
Main text Chapter 133: Founding Ceremony (IV)

Chu Zhaonan stood up and left without saying a word.

"Brother Chu!" "Don't be like this..."

Luo Sanfeng and Gao Ye were in a dilemma. Are they leaving? Still not leaving?

"You disappoint me so much." Chu Zhaonan took two steps and turned back to look at Xu Yangyi, not caring where he was. He gritted his teeth and said: "Xu, if you want to say there's nothing you can do, tell me in advance! I'll find a way for you! We've all died before, why are you saying sorry to me?"

Xu Yangyi looked at Geng Zhi's cute Chu Zhaonan and smiled. Why didn't he find this side of him before?

"Do you think of me as a brother? Isn't this just a fucking group founding ceremony! Just tell me, I asked my grandpa to come and help you! Those clowns downstairs are a fool!"

"Don't say a fucking word! Now..." He wanted to curse a few words, but finally gritted his teeth and said, "It's up to you!"

Everyone else at the scene knew Chu Zhaonan. He was the Crown Prince of Mingshui Province and a monk. His name should not be too famous. Yi Lao smiled bitterly: "Young Master Chu is still easy to talk to. We can only blame the boat for capsizing in the gutter. He has been pecked in the eye for hunting geese all year round."

Vultures, lilacs, smile silently.

No matter how I try to get it back in the future, I have lost all my face and lizi today. This was a fatal blow to a newly founded legion.

What's wrong with him, to think of doing something like this... can even be called a stupid thing!

As old friends in the past, they can help with some things, but they cannot help with some things.

Chu Zhaonan shook his head, turned and left. At least, I can make some repairs myself.

He didn't walk quickly, feeling a little discouraged. how so? After three years of disappearance and two years of seclusion, what would he do to his perceived opponent?

Behind him, there was a sound of something opening. Then, a man stood up.

Then... the second person stood up, then the third, and the fourth...

From the direction he walked out, he could see the back because there were too few people there. No one will sit in the back at all, and now, there is only one.

Chiren's third secretary.

At this moment, she also stood up.

Not only did he stand up, Chu Zhaonan was shocked to find that the other party was trembling and his mouth was open, as if he had seen a ghost.

The scene was too quiet. It was eerily quiet.

This is...Chu Zhaonan's eyes fluctuated and he immediately turned back without hesitation!

Behind him... everyone has stood up!

A black object was suspended in Xu Yangyi's palm, and Xu Yangyi seemed to be the God who controlled the earth at this moment!

Time stops here.

There were not many people at the scene, but everyone's eyes were glued to the black projectile and they couldn't move away at all!

It has no light, nor is it gorgeous. However, at this moment, it is like the inner elixir of a thousand-year-old demon, shining brightly.

"This is..." Yi Lao's expression was already dull. He was close, and a faint scent of medicine floated clearly into his nostrils.

These two words seemed to have exhausted all his energy, and his voice was floating when he spoke them. The voice trembled horribly.

"Dao Ancestor, sir..." The young monk from Qianyu Cave Mansion was in a very strange posture at the moment. He was half standing and half sitting on his seat, with all his weight relying on his hands supporting the armrests, and the hands holding the armrests... were shaking violently!

The vulture, Lilac, also stood up and looked at the thing in Xu Yangyi's hand in disbelief, his eyes quickly turning red.


This is the elixir!

These two words flashed through everyone's minds like thunder and could no longer be ignored.

"This is impossible... this is impossible!!" After an unknown amount of time, a shrill scream sounded from the last row.

Qian Ren’s third secretary, who was as thick as a sieve of chaff, clutched his chest and screamed: “This, how is this possible?! How can this be possible!”

No one paid much attention to the auction. The Qi Practitioner's auction, isn't this just for fun?

However... now, they suddenly discovered that the Qi Practitioner's auction also had something against the heavens!

"Brush" In the dead silence, Xu Yangyi squeezed his hand and the black elixir disappeared without a trace. He smiled and said: "As entrusted by my friends, I will auction a bottle of Guling Dan at the auction next month. The number is uncertain, no more than two." Ten pieces.”

Still no one spoke, but everyone's eyes were filled with clarity. It's like waking up from a dream.

It’s not that they didn’t speak, but they suddenly lost the function of language!

The shelf life of elixirs... Judging from what has been excavated so far, the shelf life of golden elixirs and lower elixirs is no more than two hundred years. The Qi training period of elixirs should not exceed thirty years!

That is to say...

This thought made everyone's hearts beat wildly!

This... is the elixir I just made!

Alchemy...reappears! ! !

After two hundred years, Alchemy was once again revealed to the world! !

It was deathly silent, and you could even hear the thumping sound of your heart. Xu Yangyi frowned quietly.

its not right……

Why are you so stupid? You have to take a stand. I am still looking forward to your participation in my auction. How could you not speak?

"Please wait until then..."

"We have it covered by Duobao Pavilion!!!" Before he finished speaking, a high-pitched scream far surpassed that of the third secretary, making the room tremble.

The vulture's eyes turned red in an instant. The words he just said seemed to turn on some switch: "No one can steal it! Five hundred yuan of middle grade... No! One thousand yuan of medium grade spiritual stone! Who dares to come!"

