
Main text Chapter 132: Founding Ceremony (Part 3)

The third floor of the hotel.

Here, it is magnificent.

Every chair exudes a faint fragrance. The whole room is decorated in an ancient style. A delicate mechanical puppet produced by Duobao Pavilion serves cups of spiritual tea to the guests. A thin layer of spiritual mist is lingering around the mouth of the teacup. There are also spiritual fruits of years on the table.

Just from the decoration and furnishings. It is obvious that a lot of money has been invested here. As the protagonist of today, Lu Gandang handed the small brocade bags to the first row of spectators with a smug smile, saying, "Today is my big day, so I hope you seniors will not despise these small gifts."

"Not worthy, not worthy." A fat old man smiled and stretched out his hand, as if to refuse. When he retracted it, the small brocade bag had disappeared: "I am only a great perfection in Qi training, how can I be called a senior."

"Not to mention that the senior has already reached the great perfection, and will definitely build a foundation in less than five or six years. Even as the Mingshui Zhen family, which has been passed down for more than 300 years, it is worthy of these two words." Lu Gandang said with a smile.

He thought that he knew how to behave, and was much better than those cowardly cultivators.

Old Master Zhen smiled and did not refuse again.

"Senior Xu." Lu Gandang handed over a gift bag: "It's our first meeting. I will continue to develop in Mingshui Province in the future. Please give me more advice."

A thin middle-aged man took the gift bag expressionlessly, weighed it calmly, and then squeezed out a smile: "Young people are formidable, and I don't need to ask for advice. Only by working together can we achieve the truth."

"Your advice is right."

He walked to the side of the other person, and Grandpa Zhen and Grandpa Xu exchanged glances quietly. Grandpa Zhen sent a voice message: "You didn't go to the founding ceremony of Fellow Daoist Xu either?"

"Senior Qianren is here." Grandpa Xu's words made Grandpa Zhen shut up: "He is in charge personally. We, the local families in Panshan City, have to sell this face. The anger of the foundation-building cultivator is not something you and I can bear."

After a few seconds of silence, Grandpa Zhen smiled and said: "What do you think of this boy?"

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Grandpa Xu's eyes: "Self-righteous... self-righteous."

"Five years ago, he was still in the Heavenly Dao and had no idea about that battle. How tragic. Being able to survive the hands of the half-step golden elixir old demon, can Fellow Daoist Xu's qualifications be fooled by his superficial writing? "

"Yes." Old Master Zhen said approvingly: "This boy seems to be calm in his actions, but in fact, his utilitarianism is too obvious. It is also because Fellow Daoist Xu is unlucky. Senior Qianren and him are not in harmony, and today it is clear. Otherwise, how could he take the position today..."

"Old Zhen!" Old Master Xu's tone became serious: "The right and wrong of Senior Zhuji is not for you and me to comment!"

At this moment, Lu Gandang has distributed all the tips. A woman who looks like an assistant came over and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Coward!" After hearing the other party's words, Lu Gandang's face was red and his eyes were full of anger.

It actually started early!

You are so afraid to face him!

The shame of cultivators! Coward! Who the hell knows how you survived five years ago!

"Report to Senior Qianren immediately!"

The assistant left, and he stared at the ceiling, and suddenly, sneered.

"What if you come early?"

"A coward like you... coming early will only save you two points of face... You have to fight for the resources in the cultivation world by yourself! Fight for it yourself! One step back, every step back... From now on, there will be no Xu Yangyi in the cultivation world, only I, Lu Gan, will take the place!"

"Today, I will step on your face to get to the top! What can you do!"

Wealth, Dharma, Friends and Land, wealth is the first, no matter who it is, it is impossible to let it go.

At the same time, upstairs, several cameras and cameras were aimed at the main stage like cannons, and there was only one person there.

There were more than a hundred seats prepared at the scene, but now, less than one-fifth of them were occupied!

Just an hour ago, many people who had agreed to come changed their minds temporarily, and they also came to this hotel. They also attended the ceremony, but they would never step into his hall.

Even the remaining reporters were listless, all of them were reporters from some small cultivation magazines.

"Today, I am very happy to be here." Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth and listened to the speech on the main stage. He was not sure what Xu Yangyi was up to.

Not only the other party was not anxious, but even his assistant, the woman named Mudan, was not anxious! She looked calm and composed!

"Don't let us down..." He took a deep breath and looked at Xu Yangyi's speech with a sullen face.

Xu Yangyi paused slightly.

His eyes swept across the whole audience dangerously.

There were only a few lonely heads on the scene and empty seats in the room. He looked at the pages of manuscripts in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and burned them to ashes in a fireball.

"The above is all nonsense." He raised his tie and looked at everyone: "Today, here, I just have one sentence."

"Snap!" He snapped his fingers, and behind him, a huge flag suddenly fell!

Xing Tian, ​​with a black background, white stripes, and ink-style, holding two axes, jumped on the flag!

