
Main text Chapter 128: Preparation (Part 2)

"Yangyangyangyangya..." After an unknown amount of time, Mao Baer trembled and said, "You, you, say it again?"

"I know everyone has questions..." Xu Yangyi restrained his smile and looked at everyone and said, "So, we are just conducting an external survey."

"This is not a question of question!" Mao Baer's hair was blown up, and he jumped onto the table: "Eight Jedi! This is one of the eight Jedi! This is a matter of life and death! Divide the luggage! Divide the luggage! There is no way!"

"Captain..." Mudan also reacted at this moment, looking at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "We... No, not counting us, currently all the legions, no one dares to challenge the eight Jedi. First, the Xingtian Legion has just been established and has not been run-in. Second, do we have enough equipment? The funds are not enough!"

"Yangyu, tell me!" Mao Baer came to Xu Yangyi and said righteously: "What level of dream are you in now!"

Li Zongyuan's face also changed suddenly. He never thought that the first mission of the Xingtian Legion was to explore the Danxia Palace!

Xu Yangyi ignored everyone, and after a moment of noise, he said calmly: "I have decided."

"If you don't want to go, you don't have to go. You can also stay in the Xingtian Corps. But..." He stood up and picked up his coat: "I will go."

"Five days later, I need to see the budget for exploring the outer periphery of the Danxia Palace Jedi."

"Bang!" The door was closed, and everyone's face was extremely complicated.

No one could have imagined that the difficulty coefficient of the first mission of the Xingtian Corps would be so high!

Outer periphery?

Even if it is the outer periphery, it is the outer periphery of the Jedi!

Ever since the red spider lily bloomed above the Xiaozhai Tiankeng, the names of the eight Jedi have really made the entire cultivation world tremble!

The room was dead silent. After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Tingting weakly raised her hand and said, "Everyone, uh, colleagues... it's just the periphery... I've heard of Danxia Palace, but it's just what everyone talks about..."

"Talk about it?" Mudan's face was cold: "In 1962, Master Gusong broke into Danxia Palace, entered less than 700 meters, and escaped with vomiting blood. He cultivated for decades and has been stationed in the northwest ever since, never leaving no matter what."

Zhou Tingting was stunned.

"In 1978, the three major Taoist ancestral temples, the Taoist Changshengzi of Qingcheng Mountain, brought the Qingcheng Mountain front mountain protection formation, the Nine Years Zhuxian Formation, and thirty Taoist protectors, and broke into the Danxia Palace together, still walking the same road that Gusong Zhenren walked more than ten years ago..." She glanced at Zhou Tingting, who was stunned: "I believe that you know the names of the three major Taoist ancestral temples, Qingcheng, Heming, and Longhu. I don't need to repeat how outstanding their Taoists are."

Zhou Tingting nodded woodenly. She had never heard of these things before, and asked mechanically: "What happened later?"

Mudan's face was livid, and she forced a smile: "No one came out."

"Ten days later, an old Taoist with white hair came to the front of Danxia Palace with a peach leaf, burned incense for three days, and the blood-stained Nine Years Zhuxian Formation flew out, and a piece was missing."

"Protect, protect the mountain formation, the Nine Nine Nine Years Zhuxian Formation was broken?!" Not only Zhou Tingting, this time, Cheng Jianfeng and Li Zongyuan were also shocked.

"This is one of the three great ancestral temples of Taoism, the mountain protection array in front of Qingcheng Mountain. Although it was not carved by Zhang Tianshi himself, it has been passed down for more than a thousand years. It is said that it was carved by two predecessors, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, who were great monks in the Tang Dynasty." Mudan looked at everyone coldly: "Everyone, now, do you still think that only the red shore flowers bloomed above the small village? Other Jedi are just for numbers?"

"Do you still think that other Jedi are just famous? They have no actual power?"

No one spoke, even Mao Baer was rarely silent.

"In 1983, the abbot of Baoguo Temple in Emei Mountain, one of the four famous Buddhist mountains, was about to pass away. He held the statue of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and led 18 bronze men into Danxia Palace at night to seek opportunities. Ten days later, the Golden Summit Samantabhadra Bodhisattva shed tears of blood. For this matter, you can check the news of 'Emei Golden Summit Bodhisattva's Tears of Blood' in 1983, if it is still available now. At the same time, 19 jade slips in the Baoguo Temple's Mingjian Pavilion were broken."

"In 1989..." "In 1994..."

One bloody case after another made everyone's face even uglier.

Zhou Tingting and Cheng Jianfeng were speechless this time. They were almost numb after hearing too much about Jedi. Now, after listening carefully to the explanation of the insiders, they realized that the so-called Jedi was truly filled with countless great cultivators who had given their lives there. This was the reason why it could be called a Jedi!

Silence, after a few seconds, Mudan also stood up and pushed her glasses: "Everyone, there is definitely something unusual in Danxia Palace. It is this kind of thing that makes this place a Jedi."

"I don't want the captain to order to touch it. This kind of place is too dangerous. Many foundation building and Jindan Zhenren returned with hatred. If our Xingtian Corps goes in, there will be death! Even if it is an external detection, I will never agree!"

