
Main text Chapter 125: The truth (I)

The two of them stared at each other without blinking.

Xu Yangyi was calm, while Zhao Wuye's face was calm, but his heart was shocked!

He had long heard that Xu Yangyi was very young, but he had never expected that although the other party was young, he was not soft at all!

He had never expected that he had used several tricks one after another, but the other party was not injured at all!

Especially... the last magical power of the other party was so powerful that it made him tremble with fear.

"Do you want to fight to the death?" He asked with a gloomy face.

He felt mixed emotions in his heart. He was extremely anxious.

He asked everything first and killed the willow tree man, but Xu Yangyi happened to come over. It was not convenient for him to leave, so he simply used himself as bait, hoping to get some details about Xu Yangyi.

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, he guessed that it was Qian Huan, and he backed down in his heart at that time. He couldn't afford to offend the cultivator who could afford Qian Huan. Not to mention him, he couldn't afford to offend the family behind him.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized by the other party. His first thought was to do it once and for all and cut the grass and root it out.

He made up his mind and used the family's killer move. This move has a nickname, called three rings and a moon. It is the most exquisite continuous killer move of their family. One move has three magical powers. No matter the opponent counterattacks, attacks, or escapes, there is a back-up.

However, he never expected that this "root" would be so difficult to remove. He has been in the middle stage for ten years, but he can't even take down a young kid!

"Only the dead can keep secrets." Xu Yangyi's expression did not change at all, and he said coldly: "After defeating you thoroughly, I think you will be happy to tell what you know."


Zhao Wuye's teeth were all wrong, and he smiled grimly: "In this case, let's see the truth under our hands."

"Bai Bing Tang..." He took a deep breath again, and crossed his ten fingers in a claw shape on his chest: "Qianshanxue."

"Swish...swish...swish!" A handful of spiritual blades, from a few, to dozens, hundreds! In an instant, it gathered behind him!


The spiritual energy circulated throughout the body, and the self-sacrifice tactic was already ready for battle. Xu Yangyi knew very well that the thunder and lightning-like attack just now did not work. Next, it was time for everyone to face each other head-on and compete with hard power.

He was very confident in his hard power!

"Boom!" Two balls of flames ignited from Xu Yangyi's hands, and this time, the riot of spiritual energy was more violent than before!

"Where did this little monster come from?!" Master Zhao Wu was shocked and angry. The other party's voice was so young, how could he have such a strong foundation?

Not daring to think too much, he suddenly waved his hands and shouted: "Go!!!"

"Swoosh, swoosh!" Countless sounds of breaking through the air sounded in an instant! Hundreds of spiritual flying knives, even with residual white spiritual power in the air, shot away like a storm!

And at this moment, his hand reached into his pocket at the fastest speed and took out something.

"Ten Directions Red Lotus!" Without hesitation, Xu Yangyi suddenly swung his hands, and two fire dragons, with a thunderous roar, met the blade that was like a rain curtain!

"Boom!" The next second, a huge explosion of spiritual energy suddenly exploded in the room!

This time, it was several times more violent than before! The entire second floor was reduced to dust under this blow!

"Swish La La" countless wood and glass flew everywhere, and the two magical powers died together! Only the violent spiritual energy vibration in the air remained!

Master Zhao Wu, for the first time, felt a chill in his heart.

It seemed that you came and I, and it was extremely fierce, but you knew your own business. For magical powers, he only knew three styles.

At this moment, all three styles were used, and he could not do anything to the opponent, and the opponent, who always had this one style, broke all the methods with one force!

Will he have other trump cards?

If so, how can I deal with it?

His heart was in a mess, so at the moment when the two magical powers came into contact, he had no idea at all. He took out a white talisman, stuck it on his leg, and fled in the opposite direction without hesitation!

This kid... has an amazing background and amazing strength. It is too unwise to fight him here!

Especially... there is also the danger of being defeated here... This idea flashed through his mind, but it took root quickly.

"Swish!" His figure was like a whirlwind. With the blessing of the magic talisman, he reached the point where only the afterimage could be seen.

However, just after escaping ten meters, he stopped suddenly like a car that suddenly stepped on the brakes.

"Tick..." A drop of cold sweat dripped onto the ground. Zhao Wuye's whole face seemed to have cramps, and beads of sweat the size of beans were desperately oozing out of his head. He opened his mouth slightly, his eyes wide open, and he was nailed to the spot.

A sense of life and death crisis came from behind him.

So clear, so turbulent, it made him feel like a terrifying monster was standing behind him!

"Boom... Boom..." His heart seemed to be beating in his ears. He knew very well that if he moved, he would be killed on the spot!

Canglong aspires to win!

