
Chapter 1229: Biochemical Armor

"Gudu..." At this moment, an unbearable sound came from his shoulder.

It's the red line.

"Can you be promoted?" Xu Yangyi suddenly thought of the last time the three-piece molt of Nanhua Butterfly Mother allowed Red Line to be promoted from Phantom. He hesitated and shook his head: "I can't give you this thing. At least not now. "

Red Line slumped on her shoulders in great frustration.

"Price?" The scene was silent, and Sonas didn't urge him. After a long time, Pale Eyes asked hoarsely.

"There is no price." Sonas smiled and stepped back, leaving the scene to today's protagonist: "The price you think is most suitable for you is the price you give it."

What a cunning old man! The four of them snorted coldly, but when they looked at each other, there was only a burning desire to fight.

"I am bound to get this thing." The Red Night Demon stood up and took a deep breath: "Four billion magic crystals!!"

"Four hundred and fifty million!" "Five hundred million!"

Suddenly, the voices of Pale Eyes and Sinful Peter Pan sounded simultaneously.

"Do you really want to rob me?" Red Night Demon sneered: "Five hundred and thirty million!"

"Five hundred and fifty million!" "Five hundred and eighty million!"

Red Night Demon gritted his teeth again: "Six hundred million!"

"Six hundred and thirty million!" "Six hundred and fifty million!"

The other party showed no signs of weakness and followed closely. Suddenly, the entire scene was filled with shouts of bidding. In just a few minutes, the price has climbed to a sky-high price of 740 million!

Representatives of other wealthy businessmen were a little uneasy. Firstly, the magic crystals in each hand were limited. Secondly, it would not be too long before the Devil's Oven exploded. To get a new magic weapon, you had to spend a long time practicing. I bought this thing. Destined to have no chance with their magic weapon. But they have to admit that this thing is really good! Even they want to buy it themselves!

"Seven hundred and fifty million!" "Seven hundred and sixty million!" "Seven hundred and seventy million!"

From the initial 50 million to 50 million, to the subsequent 30 million to 1 plus, to now, all are 10 million to 1 plus.

Close to the cap price for these guys…

Everyone was fussing over the price, but no one fell behind. When another minute passed and the number exceeded 800 million, the atmosphere finally changed from fiery to solemn. The bidding voice also slowed down.

"Eight hundred million... ten million." Pale Eyes almost grinded his teeth and shouted out the number: "Everyone, I want this thing. I owe you a favor."

"Haha... stop talking nonsense." The sinful Peter Pan's eyes were red and his chest was heaving. When this photo was taken, everyone's heartbeat would speed up and their blood would boil. However, after saying this, it took a full thirty seconds before it gritted its teeth and said: "Eight hundred and twenty million! Don't talk about such ridiculous things as love. Let's see the truth."

The atmosphere seemed to be frozen, 820 million, this was already a weight that their lives could not bear, and I am afraid that even one more point would not be enough. Thinking of shouting out this price, his life would be in embarrassment for decades. Thinking of the pressure brought by this money, Peter Pan simply closed his eyes.

For thirty seconds, the click of the second hand seemed to be heard, and no one spoke. Sonas finally said: "If there are no friends who continue to bid, then..."

"What's the rush!!" The Red Night Demon roared, his eyes were also blood red, he opened his mouth slightly and gasped, opened it several times and closed it again. After a few seconds, he said hoarsely: "Eight hundred million..."

"Eight hundred million..."

"That's almost enough." The sinful Peter Pan couldn't help but said: "How much money do you have, and we don't know yet? Do you really think you can get funds from His Highness the Demon Lord? You are different from us. We are out all the time. , but you stay in the Palace of Deception all year round, we have at least two more planes than you, why do you fight with us?"

However, this sentence seemed to strengthen the Red Night Demon's determination. It closed its eyes and shouted with some strength: "Eight hundred million... fifty million!"

"This is my final price and I won't go above it."

"If you can still surpass it, then..." It opened its eyes and glanced at the armor with great reluctance: "It belongs to you..."

"But!" The bones all over its body showed a trace of red, and it gritted its teeth and said: "When we meet in the abyss arena, I will never show mercy! Never! Never!!"

Eight hundred and fifty million!

Sonas almost shouted, this is a truly sky-high price! It was indeed the right thing to choose when choosing the product!

"Eight hundred and fifty million! Eight hundred and fifty million! Does anyone else take action?"

The sinful Peter Pan bit his lip, with venomous snakes scurrying all over his body, and his extremely heavy breathing sounded in the cloak of the Pale Eyes. However, this time neither of them spoke again.

In fact, they have run out of money. They were just putting pressure on the other side. When the other side withstood the pressure and actually quoted a sky-high price of 850 million, they really couldn't follow suit anymore.

Thirty seconds later, Sonas let out a long sigh of relief: "Then, this extremely precious biochemical armor belongs to..."

