
Main text Chapter 135: Founding Ceremony (VI)


Not important...morality? Not important either.

For an old monster like Qianren who has lived to be over a hundred years old, realm is the most important!

In order to improve his cultivation, he can accept the Black Killing Order. At this moment, for the sake of the lost technique, he can also suppress his full of murderous intent and be amiable.

Xu Yangyi saw all of Qianren's expressions. When the other party lost his mind, his expression changed a lot.

He just watched for a few seconds, and saw that the murderous intent in Qianren's eyes almost condensed into substance, and then he smiled slightly: "Yes."

The murderous intent in Qianren's eyes suddenly dissipated. At the same time, his breathing immediately became heavy!

Pills should not be taken too much, as medicine is three-point poison. However, some pills are impossible for cultivators to avoid!

Pills that break barriers... pills that improve realms, and even the legendary... famous pills with no side effects!

His heart was in chaos at this moment.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, the scene was silent.

Xu Yangyi didn't show any reaction. He asked and he answered. It was that simple.

You fucking said yes and that's it? !

Qianren wanted to slap Xu Yangyi into a meat paste! Use his spiritual consciousness to light the sky lantern!

Yulinwei, the governor of a province, asked this question to let you take it out and see! Not to ask you to answer whether you have it or not!

He knew very well that this was... Xu Yangyi was waiting for him to ask! Let him beg! Let him, a dignified foundation-building cultivator, beg!

Killing intent, expectation and other emotions were mixed wildly, forming a strange... smile on his face?

"Hehehe..." The dry laugh he forced out was like a night owl in the air, and then...

He came down!

He came down...

He came down...

He came down...


Everyone was stunned.

The foundation-building cultivator took the initiative to adjust his posture. Moreover, he was the governor of a province who obviously didn't like Xu Yangyi. At this moment, he fell to the ground fairly and lightly.

Qian Ren ignored everything around him. From the moment he said "yes", he wanted to slap Xu Yangyi to death. However, if anyone dared to touch Xu Yangyi now, he would definitely fight to the death!

"My friend..." He tried to maintain a dry smile on his face: "Why not take it out and have a look?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Okay."

He touched the storage ring with his hand, and a black pill appeared in his palm.

Qian Ren did not move.

Or rather, at the moment this thing appeared, he only had his eyes to move, and his soul was moved.

The spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building cultivator far exceeded that of the Qi-training cultivator. At the moment the pill appeared, he immediately scanned it clearly.

Four kinds of medicinal effects... but they became one harmoniously. The fragrance of medicine was everywhere...

This is the pill.

His hand couldn't help but tremble slightly. He never thought that here, in his Mingshui Province, such a thing appeared!

After being lost for nearly two hundred years, the way of alchemy reappeared!

This news will become a blockbuster bomb in the cultivation world in a blink of an eye! The modern cultivation civilization was completely destroyed!

The matter was too big... so big that he dared not even think about it!

"Pa pa pa!" "Dong dong dong!" "Lao Zhou! What are you pushing for!" "What? It's obviously you who is pushing me!!"

At this moment, there was a loud noise at the door, and then hundreds of people rushed in frantically!

The clan leaders, deputy clan leaders, and representatives of major forces who were previously below and pretentiously did not look like cultivators at all at this moment, but their eyes were red, and hundreds of eyes were fixed on Xu Yangyi.

To be precise, it was in his hand.

On the round pill in his hand.

In an instant, hundreds of hot spiritual consciousnesses swept across the pill. Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, but did not stop it. Instead, he released all restrictions and let everyone watch.

Silence, a dead silence.

At the founding ceremony, everyone should have toasted and listened to the leader talk about the future prospects. However, at this moment, a pin drop could be heard.

An atmosphere so hot that everyone couldn't help licking their lips surged silently in the crowd. Everyone understood that it was called desire.

However, no one took a step forward, not because of Qianren in front of him. At this moment, Qianren's figure, which was not high but enough to shock Mingshui Province, disappeared automatically in people's eyes.

Everyone stared at the pill, and the desire in their eyes was the same as the substance.