"We are members of the Corps, the first batch of members of the Xingtian Corps. We have the obligation to give opinions to the captain. I hope that next time you express your views, you can think clearly."

No one answered, she nodded and pushed the door open.

That night, Xu Yangyi received the list from Master Zhao Wu.

There were seven people in total, six in the middle stage of Qi training and one newcomer who was drawing Qi into the body. In addition, Master Zhao Wu was very considerate and sent a catalog of training instruments that might be used. Xu Yangyi didn't even look at it and threw it directly to Mudan.

He entered the training room again, this time, not for anything else, just to make pills.

Five days later, in the training room, he looked at the second pill suspended in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

Still a cure-all... still a familiar smell.

But time!

Once is easy, twice is familiar. This time, it only took him five days to refine the second elixir!

"It's time to start..." He made a slight move with his hand, and the hot Spiritual Pill flew into his palm. An unbearable heat flashed in his eyes: "Let the Xingtian Legion... come and tell this world, tell this In the world of cultivation, there is news that the Alchemy Way, which has been lost for nearly two hundred years, has reappeared..."

"This is the first voice that my leader Xu Yangyi has made to the entire cultivation world after he has been missing for three years and practiced hard for two years."

After taking a few deep breaths, he walked out of the training room door and used a cleaning charm to cleanse his body. He walked straight towards the office, where Mudan was already waiting.

"Captain." Mudan bowed deeply and placed a large stack of information on Xu Yangyi's desk: "To fulfill my mission, I have counted everything I may need in the past few days."

Xu Yangyi picked up the coffee cup on the table, looked at Mudan and smiled: "Why, don't you persuade me to give up this time?"

"How could it be?" Mudan smiled back: "I have always been a fan of the group leader."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, Mudan...has this been figured out in the past few days?

Thinking it best, he withdrew his gaze. For some things, what he needs is not a discussant, but an executor.

He knew exactly what he was doing. A dignified regiment commander needs to ask others to do his first mission. This kind of regiment leader should not do it.

His legion, he is the king. Whatever He says is to be done, must be done. Even if you are exploring the outer reaches of the Jedi!

"Is the budget out?"

"Yes." Mudan smiled and said: "A total of 3,500 pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones, equivalent to 700 million Chinese coins."

Xu Yangyi stopped with the coffee cup on his lips and looked at Mudan in surprise: "How much?"

"Thirty-five hundred pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, 700 million Chinese coins." Mudan's smile remained unchanged: "Captain, if our legion, plus the talismans, were sold, including our trademark, the market value would be about 900 million Chinese coins. We only have less than 300 million yuan in cash. I’m afraid we can’t afford this peripheral exploration operation.”

Waiting for him here!

Xu Yangyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Mudan didn't give up the idea of ​​persuading him to change his target. Instead, he used another method to persuade him. Exploring the Jedi was not something that the rookie corps could do.

"Why is it so expensive?" He smiled, then frowned slightly and asked.

"I still count them according to necessary supplies. Precautionary items are not counted." Mudan's expression also became serious: "Captain, I definitely did not add a trace of water. Exploring the secret realm, even if it is not a Jedi, a complete defense The formation is needed. This is not a talisman, but a real formation with a formation eye. The cheapest one is around 700 spirit stones, and we are going to the Jedi this time."

"I believe that this formation must not only remain open at all times, but also must have both detection and defense functions. The grade must not be low. The price of this alone is more than a thousand mid-grade spiritual stones. !”

"Second, we need something to protect our lives. It must have the characteristics of instant movement and extremely fast speed. Leader, my estimate for this is between 1,500 mid-grade spiritual stones and 2,000. This It’s a life-saving trump card for us to enter the Danxia Palace. For ten people’s lives and two thousand medium-grade spiritual stones, I still estimate it conservatively. Moreover, there is no market for such things!”

She said respectfully: "Captain, there are legions with backstage, such as Commander Chu's Hidden Dragon Legion, and there are two or three in China. If there was such a thing, they would have taken action long ago. And among the legions currently in the Qi training period I have never seen such a life-saving trump card.”

"If there is no such trump card, I will never agree to use the outer reaches of the Jedi as targets."

Xu Yangyi nodded, Mudan was gently stopping him, although his decision would not change. However, I have to say that this is a smart woman, even if she is admonishing, her method is very tactful.

"Others, there are various detoxification, life-saving elixirs, and talismans. These are at least five hundred yuan of mid-grade spiritual stones. I'll take the less than 3,500 yuan of mid-grade spiritual stones."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Based on this calculation, Jedi Quest is definitely not affordable for the rookie corps.

But... this is a new team without cheats.

He still has the biggest trump card in his hand!

"Let's not talk about this matter for now." Xu Yangyi said with an expectant smile: "In two months, we are going to hold a founding ceremony."

"Are you sure you want to personally preside over this matter?" Mudan didn't get an answer, but very wisely she didn't mention it again. He quickly recorded it, his eyes full of disbelief.

Xu Yangyi smiled happily, and with a flick of his finger, a black thing flew towards Peony like lightning.

"How do I get the Xingtian Army to fire the first shot? I have some ideas. Just in time, a friend of mine gave me something small. Can you see if it's suitable for making a big splash?"

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