When the Ten-Direction Red Lotus was blasted out, Xu Yangyi had already been concentrating on this move. Then the spiritual energy shook, and the flames that filled the sky when the Ten-Direction Red Lotus exploded. Zhao Wuye was so focused on leaving that he didn't notice that all the spiritual energy here was madly infused into Xu Yangyi's fist.

A spiritual pressure that made Zhao Wuye tremble in his heart was aimed at him.

"Escape?" A young man's voice came from behind him. He gritted his teeth, sighed and raised his hands: "Daoyou, stop! If you stop, I will tell you everything you want to know!"

The other party actually has magical powers!

How old is he? !

The voice sounds like she can't be older than thirty! Which big family's genius?

Xu Yangyi looked at his back quietly. He didn't want to kill him immediately.

There are too many doubts about this matter. Why did the other party find this place? coincide?

He doesn't believe in coincidences.

The worst thing is... there was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes. If he was from Fuyun...

Then, he must die.

"The police will be here soon." Xu Yangyi's voice sounded from behind: "Ten minutes at most, I'll give you a chance to live."

Mr. Zhao Wu's heart hurt as if he was bleeding.

Unexpectedly, he kicked the iron plate!

But... the purpose of his coming is too terrifying, and he would be too unwilling to tell it!

There was a war between heaven and man in his heart, his face turned green and white, the veins of the sun beat several times, his mouth closed and opened, opened and closed, but not a single word came out.

"Ten." Just as he was hesitant, a cold voice sounded from behind.

what to do!

Zhao Wuye was covered in cold sweat.

"Nine." Xu Yangyi said unhurriedly.

"You!" Zhao Wuye shouted angrily. How could you be so shameless! It's been ten seconds! ?

Xu Yangyi's eyes were devoid of any emotion, looking at him like a dead person: "Until it reaches zero, I will destroy your Qi Hai."

Mr. Zhao Wu’s heart was beating wildly!

It's too cruel... For a monk, destroying Qi Hai is more painful than killing him!

However, his thoughts did not continue because, the next moment, he heard a hellish sound.



Eight, seven, six, five, four, three two! ?

At this moment, his heart suddenly dropped to freezing point, and he clearly felt that the terrifying spiritual energy behind him was boiling!

"Zero." "I said!"

Between life and death, he had almost no choice, and even screamed hoarsely.

The next second, he felt a sweetness in his throat, and a powerful spiritual power like a tsunami, but it seemed to be only the size of a fist, suddenly printed on his back!

A terrifying tide of spiritual energy exploded in his body, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

This blow caused him to completely lose his fighting ability!

But he breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party didn't kill him...

This is the result of the opponent being able to relax the power of this move...

"There are eight minutes left." Xu Yangyi stood there and looked at him coldly: "Your last chance."

"..." Mr. Zhao Wu felt the blood surge in his chest. He suppressed the pain of spiritual energy flowing randomly in his body, calmed down his mood, gasped for air, and stared at Xu Yangyi: "I am Nailong. The deputy chief of the Su Zhao family is known as Zhao Wu Ye. He is very famous in the northwest."

This sentence surprised Xu Yangyi, and he glanced at Master Zhao Wu: "Deputy patriarch?"

Mr. Zhao Wu was so angry that he almost spit out another mouthful of blood!

What does this suspicious look mean?

Okay, even if I fall into your hands, can you at least have some self-awareness? Do you think everyone is like you? Can you master two extremely powerful magical powers when you are less than thirty? Is Master Jin Dan your biological father or grandfather? !

He didn't know that he was facing the real leader of a province, the commander of an A-level legion. If Xu Yangyi fell into the hands of the deputy chief of a little-known small family in the northwest border, he would really laugh it off if he told it.

He also guessed a little wrong.

Xu Yangyihui's magical powers are not two, but four. It's just that he is not familiar with the last two doors yet.

Magical powers are also divided into levels. Mr. Zhao Wu knows very well that the two types of magical powers in Xu Yangyi's hands are by no means just street products, they are definitely the best among the best!

"Yes." Taiyang's veins were twitching, and Zhao Wuye gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Willow Tree Man, he has his own way to die. Fellow Taoist, do you know that I was just the first one to come. If I hadn't come, he would have died in less than a week. , even senior foundation builders will arrive.”

"He posted the thing he decrypted for you online." Zhao Wuye smiled coldly: "To an ordinary person's mind, this is nothing. He himself was not sure what it was, so he posted it to a famous online antique forum for consultation. . If he posted it normally, no one would pay attention to this, but he shouldn't have posted it now..."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and raised his chin, signaling to continue.

"Wait... Fellow Taoist..." Mr. Zhao Wu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled strangely: "This cultivation world is about to usher in a big storm..."

Xu Yangyi looked at him quietly, and then smiled for a long time: "If you don't hurry up, I guarantee that you will soon see what a real storm is."

Zhao Wuye choked back blood in his throat, licked his lips, and suppressed his anger and said: "This incident happened three days ago."

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