
Chapter 1230: The Lost Sword

A fiery transaction ended, and the atmosphere on the scene was completely aroused. Immediately afterwards, Song of Seizing the Sun stood up and glanced at Xu Yangyi with great regret.

1.1 billion... The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame has taken back the credit rights again. After all, he is one step too late... Damn it!

Fortunately, several other people are also quite wealthy. Can't wait any longer.

"It's a pity that without making a deal with Master Xu, you can't afford to buy anymore." It sighed, took off the storage ring in its hand, and was about to speak when suddenly, a flaming crow flew into the field.

The other party held a piece of parchment in his mouth, and it fell on the shoulder of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame. He took the parchment and took a look. Suddenly, the huge eye blinked suddenly.

"Is there an emergency?" Tang Shi'en smiled and said, "If you are in an emergency, you can let another demon king take charge. We don't mind."

"No..." The remnant of the Holy Flame looked at Xu Yangyi deeply for a few times, and finally said: "Fortunately, I am quick to act..."

It flew the parchment towards Xu Yangyi and said: "This is the magic crystal card from Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo..."

The three words "Magic Crystal Card" immediately made everyone at the scene prick up their ears.

"The number is... no limit!" The remnant of the Holy Flame said with a deep breath.

What? !

Sanjia instantly turned to stone!

What does it mean?

Why? Why can a human being be favored by so many Taixu? The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame had a credit of 1.1 billion. Without saying anything, just when he thought they could turn around, Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo’s unlimited magic crystal card arrived again! More ruthless than the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame!

Is this... the rhythm of eating alone? !

Is this human being the illegitimate son of His Excellency the Deputy Speaker!

"You...what do you mean..." The sinful Peter Pan looked at the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame with a pale face. As the successor of the seventh deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, the "Flower of Sin", it also received the support of the other party and obtained the The sponsorship of 500 million magic crystals is not even comparable to the 1.1 billion credit of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame. Now Deputy Speaker Kendra Mo actually still has this hand?

It was so heartbreaking that it was riddled with holes and leaking air.

Xu Yangyi did not laugh, but calmly put the parchment away.

Kendra Mo's things... are easy to take, but they have to be used for life.

The other party is also preparing for the Devil's Furnace. No one wants to get a dying Taixu. After regaining life, the desire to advance to the top level is so hot that it is so hot that... he does not hesitate to take risks.

"That's fine..." He said quietly, "When the time comes, I still don't know who will win."

The scene was completely silent. After a few seconds, Song of Seizing the Sun let out a burst of laughter like silver bells: "Oh my... look what I just said? I just said that Master Xu is a rare rich man, and it is true."

Everyone could only smile bitterly. Isn't that what you said just now?

"Come on, let's get started. I don't know what Master Xu will like this time."

The auction was going on in an orderly manner. Since Kendramo dared to give it away, he dared to use it. However, the things in Song of Seizing the Sun were a bit weird. Most of them were off-beat. He didn't pay much attention to it. There was a dagger that caught his eye. Lit, but no bid was made. Because fish intestines are enough.

On the contrary, I saw that he did not take action, and the competition among the other top three was extremely fierce. They already knew very well that as soon as Xu Yangyi opened his mouth, this thing would not belong to them. In the end, the dagger was acquired by the Pale Eye at a high price of 580 million.

This made Seiyangzhi, who sat back in his seat, heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do about it. Fate and chance, without one of the two fates, it would be impossible to fetch a sky-high price of nearly one billion.

Auctioneers passed by one after another, and Xu Yangyi took action only a few times. When the ninth auctioneer sat down, he had harvested a total of four items.

Star destroyer cannon, colonized armor, a devil fruit that can withstand a fatal attack, and a treasure said to be the strongest in the universe, the Canglan Crystal, which is only as big as a fist, but it cost him 700 million Lots of magic crystals.

The competition for these things is equally fierce, but once he takes action, there is no suspense.

The last two auctioneers were Tang Shien and a businessman who looked like a tree man. Tang Shien glanced at each other, finally stood up, smiled and said, "Everyone has gained a lot today, both you and us, but when I come out, , Fellow Taoists who have read my wanted notice should know that it’s time for you to look at your face.”

However, this sentence was greeted with three cold snorts. The sinful Peter Pan, the red night angel, and the pale eyes all suppressed the anger in their hearts.

It's frustrating... it's so frustrating. I've been pressed from beginning to end. I never get what I want, so I can only settle for the next best thing. It's usually a treasure, but now it makes their hearts bleed when they hold it in their hands. , because...the other party doesn't want these, so they can pick them up like treasures!

This is charity. Proud and reserved charity.

Whose status is not higher than this human being? As a result, this unknown human being was so overwhelmed that he couldn't even lift his head at the top-level Saint Auction!

They were so suppressed that only the bloodthirsty killing intent remained in their hearts.

"The one who dares to damage my face like this...the last one is already a dead person..." The sinful Peter Pan licked his lips, looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and said: "Human, be careful, I hope you are lucky enough."

"I'm looking forward to what kind of fighting power you can exert after getting these treasures." Red Night Demon Kaka pinched the wine glass and suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and said: "I will give it a try myself."

