
Main text Chapter 123: The Master of the Imperial Weapon (I)

"Puff..." The bullet accurately shot into Xu Yangyi's shoulder. At the same time, Liu Shuren seemed to have just understood and jumped behind the sofa without saying a word.

"How long will it take for the attack to take effect!?" Captain Wang did not open the door. It would take more than ten seconds for the anesthetic gun to take effect. If the other party saw that it was a criminal police arresting someone... they did not want to ruin their reputation.

Take advantage of the coma and bring it to that gentleman.

"Ten seconds!" The deputy captain looked at the watch and said affirmatively.

But the next second, their eyes were all straight.

"Ding Dong..."

It was very pleasant, but in their ears, it was like the devil ringing the doorbell!

This... is the sound of the bullet falling to the ground just now!

It's not a bulletproof vest... There has never been a bulletproof vest that can rebound bullets and has such awesome elasticity. Captain Wang opened his mouth and looked outside from the monitor with an extremely shocked expression.

This is the sound of skin rebounding!

Is this fucking human!

No, no, no! He immediately rejected this absurd idea. This is impossible! How can human skin block bullets!

"Damn..." A police officer stood up without any control, his voice was floating: "Monster... This is a monster!"

Outside the door, Liu Shuren was also stunned.

Too unscientific! Is this, is this really on Earth?

Xu Yangyi sighed softly and rubbed his chin. He was too lazy to argue with ordinary people: "Everyone, that's enough. I will treat this shot as if it never happened. If there is a next time..."

He flicked his thumb lightly and glanced at the door casually. The next second, the door "banged" into pieces! Pieces flew everywhere! The five policemen behind him were already dumbfounded, like wooden sculptures.

Dead silence, dead silence.

Everyone was stunned, and they had only one thought in their minds. How could there be such a person? Is this Superman? Invulnerable to swords and guns? Do you think this is a movie by Zhang Yimou? Or X-Men?

That shot did not knock out a bullet, but everyone's confidence.

"Understand?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. If the other party dared to raise the gun again, he really didn't mind giving him some unforgettable lessons.

"Understand..." After a few seconds, everyone answered in a low voice almost in unison.

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly and looked at Liu Shuren with a smile: "Now, I think we can have a good talk."

Liu Shuren trembled his lips and nodded silently.

The two walked upstairs.

With a crisp snap of his fingers, the surrounding sounds were completely cut off. Xu Yangyi carefully unbuttoned his shirt, took out the imperial weapon hanging around his neck, held it in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to care about what happened before. Now, I ask, you answer."


Xu Yangyi was very satisfied with Liu Shuren's knowledge of the times: "First of all, I know that this is an emperor's thing. And it is something that is of vital importance to him. The first question is which dynasty it comes from."

"Ming Dynasty." Speaking of this, Liu Shuren's face turned red, but he restrained himself tightly. He knew very well that the person in front of him was a real superman: "But... I can't judge exactly when and which emperor it belongs to."

"Why?" Xu Yangyi quietly picked up a cup of tea and took a sip and asked.

"You are known as the most famous Ming history expert in China, but you can't tell the difference?"

"Sir!" Liu Shuren gritted his teeth, and his temples swelled several times. He really couldn't imagine that he could see such a thing!

The first time he analyzed it, he knew that he might have encountered an incredible ancient artifact!

"It's not that I didn't try hard, but... the age of this box can't be accurately determined!" He licked his lips, and the blood of the archaeologist in his heart boiled: "This box... I can infer that it was cast between 1600 and 1627. But..."

"We can't tell its structure at all!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "What does this mean?"

"That's what I mean!" Liu Shuren's breathing was a little hurried: "The material used to cast this box does not belong to any metal that the human world has known! It is not gold, nor silver, copper, or iron! It does not belong to any known metal! Sir, this treasure should be handed over to the country..."

He swallowed the following words in Xu Yangyi's indifferent glance.

"Don't read too much Grave Robbers' Chronicles, Expert Liu." Xu Yangyi smiled and put down his teacup, raised his chin: "Even if the material can't be distinguished, who it belongs to, can't it be distinguished?"

"Difficult..." Liu Shuren's excitement was poured with a bucket of cold water, and he smiled bitterly: "Shortened to 30 years, this is already the limit of my nearly two years of research on this box. Because, in these 30 years, the Ming Dynasty experienced three emperors..."

"Ming Shenzong, Ming Guangzong, Ming Xizong, this is one of the most frequent emperors in Chinese history..."

His words were interrupted by Xu Yangyi's frown.

"I want the result."

"Okay, Mr. Xu, you see, this box, its carving and casting method is a typical late Ming imperial style. In addition to these four holes, there are nine dragon patterns on the box, which further indicates that this should be the emperor's personal supplies..."

