
Main text Chapter 127: Preparation (I)

No one knew that he held the parchment scroll and the living imperial weapon in his hand, and no one knew... that he had been there in person!

Walk on that giant demon body that's over a thousand meters long! And he came back alive!

Wanliu has returned to his clan. At present, all the clues point to the Lianhai, and the Lianhai is likely to be located in Longsu Province's Pillar Danxia Palace, within the Eight Great Jedi!

There, there lies a secret once buried by an emperor. There, the thousand-year hatred that the other party wanted to tell him was hidden.

He looked at Mr. Zhao Wu calmly. The Eight Jedi were powerful and powerful, but they could never stop the monks from exploring. It is unknown how many geniuses have been buried in these eight places, but countless monks follow them every year.

It is extremely dangerous to go, so you must not go hastily.

"I'll give you an email." After a long while, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Tonight, I hope to see all the details about the Zhao family's operation in the email. Including team members, composition, equipment, etc. In the future. Contact me via this email address as well.”

Zhao Wuye took a deep breath: "Okay, no matter whether our cooperation is successful or not, I will not say a word about you having this thing."

He knew that this was the condition for him to get out of here alive today.

In response to his knowledge, Xu Yangyi nodded, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The Zhao family... I don’t know who he is now...

If you really decide to break into Danxia Palace, what will the opponent's face be like if they see the Xingtian Legion coming?

To cooperate, behind him is the Xingtian Army!

Only when this legion becomes truly powerful can he truly rely on it!

At this moment, he made up his mind without hesitation. It’s time for the Xingtian Legion to show its fangs to the world of cultivation.

"Mr. Gao. Can I take the first step?" Zhao Wuye asked tentatively.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi nodded noncommittally.

Zhao Wuye drifted away, and Xu Yangyi stood there for a moment before leaving the small building.

Mudan had been standing there with an anxious look on her face. As soon as she saw him, she rushed up immediately: "Captain, are you okay? There was an explosion suddenly just now? What happened?"

"It's okay." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and rested: "Li Zongyuan, drive and return to Panshan City immediately. Mudan, please inform Mao Baer, ​​Cheng Jianfeng, and Zhou Tingting to enter the conference room immediately to prepare."


After a few seconds of silence, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded faintly: "Xingtian Legion, prepare to hold a founding meeting."

Peony's eyes flashed continuously, and the blood in her heart was so hot that her face even turned red. Li Zongyuan also flashed his eyes and grabbed the steering wheel with his hands!

Two years...

Two whole years! The Xingtian Legion is finally ready to set off!

Starting a team is a very tedious task, including various registrations, approvals, creation of the team emblem, and the creation of the team's purpose. It is impossible for an A-level team to just recruit a few so-called "masters" and say it is established. They are shameless, and Xu Yangyi is even more shameless.

"Have you got your first target? Captain?" Mudan's plump breasts were rising and falling slightly, she pursed her lips and looked at Xu Yangyi: "I, I'll go down and prepare immediately!"

Of course there is a goal... Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and rested with a smile. However, this goal should not frighten you...

Once you decide, do it.

The King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra is his biggest trump card. In order to completely reveal this card, he is willing to take risks and conduct the first test.

A few hours later, Xu Yangyi appeared in the legion conference room for the first time.

Here, within the Yulin Guard branch, several A-level legions have their own conference rooms. Of course, it's not a bad idea to set it up somewhere else, but Xu Yangyi doesn't have this need now.

When he walked into the conference room, everyone was sitting inside. Mao Baer, ​​Mudan, Zhou Tingting, Cheng Jianfeng, Li Zongyuan. This is all the current personnel of the Xingtian Army.

Assistant: Peony. Financial Responsible Person: Mao Baer. Group members: the remaining three.

He looked as usual and did not speak immediately. He glanced at everyone and nodded secretly in his heart.

Although there are none in the middle stage of Qi training, the cultivation level has increased. This shows that others have not been lazy in the past two years.

Now, everyone's eyes were burning him like a torch. Founding a team is easy to say. However, after its establishment, he truly became a powerful force! Raise your own banner! Let the spiritual world hear your voice!

The legion is an aggregation of monks competing for resources. The greater your reputation, the more media interviews you get, the more investment and endorsements you get from major companies in the spiritual practice world, and the more resources you have to support your practice!

"I think you all already know." Xu Yangyi smiled: "Starting from today, the Xingtian Legion will enter the recruitment process."

Wherever they looked, Zhou Tingting and Cheng Jianfeng were breathing heavily.

"Regiment, leader!" Cheng Jianfeng's voice trembled with excitement: "We are finally going to officially start recruiting people?"

"Legion..." Zhou Tingting was also excited and couldn't help herself: "Maybe... maybe we can be like other legions, responding to every call! How many people begged us to take over the mission..."

The corners of Xu Yangyi's mouth curled up slightly.



It’s a must!

With the support of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra, he is the last alchemist in the Age of Ending Dharma. If he cannot do this, he can even smash it with a spirit stone!

This way... even if I expose the imperial weapon in the future, who would dare to do anything to me?

He once again became firm in his heart. The legion is the capital for him to speak with confidence!

