
Chapter 1226: Plane Auction (I)

"Welcome, Lady Histan. Sunsong of the Dark Elves." The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant was very polite at this moment, and flicked his finger lightly: "This is the price you paid for coming from afar. Hospitable demons never let their allies feel at a disadvantage."

A colorful petal flew into the air, emitting beautiful clouds. A hand made of white light stretched out from the space channel and took the flower. After a few seconds, an exclamation came from the channel: "Flower of Tomorrow? Did you really find it? Haha... This time I can finally report to the Thousand Faces Lord."

As the last word fell, a slender and tall figure appeared in the crack. Its head was covered by a black cloak, and the cloak outlined a three-point style on its body. Its purple skin and black patterns spread all over its body, looking evil and elegant.

It slowly walked down from the clouds, and a throne made of purple gems appeared on the ground at the same time. It sat on it with great grace.

Space cracks were torn open, and silver light was sprinkled. One by one, merchants from the planes that had never been seen before came in the air. Their realms were not high, and the lowest was only the initial stage of the Venerable Saint. However, when Xu Yangyi's eyes moved to their fingers, his heartbeat immediately accelerated.

Every plane merchant's finger was full of jeweled storage rings. Storage rings were nothing, no matter how luxurious they were, there was a limit, but his infinite truth had already been in operation, and unexpectedly... even one meter outside these storage rings could not be penetrated!

Various complex talismans formed a circle of defense layers outside. Not to mention penetration, he couldn't even see what talismans were composed of, only a chaos. A great "power" penetrated from these chaotic cracks, making the surrounding space tremble.

That was the breath of wealth, the roar of treasures, which could not even be suppressed by storage rings of this level, quietly affecting the world around them.

Mountain of treasures! Sea of ​​wealth!

In a moment, eleven representatives of the plane giants arrived. When the last one appeared, Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes.


Wearing typical ancient Chinese clothes, extremely fat, with a smile on his face. The voice of the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant became obviously lighter: "Tang Shien, it is incredible that you are still alive after tens of thousands of years. His Excellency the Demon Lord told me that it was you last time, and I didn't expect to see you again this time."

The fat man bowed slightly and was about to sit down, but suddenly his eyes flashed and fixed on Xu Yangyi.

A fat hand with countless precious rings slowly stretched out from the well-made sleeves, pointed at Xu Yangyi in astonishment, and raised his voice a little: "Human?"

"I actually see humans here?"

"Aren't Hell and us mortal enemies? When did Tiragangdis become so open? And... he is standing here... does it mean that he has obtained the right to participate in the competition of the Ferres family? My God, this is simply the biggest joke in the universe."

The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant smiled: "It seems that we have never invaded your plane?"

"Of course you won't." Tang Shien looked at Xu Yangyi with interest: "But this does not mean that you will absorb humans and lead him to participate in an auction of this scale. You know, the only place in the universe that can gather our eleven chambers of commerce at one time is the Ten Thousand Demons Festival held once a thousand years in Tiragangdis."

Xu Yangyi also looked at the other party with great interest. The plane that can trade with Tiragangdis is definitely not weak, at least not too much weaker. Otherwise, the demons will follow the space cracks and immediately that plane will fall into the ocean of war. They dare to appear here, which means they are not afraid of the demon plane.

I don't know which powerful human plane this is from, but... in the vast galaxy, humans are not alone.

"Haotian?" He suddenly said.

Tang Shien frowned slightly, and Xu Yangyi sighed secretly. It was not a human inheritance. According to the Book of Hongmeng Contract, Haotian was the first Yahweh in the East, and Chaos was the first generation of Yahweh in the West. The other party obviously didn't know.

"Sorry to bother you." He nodded regretfully, Tang Shien didn't care, and smiled and said: "Seven Killing Planes, under the command of the God-breaking Dynasty, the president of the Shien Plane Chamber of Commerce, meet you."

The silver light shone, and the top merchants took their seats one by one, and the scene was silent. The suppressed hot breath sounded low. The pale eye cloak covered his face and couldn't see it clearly, but the skull-like hands knocked on the table unconsciously, and the head never shifted, staring at these plane merchants. The Red Night Devil seemed calm, but his fork was suspended in the air on a piece of meat, neither poking it down nor lifting it up, like a stone sculpture.

And the sinful Peter Pan had already stood up with his chest heaving. It was not until Tang Shien sat down that everyone took a few deep breaths and sat down.

This was the last sprint before the Abyss Arena appeared. The scene seemed quiet, but the heartbeat could be heard. On the surface, they tried their best to suppress the roar in their hearts, but from the subtle details, the surging waves under this ocean called calm were revealed.

The guests and hosts sat down, and the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant walked to the center of the scene, without too much courtesy, and raised his glass: "Everyone."

