
Text Chapter 130: Founding Ceremony (I)

Mudan's long-term connections came into play. After spending hundreds of mid-grade spiritual stones as publicity expenses, the Huaxia Cultivation Network finally published a huge scrolling banner: The founding ceremony of the Xingtian Legion will begin at the end of the month! news!

"Are we finally going to start a group..." In a classroom in the south, a Chinese teacher was in class. Suddenly his cell phone rang. He made an apologetic gesture, picked it up and took a look, his eyes suddenly turned fiery!

Two years is a long time for ordinary people, but for monks, even qi-training monks, it is definitely not long!

Two years ago, in Sidalianchi, the leader of Nantong Province reappeared after disappearing for three years. The Zhu Hongxue case became hot again, and countless people turned their attention to this genius who had become the most popular in recent years.

After experiencing the Zhu Hongxue case, killing the Mingshen Seed in Sidalianchi, his neuron development level was S level... Before taking the test, he was chosen by Duobao Pavilion, Yulinwei, CSIB... and Chu Zhaonan, who was in the same class. Together, they are called the 2016 Ssangyong.

Any industry needs idols. All need hope. The appearance of Xu Yangyi, including why the spiritual world holds a grand leader signing ceremony every five years. This is true.

He quietly finished the last class, then took a taxi and arrived at a food stall in the county. There, there was already another middle-aged man waiting for him.

"The Xingtian Legion has begun to form a team." Straight to the point, the other party said immediately without any thought of going around in circles: "It's time for us to hit the road."

"Of course." The teacher's face was no longer full of chatter and laughter in class, but extremely serious: "The two of us, whose cultivation is the bottleneck in the middle stage of Qi training, have been living in this small county for too long. This time is the opportunity I have been waiting for. "

In your province, in a teahouse, several old men wearing Chinese tunic suits and cheongsams, like those from the Republic of China period, gathered together. He looked at the pile of information in front of him with burning eyes.

"The Xingtian Army... has been evaluated to be worth 837 million Chinese coins." After a while, the old man at the head, leaning on a walking stick, said in a deep voice: "Our Mu family, our family, knows its own affairs. Being ranked as a second-rate family is considered The ancestors have accumulated virtues. However, Mu Ziqi is a genius that our Mu family has only seen in fifty years. Dragons cannot be trapped in shallow water. Everyone, we have been discussing this matter for more than a day. Now, the announcement of the founding of the Xingtian Legion is officially announced. Everybody, make a statement."

"Ziqi's qualifications, even in the top families, are one of a hundred." The middle-aged woman in cheongsam on the left gently shook a fragrant bone fan and said in a deep voice: "But, patriarch, this time, it will be another five years." ah……"

"According to our information, Su Liangping from the Demon City, Fang Yuansheng from Kyoto Prefecture, Huang Xiao from Jiangcheng City, Mu Xiaoran from Zhuzhou City... Within this month, the scores for this Tiandao qualifying competition will be announced. These people may not be inferior in strength. As for Captain Xu, a good bird chooses the right place to roost. It is because of his good qualifications that Zi Qi cannot be doomed now just because the Xingtian Legion has abundant funds."

"As far as I know." Next, a white-haired but energetic old man mused: "Not only that, the current leader of Panshan City, Lu Gandang, is also extremely talented and has also developed neurons, especially ... This person was spotted by Master Xie Qinran, Master of Alchemy Liquid, before he graduated, and his future is limitless... And Captain Xu..."

He stopped talking.

Xu Yangyi's neuron development has reached the S level, which is so high that there are probably many in China! However, the other party is in retreat except for retreat! There are even rumors that the two invitation letters from Master Five Flavors, Grand Master of Alchemy Liquid, and Master Silver Hook, Grand Master of Fulu, were not sent to each other’s training rooms!

I heard that these two grandmasters hinted in anger that they would never do business with the Xingtian Legion!

Below the Grandmaster, there are several masters, and below the Grandmaster, there are dozens of masters. The Grandmaster’s statement is not his alone, but the two major forces of the Wuwei Grandmaster and the Silver Hook Grandmaster, excluding the Xingtian Army. !

No matter how good your qualifications are...if you don't know how to behave, so what?

"I have another rumor here." The old man with a cane sighed and said, "Lu Gandang...seems to be very...disrespectful to Commander Xu. He thinks that he is just lucky. He has repeatedly said that he will achieve great things in five years." It must be more than the Xingtian Army. He seems to be interested in joining the Yulin Guard."

There was silence. After a long time, the old man muttered: "Let's vote. We have been thinking about it for half a year. Zi Qi must be sent out. Our Mu family cannot afford to raise this golden dragon... Where to go, there must be a charter for today."

In two years, things have changed. At that time, Xu Yangyi could be said to have responded to hundreds of calls. The Xingtian Army had abundant supplies, and Xu Yangyi was very popular at that time. How many families plan to add people to his army? But now, after another five years, countless new people have emerged. Plus the rumored wrath of the two masters. The current Xingtian Legion, after two years of recuperating, is powerful, but it is by no means as majestic as it was back then.

There are plenty of people who want to go. Think about it, there are more people there. Suddenly, the news of the founding of the Xingtian Army ruffled a pond of spring water.