Not going forward is not daring to go forward, for fear that if you take one more step, everything in front of you will turn into a phantom and disappear.

"Yulinwei..." At this moment, Qianren's hoarse voice spoke, he had to speak, the scene, seemingly calm, but in fact it had become a bucket! Just a light touch can catch fire!

And his identity is the person who is the most difficult to ignite. After all, Xu Yangyi is his subordinate!

"I am willing to pay 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones to buy all the pills in my hand!"

No hesitation!

No worries!

He knew that they would never be able to grab the pills that had not appeared in the world for nearly two hundred years. This time... Jindan Zhenren will most likely take action!

They may not come in person, but their assistants, their first secretaries, will definitely go to Mingshui Province with Jindan Zhenren's order!

Once the auction is held... this will become a killing field for Jindan Zhenren!


Not only that!

His eyes suddenly flickered. Just now, he was calculating the human race's Jindan.

This time... I'm afraid that the three great Jindan of the demon race, Heishan Zhenren, Ba Zhenren, and Shanjun Zhenren, will even come in person!

They have lived for hundreds of years and experienced the era of elixirs. The demon race has a longer lifespan than humans, and they know the effects of elixirs better! Even countless times in the middle of the night, they may miss the elixir that helped them transcend hundreds of years ago!

The three great demon race golden elixir incarnations... the two deans of the upper and lower houses of China, and the five great human race golden elixir real agents! At least a great cultivator above the middle stage of foundation building!

If he doesn't fight now, how can he win in the future!

"Senior Qianren!" As soon as he finished speaking, the old man surnamed Zhou stepped out without hesitation: "Rare treasures belong to those who are destined to have them! The Zhou family is not talented, but is willing to pay a high price! Ask/buy the elixir in the hands of Brother Xu! At the same time, we are willing to pay any price! Cooperate with the alchemist himself!"

Once the elixir comes out, it will inevitably cause a huge shock! However, isn't it a huge opportunity!

This opportunity is not only for them and the elixir, this opportunity... is for everyone!

Even if it is not about elixir liquid or spiritual plants, what does it matter!

Transformation, how difficult!

Now that the lost side door of elixir has reappeared, any family, as long as they are not idiots, can see that abandoning the previous foundation, as long as the other party nods, revival will be in the near future!

At this moment, Qianren's identity is compared with the revival of dozens of families. Even if they risk offending the great danger of the foundation-building predecessors, they must bite the bullet and force it!

"Junior..." Qianren's eyes have reached a point of anxiety at this moment: "Say it again."

"Senior..." The old man surnamed Zhou trembled all over and sweated like a pulp, but he knelt down without hesitation and touched the ground with his head: "Before entering the door, the junior has contacted the clan leader..."

"Isn't he in a dead-end retreat?" Someone suddenly shouted in the crowd. But he stopped talking immediately.


Everyone sneered in their hearts.

Death retreat?

The elixir has reappeared, what's the point of a dead-end retreat?

The dead can come back to life!

The old man surnamed Zhou seemed to have not heard anything, and said in a trembling voice: "The clan leader... has used the Zhou family's Yunxia flying sword to rush over on the cultivator's route... I'm afraid... he will definitely arrive within an hour..."

Damn it... Damn it!!

Qianren's hands were almost crushed by himself.

The first foundation-building cultivator came... Then, the second... He knew very well that there were no less than five foundation-building cultivators in the family present!

However, after a few seconds, his hand stopped.

A bone-chilling sneer appeared on his face.

After being extremely angry, a trace of clarity appeared in his mind, and he thought of a more critical question.

Okay... you have it.

However, did you expect that the reappearance of the alchemy that had disappeared for nearly two hundred years, as a one-way contact person, was a huge opportunity for you, and at the same time... it was also a huge murderous intention!

This was to use the power of one person to touch the huge interests of the alchemy side door that had existed for nearly two hundred years, and to use the power of one person to promote the reform of the cultivation world. The resistance encountered was so great that it was unimaginable!