"The style of Tiragangdis is pragmatic, we don't need hypocritical courtesy, and I think you all came here not to listen to my nonsense. So, let's officially start now?"

No one objected. The flame of expectation will burn away all objections.

"Please." As the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation, there was a brief exchange of glances. In less than ten seconds, Sonas Mingyue's huge body stood up and walked to the field in one step. Said: "Since everyone is worried about the persistence of the so-called nobles, let me start this, but I want to remind everyone first."

Its golden eyes swept across the entire scene and spoke slowly: "The Devil's Oven took too long to condense this time, but such a long time just gave us room to fully prepare. So..."

"Emotions are feelings, and rules are rules. Because of tens of thousands of years of accumulation, the items we brought this time are of extraordinary value. Are you sure your players can afford them, Your Majesty the Remnant of the Holy Flame?"

"We have never lowered prices before."

The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame smiled: "Don't worry, Tiragandes has never bought or sold anything by force."

At least it won't be used on you.

"Very good..." The giant dragon narrowed his eyes, raised his hand slightly, and as a ring with a huge gem and a gorgeous shape flew out from above, Xu Yangyi and Sanjia both held their breaths.

"The Sapphire of the Stars." The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame said with a smile: "It turns out that it was the library of wisdom behind you that robbed the angels, and actually gave this thing to you... Aren't you afraid of being chased to death by them?"

Sonas sneered, and a string of strange words appeared. As the words became faster and faster, they even became louder, echoing on the top of the entire tower. Thousands of rays of light erupted from the ring, as if a lotus flower was in full bloom. Finally, a ball of silvery brilliance swallowed up the entire rooftop in an instant.

After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and eight huge light curtains surrounded the scene. Sonas stretched out his hand and tapped it gently. One of the light curtains rotated several times in the air like a flop of cards, bursting out into a golden brilliance, and a blurry image slowly condensed in it, looming.

"This is a treasure of the Saint level. We didn't prepare much, but everything can be called a classic, even a work of art, like this..." As the image became more and more solid, the four people squinted to watch carefully. The buyers' eyes flashed together, and then they stood up almost at the same time!

"This is..." "Huh... you can even get this thing?" "It's unbelievable..."

No one expected that this thing would appear at the beginning!

"Are they crazy..." Yuchang gasped: "How much energy do these so-called wealthy merchants of the plane have? How much power are behind them?"

Xu Yangyi also stood up, his heart pounding. This thing is very familiar, very familiar! When we realize the war of all realms, it will be unforgettable for all people on earth!

At the top of the image, a highly technological cannon, about one hundredth the size of the moon, floats slowly.

It is completely different from the style of the earth. Its front end looks like a fork, and a green brilliance lingers rapidly in the center, carrying a heaven-destroying aura. It is streamlined and placed on an extremely complex base with countless radiance flowing. It's just a picture, but it makes people feel shocked. The terrifying power contained in the image travels across the plane and reaches everyone's heart. There is a line of small golden characters below.

"Gate of Star Destroyer. Eye of Destroyer." In the midst of surprised eyes, Sonas bowed proudly: "This is created by the notorious technological race, the origin of the Zerg hive plane, the evolution master Anseth .The only Star Destroyer Cannon built by Master Chaos Fang in the past thousand years.”

"Its power can reach up to the quasi-demon level. What's even better is that it has its own energy conversion system. That is to say, whether it is the evolved biomass of the Zerg, the demon crystal, or the most commonly used aura, it can It can be used, and there is no difference in conversion. ”

"Second, the Eye of the Destroyer comes with an overload system, an expansion system, and a conversion system. It can be integrated with any technological plane or magic plane. The expansion system can allow it to be accepted into any magic array or computer. The conversion system can Make this fit seamless, no changes required.”

"The most wonderful thing is the overload system. If you can spend ten times the amount of energy and material to activate it, it... can strike a blow in the early stages of Taixu!"

"The only flaw is probably that if you want to repair it, you have to go to the Zerg plane and get authorization from Master Anseth. However, if the buyer is willing to pay a part of the magic crystal or other energy substances, I can help with the authorization. Done within five years.”

There was silence, everyone was shocked by the grand opening. Sonas' golden eyes swept across the audience and said calmly: "The one price is 80 million, no two prices. Five million plus one."

"Eighty-five million!" "Ninety million!"

Two voices sounded almost at the same time, the red night angel and the sinful Peter Pan spoke almost at the same time. The two of them were stunned for a moment, looking at each other with a fierce look in their eyes.

"One hundred million!" Pale Eyes also stood up, his voice was hoarse and his words were unambiguous.

"One hundred and five million!" "One hundred and eleven million!" "One hundred and twenty million!" "One hundred million... forty million!!"

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