Xu Yangyi did not speak again. Bi Bo's decryption was not finished, but left a puzzle. Now, he will get the final answer to this puzzle!

Which emperor did it belong to? Who forged this living imperial weapon with a thousand years of resentment? And was it attacked by the Xuanyuan Sword?

"Sir... you are about to see the first puzzle in history... and one of the greatest puzzles!" Liu Shuren trembled as he picked up the small box. He was so nervous and excited that his hands shook several times and he couldn't pick it up.

After picking up the small box, his eyes were a little bloodshot. He picked up a cup of warm water and poured it on the small box drop by drop with his shaking hands.

Xu Yangyi's eyes did not move at all, but the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank!

The box itself was golden yellow with a hint of dark red, as if telling the unwillingness of the emperor. However, when the water was poured on it, a visible layer of red immediately spread out, as if a layer of invisible veil was removed!

"Look! Look! This is..." Before Liu Shuren finished speaking, a hand had already pressed on his hand. He looked up in astonishment and immediately saw Xu Yangyi's cold eyes.

"Have you told anyone else?"

Liu Shuren's Adam's apple moved with difficulty, and he shook his head involuntarily according to the facts. Xu Yangyi then let go of his hand and gently tapped the back of his hand with his fingers: "You did a good job."

"Then, tell me now, what is this?"

Once it comes to professional issues, Liu Shuren's eyes can't help but get hot, and he hoarsely said: "It's cinnabar!"

"The ancients would add this stuff to alchemy. Whether it's Baopuzi or Cantongqi, there are detailed records! I scraped off a little and studied it, and it's definitely cinnabar!"

His eyes were already filled with excitement and enthusiasm: "In the Ming Palace, the emperor's personal items that can use cinnabar were between 1620 and 1627. The most famous one is..."

"The Red Pill Case!" Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi couldn't help but speak.

Is it him?

Ming Guangzong?

The famous "January Emperor!" He can be called one of the most tragic emperors in history! He ascended the throne in August 1620 and died in the same month! Died from a pill! The Red Pill Case, one of the "Three Major Cases of the Ming Palace"!

Even if he is not familiar with history, few people have not heard of the Red Pill Case.

His mind turned quickly, but at the same time, it felt a little unbelievable.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were countless emperors obsessed with Taoism, and more and more emperors took "pills". And this Ming Guangzong was the January Emperor who died from the "pill".

Not only that... Seven years later, his son, Ming Xizong Zhu Youxiao also died from the "pill!"

The Shengdiqi, which appears once every five thousand years, was not condensed by any outstanding person, or the three emperors of Qin Shihuang, Han Wu, and Tang Taizong, but by the most tragic emperor in history?


He narrowed his eyes, what about the sword light of Xuanyuan Sword?

What does this box want to tell him?

If it is really condensed by Ming Guangzong, then... the things involved in this Red Pill Case that shocked the ages... are far more than what is recorded in history books.

Something... was quietly hidden in the pages of the book, under the Spring and Autumn style...

Ming Guangzong did not die in the Red Pill Case, but was killed by Xuanyuan Sword because he was involved in the secrets of the ancient cultivators?

This idea, as soon as it arose, immediately took root in his mind!

If so... he pondered and rubbed his chin, then he had a slight guess about what this box was going to tell him.

The truth of the year, and... what earth-shattering secrets did the other party know, the truth that could not be recorded in history books, causing the holder of the Hades Emperor to kill him regardless of the law of heaven.

This was just a guess, Xu Yangyi suppressed his fluctuating emotions. He looked at the half of the box cautiously.

If this box really belongs to Emperor Guangzong of Ming, doesn't that mean...

"Mr. Gao, if your information is true! This box... is likely to be the one that contained the red pill! The red pill box that killed Emperor Guangzong of Ming!" Liu Shuren stared at Xu Yangyi with shining eyes. This might be the boldest hypothesis he has ever made in his life. He really hopes to get Xu Yangyi's approval.

However, Xu Yangyi himself is not crazy about history.

Now, the first puzzle may be solved. Its owner, the most suitable one at present, may be Emperor Guangzong of Ming. However, the death of this emperor is probably not simple.

The long river of history is desperately covering up something. What does the thousand-year-old regret choose him across hundreds of years to tell?

What is the shocking secret that killed an emperor?

Not only the power of the current dynasty... I am afraid that some immortal gates of the Ming Dynasty have also joined this plan.

Xu Yangyi rubbed his eyebrows. The imperial weapon seems simple, but it is actually a huge puzzle. Every time, when he thought he was about to solve the truth, he only revealed a corner of the secret.

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