
Main text Chapter 134: Founding Ceremony (V)

Downstairs, the lights are bright and there is a huge crowd.

Everyone's faces were cheerful and complimenting each other. Lu Gandang walked among the crowd like a butterfly passing flowers. Use this opportunity to establish relationships with major families and major forces.

"Our Peak Legion will never let you down." At this moment, he was suppressing his excitement and smiled at a middle-aged man: "Our Peak Legion is by no means some legion with a false reputation. It is a real army. To be honest, I am a hard-working person who accepts tasks and completes them. I will only improve myself during the tasks. Although the Peak Legion is not at a high level at present, I, Lu Gan, can guarantee that he will. It’s the top army in Mingshui Province!”

"You are so polite, Fellow Daoist Lu." The middle-aged man smiled kindly and bowed: "With the qualifications of Fellow Daoist Lu, it is only a matter of time before I get the first place."

Both parties laughed and said goodbye. Lu Gandang's face turned red with excitement!

Just now... that was the deputy patriarch of the Mingshui Gou family!

The Gou family's elixirs are well-known throughout the country. Even if the other party offers a 50% discount, he can save a lot of spiritual stones!

"Wait..." He gritted his teeth and looked at the roof with burning eyes: "Seclusion? Ridiculous!"

"A sign of cowardice... Now you still fucking think it's the ancient cultivation era? Or have you read too many cultivation novels? Ascetic monks who work behind closed doors, in the battle for resources in the end of the Dharma era, you will be the first to be stepped on!"

"Without resources, no matter how talented you are, you can only become my stepping stone!"

At this moment, suddenly, a majestic spiritual pressure, like a mountain and sea collapsing, swept across the entire place crazily!

At the scene, there was a lively conversation just now, but at this moment, there was a sudden silence!

Foundation-building spiritual pressure!

"Brush..." One person put down his tea cup, then the second person, the third person... Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the door from which the spiritual pressure came out with great reverence.

Practice qi and build a foundation, separated by the natural chasm, once you build a foundation, people from all directions will come to you! Foundation building, these two simple words, are the greatest ambition of all the monks!

Lu Gandang took a deep breath, and then his eyes turned red!

This is the silent majesty of the foundation-building monks.

He is bound to get to this point!

He was the first to calm down, and immediately raised his hands and shouted: "Welcome to the Thousand Blade Helmsman..."

"Swipe!" Before he could finish his words, a human-shaped aura, carrying boundless wind, flew over everyone like a bomber! With such fierce momentum, no one could see it clearly, and it quickly disappeared from the door!

From beginning to end, there is not a single word.

Lu Gandang was stunned.

What's going on here?

Master Thousand Blades... isn't he here to support himself?

Why...just left without saying a word?

"What's going on?" He thought, and others also thought of it. An old monk said in shock: "Is this...what emergency happened?"

"Senior Qianren, why did you leave without saying a word?" "It seems like something really big happened, otherwise we wouldn't be in such a hurry..."

Lu Gandang's face turned red and white.

For some reason, a trace of panic suddenly surged in his heart.

Everything seemed to have changed... The ceremony upstairs was held in advance, and then the Thousand Blade Helmsman left crazily without saying a word... It was as if... it seemed...

He gritted his teeth, not daring to continue this idea.

It's like...something big happened upstairs?

"Da da da!" At this moment, there was a rapid sound of leather shoes. Everyone looked at the door in shock. Only two young men were seen, their eyes were red, and they rushed outside with the magic talisman. !

"This is..." an old woman gasped: "This is the first and second secretary of Senior Qianren..."

Something big has definitely happened...and something extraordinary and unimaginable!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to put a magic talisman on the building! Like crazy! There is no trace of the composure necessary for a secretary!

"Brush!" The two men were rushing towards the door when a tall figure, leaning on a cane, stood in front of them.

It came so fast that the two secretaries barely had time to stop. But they didn't look at the people in front of them at all, or in other words, their eyes couldn't accommodate anything else at the moment, and they shouted hoarsely: "Let, get out of the way! Get out of the way quickly!"

"What happened?" the gray-haired old man shouted angrily, and the unfocused pupils of the two secretaries had some brightness, but were immediately covered by a touch of madness.

There was only one word left in their minds at this moment.


Alchemy reappears! Alchemy appears again after two hundred years!

"Say!" the old man shouted angrily again. The two of them shouted almost in unison without any consideration at all: "Alchemy! Alchemy has appeared!!!"

"The founding ceremony of the Xingtian Legion! The elixir auction will be held soon!!! The real elixir!"

The old man's facial expression stopped at anger, and in just a few tenths of a second, it immediately turned into incomparable shock!

My mouth couldn't help but open slightly, and my upper and lower lips were even trembling slightly! The eyes are bigger than eggs!

The next second, with a "swish" sound, the old man disappeared and the building was empty!