Everything depends on what Xu Yangyi's founding ceremony can bring to all those who join the group. Is the opponent’s pie spread wide enough?

"Fuck!" A short, thin young man from Mingshui Province slapped his palm on the table: "You're so fucking shameless... He just graduated one class earlier than me! If he was in the same class as me, he would Not even the second one!”

"Brother Lu, are you okay?" A young man next to him waved a knife carelessly in his hand, like a swimming dragon: "Stop talking, Captain Xu is in the middle stage of Qi training... This entry speed is not unpleasant."

"Haha... He has been in the mid-term for more than ten years? He has the nerve to be called a genius?" Lu Gandang snorted coldly: "If he had advanced to the mid-term five years ago, I wouldn't even give a damn! I just can't stand this kind of lackey. The lucky guy!"

"Wait..." He spat on the ground: "This time... I also entered the Mingshui Province. I also entered the Yulin Guard! I just want to show him what a real genius is! Look! He has the nerve to stay in this position!”

Thirty days passed by in a blink of an eye.

Thirty days later, at the entrance of a hotel in Panshan City, ordinary people looked the same. However, in the eyes of the monks, everyone is extremely serious.

At this moment, tens of thousands of vague spiritual energy formed a huge sword and shield badge in the sky above the hotel. This is to tell everyone in Panshan City that Yulinwei is on duty and Xianza retreats.

"Zila..." A GTR stopped at the door, and then several young people picked up their suits and walked in without hesitation.

"Welcome!" The guard immediately bowed and opened the door. After closing it, a guard winked at the car and said, "Obviously A6666...this license plate has no friends!"

"Yeah, what happened today? Several luxury cars came?" The guard next to him whispered: "They are all people I have never seen before... and they haven't been reported in the newspapers?"

Before he finished speaking, a McLaren stopped at the door of the hotel again. A young man who looked like a man walked out of the car with a cold face, and two assistants followed behind him.

"Master, because of your persistence today, we have delayed a transaction with the Feng family in Zhuzhou." A female assistant whispered.

"I know..." Vulture looked unkind: "I just want to see... what this kid will look like in two years."

"Here..." At the same time, an Aston Martin parked nearby, and Lilac, as coquettish as ever, swayed out of the car.

The two looked at each other, said nothing, nodded, and walked towards the hotel.

Not everyone has forgotten what happened a few years ago. Some people remember certain things, and some people remember them more clearly than before.

Today, even if no one comes, they will come.

"Brother Chu, what do you think Brother Xu is going to do at the founding meeting?" Luo Sanfeng blew bubble gum and seemed to be uncomfortable with the suit he was wearing. He frowned and said, "We have to wear this? It's so uncomfortable."

"This is etiquette." Chu Zhaonan was wearing a crisp suit, a snow-white shirt, and his tall figure, which made many waitresses secretly glance at him several times.

"I know why you don't like staying at the Chu family." Another student smiled bitterly: "Wearing this outfit every day will drive you crazy."

Chu Zhaonan ignored them. He came today to set up trouble for his brother. He knew that Xu Yangyi was not his family, and if the founding ceremony could not attract the interest of those big cultivation companies, families, and forces, the Xingtian Legion would be very sad in the future.

In the age of Dharma-ending, resources come first. After thousands of years of development, the ecology of the spiritual practice world has become completely different. The legion is the first step to snatch the resource aggregate!

Especially...the most important thing about the founding ceremony is not the eyes of these people, but the monks! Those casual cultivators with potential! This is the backbone of an army!

What's there to be embarrassed about with him? He can give away Qian Huan, but he still cares about helping the other party to make trouble? Does the other party not know the importance of the founding ceremony? Where will the people join Xingtian after the ceremony fails?

"I didn't know to tell you in advance." Feeling a little annoyed, he raised his legs and walked towards the elevator.

"Brother Chu." Just when he was about to walk to the elevator door, a smiling young man stood there, smiling and cupping his hands: "This is the first time we meet, I am Lu Gandang, the current leader of Mingshui Province."

In the early stage of Qi training... Chu Zhaonan glanced at him slightly, nodded symbolically, and was about to walk into the elevator, but he didn't expect the other party to stand in front of him again.

Chu Zhaonan's eyes turned cold. As the deputy minister's grandson, Du Miao had a lot of people who wanted to curry favor with him every day. When the Hidden Dragon Legion was established, there were so many people who responded. There are more than a dozen rows of luxury cars parked at the door! How can there be less than one row like today?

He was so agitated that he had no time to pay attention to the other party. His personality was not very friendly, so he immediately said in a cold voice: "Is something wrong?"

"It's a small matter." Lu Gandang said with a smile: "Today, I happen to be holding a signing ceremony here. If Brother Chu is willing to reward me..."

"Pop!" Luo Sanfeng's bubble burst with a sound and he glared at Lu Gandang: "What did you say?"

"The leader of this term of Heavenly Dao has already come out." Lu Gandang didn't seem to be afraid of him. He was still in the early stages of Qi training, but he was just at the top. What the hell was he afraid of?

"I'm lucky to win. Today happens to be my signing ceremony." He looked at Chu Zhaonan: "Senior Helmsman is also present."


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