, I can remind you that there are still fifty-two minutes left."

"Fifty-two minutes later, the Devil's Furnace consciousness will erupt and sweep away the Eighteen Hells. The names of all applicants will be recorded. Of course, you can still sign up in the future. However, as the ruler of the deception room, I can only I’ll give you these fifty-two minutes.”

"You!!!" The sound of New Luyard's gnashing teeth came from the clouds. There was no way, the opponent's strength was too terrifying. It could feel the first batch of the outbreak of this cunning and ancient demon, the Devil's Oven. The survivors have probably reached the pinnacle state, the previous state!

He should be more than alone...

Are you even looking forward to Yahweh... New Luyard's eyes flickered, and finally he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay..."

"Remember... Mephistopheles... I will report this matter to Lord Mammon in full. You'd better pray that you won't be torn into pieces by the furious Lord..."

As soon as the words fell, its body turned into countless stars and rushed towards the deception with flames.

Mephistopheles looked at these meteors indifferently, and after they completely disappeared, he sneered: "If... you can find the Demon God..."

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this. He had been sent to the ruins of the castle by the black shield of the remnants of the Holy Flame.

"As long as the consciousness of the devil's oven is weakened in the place protected by Lord Mephistopheles, he will not die in the consciousness of the galaxy." The remnant of the Holy Flame said with a smile.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but adjusted his breathing desperately. After a little stabilization, he finally opened his eyes: "Senior, have you decided to protect me?"

"Of course, who makes me unable to live without you?" The remnant of the Holy Flame made a small joke, and his voice came out from the four light shields. But he immediately calmed down and became solemn.

"That's not the only reason."

"The Devil's Furnace suddenly condensed. The reason is unknown. This outbreak is likely to be earlier. Therefore, we also held Solomon's Feast in advance. At the same time, the Pale Eyes, the Red Night Angel, the Sinful Peter Pan, and the top three have arrived. The Pool of Dry Bones is all about you.”

"I guarantee that the list record in dozens of minutes will be far more magnificent than it is now, a scene that you will never forget." Its voice sighed with emotion: "Don't you want to know more clearly that here Under this strange scene that has been blocked for tens of thousands of years, do you have to shoulder the responsibilities and obligations? "

"Come on, follow me, let us take you into this carnival. The time we have left is...not much..."

Xu Yangyi nodded. The plan could not keep up with the changes. The early outbreak of the Devil's Oven suddenly shortened his originally planned timetable. He, who knew almost nothing about the Abyss Arena, must understand the mystery behind it.

A black magic light fell from the sky, outlining the silhouette of an illusory carriage. A few seconds later, as a black light shone, the carriage solidified. This is a skeletal war horse, covered with thick magic crystal armor, and is very powerful.

Xu Yangyi stepped forward, and two bone wings appeared under the shoulder blades of the war horse. With a neighing sound, it took him soaring into the sky.

A strong wind roared past the carriage. He quietly looked down. The entire Palace of Deception was already dark, but... the flames formed by the endless Ferrers silver candles were like sparks, making the whole city a silvery white. .

It's like stars in the deep universe, so beautiful.

The beauty of the demonic world, the flowers of sin and strife. As far as the eye can see, even to the horizon, you can see sparks composed of countless Ferrers silver candles rising continuously.

The bonfire of holy war is slowly igniting and spreading throughout hell.

"It's really spectacular." He shook his head, and as soon as he closed his eyes, Yuchang's solemn voice appeared: "What happened just now?"

"That was a powerful blow! Even if the swallowing talisman consumes 20% of the power, the rest can definitely turn us into fans. I was almost desperate at the time. How did you do it?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer, his chest rose and fell slightly, and in his mind, the unforgettable pill spirit was replaying that scene again and again.

That magnificent blue light pillar, as well as countless intact talismans, and... the most central point, the only point, the place that is incompatible with the other talismans...

After a long time, he opened his eyes: "Jet Kune Do."

"When the opponent attacks, block and counterattack at the same time, or even directly suppress the opponent with fast and powerful attacks without blocking, and strike first... Regardless of the spiritual meaning of Jeet Kune Do, this is how it is expressed." He said with burning eyes: "I think... I have probably touched the true threshold of infinite truth."

Yuchang pondered for a long time and then sighed: "I understand what you mean."

"Are you saying that the truth of infinity does not mean that there is no magical power, but that it does not require magical power? With one point of Arrancar, you can defeat all laws with one force. Because everything in the world is composed of talismans, just like when you make elixirs, you abandon the combination of medicinal properties and all elixirs. The rules of the alliance are trivial and only depend on the suitability of the talisman itself. But in the life-and-death crisis just now, did you see the flaw in Taixu's move? "

Xu Yangyi analyzed it bit by bit: "Maybe it's not its flaw, this is its last chance. Mephistopheles, the demon king who reigns over the world, has already appeared. It is under too much pressure, and it is forced to have a flaw. From the fact that it dared not even look at the first move it made and left immediately, it is known that it is also nervous."

