
Main text Chapter 131: Founding Ceremony (Part 2)

These words made everyone's expressions turn cold.

"What's going on?" Gao Ye repeated with a livid face: "The senior helmsman didn't go to the founding ceremony of the Xingtian Legion, but went to the signing ceremony of a new student? Isn't this an obvious slap in the face?"

It's an attitude.

Tell everyone that the old man is out of date. What we care about is the newcomer. The potential of this newcomer is even greater than that of the old man!

The suppression of ancient cultivators is to deny you good exercises and a place for you to practice. The current suppression may seem gentle, but in fact it is more cruel.

That doesn't give people a chance to rise at all! Erase a genius from human memory!

Anger gradually emerged. Chu Zhaonan looked at Lu Gandang and said with a hint of murderous intent: "Listen clearly to me."

He came closer to the other person, and their faces were only a dozen centimeters apart. He said word by word: "I won't give you my fucking face!"

Lu Gandang's face suddenly turned ugly.

"Fellow Daoist Chu..." He secretly grinded his teeth and said sincerely: "The appearance of Daoist Xu has stolen your limelight. You were once a standout, but you have become a double dragon in Nantong. Can you not bear this tone?"

Gao Ye and Luo Sanfeng looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

This kid... is so brave.

However, their expressions were thought by Lu Gan to be what they were saying. He raised his eyebrows and continued: "You Qi, Daoist Fellow Xu chose Mingshui Province again. Isn't this an obvious slap in your face, Fellow Daoist?"

Chu Zhaonan glanced at him with pity and sneered: "Get lost."

After saying that, he ignored him and walked towards the elevator.

"What are you pretending to be?" Looking at the closed elevator door, Lu Gandang spat on the ground and said bitterly: "I don't even know you are afraid of a bird? The helmsman is supporting us. You were named a few years ago. Xu broke the egg!"

"A bunch of losers!" His chest heaved as he walked towards another elevator.

Waste...all waste! No one liked it last time! Totally fucking cowardly! Only no!

Taking a deep breath, he adjusted his expression and walked onto the elevator.

"Zira..." On the elevator, Gao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Chu, what the helmsman did is so unethical! Brother Xu was the leader of the previous term! It's so soon to reach the middle stage of Qi training, and the neurons have been developed, so even a blind person can see You can see how outstanding the qualifications are! Others are the only ones in the world who have reached the middle stage of Qi training! If someone hadn’t interrupted..."

Chu Zhaonan glared at the other party, and Gao Ye suddenly remembered that the person who was disturbing him seemed to be... He immediately skipped the topic and said: "Who is he? I've never heard of him!"

"If he can compare to Brother Xu, I will kowtow to him!" Luo Sanfeng gritted his teeth: "If he can kick me away, I will admit it! Isn't it that I underestimated him, just rely on him? I was like him back then. Will not work!"

Gao Ye's eyes deepened a bit: "Having never experienced the last one, they really thought that the mountains of corpses and seas of blood were blown out."

Chu Zhaonan didn't speak, but his jaw muscles tightened.

Cruel enough...are you finally taking action?

Only he knew that Master Fuyun’s black kill order was a dream in which he wanted to eat the other person and then wipe his mouth gracefully. As soon as Xu Yangyi's reputation faded, they had to eat it with mouthfuls of blood. Once this consequence turns into a confrontation between the practice court and the Jindan monks, Master Fuyun will not be able to bear this relationship.

Therefore, the other party is patiently waiting for the opportunity. Waiting for an opportunity to kill with one strike.

Once he is out of seclusion... he will carry out his mission... Once he carries out his mission, Qianren, as the head of the Habayashi Province, has too many ways to make Xu Yangyi disappear quietly. And this time, it was the other party's first test.

Even the name... didn't want to be left to Xu Yangyi.

Let all traces of his existence be wiped out from the world.

Even if he dies, the reaction of the cultivating community is just "Oh, another legion commander died in the line of duty. Okay, let's continue eating." instead of "What? The legion commander of the Xingtian Legion died? How is this possible!"

"Isn't he coming?" At the same time, in the lobby lounge downstairs, Qian Ren, a man in a straight suit, played with two shiny walnuts in his hands and looked at Lu Gandang who was half-kneeling in front of him and asked calmly.

"Yes, helmsman. Not only did he not come, he also uttered arrogant words. You have no control over where he is going, helmsman."

Qianren's eyes flickered, and he smiled softly at Lu Gandang who didn't raise his head: "Oh?"

Lu Gandang did not speak.

He is jealous!

Why! Why can I get this kind of treatment five years earlier than myself?

He watched the signing ceremony. Why could the other party get tons of spiritual stones?

First place? He is also number one! But she was born a few years earlier! If you have a relationship with yourself, you can make the other person lick your shoes willingly.

Qianren smiled slightly: "Remember..."

"Here, I am the master."

"You long for rights, and I will give you rights. If you need resources, I will give you resources." He leaned on his chair and said, "I even came to cheer you up personally."


"You told me that Xu Yangyi can't live without a corpse. But it's just luck. So, you asked me for the opportunity to call the formation. I also gave it. You hope that the Yulin Guards will build momentum for you and kill that mediocre person who only knows how to retreat. Let’s compete...I agreed to all of this.”