"Xing Tian Legion, established!"

Below, everyone was stunned.

Chu Zhaonan was stunned. He didn't expect Xu Yangyi to be so unique! There was no need for a speech! He just pulled up the flag and announced the creation of the Xingtian Legion!

Vulture was stunned. He didn't expect that Xu Yangyi was just going to throw in the towel?

Ding Xiang was also stunned. He... didn't even say anything about the legion's development goals? Just declare its establishment directly?

Isn't this too childish?

"No... maybe... it's not a child's play!" An old man in the audience narrowed his eyes deeply: "He omitted these... because there are more important things to announce... He knows very well that these things are similar, It is by no means the focus of attention...but what I will talk about later is the most important thing!”

He suddenly felt... interesting.

What he thought of, everyone quickly thought of it.

"Brother Chu, what are you doing, Brother Xu?" Gao Ye asked in a low voice.

"I don't know..." Chu Zhaonan relaxed a little and looked at the people on the stage with squinted eyes: "But... it must be a big deal. The first step of the legion is so crucial. He is not someone who makes fun of this kind of thing. "

"Look over there." He raised his chin slightly: "That old man is the deacon of the Yi family in Mingshui. The Yi family is a big family with Senior Establishment in charge."

"The old lady over there is the assistant to the president of the Haolu Raw Materials Area, the largest spiritual enterprise in the three northern provinces. I met her several times when the old man and I were having dinner."

"That fat man is the agent of Jin Dootang, the largest auction house in the three northern provinces. I remember his surname is Li."

"There is also that young man who looks less than twenty years old. He is the senior manager of Qianyu Dongfu, the largest real estate company in the spiritual world." His eyes became brighter as he spoke, and his hand holding the armrest was straining: "Takano, here we are, There are not many people, only a few of them, but they are all the top rich men in the three northern provinces!”

"As long as what Brother Xu brings out later can attract their attention, I'm damn sure..." He licked his lips excitedly: "Don't even think about continuing with the signing ceremony downstairs!"

On the stage, Xu Yangyi paused for a moment.

He knew that the biggest storm in the world of spiritual practice was about to start from here!

Even he had a flash of unbearable excitement in his eyes.

"It's interesting." The elderly woman from Haolu Yuancai straightened up with interest. How could they not see Xu Yangyi's expression at this moment?

In this founding ceremony, he has a trump card... He should have a trump card that will make the spiritual world take notice!

"Xiao Ge." The man who looked like a young man from Qianyu Cave Mansion sat on the chair calmly and said calmly to the assistant beside him: "Remember, if his proposal is really good, propose it immediately, and we, Qianyu Cave Mansion, will cover it There are ten training caves for them, and they are all real caves based on miniature spiritual veins.”


The old man of the Yi family gave a rare smile. They changed their family and became famous throughout the country for their spiritual plants. The patriarch is a great monk in the late stage of foundation building. Similarly, compared to newcomers who have no merit in battle, he admires monks like Xu Yangyi who can survive the hands of old demons with half-step golden elixir.

"Assistant Zhao." He said calmly: "If Xu Daoyou's proposal is indeed good, remember to make an offer immediately later. There is no one today, so that's fine. There are no competitors. How can others understand the preciousness of the seedling I have chosen..."

They are the bidders, and they will not be the bidders. They have their own unique identity.

Xu Yangyi took a few deep breaths to calm down. Look at everyone in the audience.

"At the end of next month, the Xingtian Legion will organize an auction."

At this moment, there was suddenly silence in the audience.

The sense of anticipation that had been created just now was completely wiped out in this moment.

"What is this for!" Luo Sanfeng was stunned, and could even be said to be completely stunned: "Auction? Selling for what? Selling his nude photos?! What else does he have to sell besides this? What can a Qi Practitioner monk do to attract spiritual practice? The world’s attention?”

"Nonsense..." The monk surnamed Li from Jin Doutang, even though he ran the largest auction house in the three northern provinces, closed his eyes irritably at this moment.

What does a Qi training monk have to sell? Looking at his expression just now, I thought he had such a good suggestion! The result is nothing more than this!

The Qi Practitioner's auction is not impossible to hold, but only the Qi Practitioner monks can organize it themselves. Why?

It’s not because low-level monks don’t have much money at all!

In the initial stage of Qi training, their auctions could not attract the attention of high-end monks at all. The profit is extremely meager, who wants to worry about it?

The old man of the Yi family was stunned for a few seconds until the assistant beside him reminded him softly: "Sir... do you still want to propose something?"

Only then did he wake up.

With a wry smile on his face, he waved his hand mockingly.

I made a mistake...

I once thought that this monk surnamed Xu was a good prospect and worth investing in. Who would have thought that he would make such a joke?

"No need." He sighed: "That's it for now, cancel all attention to the Xingtian Army from now on. After I go back, I will personally apologize."

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