Xu Yangyi ignored them. He had fought with the sinful Peter Pan before, and he knew that he could not say that he would definitely win against these three people, but his chances of winning were not low. Now that he had obtained the colonized armor, his strength would definitely be improved to a higher level after the jade and absorption were completed in a hundred years.

Only then could he truly have the confidence to stand proudly on the top of the demon furnace.

Tang Shien ignored the weird atmosphere at the scene and continued to smile: "There is a characteristic of my treasures, that is, even I don't know the use. You can recognize it with your own eyes, and I will take it without any hesitation. If you can't recognize it and buy garbage at a high price, it's not my fault. After all... everyone has a time to make mistakes."

After saying this, he pulled down five meticulously carved storage rings and threw them into the field. Suddenly, a green light filled the air, and rootless green lotuses bloomed everywhere. After a few seconds, this place has turned into a cloud and mist lotus pond with Chinese characteristics, and on top of the lotus flowers, there are treasures. The catalog of these treasures turned into cards that slowly circulated above.

"Unknown armor." Tang Shien tiptoed and flew to the side of a lotus, pointing to the pattern above and said: "This thing was discovered by chance when I was wandering in a plane. That time, I happened to be with the caravan and encountered a provocative star beast. After being killed, I found this thing in its stomach."

"After an unknown amount of time, it is still as new as before, and it can completely defend against a quasi-Taixu attack. The flow of talismans can be detected inside, so it should have unique additional power. By the way, that star beast... is in the early stage of Taixu."

Someone immediately bid. The magic weapon that can protect oneself is not too much, but Xu Yangyi still did not speak. After experiencing the baptism of rare treasures before, what he held in his hands were the essence of the essence of this auction. He was no longer interested in gambling things like Tang Shien.

After the armor was sold for 70 million, Tang Shien walked to another lotus, flicked his fingers, and a pair of rusty iron swords slowly rose into the air.

"This is a very interesting thing." He smiled and said, "First of all, even the late Saint can't hurt it at all, which shows that it comes from a cultivation civilization. It's not an ordinary iron sword."

"Second..." His voice became solemn: "I have checked all the star maps, and this plane does not exist in any recorded star map! In other words, it carries the secret of an unknown civilization plane!"

"Third..." He picked up a sword at random, waved it lightly, a white light flashed, and quietly put it back on the lotus.

A few seconds later, a rumbling sound came from a corner of the top of the tower, and it fell down with smoke and dust, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

"Even if it is covered with rust, it is still so sharp. It is really hard to imagine the grand occasion on the day of recovery. Okay, the price of the two swords starts at 100 million. Start now."

No one made a bid.

Compared with defense, there are too many magic weapons for attack. Only those with some special powers, such as armored armor, can be sold at a sky-high price.

A rusty sword, it is obvious that Tang Shien can't remove its rust, so what if it is sharper? Well, even if it carries the secret of an unknown cultivation civilization, who can tell from a sword?

Tang Shien didn't care about the cold atmosphere. To be honest, he just took a chance on this pair of swords. They belonged to the worst category of his products. He planned to meet a local rich man to sell them to him. He didn't expect to sell them at an auction full of rare treasures. But just when he was about to go to the next lotus, a calm voice suddenly sounded.


It was Xu Yangyi.

"You want it?" Tang Shien was a little stunned. He had too much money and didn't know where to spend it?

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his eyes had turned hot, because just a few seconds ago, Yuchang completely lost his composure in his mind!

"Take it! We must take it!" Its voice was filled with an unconcealable eagerness: "I never expected... I never expected... I could actually see it here!"

"What on earth is this?"

Without keeping the secret, Yu Chang's eyes were filled with great desire: "Tell it... You may not believe it..."

"They are the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye that have never been found among the ten holy swords!!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

Gan Jiang and Mo Ye?

These two rusty swords?

"I'm sure!!" Yu Chang said with certainty: "The ten holy swords are all related to each other. Although I don't know why they are like this, this is Gan Jiang and Mo Ye without a doubt!!"

"Their spirits are still there! Do you remember when I devoured Long Yuan in the Tower of Babel? As long as I can devour Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, I... can guarantee that there is no sword under the void that can match you!"

"Little guy... you... might really be able to make Xuan Yuan reappear!"

Long Yuan, Yu Chang, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, the four holy swords have been gathered, and they are almost halfway!

After that, Chunjun was in the Ming Tombs, Tai'a was in the hands of the descendants of Xuanyuan Sword Master, and Chixiao was in the hands of the old Sword Master...

This has gathered seven holy swords!

Only the last Zhanlu Chengying is missing! The nine swords can be combined into one and Xuanyuan will be reborn!

He couldn't calm down. Xuanyuan Sword, the symbol of China. If the Heshi Bi that was discovered is only the symbol of the emperor, Xuanyuan Sword is the symbol of the Chinese race! The symbol of the descendants of Yan and Huang!

The Sword of the Holy Way, the Sword of the Yellow Emperor.

I never thought it was so close to me.

"One hundred million." He said calmly.

However, as soon as the voice fell, two other cold voices sounded immediately.

"One hundred and fifty million!" "Two hundred million!"

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