He looked into Lu Gandang's eyes without emotion: "I promised you everything you need, and your team planned your signing ceremony. For your signing ceremony, I will help you open up relationships and invite all the practicing media. Let me help you decorate the place that is infinitely more magnificent than the founding ceremony hall upstairs... If you can't meet your requirements, how will you deal with it? "

"Senior." Lu Gandang finally raised his head, with a flash of desire for rich cultivation resources and fame and fortune in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "My generation of monks fight for our lives against the will of heaven. Whether it is resources or connections, Let’s fight for it with our own hands! How can a cowardly monk who only knows how to seclusion and doesn’t even dare to take advantage of others get such a high treatment!”

"If this junior can't compete with such a cowardly person, I'm willing to be punished!"

Qianren looked at him for a long time and waved his hand: "Remember what you said."

"Ding dong..." At the same time, the elevator rang softly. Chu Zhaonan walked out and saw the ceremony venue at a glance.

"This, is this a ceremony venue?" Gao Ye looked at the hall in astonishment, unable to believe his eyes: "Brother Xu is playing with us, right?!"

"Has he... been so frugal before?" Takano looked at the venue blankly, also in disbelief.

This venue is... not big, and even... a bit shabby.

There are no rare treasures from the spiritual world placed everywhere, and there are no spiritual teas or spiritual fruits given away. There was only a cup of tea, a few monk reporters, and a dozen people he didn't know.

Too... crude.

Chu Zhaonan couldn't help but feel angry. No money? No. The Xingtian Legion is very rich now! That means the other party doesn't take it to heart at all!

Does he know how many things are connected with the founding ceremony?

"Here?" Xu Yangyi saw each other at a glance: "You should still remember these fellow Taoists, right?"

Chu Zhaonan held back his anger and walked up to a few people. When he saw it, they were Vulture and Lilac. He cupped his hands and said in a low voice: "What are you doing? You didn't take this matter seriously, did you?" Do you know what’s going on downstairs?”

"What's wrong?" The vulture looked at the two of them in shock: "Downstairs? What happened?"

"It's okay." Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth irritably: "There is a bastard down there holding a signing ceremony, and the Thousand Blades Helmsman will personally attend!"

"What?!" Ding Xiang's eyebrows almost stood up: "What does this mean to him? Telling everyone that Xu Daoyou is not as qualified as the other party? Telling all the media that Xu Daoyou's Xingtian Army is a joke?"

"I just found out." Xu Yangyi smiled calmly: "What's the rush?"

"You're not in a hurry!" Chu Zhaonan took a step forward: "I'm in a hurry!"

"This is the face of our 16th Nantong students! If you withdraw here, I will decorate this place ten thousand times better than him in two hours!"

"No need." Vulture sneered: "Senior Foundation Establishment came to create a momentum in person... It's such a grand occasion. I don't dare to offend him, but as a mere new student, as the leader of one side, I don't even notice it. "

"Pass my words." He glanced at the assistant behind him: "Bring me two hundred middle-grade spiritual stones. Whoever comes today will get a share."

"Fellow Taoists." At this moment, a female secretary came over with a smile.

She walked very slowly and gracefully, as if she were stepping on high clouds, refusing to lower her head to take a look at the mortals below.

She was also in the early stages of Qi training, but she was Qianren's third secretary.

"The helmsman asked me to inform everyone that in an hour, the signing ceremony of Fellow Daoist Lu and the founding ceremony of Fellow Daoist Xu will start at the same time. Oh... Fellow Daoist Xu is not ready here yet? Why are there so few people?" She pretended to be surprised. He smiled and said: "There is already a sea of ​​people downstairs... If there are any channels that have not been reached, I hope fellow Daoist Xu will notify you in time."

"The founding ceremony of the regiment is a big event. The era when the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley has long passed. The future recruitment of Xingtian Corps and the financing of group fees will all start from here. If this is the number of people, Xu Daoyou is sure that there is no need to temporarily Hire some people to fill the scene?”

The words were very harsh. A new generation replaced the old ones. Qianren was clearly telling everyone that he did not think highly of Xu Yangyi, let alone the Xingtian Army! I would rather attend the signing ceremony of a newcomer than the founding ceremony of an established monk.

She figured out what her master meant, so how could she be afraid of offending Xu Yangyi?

"Where did you get this nonsense?!" As soon as they finished speaking, Gao Ye and Luo Sanfeng couldn't help shouting angrily.

Their voices were silenced by a hand.

Xu Yangyi raised his right hand and held the teacup in his left hand.

"Go back and tell your master." He picked up the teacup and made a gesture of seeing off guests: "Natural selection means survival of the fittest. If you are not the best, even if you put on new clothes, you will not have the last laugh."

"Yes." The secretary smiled and bowed: "Indeed, if you are not the best monk, how can you achieve the great truth? Accidental highness is just a mirror."

Xu Yangyi's smile deepened: "Go ahead."

The secretary left with a smile. Chu Zhaonan glared at Xu Yangyi: "We haven't seen each other for several years, and you are getting more and more..."

"What's getting more and more?" Xu Yangyi put down the teacup: "Afraid of the first and the last?"

Chu Zhaonan snorted and said no more.

"You are wrong..." Xu Yangyi stopped smiling, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "I will let everyone know who is the one who laughs last."

He turned to look at Mudan who was still busy: "Prepare to notify everyone and hold the founding ceremony immediately in half an hour."

"Ah?" Mudan was stunned.

"He doesn't give me face, why should I take him as the helmsman?" Xu Yangyi sneered: "Want me to disappear? I'll show him that the resources of the Dharma Ending Age, as long as I, Xu Yangyi, want them, he can't stop me even if he is a foundation-building senior!"

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