He can't be impatient!

Duobao Pavilion, without the Golden Pill Patriarch, mainly deals in side-door talismans, elixir, and magic tools. The other two are easy to say, and the masters are basically in Duobao Pavilion. However, the way of elixir...

It has been lost for nearly two hundred years!

Now it appears, and in a few years, it will definitely completely reform the elixir system in the cultivation world!

How can we not be anxious!

How can we not be anxious?

"Qianyu Cave Mansion sponsors 50 sets of top-level caves for the Xingtian Corps! No fees are charged!!!" As soon as the voice fell, the young man of Qianyu Cave Mansion shouted louder than a vulture! He casually played a jade card: "Daoyou... No! Captain Xu! This is the Qianyu Cave Mansion Qianyu Pass! With this pass, you can choose any of the 50 top-level caves in the whole of China! It comes with a high-level spirit gathering array!"

He was panting like a cow, and his scalp was numb from time to time. Pills... This is the way of elixir! He was sure! Now even if their president was here, he would definitely help him win the elixir!

These pills are just solid spirit pills. The important thing is... to study its composition! They may be able to figure out the order and method of alchemy!

Just for this "possibility," he spent at least 40,000 middle-grade spirit stones! He didn't feel bad at all!

This money... compared to the alchemy that reappeared nearly two hundred years later... what is it? !

If it can be revived... no! Cooperation! In this industry, this little money is a drop in the bucket!

The person who bid the price didn't speak, but the person in charge couldn't help shouting. In this situation, he was still waiting for someone to speak? What a joke!

"csib!" Ding Xiang was about to speak, but suddenly froze.

This scene... so familiar...

It seemed that it was the same person five years ago, but the buyer was different and the location was different...

Never mind!

"CSIB! Willing to pay any price! Fellow Daoist Xu! You say it! Just open your mouth!!! Our CSIB experts and research team! The best in the country! Pill formula? Don't worry! Just open your mouth! Just open your mouth! What do you want? We will give it to you! Foundation-building pill? Golden pill? Infant pill? Just open your mouth! Just say it! We will open the registration right immediately!"

Golden pill! Infant pill!

These two words, even if it is just a pill formula that has been silent for nearly two hundred years, are still shocking to people!

No one thought that CSIB actually held such a precious pill formula.

"Hahaha!" Vulture's eyes flashed, and he said without hesitation: "Dingxiang, don't use your junk to bluff people!"

"Alchemy! Do you know what this means! If others need the recipe, even the Golden Pill Patriarch might loosen his fingers!"

"Then are you going to talk to our Anxiang Patriarch?!" Dingxiang slammed the table and stood up, not showing any weakness: "I dare to swear! Fellow Daoist Xu! As long as you say, the few treasured recipes in Anxiang Patriarch's hands are definitely not off-limits! And I promise! The probability is at least 70%!"

Vulture and Dingxiang glared at each other, but both of them were stunned.

This situation of mutual sabotage... How can it be so familiar...

More than 70%!

The only alchemist in the Dharma Ending Age! The alchemy method in the world... is his!

Unless...who wants to continue using the liquid pill! Use capsules!

Yi Lao trembled all over, opened his mouth several times, but couldn't speak because of his tachycardia.

Everyone present now has the most confused thoughts.

The stimulation was too strong, making them almost speak without thinking.

But he was different.

The Yi family... relying on the three northern provinces, was the family that cultivated and sold the most spiritual plants!

With the great foundation-building monk in charge, no one dared to covet it!

And an alchemist and a family that specialized in cultivating spiritual plants, combined... what would it bring? !

There was a golden light in front of his eyes. The rise of the Yi family is just around the corner!

"Yi family... Yi family..." He gasped and said several words, but he couldn't say anything because he was too anxious. However, just as he was gasping for breath, a crazy voice sounded: "Jindou Auction House!! Willing to gather the power of the whole hall to help fellow Taoists! Help the Xingtian Legion to hold this auction!!!"

If you don't give it to us! I'll die for you to see!

Don't think I don't dare! I'm afraid of myself when I go crazy!

Everyone looked at him in amazement.

Because... he actually shouted this sentence. And he looked at Xu Yangyi with great momentum. He was not ashamed at all but proud!

If they miss this opportunity and let other auction houses take it, can they still gain a foothold in this industry?

It goes without saying that whoever gets this auction will definitely occupy the reputation of the first person in the auction industry!

How dare you!

Yi Lao's body trembled. His family, which can work most closely with alchemists, has not spoken yet, and look at the ugly faces of you irrelevant people!

No one noticed that the third secretary in the last row had picked up the phone in a trance.

"Master Captain... Please, please, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and take a look... Something big has happened! A big event that shocked the entire cultivation world!"

"What's the matter." Qian Ren's somewhat unhappy voice came from the phone.

He was surprised by what he had never seen before, this was his first judgment.

What can be produced in the founding ceremony of the Qigong cultivators? It's a joke.

The secretary gritted his teeth: "Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan appeared... The real... Hello? Captain? Your Excellency Captain!"

There was a bang on the other side of the phone, and from then on, there was no sound.

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