
Main text Chapter 124: The Master of the Imperial Weapon (Part 2)

For a long time, he didn't speak again. It wasn't until a few minutes later that Xu Yangyi said, "It's just speculation after all."

"What does this sentence mean?" Without waiting for the other party to speak, he immediately changed the subject, pointing to the pattern on the edge of the box and asked: "Someone told me that this is a sentence."

"Indeed, this is hieroglyphics." Willow Tree Man took a few deep breaths: "This sentence is: Uncover its secret."

Xu Yangyi nodded, Bibo didn't tell lies.

"Sir..." He grabbed the box tightly, the muscles on his face were trembling: "What you just said was only part of it..."

"This box... hides a huge secret! Next, is the real secret I want to tell you!"

After saying that, he took out his watch and a map of China. Xu Yangyi untied the box and handed it to the other party. Willow Man took it and hovered about fifty centimeters on the map.

He bit his lip and looked at Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi took a closer look, but didn't know why.

The map is still the same map, nothing on it... No!

The next second, his eyes suddenly opened wide!! Nothing at all!

There’s not even a shadow of the box in the sun!

Only the Willow Tree Man's hands looked like they were holding the box, but the shadow of the box couldn't be seen at all!

"It's 11:50 now." Willow Tree Man's eyes were a little red: "Wait ten minutes... only ten minutes!"

"In ten minutes... you will see the greatest miracle in archeology!"

Xu Yangyi stood up without saying a word.

Ten minutes passed very quickly, but it seemed like seconds passed by like years. Imperial Artifact, Living Imperial Artifact, this Chinese treasure that comes out every five thousand years, what exactly will it bring? Xu Yangyi is like a cautious revealer, uncovering the dusty history bit by bit.

"When..." When the wall clock on the wall rang twelve o'clock, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly jumped in the willow tree man's excited eyes.


On that map of China, the living imperial weapon without a shadow finally appeared at twelve o'clock at noon!

However, that shadow... is anything but ordinary!

That's a needle.

In other words, a needle-like shadow is nailed exactly in one place through sunlight.

"This is a sundial!" Willow Tree Man's body trembled a little: "A sundial that only appears at twelve o'clock noon!"

"Have you noticed that the map I showed you is a little different from the current one?" Willow Man pointed to the place where the sundial is: "This... is the map of the Ming Dynasty!"

Xu Yangyi looked over and saw that it did not say Longsu Province, but Qin-Shaanxi Province.

He pondered and touched that place, and after a moment he said in a deep voice: "What does this mean?"

"Mr. Gao...means...there may be some terrible secret hidden there!" Liu Shuren looked at the map with red eyes: "Let the emperor tell future generations in this way! And...this secret must be Only special people can see it! He can’t even tell anyone else!”

Xu Yangyi's eyes were deep, and he calmly took the imperial weapon and put it on his chest again. After sitting down, he said nothing.

The imperial weapon...are you going to tell him to go here?

What is hidden in this?

What does this... have to do with those ancient cultivators lurking in the pages of history?

Countless thoughts rushed into his mind, and the sundial pointed directly at Longsu Province. Within a few seconds, he made a decision.

You must check it out here!

Success comes from subtlety, wealth comes from danger, and the clues of the imperial weapon are like a dark thread spanning thousands of years, leading him to explore, pursue, and unlock the secrets buried in history.

The blood in his chest was hot and hot. He knew that it was ambition.

"That's all?" After dozens of seconds, Xu Yangyi calmed down his expression, looked at Willow Tree Man and smiled: "Is there anything more?"

"And..." Liu Shu stopped talking and coughed slightly in embarrassment: "If...Mr. Gao wants to take a look, he hopes to bring me with him..."

Xu Yangyi smiled and shook his head.

"Mr. Gao?" Liu Shuren was a little unbelievable. After two years of work, he was unwilling to take care of himself?

"Prepare your last words." Xu Yangyi suppressed his smile and his eyes became cold: "Although I don't know who you are, you have crossed the line."

"Mr. Gao, I don't understand what you are talking about?" Liu Shuren looked at Xu Yangyi inexplicably: "Even if you don't want to take me there, there is no need to say it so harshly..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were unabashedly filled with murderous intent: "Really?"

"Remember I just held your hand?"

"I was worried that you were being followed by someone who wanted to, so I made a little move on your hand." He looked directly into Willow Man's eyes: "That is a ray of spiritual consciousness. To put it simply, I can see if there are any traces on you." No one else’s spiritual consciousness.”

"what are you saying……"

Xu Yangyi sneered and shook his head: "No, but your body has its own spiritual consciousness."

He looked directly into the Willow Man's eyes: "You are a monk."

Affirmative. Without a trace of doubt.

The Willow Man stopped speaking and just let out a gentle sigh.

"In addition, the most important point..." Xu Yangyi stretched out a finger and shook it: "Unfortunately for you, I have developed neurons, and I have developed them more extensively than others."

The last smile on Willow Man's face finally disappeared.

"There are seven people in this house besides me."

"Five police officers, you, six in total." Xu Yangyi looked into his eyes and said: "From the moment I entered the door, I was looking for where the last person was. Finally, I finally found it."

