
Chapter 1224: A grand event in the dark (Part 2)

There was no sign at all, but Xu Yangyi was not panicked. There could be many reasons for the other party to attack, such as he was a foreign race, but now he was standing with the top three demons, and they were all direct descendants of the Ferrers family, and they were about to go to war on behalf of the Ferrers family. This was enough reason.

Want to weigh your own weight?

That depends on whether you have the ability!

With a cold snort, he was about to attack, but he stopped.

The pupils instantly turned into black holes, and everything around began to change, decomposing into countless original talismans. All the secrets of the sinful Peter Pan were revealed in this move. He actually did not dodge or avoid when the magic power came, and carefully observed the opponent's moves.

It was not easy to have such a good opponent, how could he miss the opportunity to experiment?

However, he was disappointed. The talisman decomposed by this move was much simpler than the blue light column of Taixu, but there was no discord at all. In this lightning moment, dozens of poisonous snakes had already bitten him like lightning.

The Red Night Familiar and the Pale Eye did not move at all, and turned a deaf ear to them.

"Only the strong can stand here." The sinful Peter Pan stood up, staring at Xu Yangyi with scarlet eyes, and suddenly kicked the table in front of him. Seeing that Xu Yangyi did not dodge the venomous snake at all, he grinned: "Just you? A mere human?"

"You know? Ever since you got the reserve seat of the Ferrers family, I have been wondering what kind of creature you are. As a result..." It licked its lips: "It's really disappointing."

"You can't dodge a single move... You don't deserve to go to war with us, waste."

A strange demonic sound came out of its mouth, and all the venomous snake fangs suddenly pierced into Xu Yangyi's skin. Suddenly, a little bit of black mist spread from under the skin, about to erode his whole body.

In the void, six demonic projections that Xu Yangyi and others could not detect at all stood there, and a figure slowly said: "Do you need help?"

"No." The voice of the remnant of the Holy Flame sounded: "It just so happens... I am also curious about Master Xu's strength. The poison of the Venerable Saint can be solved with a wave of our hands. The sinful Peter Pan is known as the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake Demon, and it has not yet evolved to the point of Taixu."

At this moment, their eyes flashed suddenly. And below, the Red Night Demon put down the wine glass in his hand, and the pale eye slightly raised the head covered by the cloak. Even the sinful Peter Pan himself twitched his eyes.

The black clouds that spread under Xu Yangyi's skin actually faded like a tide, not only completely disappeared, but also... actually rolled back along the poisonous snakes!

Squeak! A subtle scream sounded, and the poisonous snakes were originally black, but now they were stained with a green color, like snow encountering the sun, and their whole bodies trembled. And this blue-black color is following the endless poisonous snakes to attack the sinful Peter Pan's mouth!

Wolf poison, the poison of killing gods!

Peter Pan's pupils jumped suddenly, and with a swishing sound, these poisonous snakes, which were originally gathered into its tongue at the end, all swarmed out at this moment, turning into independent snakes. In just a few seconds, they were all stained black by an unknown toxin, twitching painfully on the ground, and finally became dots of black ash flying away.

"You have two tricks..." The Red Night Demon put down the wine glass with interest. This human seemed to be inconspicuous, and the sinful Peter Pan's attack was actually ineffective. Perhaps others only saw Peter Pan's poison, but masters of their level knew very well that even the demonic energy wrapped around it was not a match for mediocre hands.

As long as Xu Yangyi was slightly weaker, he would have been strangled into several pieces just now. But the other party had no reaction. Instead, the sinful Peter Pan suffered a loss.

However, it was not over yet. At the moment when the poisonous snake in Peter Pan's mouth fell to the ground, a figure appeared beside him without any warning, and even a violent wind could be heard.

So fast!

The pale eye's bone-like hand silently stretched out from the cloak and gently touched the table in front of him. The pupils of the sinful Peter Pan suddenly contracted, and his head turned 180 degrees as if it had no joints, staring at Xu Yangyi who suddenly appeared behind him.

The other party's face was indifferent, but his body had twisted slightly, his waist muscles were tense, and then, a leg came across the air!

Boom! ! Like a huge razor, this space hummed for a while. It was the sound of the majestic spiritual energy blowing the void and cutting through the void. A dark space crack appeared without warning. The sinful Peter Pan took a deep breath and shouted suddenly. Countless black bone spurs burst out all over his body, covered with blood-red veins, forming it into a hedgehog.

Above the sky, the six top nobles narrowed their eyes slightly, and they saw even more clearly than the person who took action. If Xu Yangyi was not strong enough, his legs would be stabbed into a hornet's nest immediately. The demonic energy of this move was surging and had penetrated every bone spur. Once he retreated and hesitated, it would be the time for the sinful Peter Pan to counterattack.

Attack and defense, attack and defense in different positions, all of which showed that both sides had extremely rich combat experience.

Dang!! Like a bell ringing, Xu Yangyi did not even hesitate for a moment, and kicked the sinful Peter Pan with all his strength. A circle of spiritual energy and demonic energy intertwined with each other burst instantly, breaking through the air for thousands of meters and disappearing. With a muffled groan, the sinful Peter Pan was kicked directly a thousand meters away and instantly hit the tower fence. And the remaining strength was not enough, and with another bang, he broke through the fence and fell below.

