
Chapter 1228: Plane Auction (Part 3)

"A wealthy businessman has no country." In his consciousness, Yuchang looked at the opponent's unique change of face in astonishment, and sneered: "Now I know it, and I would like to add that in the face of absolute interests, they have no dignity. "

Now everyone among these wealthy businessmen knows who the real buyer is!

This situation is very delicate. The top three are silent, but everyone can feel the overwhelming anger in their hearts. In this high-standard, once-in-a-million auction, the limelight is all on others. Moreover, all the top three players were squeezed out by one substitute seat, and no one dared to make an offer.

This is the bidder! They will definitely block Xu Yangyi's bidding, so the price of his goods will definitely reach a peak!

The Sonas man stood up, rubbing his two front paws eagerly, looking at Xu Yangyi with extremely passionate eyes, even with respect for money: "Two hundred and twenty million magic crystals, this... this... "

"Master Xu." The remnant of the Holy Flame said with a smile.

"Yes! Master Xu is asking for 220 million! Is there anyone else bidding?"

No, Zunsheng Capital and Taixu Capital are not the same concept.

"Well, congratulations to Master Xu!" Sonas laughed, a good start, a good start in the true sense. The final price of this Star Destroyer Cannon was about 200 million. It actually increased by one-tenth! It can't wait to open the next treasure.

Xu Yangyi didn't end there. He looked at the other wealthy businessmen and the top three, and sighed slightly: "I thought someone else would follow."

"It turns out it's just this little capital..."

Can you say that again? !

Hoo ho ho! All the top three stood up, and three eyes that looked like they were all fixed on him.

However, he turned a deaf ear and looked at other wealthy businessmen.

The top three just added fuel to the flames, and the ugly face of the wealthy businessman made him even more disgusted.

Seizing the Sun Song met his gaze, coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "The little guy has a pretty bad temper, and even my sister's jokes are serious. Don't be angry, you will need to patronize my sister's business later. "

"If you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years after opening." Yuchang sneered in his spiritual consciousness: "They are counting on this one-shot deal. Maybe they are not afraid of being too empty, but they are definitely afraid that they will not be able to sell what they have eaten for three years. This It’s the nature of a businessman, especially a top businessman like this.”

"Similar to the salesmen on Earth, this is also their mission. They should have a very high status in the chamber of commerce, and now they are all counting on you."

Tang Shi'en also met Xu Yangyi's gaze, laughed, and stood up: "You... you are really looking down on others."

This sentence was meant for other people. The other wealthy businessmen almost didn't respond. Why should they be so shameless? This is's obviously the move I want to use!

"Come on, come on, I want to give you a drink. Master Xu is probably only six hundred years old. He is really young and promising. I didn't notice it just now, so I drank this drink first. I will give you ninety-nine of my things later. fold!"

"Hahaha, Master Xu is joking, how can anyone here dare to look down on you?" "Did someone say something just now? Why can't I remember?" "You must have heard wrong. We came all the way, how could we treat the buyer so badly?" Disrespectful?”

Xu Yangyi felt very angry.

I was about to slap them one by one, but the other party used the ultimate move: I don't know three consecutive moves.

I don’t know, I didn’t hear clearly, I forgot.

He really admired him for being able to do this without saying a word. If he were one of these people, he would stand up and leave without saying a word.

So he can't be a businessman.


He was slapped in the face, and the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame was still backing him up, and others completely pretended that they couldn't hear or understand.

This is completely shameless. Starting from Sonas, these plane merchants seem to have forgotten how to write the word dignity!

"Everyone is really forgetful." He sneered and raised his chin: "Go on."

He just wants people to take advantage of the tiger's strength. He can see that the only thing that can make these people bow their heads is money.

Today, he would enjoy spending a lot of money and beat these people into obedience.

With a flattering smile on his face, Sonas rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Now that Master Xu has spoken, I won't fool you with other rubbish. A good start is important, but every businessman has core products. And we The 'War' Chamber of Commerce focuses on war, and this time, I brought a rare treasure."

Its face became solemn, and it gently performed a magic spell, and all eight light curtains were recovered. The next second, a light curtain as bright as a gem filled the scene.

"This breath..." The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame moved slightly, and suddenly his voice trembled slightly: "Could it... be that thing?"

Above the sky, the eyes of other top nobles who were paying attention here also moved, and they all looked at each other suspiciously.

"I smell a familiar smell." Grizzly Prince's voice murmured: "But it's unlikely, that thing has disappeared for too long."

"The Zerg's colonized armor known as 'biochemical armor'? It's a rare treasure. It has the same aura." "It's not sure yet. This kind of thing has not appeared for about five thousand years. The original insect nest will not allow this kind of thing. Flooding out. The Dominator Nest and the Initial Nest don’t produce this kind of thing at all.”

The brilliance shone everywhere, and after a few seconds, the brilliance extinguished. Sonas' voice was filled with incomparable fervor, and he bowed to the empty void: "The greatest invention of the Zerg, no, it should be said to be the greatest creation, the Incorporated Armor numbered 32884732. Please appreciate it."

