
Main text Chapter 126: The truth (Part 2)

"Longsu Province, the whole province, is not very impressive in China, whether in the world of cultivation or ordinary people." Zhao Wuye gritted his teeth and said, "Speaking of our Longsu Zhao family, it is not a big family. However, our Zhao family has a strength that is difficult to match with other families..."

He paused, gasping for breath, Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and the next second, a stream of spiritual energy instantly pierced Zhao Wuye's arm.

"You!" Zhao Wuye took a breath of cold air in pain, this person is not authentic... Usually when encountering such a situation, it is appropriate to add a "what strengths" to the situation, however, Xu Yangyi has no intention of doing so at all.

His actions are very straightforward, so straightforward. He even disdains to speak.

Either say it or go to hell

"The Zhao one of the top ten dragon-hunting families in China." Master Zhao Wu pressed the wound on his arm tightly and pursed his lips tightly: "The ancestor is from Jiankang City. We have our own unique insights on antiques and cultural relics...Mr. Gao, do you know that three days ago...a huge shock happened in Longsu Province?"

"You don't know..." Xu Yangyi had no intention of speaking, and Master Zhao Wu gritted his teeth and continued: "Because this matter, from the beginning, was intercepted by the Longsu Province's frontier officials, CSIB Minister Yu Fangtong, and Yulin Guard Leader You Song. Senior intercepted all the news. In the cultivation world, even other foundation-building cultivators don't know!"

"Not only that." He looked at Xu Yangyi's eyes and said in a deep voice: "The five great Jindan cultivators of the human race are in charge of the five directions of China, and the two ancestors Tianzai Dicai guard the Central Supreme Court. If only Senior Yu Fangtong and Senior You Song spoke, this matter could not be suppressed..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes finally became solemn.

His eyes flickered slightly, and Master Zhao Wu saw it.

He didn't want to die, he wanted to fight for all the chips to survive.

"King of the Northwest, the ancestor of 'Liuguang Prisoner' Gusong, Master Gusong, the leader of Yulin Guard, personally rushed to the scene and blocked everything in the cultivation world of Longsu Province!"

Xu Yangyi sighed softly, but the heart in his chest beat more violently.

Surprisingly... the King of the Northwest came out in person!

Liuguang Prisoner, Master Gusong, has a life span of 353 years. The real boss of Yulin Guard, the leader of this generation! Sitting in the northwest! Even if the helmsmen and pavilion masters of CSIB and Duobao Pavilion want them to die, they will not be able to survive as long as Master Gusong says a word.

In the middle stage of Jindan, during the Republic of China, the newly promoted Jindan Qingmingzi of the demon clan was killed on the top of Kunlun Mountain. In this battle, the land was red for thousands of miles, and there was no star or moon on the top of Kunlun Mountain for a month. It's not that it was cloudy all month, on the contrary, the moon was sparse this month, but... on the top of Kunlun Mountain, that piece of sky seemed to be wiped out out of thin air! No matter what, you can't see the night!

At the beginning of the founding of New China, the seven great golden elixirs of the human race and the three great golden elixirs of the demon race, Shennongjia, were led by him. Although the process of this alliance was extremely dangerous and tortuous, in the end, the human and demon sides reached a consensus. The name of the immortal Gusong, the immortal of Liuguang Prison Shadow, was also engraved in the history of the Chinese cultivation world!

Even the immortal Gusong personally came forward and blocked all the news of Longsu Province. The shocking changes in Longsu have obviously exceeded ordinary people's expectations!

"Continue." He raised his chin and said.

"I'm afraid you have guessed it in your heart, fellow Taoist?" The blood on Zhao Wuye's hand had stopped, and he continued: "It's just that name. It's taboo for us Qigong cultivators to say it out loud."

His lips moved, but he didn't say anything, but Xu Yangyi saw it clearly.

Seven words.

Longsu Corridor Danxia Palace!

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes... That's right, only when one of the eight Jedi undergoes a shocking change can the King of the Northwest come forward in person!

His eyes turned to Master Zhao Wu calmly. What does this have to do with him?

"However, fellow Daoist may not know that the first to discover this shocking change was not CSIB, nor Yulin Guard, but our Zhao family... Longsu Zhao family." Master Zhao Wu observed Xu Yangyi's face, and suddenly a thought came to his mind.

This boy... is unfathomable! At least, he is not a match for the middle-level clan leader in his past years. He doubts whether the late-stage clan leader who is in the dead-end retreat can subdue this kid.

Moreover... the other party's backstage is definitely not small! Qianhuan is a treasure that has only been sold for one year! The reputation of the first artifact for low-level cultivators is not exaggerated. How many families can't buy it, but he can buy it?

Third, the other party's magical powers are all above his Zhao family's inherited magical powers! Although the grade is unknown, he is sure that it is definitely not an ordinary product!

With strong strength and strong backstage, the Zhao family... may join forces with the other party!

This great opportunity is definitely not something that the Zhao family can afford! Longsu Danxia Palace, one of the eight forbidden areas, is very powerful. Even if there are only two or three cats from the Zhao family, they can't even fill the gaps between their teeth after entering!