"Old thief!!!" With a shrill roar, a middle-aged man, with three magical talismans attached to his body in one second, rushed upstairs like crazy!

"Oh my God!" "Alchemy!? Alchemy that has been lost for nearly two hundred years!?" "Auction!? This, how is this possible!"

I couldn't help but screamed one after another!

However, despite their exclamations, their movements were not slow at all!

While they were exclaiming, countless magic talismans were attached to different people, and one after another, like sharp arrows from a bow, they disappeared quickly!

There was only one target!

At this moment, countless people felt extremely regretful. Why... why didn't they go upstairs?

Swish! A minute ago, the place was full of guests, and a minute later, it was empty!

When the last figure disappeared, the muscles on Lu Gandang's face were trembling, and he stood there with his fists clenched tightly.

He didn't leave.

He couldn't even say to keep him!

At this moment, the extreme anger in his heart instantly overwhelmed his desire for the Dao of Alchemy!

What is a slap in the face?

This is a slap in the face!

He had said that Qianren would help him personally, but he didn't expect that everyone upstairs would betray him with just one sentence!

Qianren was even the first to leave! When the others left, no one considered him!

The table was full of spiritual tea and spiritual fruit. The mechanical puppet was still setting up the venue without any emotion. However, at this moment, it was just his carnival.

"Ah!!!!" After a few seconds, he roared with all his strength. A one-meter-long spiritual blade suddenly appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the tables and chairs in front of him shattered one after another!

"Bastard!" He was like crazy. He swung his backhand again, and a deep gully cut off countless tables and chairs.

This naked ridicule was more uncomfortable than slapping him directly!

It turned out that... everything he did was not as good as a word from the other party!

It turned out that... after doing so much, the other party had no reaction at all. It was not fear at all, but he had already won!

"Dan Dao... Dan Dao!!!" His voice was a little hoarse. He vented for dozens of seconds. This venue had been destroyed by him!

"Ka Ka..." The broken mechanical puppet made a harsh clicking sound on the ground, with spiritual tea all over the ground and debris all over the room. Then...

He used a faster speed, pasted the magic talisman, and rushed upstairs frantically!

He refused to accept it!

Why! Why did the other party get all the good things!

Alchemy! This is the alchemy! Just two words ruined his more than ten years of hard work! He cultivated for more than ten years, won the first prize, stepped onto the first podium in his life, and the first take-off point of the cultivator, but it was all gone in these two words!

It's all because of this person! Xu's all because of you!

His face was even distorted while running.

How can you can you be the first in everything!

"Boom!" At the same time, the door upstairs was smashed open by a surge of spiritual pressure!

There was no sound, and a wave of spiritual energy like a sea tide made everyone's heart stagnate!

Foundation spiritual pressure!

Qianren came in person!

The complete explosion, the spiritual pressure like a landslide and tsunami for the Qi training cultivators, surged and made everyone breathless! The long-standing prestige and the name of the foundation-building cultivator made almost everyone half-bow like a reflex, and immediately folded their hands: "Welcome..."

"Get out of the way!!!!" Qian Ren's roar was mixed with the rolling spiritual pressure. In an instant, almost all the people were bounced several meters away!

"Boom boom boom!" All the seats flew around! Qian Ren actually rushed out a blank path in the ceremony venue!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

That mountain-like spiritual pressure... like substance, as if an endless Shura field was unfolded in front of him. There were hundreds of Qi training cultivators, and I'm afraid only the top ones could barely survive.

Is this the full-scale outbreak of the power of foundation building...

The word "Dan Dao" made Qian Ren's emotions burst out in an instant. At this moment, the power of foundation building was overwhelming!

"Swish!" The next second, he didn't even have time to blink, and Qian Ren's figure was already standing in front of him.

The two of them suddenly looked at each other.

The needle pointed at the wheat spike.

Xu Yangyi did not bow or fold his hands, but just looked at Qianren calmly.

Qianren did not speak, but stood in the air with his hands behind his back, riding the wind, staring at Xu Yangyi with boundless coldness, incomparable complexity, and suppressed murderous intent.

He did not speak, but there was only countless spiritual energy surging around Qianren, like an archangel spreading his wings, with a thousand auspicious auras!

In silence, Qianren suddenly realized that he did not know what to say.

He sponsored Lu Gandang and arranged it for so long, but he was the first to come!

Downstairs, he did not even dare to think about what had happened.

This invisible slap not only slapped Lu Gandang, but also slapped his old face!

He did not dare to attack the slap of the Qigong cultivator! There was no way to attack!

Even... he had to speak properly!

Anger and anticipation attacked his heart, and his unspeakable emotions spread like vines. His hands behind his back were twisted and cracked. His old Adam's apple trembled several times, and he said this sentence as if it was a ghost.

"Little... friend, I heard that you... Captain Xu has..."

Gritting his teeth, he forced a smile: "Pills?"

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