"There is a person lying under the bed in the basement two meters underground. And that person has not moved. Can I say that." Xu Yangyi's hand has already ignited a hot flame: "Really The body of the Willow Tree Man was placed there. You asked everything before me, but you happened to meet me. It was difficult to get away, so you just pretended to be the Willow Tree Man and sent me away? "

"I admit that your acting skills are very beautiful, but unfortunately, from the beginning, I knew that you were a monk."


For thirty seconds, Liu Shuren stood up with a sneer and clapped his hands softly: "Wonderful... really wonderful... I never thought that you could see me, Mr. Zhao Wu, capsize in the gutter, I admit defeat."

"It's just that I can't figure it out. Why didn't you reveal it from the beginning?"

"It's very simple." Xu Yangyi gently circled the ball of fire in his hand: "I want to know how much you know. Moreover, if the real Willow Tree Man is dead, you are undoubtedly the only one who knows its secrets. ”

Master Zhao Wu smiled: "So... this young fellow Taoist, aren't you afraid that you won't even be able to get out of here?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Young?"

"Voices can't deceive people." Zhao Wuye laughed dryly: "You have disguised everything, but your voice has not been disguised. You can disguise it so well, I guess... this is Qian Huan? Fellow Taoist, you really have a big background... This You can also get this kind of treasure. It’s a pity that you were careless and didn’t bring Ying Chong with you. Maybe you think that dealing with a mortal doesn’t need to be so complicated?”

The corner of Xu Yangyi's mouth curled up, and the next second, Master Zhao Wu's pupils suddenly tightened, and the fireball was flying towards him involuntarily!

"Broken!" No longer needing to hide, Mr. Zhao Wu shouted, and a blur of yellow light spit out from his mouth. In an instant, it turned into a spiritual energy spear and collided with the fireball!

In his hand, he holds three magical powers. He was confident that he could defeat a monk who was less than thirty years old!

At worst, you can escape safely.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, all the glass around the room shattered! An invisible shock wave made the place seem to be hit by a small bomb, and there was debris all around!

"Bang!" Two sounds of snapping fingers sounded at the same time, and an invisible layer of restriction blocked the sound and vision within a fifty-meter radius. Whether it is Xu Yangyi or Zhao Wuye, their eyes are full of murderous intent at this moment. Everyone wants to kill the other party here without anyone seeing it!

"Hundred Soldiers Hall..." Mr. Zhao Wu was the first to attack. He took a deep breath, which was extremely long. As he inhaled, his entire chest and belly swelled up like a balloon.

"Sword of Eternal Life!"

As he roared, another ray of yellow light spurted out from his mouth, and this ray of light seemed like a dragon flying in the sky. The moment it flew out, it suddenly turned into a long sword of about two meters! Stab Xu Yangyi hard on the chest!

"Turtle!" Xu Yangyi didn't underestimate the enemy at all. In the first fight, everyone understood each other.

They are all in the middle stage of Qi training!

"Bang!" The sword hit the defensive move, but instantly turned into a sky full of yellow aura, and these auras were completely different from ordinary ones.

Bright, very bright, so bright that it’s hard to open your eyes.

Xu Yangyi turned his head reflexively. Immediately, alarm bells rang in his heart, and his body almost reacted faster than his nerves! At this moment, his body suddenly squatted down, and at the same time, his left leg whipped backwards like a conditioned reflex. Immediately afterwards, I heard a muffled groan behind me.

Just now, when the sword exploded, Master Zhao Wu had already flashed behind him like a ghost! The spiritual energy in his hands filled the air, condensing into two fists and stabbing him directly in the back of the heart!

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. Zhao Wuye's spiritual energy is not as strong as his, but his opponent's hands-on experience is far richer than his. This is the most obvious difference between decades of practice and several years of practice.

Only when you enter the foundation building can it become a real confrontation with supernatural powers and spiritual power. During the Qi training period, most of them also need to use physical skills.

"Tiger Crane!" Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy was injected into the meridians of his thighs. Suddenly, his foot seemed to turn into a razor. With the sound of "swipe", a rain of blood rose up without warning.

He didn't stop at all, because at the same time that Zhao Wuye's blood was gushing out, he clearly felt that around him, a patch of spiritual energy light spots as dense as locusts burst out without warning!

It was as if what he had just kicked was a wasp's nest, and now all the wasps were flying out!

"Ten Directions Red Lotus!" Without hesitation, he didn't want to think about what those spiritual points were. He only knew that if these things hit him, he would at least be a sieve.

"Roar!!!" A red fire dragon several meters long ignited in the room in an instant, with a roar that shook the sky, and instantly turned those flying spiritual energy points into fly ash!

In the flash of lightning, the two had clashed several times.

"Pah...pah..." Xu Yangyi's next kick rebounded and rushed one meter away. At this moment, the two stood at opposite corners, looking at their opponents cautiously.

The sound of crackling existed in the entire space. They were countless hidden weapons, plum blossom darts, blood droplets... all condensed by spiritual energy, but at this moment, each one was burning in flames.

The red lotuses in the ten directions are immortal!

The firelight flickered down, reflecting Master Zhao Wu's embarrassed expression in the firelight.

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