
Chapter 1227: Plane Auction (Part 2)

There is an outbreak today, so I will make up for the previous period of time


In an instant, the voices of bidding came one after another, and the huge body of Sonas was like a fisherman, leisurely enjoying this silent honor.

It is very clear about the value of its goods, yes... It seems to have nothing to do with this Abyss Arena, but who can be sure that it can stand in front of the Demon Furnace?

No one can be sure that the top three in other planes are all eternal diamonds, and the vast Tiragangdis is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, so, what if it fails?

Still have to continue practicing... Except for Xu Yangyi who was immediately pulled to Tiragangdis as soon as he reached the realm of commanding the plane, who doesn't have several planes under his command? When is the process of expanding the plane not accompanied by blood and fire?

This star destroyer cannon gives everyone a way out. Even if there is no victory, or if they fail in advance due to a terrifying opponent, they have a better chance of making a comeback.

And it is a big one.

Its eyes flashed with the cunning of a businessman. As the most notorious dragon, after being driven out of the dragon's home planet, it traveled to various galaxies and had a lot of experience in how to select goods and how to determine the buyer. Some things seem irrelevant, but they can often be sold at sky-high prices.

As long as you are a saint, you can't escape the circle of expanding your territory. It has great confidence in the Star Destroyer Gate.

In just a few minutes, the bid has soared to 160 million!

Double the premium!

Only 160 million... This is far from meeting Sonas' psychological standard. It stood up with some dissatisfaction: "Is this the price?"

"Excuse me, I might as well sell it to those dirty dwarves in the Snow Plane at this price. Tiragangdis is recognized as the strongest upper realm. Can the contestants of the One Hell only offer this price?" Its eyes swept over Xu Yangyi, who was the only one who never bid.

Sonas was as dazzling as the sun now, and every move was noticed. Peter Pan of Sin keenly caught its gaze and sneered: "He?"

"Isn't he a contestant?" Sonas was stunned.

"Of course..." Red Night Familiar also said coldly: "It's just... He is the poorest contestant."

Sonas looked unkind.

Sinful Peter Pan drank a sip of wine without any concern, and snorted coldly: "I don't know which dimension this human came from. He was not born and raised in Tiragangdis at all. He has only been here for a few years. If you expect such a poor guy to bid, it would be ridiculous."

Red Night Familiar said slowly: "I'm afraid it can't even afford a corner of the Deception Palace. You still want him to buy a star destroyer? It's really too much of him."

"Sir, the remnant of the Holy Flame." Sonas turned his head and looked at the Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame who was tasting wine. A stream of white air spurted out of his nostrils, and he said angrily: "What do you mean?!"

"Oh?" The remnant of the Holy Flame asked calmly.

"You know what we hate the most!" Sonas did not hide his anger and roared: "Losses, and poor people!!"

"Our products are the most dazzling diamonds in this world! And you gave me a poor man like a sewer rat! He can't even take out 80 million! How dare you stand here?"

"I hate this creature! Let him go! Get out of here immediately! I don't even want to look at such a poor creature!!"

All of a sudden, all the wealthy merchants looked over, cold and hot, the target of public criticism, burning people all over. However, Xu Yangyi seemed to have no feeling at all, and even leisurely poured himself a glass of wine.

Drank it all in one gulp.

His leisurely manner obviously gave all the wealthy merchants a cold signal. Sun-stealing Song glanced at him like trash and said coldly: "Sir, the remnant of the Holy Flame, although the demon plane paid some price to invite us to come. But this is just the loss fee for our tearing space."

"This does not mean that we don't want to sell the things in our hands at a suitable price. If we don't make money, we will lose money. You should understand that we traveled thousands of miles and took great risks to come to Tiragangdis for rewards, huge rewards."

It looked at Xu Yangyi and said word by word: "If you can't give us a huge reward, or even make us feel sick... then, next time Plane journey, I'm afraid we have to reconsider it. "

"Maybe you have other considerations, but I refuse." Tang Shien did not help because of his fellow tribesmen. Instead, his expression was cold and obvious, completely different from when he saw Xu Yangyi before: "If you don't have money, get out. Our standard is so simple."

"This place is not a stage for the poor to stand. Even the cheapest goods can't be afforded, let alone other things? He sitting here makes me feel that the air is not smooth, and there is a sour smell of poverty. The most suitable place for the poor is the dirty ditch of the sewer. "

Their identities don't need to care about Xu Yangyi's opinions. Only wealth can make them bow their heads.

"Shut up." At this moment, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded indifferently: "It's a face that makes me sick."

The scene was quiet for a second, and all the plane merchants narrowed their eyes slightly, not hiding the murderous intent in their eyes.

Yes, their realm is not too high, but... who of them doesn't have a terrifying force?

Xu Yangyi didn't even look at them, and turned to look at the remnants of the Holy Flame: "Your Excellency, do you have enough wealth for me to give them a good slap in the face?"

The remnants of the Holy Flame were stunned for only a second, and then an eye suddenly appeared under the cloak, and because of the sudden excitement, the eye was a little red!


