
Main text Chapter 129: Each has his own methods

Peony caught the wind and caught it accurately.

A blockbuster?

Peony is not optimistic.

She was able to be selected by the branch to be the assistant to the head of the Xingtian Legion. She had handled several B-level legions, so she had the opportunity to be the assistant to the A-level legion.

Every time you advance to a level, the treatment does not improve much. But... what really improved was the Legion's invisible resources!

Large-scale cultivation giants, such as Duobao Pavilion, use tens of millions of spiritual stones to advertise and find endorsements every year. These are resources!

Another example is the designated mission of a certain top family. No one else in the B-level legion will even look at it. This is also a resource!

For example, in some high-end places, B-level legions are not even qualified to enter, such as...the Chu family's practice gathering?

Because she knew this, she had to dissuade him this time. Her opportunity was hard-won, and the opportunity of the Xingtian Legion was even more hard-won! The founding ceremony is very important, equivalent to the opening ceremony of a movie. Tell everyone that I, the star of Xingtian Legion, am here! Only then will someone have the power to start paying attention to your legion secretly.

Which team creation ceremony is not a waste of time and effort? For example, Chu Zhaonan's Hidden Dragon Legion five years ago, Deputy Minister Chu personally visited, and another example was the Flower Burial Legion, the leader personally killed a demon blood sacrifice. She really didn't think it was so easy to become a blockbuster.

"Captain, I still have some accumulated resources here. I can serve as a guest at the meeting. I will give it to... to... to..." Mudan was talking and glanced slightly at the black projectile. He continued speaking as a matter of course. However, she was confused.

There are fragments of thinking. It is a fragment caused by a person's habit of finishing his words and suddenly being inserted into the middle by something extremely irritating.

At that moment, Mudan felt that her mind was completely white.

She could no longer speak. She opened her mouth and lowered her head like a robot, looking at her hands in disbelief.

The projectile in the hand... is filled with pure spiritual energy!

A faint medicinal fragrance is faintly visible on the thumb-sized black ball. This posture... this body position...

"Elixir... elixir?" I don't know how long it took before Mudan woke up from the turmoil. Her voice was completely out of tune and asked: "Elixir... is this elixir? This is elixir! This is elixir. Right! Captain, is this a pill?”

The look in his eyes made it look as if Xu Yangyi was going to fight for his life immediately if he said no.

"It must be... it must be! It must be! It must be!" Without waiting for Xu Yangyi's reply, Peony caressed the black elixir with emotion: "It's so beautiful... more than a hundred years, a whole hundred years It’s so unexpected that it can appear again after so many years... Captain! This is simply a supreme treasure!

She raised her head with blazing eyes, but saw Xu Yangyi's half-smiling eyes, and her mind immediately sobered up.

Oops...aren't you here to dissuade me?

So stupid...really...what kind of twists and turns are you going to make to save the country? Use the facts of the data to tell the leader that the Xingtian Army cannot afford this operation. Within three minutes, others told him that we are not short of money, so what you brought is of no use at all.

What else is there to advise?

"Captain..." Mudan felt mixed emotions at the moment. With the elixir in hand, the legion would definitely not be short of money! However, this time the destination is outside Danxia Palace! If you have money, you must have a life to use it!

"This elixir was given to you by someone else? Your friend?"

"That's right." Xu Yangyi has now passed the excitement period of just refining the elixir. Now, he only has to put the elixir in front of others: "Any time limit, any variety, only for our Xingtian Legion."

Any deadline! Any variety!

Peony is just not crazy now!

Your concubine must have practiced this! Absolutely! Did you save his biological father or his whole family!

But, this...none of it matters!

The important thing is that she has already seen the fireworks exploding in front of her eyes! She has already seen the bright future of the Xingtian Legion!

"Now, I told you to leave the founding ceremony to me. Do you still have any questions?"

Peony shook her head reflexively.

Are you kidding me?

This kind of thing...this kind of thing...such a big killer! As long as you take it out, the reputation of the Xingtian Legion will definitely rise to the next level!

"I don't have any objections!" Her face was a little red from being overly excited: "Captain, what are you going to do?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "What if I leave it to you?"

"Auction!" Peony's eyes turned red!

"Only auction! Must be auctioned! The first elixir in two hundred years! The way of elixir is born! The alchemist is born! Let the damn elixir die! Die! Die!! Let the capsule die too!"

"Captain! Believe me! This auction will definitely cause a sensation in the spiritual world! Duobao Pavilion will go crazy... No! CSIB will go crazy too! Oh... my God... my God! It's really difficult Imagine! This kind of pill can actually come out!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with a hint of intense anticipation.

Two and a half years of hard training, a pill.

Five days, the second one.

Peony is crazy, Li Zongyuan, and Mao Baer are crazy. Now, all they have to do is get it in front of everyone and let the entire spiritual world enjoy this gluttonous feast!

"Get ready." Xu Yangyi looked at Peony with burning eyes: "The first batch, ten Spirit-Guiding Pills, will be added to our auction sequence... No, this auction will only sell ten Spirit-Guiding Pills!"

Things are rare and valuable, so he must make good use of the first payment to make the first pot of gold!