"Maybe there is a little awakening between life and death... It should be both, which made me see this flaw. This is like Jeet Kune Do. When the opponent attacks, he does not avoid counterattacks, but focuses on hitting the weak spot. This is the so-called "interception." This should be an extremely high-end application of the infinite truth."

Yu Chang took a deep breath. If this is true, this kind of skill is really terrible. It really achieves no move is better than a move. The eyes see through the truth and falsehood of the world. As long as there is a flaw, it will be counterattacked immediately. This... really does not require any magical powers!

He raised his head, his eyes burning: "After I mastered the Infinite Truth, I have never met a suitable opponent, and I can't see it at all. Before the Abyss Arena opens, I must push it to the level of the Venerable Saint."

After a pause, he said: "However, supernatural powers are necessary. We are just inferring. Only practice can bring true knowledge. Moreover, even if we can really see through the flaws in the talismans that make up the opponent's supernatural powers, breaking the flaws in the talismans with a sword is completely different from breaking it with sword skills. "

He looked deeply at the huge black sun above his head and said grimly: "The former is a broken move. The latter can make the opponent's hand break."

Sigh! At this moment, the carriage stopped, and he raised his eyebrows slightly. It was less than 20 minutes.

Getting out of the car, there was a towering mountain in front of him. In the middle of the mountain, there was a palace burning in flames, and there were no buildings around.

A servant demon had stopped beside the mountain road. The huge street lamps made of bones on both sides formed a tall arch, which spread all the way in from here.

"Warm welcome..." The servant demon had already half-knelt on the ground, and hadn't finished a sentence. Xu Yangyi's cold voice interrupted it: "Lead the way."

There was no mood to watch other things. Time was extremely tight. He didn't know how long it would take for the demon furnace to explode. He turned into black light and flew over. The servant demon was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed at full speed.

This palace is in the shape of a high tower. Although the highest point is not as exaggerated as the Deception Gray Tower, it is also two thousand meters high. The top is open, about a thousand meters in size, standing in a pool of bones. No wonder it is called the Pool of Dry Bones.

One by one, the Fels silver candles were lit from the bottom to the top, far more than Xu Yangyi's number by hundreds of times, each one was the size of a person, and the whole attic was reflected in the silver-white light, like a lighthouse in the dark, extremely eye-catching.

Swish, the tower had no restrictions, and he flew directly to it. As he fell, three extremely powerful divine senses had already swept over without hesitation.

Dang! His spiritual sense was released at the same time, and the four intersected, and the void made a muffled sound. The three spiritual senses touched and left, and Xu Yangyi's eyes had already swept over.

Red Night Demon!

The demon that had been seen on the light screen, with a twisted body, was sitting on a throne, looking at him coldly, with boiling silver-gray demonic energy surging like a tide, and even formed a crying and wailing biological face.

As sharp as a knife, even Xu Yangyi felt a chill in his mind when his spiritual sense swept over.

The second one was covered in a black cloak, skinny as a stick, and surrounded by countless crows. It was the Pale Eye.

In the battle with the Grand Duke of Red Moon for the top three, it finally won.

Xu Yangyi's spiritual sense looked at it wantonly. It could not feel the demonic energy, and judging from its size, its attack and defense would not be too strong. But...Xu Yangyi felt a strange discomfort.

It was a twisted, evil vortex, and it hid its demonic energy very well. But the demonic energy that was like a maggot on the tarsal bone could not be ignored at all.

The last one was a demon with a human body, a human head and sheep legs. The demon horns on his head were very huge, a full meter long, and he was only about three meters tall. His whole body was burning with emerald green flames. He was very thin, but full of muscles. On his pale skin, flames formed green talismans that outlined his whole body. He was grabbing a bloody monster and tearing it with his claws, and his teeth in his mouth were as sharp as daggers.

The four contestants, as well as the top three, met for the first time, and no one spoke. It was like four suppressed active volcanoes, and everyone was silently clamoring for their terrifying demonic energy. Similarly, no demon looked at it straight in the eye.

There is no false reputation under a great reputation!

At the first sight, Xu Yangyi affirmed the opponent's strength. He didn't even guarantee that he could win against these demons. The murderous aura and terrifying demonic energy on the opponent were definitely super geniuses of the same level as him!

The entire Fellers deceived the demon lineage, with a population of tens of billions and hundreds of billions, to finalize these three monsters, which is evident.

"Tear..." The sinful Peter Pan bit off his leg bone with one bite, and his tongue was a venomous snake, licking the corner of his mouth: "How bold... alien..."

"No one has dared to look me in the face for many years, don't you think... your eyes are too presumptuous? Alternate?"

Before he finished speaking, its mouth suddenly opened to two meters, and countless venomous snakes inside shot out with the flames of hell!

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