The other party wants to credit!

A quasi-sage... no, an alchemist who will soon enter the holy level wants credit!

Once the opponent breaks through to the True Saint Alchemist, there is no problem with tens of millions of pills! Although this debt is painful, at least it will give you priority for a hundred years!

How many top nobles in hell are looking at Xu Yangyi? It originally planned to build a good relationship and work on it slowly. Who would have thought that happiness would come so quickly? It almost wanted to cheer and rejoice that these wealthy businessmen were so ugly that they had this sudden opportunity!

It suppressed its fluctuating heart and licked its lips: "I guarantee your satisfaction."

Swish, brush, brush! In mid-air, the other Grand Dukes who were incarnating to watch this scene had their eyes fixed on the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame.

They wanted to rush down immediately, but reason stopped them.

After all, we have to work together. The other party picked the remnants of the Holy Flame first, and now they are really going to ruin the place if they rush in. The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame will probably go crazy with anger.

"You're such a lucky old bastard..." Grizzly Prince gritted his teeth and cursed, snorted, and continued to pay attention.

"Your Excellency?" The sinful Peter Pan was stunned. He wondered if he heard wrongly? The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame... a top nobleman wants to pay for a newcomer who just came to hell?


"Father..." The voice of the Pale Eyes trembled with fear and anger. It was the illegitimate son of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame, but even if it had been killed step by step, when had it ever been heard of this cold-blooded and ruthless father giving it Credit?

However, today I actually gave a human on credit! And there’s no request? !

For a moment, the jealousy in his heart almost swallowed his heart. This slap was the first to hit it, making it dizzy.

The Red Night Demon was also stunned. It was extremely disgusted from the moment it heard this human name. The racial rejection that followed in its heart made it absolutely not want to see this damn and dirty human name appear in the abyss arena. This final sprint opportunity should never come to a lowly human being! But he should be the real genius of the Ferrers family!

Just now, it wanted to use the hands of these wealthy merchants to ask Xu Yangyi to get out. It knew that if it was the common request of the wealthy merchants, the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame would not be able to refuse, could this happen?

"Are you sure?" Sonas blinked and looked at the remnant of the Holy Flame with the same disbelief. In fact, not only it, but also all the wealthy merchants in the plane were very surprised. On the battlefield of Zunsheng Capital, Taixu Capital suddenly joined! One can imagine the feeling of scolding in Sanjia's heart now.

"I'm very sure." The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame smiled and raised his glass: "Then...continue?"

"Um...oh...of course." Even with Sonas's face, he felt feverish at this moment. Less than a second after he finished speaking, he had just finished scolding the other party for being a bastard, and was instantly slapped in the face. Don't let this feeling be too overwhelming. Sour and refreshing.

"Then..." After a few seconds of silence, before it could finish speaking hesitantly, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded without any preparation: "Twenty million."

"Uh..." The remnants of the Holy Flame almost choked on the wine they just drank and paused for a moment. The other top three looked at Xu Yangyi as if they wanted to eat him alive.

Didn’t you say I was poor?

Xu Yangyi picked up the cup leisurely and took a sip of the wine. Well, it tasted really good. The fragrant floral fragrance with the strong smell of wine was like flowers blooming in his throat, just like his mood at the moment.

The scene was silent, and no one spoke again. The sinful Peter Pan looked at the Star Destroyer Cannon with great reluctance. He was silent for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said: "One hundred and two hundred million..."

"Two hundred and twenty million."

It's like smashing a silver tile with a gold brick, it's so crisp and clear that I don't want to finish the words.

It held it in so hard that its neck suddenly became thick, and veins visible to the naked eye were beating everywhere on the skin. It gave Xu Yangyi a hard look, suppressed the anger in his heart that wanted to tear him apart, and said a few words from between his teeth: "I... give up. …”

"Is there anyone else bidding?" Xu Yangyi raised his wine glass, gave a toast in the air, and said calmly: "Dear rich people?"

Who is your biological son? !

The anger in the heart of the pale eye was almost burning. At this time...the final sprint moment, although it had never felt the warmth of its father, it never expected that the other party could actually do something like a foreigner's credit! And his illegitimate son is right there!

This extreme jealousy and resentment almost made him unable to bear it any longer.

"Two hundred and twenty million..." Sonas took a deep breath. This price is very high, and there is even a slight premium. Who would have thought that the person who paid this price was the human being who didn't even want to glance at it just now?

"Let's set the price." Xu Yangyi crossed his legs, leaned comfortably on the seat, and looked at Sonas with interest. He was very much looking forward to the other person's next change of expression, and sneered: "Didn't you say I can't afford it? Everyone Noble, wealthy businessmen."

"Come on, tell everyone, who does this Star Destroyer Cannon belong to? Huh?"

"Cough..." Sonas' huge body coughed dryly, and the dragon's head was hidden under its wings, like a giant quail. When he raised his head, a smile appeared on his face like he was seeing his biological father.

"Who said that?"

"Who just said you can't afford it!"

"Tell me! I promise not to kill him!"

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