"It's really it!" "Are you crazy... They actually went to the original insect nest? And they also brought out a biochemical armor? Is this looking for death?" "Insects... we don't want to provoke these perverts with reproductive power. Race, the War Chamber of Commerce has seen the Devil’s Furnace not erupting for tens of thousands of years, so it’s a waste of money?”

No one spoke, but the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame actually walked over slowly for the first time, staring closely at a void.

"If this is a fake, the price will be very heavy." It said meaningfully: "No one dares to sell fakes in the Abyss Arena."

"Of course I know." The other party's Taixu magic power was secreted bit by bit. The arrogant Sonas finally lowered his noble head and said sincerely: "In order to come up with this biochemical armor, the entire southern plane of the War Fire Chamber of Commerce The Zerg Apostle No. 13 personally took action to eliminate it. Now there is no War Chamber of Commerce in the south."

"Don't be so serious. What you took out is definitely not a biochemical armor. Don't increase the value here." The hand of the Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame flicked in the void, and there was a sound of gold and iron. After pondering for a long time, he calmed down. Xu told everyone: "Zergs, the strongest technological plane in the universe, their bioengineering has reached the pinnacle of the universe. And all Zergs...the most precious thing is their first molt. Almost all Zergs fight Armor is made of this stuff.”

"Similarly, they also have different levels of talent. The most talented Zerg can drain a plane once they are born. They are said to be born holy, and their first molt is also the most precious. Only such Zerg molts can be made into real of colonization armor.”

It said with some emotion: "It can become a piece the size of a fingernail, condensed to any position on the body, and cover the whole body immediately when needed. Did you see the number? 32884732, which means it is the 32 millionth one." The Zerg race is born to be holy. And the history of the Zerg race is longer than hell."

"More than 32 million... To them, it is just a drop in the ocean. Any colonized armor comes with the innate talent of this born saint. The defensive power... is enough to withstand a full blow from the early stage of Taixu. And it won’t break. After it’s shattered, it can absorb the Zerg’s unique ‘life matter particles’ and repair itself.”

It looked at everyone: "This is really a good thing worth starting with."

No one spoke, everyone looked into the void with burning eyes, but could not see clearly at all, except for Xu Yangyi.

There is no hypocrisy under the eyes of infinite truth. He could see clearly that a three-meter-tall strange insect slough, completely transparent, was suspended in the void.

The shape was indescribably weird. It obviously didn't fit his body at all, and even the joints were different, but it felt like it fit his body very well.

"What's its talent?" he asked with interest.

"Hidden Void, strike hard." Sonas quickly got rid of the terrifying oppression of the remnants of the Holy Flame, quietly wiped his sweat and said: "Hidden Void... It can adapt to any color around it. This adaptation does not mean refraction, hiding, This concealment will be found. Its concealment... is mimesis."

"The mimicry of the creature also radiates the opponent's spiritual consciousness. In other words, the opponent's divine consciousness can only delineate a range, but it cannot find its true body at all!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, and all the three armors became hot, especially the Red Night Demon, and his breathing began to become thicker.

"But that's not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying its second talent, a critical strike."

"It's very simple. Once it is front of everyone, there will be no shield!"

"As long as they are in the same realm, whether it is a protective shield, a talisman, or any magic weapon lower than the best magic weapon, it will be torn apart without any hindrance!"

Ha... Four gasping sounds appeared. No one spoke. Yuchang solemnly said in his consciousness: "Treasure. This is a real treasure."

"Boy, you must take it. I have thought about it carefully. You must go to the devil's oven in the Abyss Arena, otherwise the Mark of Mammon cannot be removed. But... these three monsters on the scene, you said it yourself, you have What’s the chance of winning?”

Xu Yangyi was silent for a moment: "Six and a half percent."

"That's right, only 65%. However, they are definitely not the strongest. There are also the peak Primordial Between, as well as the remnants of the battle between gods and demons in other planes. It's not surprising that there will be any upsets! Faced with it, it's not surprising! You are not more than 80% sure about those people, and the chance of being eliminated is not small! After all... your realm is only in the early stage, and this is a fatal injury. Even if Yuhe can help you reach the mid-term, it is still not enough!"

"I bet that you haven't seen many late-stage, Dzogchen, true geniuses who are just one step away from surpassing Taixu. And what is your trump card that can really win?"

Neither of them spoke, and everyone knew the answer.


The devil has no domain, this is his biggest trump card! Regardless of the Devouring Talisman, the Void Spirit Immortal Body, the Red Thread, and the Desire Talisman, they are all completed around the domain. Once the domain expands, his strength will fully explode.

"This armor is very harmonious with my assassin field..." He looked at the armor with burning eyes, and so did the others. No one spoke first. This was a real tough battle.

If it weren't for Alchemy, he wouldn't even be qualified to bid.

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