"Leader!" Mudan seemed much more rational, but her face was also a little flushed. She pushed her glasses and stood up, bowing respectfully: "As your assistant, once you enter the process of creating a legion, you don't have to worry about anything else. But there are two things I must remind you of."

Xu Yangyi nodded, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea: "Please."

Mudan was not restrained. Looking at everyone, she said loudly: "Originally, the first place in each province entered the A-level legion as the seed of the A-level legion, and could recruit students of the same class. The ranking competition for Tiandao graduation is not only a competition. It also lets the first place know which people are worth recruiting and which are not worth it. But..."

"But my situation is special, so I have to recruit myself?" Xu Yangyi smiled.

"That's right." Mao Baer continued: "Yang Yu, I also want to remind you of this. It's very expensive to support a legion! Especially the purchase of various advanced equipment. A powerful legion, such as Tengshe in Kyoto Prefecture, not only has various high-precision instruments, but also has its own R\u0026D team. I roughly calculated that the start-up funds given to you are enough to arm ten veteran members to the teeth. The so-called veteran members... such as me?"

What a great turn!

Xu Yangyi ignored him: "In other words, my current funds can only recruit ten fully armed members?"

"Yes, this is also related to the second thing I want to say." Mudan pursed her lips: "Before the legion recruits, there will be a formal founding ceremony according to the process. You must participate. The evaluation of the Xingtian Legion by various units outside also starts from here. Please leave it to me here. Although your situation is special, you killed the seeds of the Mingshen and the leader of Nantong Province five years ago..."

"I'll do it myself." Before she finished speaking, Xu Yangyi interrupted her lightly.

"Okay, I'm still confident that we can get off to a good start for our Xingtian Corps..." Mudan stopped talking halfway, looking at Xu Yangyi in astonishment: "Captain... you just said..."

"I will personally build momentum for the Corps." Xu Yangyi said as naturally as if he had just eaten breakfast in the morning.

Oh, it's so cute to take it for granted... No! Cute as it is, this is not the category you are familiar with! Isn't it good for you to be the core and face of the Xingtian Corps? Why are you stealing my job?

Mudan was speechless.

"Is there a problem?" Xu Yangyi asked.

"Of course... no problem..." Mudan said insincerely: "But Captain, maybe, I think... I am more familiar with the connections of all parties in the cultivation world... What's wrong with you?"

She didn't finish her words, but at this moment, Mao Baer and Li Zongyuan looked like they had taken the wrong medicine, their eyes were red, their breathing was rapid, and they stared at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi has a trump card!

They all know it!

At this moment, they both understood why Xu Yangyi had to do it himself! Because the other party is sure that they can do it a hundred times better than Mudan! No... ten thousand times!

This has nothing to do with familiarity or not!

"I..." Xu Yangyi was playing with a cigarette, and just about to speak, he suddenly heard a shout: "Don't speak!"

"Don't speak, don't speak!" Mao Ba Er pressed his sun-if there was any: "I want to be quiet, I just want to be quiet, don't ask me who Jingjing is! It's just an Eskimo dog!"

"What's wrong?" Mudan asked in confusion. Zhou Tingting and Cheng Jianfeng were also stunned. What happened?

"Captain, do it! You must do it!" Li Zongyuan had already stood up from his position, gritting his teeth and looking at Xu Yangyi, his lips were a little dry: "What a great opportunity... What a great opportunity!"

"You..." Zhou Tingting looked at several people inexplicably: "What the hell..."

Xu Yangyi certainly knew what they were talking about.

Auction... Xingtian Corps' auction! Used to roar to all the practitioners in China: My Xingtian Corps is here! My Xu Yangyi Corps is here! It couldn't be better!

Indeed... a golden opportunity!

In the End of the Dharma Era, the alchemy reappears! This title alone is enough to cause countless sensations!

"I have my own plans." He said calmly: "Go and do the statistics first, Mudan, you and Mao Baer, ​​within two days, I need to see the detailed budget for the creation of the group."

Mudan did not answer immediately, but looked at Mao Baer, ​​then looked at Li Zongyuan, and suddenly blurted out: "Did something happen that I don't know?"

Of course there is! ! !

Li Zongyuan was so angry!

Leader! If you don't return home in wealth and honor, it's like walking in the night in brocade clothes! If you are not awesome for pretending, it will be meaningless! What are you still hesitating about? What are you still worried about? Hurry up and smash those country bumpkins with pills! Once the Xingtian Legion holds this auction, there is no need to think about its reputation!

Mao Baer did not speak, but his cunning dog eyes narrowed. After being excited, he understood the reason why Xu Yangyi postponed it.

The pill is important, but the last alchemist in the End of the Dharma Era is more important!

In the case that there is no guarantee of foolproofness, with Yang Yu's cautious personality, he will never act rashly.

"Of course there is something." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and changed the subject: "Before making a budget, I must tell you that our first goal this time."

When it comes to business, everyone shuts up. Even if Li Zongyuan wanted to scratch the wall at this moment, he became quiet.

Xu Yangyi looked at everyone, and the smile on his lips slowly disappeared.

"This time, everyone should prepare for the worst." He looked at the bamboo on the teacup: "Xingtian Corps' first target: Longsu Province's Danxia Palace with columns."

"Use the best standards to make a budget for a team of ten."

The scene suddenly became dead silent.

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