The Pale Eye had quietly stood up at some point. There was nothing there, only two white soul fires had quietly lit up under the cloak of black fog, staring at Xu Yangyi. The Red Night familiar on the other side also stood up silently, and the red bone blades in his elbows and palms slowly grew out with the rustling sound of killing.

Very strong... and very determined to fight.

Xu Yangyi did not pursue, and kicked down with one leg. His feet were faintly numb. This had never happened before. The opponent's physical strength reached an appalling level.

"Roar!!" A crazy roar sounded from the bottom of the tower, and then a huge figure, a full two or three hundred meters, climbed up from below with five fingers grasping the edge of the broken tower like a pillar.

It was still the original appearance of the sinful Peter Pan, but it was a hundred times bigger. The wool covering his back, head, and chest had now turned into countless giant pythons, staring with bloodshot eyes, surrounding the entire platform, and roaring at Xu Yangyi.

"Human..." Its voice was like thunder, and it raised its huge hand. A light ball several meters in size, like a black hole, condensed in its palm. Countless black runes rotated left and right, and a stream of magic energy poured into the light ball like a pump, and the void was trembling.

"Dare to challenge the majesty of the top three..." Taking a deep breath, the black ball burst into a monstrous black light, and suddenly pressed down: "Who gave you the courage!!!"

Xu Yangyi still didn't make a move. The swallowing talisman covered his whole body, and the desire talisman was already in a state of readiness. The infinite truth was running at full power, breaking the truth of this move.

However... still nothing.

The opportunity was fleeting when the masters fought. At this moment, the black light ball had pressed down dozens of meters. A few meters away, the top of the thousand-meter-long tower seemed to be swallowed by an invisible giant mouth and turned into a neat circular cross-section. The golden light in front of Xu Yangyi suddenly surged, and the soul hunter turned into a long river and roared out, surrounding an area of ​​more than ten meters.

Suddenly, the surrounding void fluctuated slightly, and a vast and boundless force suddenly appeared. In an instant, the light ball in the hands of the sinful Peter Pan turned into ashes. Xu Yangyi clearly felt that there was a powerful force pressing towards his soul hunter. However, the next second, a surprised "Huh?" sound came from the void. His soul hunter... did not disappear!

The opponent just wanted to stop it, and used one-tenth or one-twelve-tenth of his strength, but he could not break through the defense of the swallowing talisman and the soul hunter!

Countless crows wailed from the void and rushed madly to the center of the top of the entire tower. With the black light, a silver-gray core and a black flame on the surface burned quietly. All the crows rushed into it. After a few seconds, the flame burned to three or four seconds high, and a black shadow wearing a luxurious cloak slowly emerged from it.

The Red Night Familiar and the Pale Eye looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, and the sickle in their hands disappeared silently. They pressed their left hand on their chest and bowed deeply. Even the sinful Peter Pan, who was full of murderous intent, gritted his teeth, restrained his murderous intent, and immediately bowed his head.

The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant... the host of the Solomon Feast, the top noble of the Ferrers family, has come in person.

"What happened?" It seemed to have just arrived, and smiled: "Did the two players who are about to represent the Ferrers family have any misunderstandings?"

"It's not a misunderstanding." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "It's just communication. See the quality of the other party."

"That's good..." The remnant of the Holy Flame smiled slightly, and said meaningfully: "Otherwise... some old friends will think that our race only knows how to conquer with brutal force, and don't know how to entertain guests..."

It was the first time for everyone to attend the Solomon Feast. The sinful Peter Pan recovered in the dark light, snorted coldly, glanced at Xu Yangyi, shook his venomous snake tail and sat on his soft seat, holding his cheek and said: "Respected Saint Flame Remnant, are there other guests besides us?"

It glanced around the whole venue: "Here... can it be entertained?"

The scene had been destroyed in pieces by the previous battle, and there was no decoration. Obviously, it was very dissatisfied with the simple venue being given such a big reputation.

"Do you know..." The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant raised a finger and drew a strange symbol in the air: "What determines the specifications of a banquet is not the venue, not the layout, but... us."

"Even if a wealthy man holds a magnificent banquet, it will definitely not be as good as this."

Swish... The rune suddenly exploded, turning into a blue light circle that spread wildly, as if revealing the other side of the sky. Where the blue light passed, more than ten cracks that projected white light flashed. It was extremely conspicuous in the dark sky.

"Is this... a space crack?" Xu Yangyi said after a moment of hesitation.

The Holy Flame Remnant nodded slightly: "And it's not an ordinary space crack, it's a folding crack connecting to another dimension... In other words, across this sky, at least a dozen planes are now connected to Tiragangdis."

What is this for?

The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant stood on the top of the tower with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky: "No hurry..."

"The night is still long... First, let us witness the greatest moment in the history of Tiragangdis together."

"You will see an incredible spectacle that will be remembered for a lifetime. From here you can see the entire Tiragangdis except for the Gray Tower of Deception. At that time, our banquet will just begin." It smiled mysteriously: "Then, some late friends... I'm afraid they can only come at that time..."

"Look, their gates are already open, and they can't wait..."

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