"It's the beginning of the month now." He looked at his watch: "At the end of the month, the Xingtian Legion will hold a founding ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, I will announce to the entire cultivation world the news of the auction of ten Spirit-Reinforcing Pills."

"Yes!!" Mudan was so motivated at the moment that she had even forgotten that she came to persuade the team leader not to choose Danxia Palace as the starting mission.

Even on the periphery... If you must go, at least prepare a billion reserves and be armed to the teeth!

But now, this reason seems a little pale...

As an old assistant for many years, she knows very well what the alchemist will bring... It is no exaggeration to say that this is a signal of change in the practice world!

One pill would definitely sell for a sky-high price, but ten pills would never cost hundreds of millions. However, the important thing is not the price of the elixir, but the line! This resource!

Alchemist...the last alchemist in the Age of Dharma Ending. With just one sentence, he can raise a billion dollars!

No exaggeration!

Even if this missing alchemist is not a master! Not a grandmaster! Even just a Dan disciple! He has this qualification!

"I, I will prepare immediately! Report to the Thousand Blade Helmsman immediately! And prepare to contact the auction house and the auctioneer! By the way! Leader, what else does the noble alchemist have to ask for? I will contact the place and the auctioneer immediately before the end of this month. Auctioneer!"

Xu Yangyi stopped smiling and his expression became serious: "Remember, never tell anyone about the auction items. In addition, our primary goal must not be disclosed. Especially not reported to the helmsman."

"Understood!" Although Mudan didn't know why she couldn't report it to the helmsman.

"In addition." Xu Yangyi hooked his hand: "You must give me these things before the end of the month."

After doing all this, he immediately entered the practice room.

In the remaining time, let him take out the auction items!

Time passes very quickly. In the past few days, the relationship between Peony, cat Baer, ​​a woman and a dog has heated up rapidly, reaching the point where honey is mixed with oil. Mudan thought that Mao Baer, ​​as Xu Yangyi's traditional manager, had known about this for a long time. She would never know that only Mao Baer and Li Zongyuan knew the true identity of the alchemist.

Without it, these two people have a life and death contract with him. Although Cheng Jianfeng also had one, the relationship was too shallow after all.

Three days later, a report titled: The Founding Ceremony of the Xingtian Legion was picked up by a slender finger and he squinted at it.

"Auction?" Qianren looked at the report in front of him in astonishment. Three seconds later, he let out an undisguised sneer: "Am I wrong?"

"Stupid...the founding ceremony requires the attention of all parties. There are many ingenuities, but no one has ever used auctions. Unnamed fellow Taoist, do you know why?"

A few seconds later, a hollow male voice sounded in the room: "Low-level monks, where can you take pictures? What they did is extremely unwise."

"A pile of scrap metal, they have the nerve to auction it? Who gives them the face?" Qianren sneered several times, swept it with his spiritual sense, and threw it on the table as if he was throwing garbage. Then, he took down a brush from the brush holder on the table and played with it carefully in his hand.

After a while, his expression became cold to the point of indifference, and he spoke softly: "His death... has arrived."

"Master Fuyun must have been waiting for a long time... Within one year, I will take his head."

After a few seconds of silence, a male voice sounded: "Has he decided to go on a mission?"

"In the past two and a half years, I have suppressed eleven tasks." Qianren's eyes narrowed into a slender slit: "They are all B-level and above tasks. These are not enough... they are not dangerous enough... We can't let that little beast die in a decent manner..."

"Only when there is danger can there be chaos. Only when there is chaos can I have time to take a break from my busy schedule and give this great gift to Master Fuyun..."

"If I remember correctly, the A-level legion has the right to set its own missions?" the male voice continued.

"He dares?!" Qianren snorted coldly, with a murderous look on his face: "This... is my Yulin Guard after all! I am the Supreme Emperor here!"

"As long as he dares to set his own tasks, I will only give him a B-level evaluation. Without A-level, how can he search for SS-level and SSS-level monsters?" He licked his lips, crossed his hands, leaned on the chair and spoke coldly : "Unless... he doesn't want to take revenge? Haha, he was so persistent before, but now he is letting it go. He is two-faced and will become his inner demon sooner or later. With the inner demon together, he still wants to build a foundation?"

"He can only accept A-level tasks issued by me. Only tasks issued by me will give him an A-level evaluation. Of course, the condition is that he can come back alive."

He smiled, picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "But, there is no such option."

"You've made me wait for two and a half years...little bastard, you...the Death Star is already overhead. Just wait to die, you ant."

There was a slight sigh in the air: "He was smart enough, and he forcibly extended his life for more than two years."

"It's just a matter of time before he stretches his head or shrinks his head." Qianren put down the tea cup and said without any emotion, "I admit that he is indeed very smart and knows how to use his own advantages. He forced the incarnation of Fuyun to retreat. I don't dare to touch him right under my nose... However, in the face of the absolute situation, a mere cleverness is worth two and a half years of survival."

He grabbed the phone: "From now on, pay more attention to all A-level and super-a-level tasks!"

"Once discovered, it is forbidden to publish it, and everyone will gather here!"

After hanging up the phone, he smiled coldly: "Young man... just wait, your funeral music has already started..."

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