How many families and departments make a living from elixir? As the only cultivator who can contact the alchemist, if those giants don't contact the alchemist, if those giants don't get a suitable response... As a one-way contact, how can you stay out of trouble?

"Hehe..." He glanced at Xu Yangyi with a dead look and stopped talking.

Wait... Junior, you lit the fire yourself, I'm afraid I don't need to do it myself to kill you.

"Junior is disrespectful, I have already notified the clan leader and deputy clan leader!" At the same time, another old woman knelt down without hesitation, with extreme excitement in her hoarse voice: "Panshan Meng Family, the first family in the three northern provinces, three foundation-building great perfections in the family have used teleportation talismans to go here!"

Qianren took a breath of cold air. With a bad breath in his heart, he left with a wave of his sleeves.

Meng Family... Three foundation-building people in one family, three great perfections! The first family in the three northern provinces!

He... can't afford to offend.

The old woman stared at Xu Yangyi, the smile on her face was flattering, flattering, and trying to please, trying to create a "terrifying kindness" atmosphere: "Friend Xu, the three foundation-building predecessors have already said on the phone that they agree to all the requests of the alchemist. Everything."

"Kang's Pharmaceutical Company in Liaoyuan Province! Willing to provide all the funds for the Xingtian Army! Just want to meet!!" "Weifeng Spiritual Plant Group in Mingshui Province! Willing to provide all the spiritual plants for the Xingtian Army in the future! Just hope to give an alchemist the opportunity to cooperate wholeheartedly!" "Feng Family in Liaoyuan Province, offer 888 medium-grade spiritual stones! Just want to meet the alchemist himself! Just one time!"

In an instant, the voices of the crowd were noisy, competing to see who had the loudest voice and who had a more sincere attitude.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Qin Dynasty, spiritual stones."

In an instant, everyone was silent.

"I hope to meet the alchemist himself." Everyone's eyes fell on a middle-aged woman.

Top-grade spirit stones!

This kind of thing... is not even a spirit stone! It is a natural treasure!

If it is exchanged for low-grade spirit stones, it is 10,000 low-grade spirit stones! But 10,000 low-grade spirit stones cannot be exchanged for top-grade spirit stones!

The purpose of top-grade spirit stones is not to absorb them at all. Some top-grade talismans and top-grade magic arrays all use this kind of thing. Even... it is a restricted circulation resource in the cultivation world!

Everyone knows that this company is very rich, but they never thought that it would be so rich!

"You are not a cultivator!" A cultivator suddenly snorted: "This is a cultivator's business!"

"I am just following the secret order of the chairman." The woman bowed neither arrogantly nor humbly: "Dear seniors, please forgive me."

Where did the fly come from!

It's disgusting to death!

Why do you, a mortal enterprise, like to practice so much! Why!

Xu Yangyi ignored all this, his eyes fluctuated slightly, because some things were not finished yet.

"Dear Taoist friends, please be patient." He said. As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience fell into strange silence.

Old or young faces looked at him with great passion.

"First of all, I want to make it clear. The alchemist said very clearly that he can only refine the pills of the Qi training period. And, he will never meet anyone before he has mastered the alchemy."

Everyone listened, and everyone turned a deaf ear.

Not to see, it's just that the benefits are not enough.

Once the benefits are enough, the gods will come down to earth!

What does it matter if you can only refine the pills of the Qi training period?

Not to mention that the Qi training period cultivators account for the majority now, even if they don't, won't the alchemists be promoted?

This is not a reason to not see him at all!

"Besides, this is his first work. He only entrusted it to our Xingtian Corps for auction." He looked up to the sky and sighed: "I saved his life once, and I never thought of karma."


Everyone listened carefully, and jumped with envy in their hearts!

Your cause is as small as a grain of rice! In the end, you reported a golden melon worth tens of thousands of pounds! You have shame!

Who are you pretending to be helpless for? !

Say! Are you laughing so hard in your heart!

Don't pretend, pretending will get you struck by lightning!


The previous setting of Jindan is 300 years old, and the previous one has been changed to 400

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