The Red Night Demon stood up, not knowing whether it was distressed or excited, his body was trembling slightly, and a winner's smile was already blooming on his face. But at this moment, a calm voice pierced its eardrums very dissonantly.

"To whom?"

Huo! The three armored men all turned back and looked at Xu Yangyi as if they were eating people.

Does he still want it? !

Still dare to fight? !

This... this damn human being, it's not enough to take down the Star Destroyer Cannon! The road back has been cut off, but now the road in front of you is also blocked? Still want to fight? !

Is there any more royal method!

You won't even let us drink the broth? !

"You..." The victorious smile on Red Night Demon's face suddenly became solemn, and his voice was hoarse as if his spine had been taken away: "You..."

"Have you asked me?" Xu Yangyi was still holding the wine glass as calm as water. However, the next second, the number that was thrown out was beyond the reach of the three of them!

"Nine billion."

"Nine billion magic crystals. This is my offer."

900 million!

Sonas' eyes almost turned into gold coins, and he was about to shout when he heard a loud noise, boom! ! The Red Night Demon violently kicked over the table in front of him, his demonic energy surged all over his body, and he stared at Xu Yangyi like a tiger in a cage.

"Human. Do you want to die?"

Its voice rolled through the sky like thunder, and the scythe hidden in the bones of its body had slowly stretched out, with a bloody light, its huge bone wings spread out, and rose into the air, its bloodthirsty aura undisguised.

"I'm giving you a chance to take back what you said!!"

Under the fierce murderous aura, Xu Yangyi was indifferent and looked at Sonas: "Is it forbidden for me to bid?"

"Of course not." Sonas' huge faucet shook like a rattle: "The one with the highest price gets it, this is the rule."

"Lord Remnant of the Holy Flame!" Red Night Demon looked at the other party with rapid breathing: "Are you sure... he can afford it?!"

"Including the previous 200 million, it's a total of 1.1 billion! Such a... a person who just came to Tiragandis! He doesn't have half a plane of poverty at his disposal, how can he afford to pay back?!"

"Even if he has something that you value, this is a huge sum of 1.1 billion! It is equivalent to the output of three resource planes for fifty years! Don't tell me that he has three resource planes! Any resource plane must Filing! I haven’t seen this poor man holding any planes!”

After it had finished roaring, it panted and said, "You did this...didn't you think about the Demon Lord's thoughts?"

"Pay attention to your attitude." The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame sneered and said with absolute certainty: "He can still afford it."

"However, this is my last credit. Because so far, I have received the highest level of designated priority at least once, and that's enough for the time being."

What and what! !

What is the highest level of priority! What does it mean until now? ! In other words, if you are willing and want it, can you still get it on credit? !

Is it really good for Taixu Capital to intervene in Zunsheng Auction?

Their attitude was indifferent to the remnants of the Holy Flame. Xu Yangyi should not be too far away from entering the True Saint of Alchemy. The cost of a true Saint-level elixir alone is hundreds of millions, not to mention those terrifying heavenly materials. Dibao, even it will feel heartbroken. That’s why I felt it was enough to be here.

And... you have to give your illegitimate child some meat, right?

As for the final reason... its eyes flickered slightly and it didn't think about it any further.

"Do you really think that you, the top three of Ferrus, can stand in front of the Devil's Oven with the Diamond of Eternity level... You guys... have really never seen the Diamond of Eternity that suppresses the boundaries of the ether and enters the abyss arena... ...In every Abyss Arena, these are the main players. As for you... I can only say that the possibility of entering the top 300 is too slim..."

The indifferent attitude deeply hurt the Red Night Demon's self-esteem. Xu Yangyi was not included in the "purchase group" from the beginning. God knows, the plot took a turn for the worse and the appeal was fruitless, which made his heart bleed!

"You... are very good." It turned its head bitterly and looked at Xu Yangyi: "You'd better pray that you don't meet me in the Abyss Arena, otherwise... you won't have a chance to survive!"

"I will make you remember deeply with your body how different the disciples taught by Lord Demon Lord are from you!"

"Boom!" It sat down like a mountain, and the ground was cracked, but...

Still no one cares about it.

Sinful Peter Pan and Pale Eyes also gnashed their teeth, but the Red Night Angel was dead. There was no need for them to fight anymore, after all, they couldn't beat the price of the Red Night Angel. And... doesn’t the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame not accept credit? There are eleven businessmen, and they have plenty of opportunities.

"Then, the deal is 900 million!" Sonas rubbed his hands together excitedly, and immediately, a storage ring flew out and slowly landed in front of Xu Yangyi: "Master Xu, this is the Star Destroyer Cannon and Colonial Armor you purchased. , please keep it.”

After saying that, it sat back in its seat contentedly. These two votes were so profitable. It has 100% completed the mission of the Merchant Alliance. As for whether a rich man like Master Xu is still able to buy things from other merchants...

What's none of his business?

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