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Once this idea came to him, he immediately turned from passive to active and explained it accurately: "On that day, an elder of the Zhao family happened to lead a new batch of seedlings who could draw qi into their bodies to the vicinity of Danxia Palace to teach them some rules. The Zhao family witnessed it with their own eyes!"

"Hundreds of caves, gushing springs, gathered into a pattern, and this pattern..." His eyes became hot, looking at Xu Yangyi's chest: "It is what Daoyou is wearing!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed.

"Go on."

"Fellow Taoist, you are not busy..." With an idea in his mind, Mr. Zhao Wu gave a rare smile: "There is a saying about the sundial that only appears at noon, and it is called the lonely sun that does not grow long. Perhaps, the whole of China is fond of Danxia Palace. It’s a cloud of smoke, but from the moment I saw my fellow Taoist’s things, I knew that it was extremely dangerous down here... The Yin Qi is very strong, do you know... where is the place where the Yin Qi is the strongest?”

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, he immediately asked and answered his own question: "The cemetery... Our Zhao family is very good at finding dragon spots. Down here... it's probably the cemetery of a certain powerful person!"

"And... when the other party was about to die, he buried all his servants and team with him! At least it was a mass grave!" He looked at Xu Yangyi's expression, but regrettably saw nothing, and immediately added: " Of course, this is just a preliminary guess.”

"Fellow Taoist, if you want to explore such a dangerous place, no matter how many people go there, it will be a matter of life. To be disrespectful, if Master Jin Dan goes down, it will be a question of whether he can come out. But our Zhao family is at least a little more sure. "

"Especially... among the seedlings who introduced Qi into the body this time, there was a person named Zhao Fenglin, who was born with clear eyes. He also saw some interesting things..." He stopped talking and looked at Xu Yangyi with burning eyes.

Xu Yangyi finally smiled and asked the first question: "For example?"

"For example... before the change, there was a thousand-meter giant who attacked Danxia Palace with an axe!" Mr. Zhao Wu immediately answered: "The Zhao family has proven this matter several times and it is indeed true!"

Xu Yangyi was extremely cautious in his heart.

Everyone knows that every Jedi hides a huge secret. But everyone knows better that these secrets must be enjoyed only if you are destined to enjoy them!

A thousand-meter giant, hundreds of rivers forming a map... Danxia Palace has not yet opened, but there are already many strange phenomena.

"You want to cooperate with me, but your conditions are not enough." After a moment, he smiled.

The meaning of Master Zhao Wu is already obvious. The Zhao family hopes to cooperate with Xu Yangyi, especially the forces behind him! Discover the secrets of Danxia Palace together!

Maybe he didn't have this intention at first, but between life and death, he chose to cooperate.

Although they don’t know what the picture of the Hundred Streams of Danxia Palace represents, but now that the real thing has appeared, they are not willing to let it go no matter what!

"The first point of cooperation." Xu Yangyi looked at Zhao Wuye and raised a finger: "It is integrity."

He smiled lightly: "Your integrity is not enough."

Mr. Zhao Wu was not angry, but felt happy. What the other party said was funny!

"I will definitely tell you everything that fellow Taoist wants to know." He said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist also knows that the Zhao family is more concerned about cultural relics and the like. And it happens that Liu Shuren, the forum he likes to visit, I am the deputy moderator myself.”

"The first time he posted the box, I really thought I had read it wrong. Then, I immediately deleted the post, refused his IP to log in to this forum again, and rushed here immediately. Fellow Taoist, if not I acted quickly. If I hadn't happened to know about this, I might not have been the Qi practitioner who came to see you today."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he finally cupped his hand: "Fellow Daoist Zhao is interested."

Mr. Zhao Wu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Outsiders may not be able to tell that just now... Xu Yangyi's looming murderous intention has never disappeared. It wasn't until he changed his name to Fellow Daoist Zhao that the stone-like murderous intention in his heart slowly dissipated.

"But these alone are not enough."

Zhao Wuye's eyes flashed, and he gritted his teeth and smiled: "Of course it's not enough... Our Zhao family also has a vital message attached..."

He opened his phone, found a photo, and threw it to Xu Yangyi.

After Xu Yangyi took it, he only glanced at it and immediately tightened his grip!

That's... a photo of spring water gushing out of countless caves in Danxia Palace!

And there were two things in those springs that made his mind extremely solemn at this moment!

Scales as big as a person...countless lotus petals!

His other hand was behind his back, tightly grasped!

This is...Lian Hai? !

There are countless clues, and now it seems that they have found a common outlet!

In the four connected pools, Mingshen asked Bibo to decipher the secret. The parchment scroll is the lotus sea.

Danxia Palace undergoes a sudden change. The Northwest King personally takes action. Countless lotus flowers and green scales flow out along the water. This... is still a sea of ​​lotus!

The living imperial weapon in his hand still took him to the lotus sea first!

Maybe, this is not a lotus sea, but fish scales, lotus flowers, whether they are fish scales or lotus flowers, he has decided at this moment that he must figure out what this is!

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

The lotus sea... actually... is very likely to really exist in the world!

Location... Located in Longsu Langzhu Danxia Palace, under the Eight Jedi!

There, there is no wind, no bounds, no aura...

There, there was only a sea of ​​lotus in the sky, and...under the water, a terrifying prehistoric monster!

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