
Chapter 1235: Demonic Body Advancement

There was no time in the long night of eternal silence. The whole hell seemed to be frozen in this moment. There was no conversation, no private fighting, only the silver candles that illuminated the whole Tiragangdis, shining like stars, illuminating the whole sky.

On the third night, the three tops arrived, but after hearing the news that Xu Yangyi was in seclusion, they left with great regret and agreed to notify him when he came out of seclusion.

Time passed day by day, and the whole hell returned to silence. Kendramo did not look for Xu Yangyi, and the top nobles did not look for him. Half a year, a year, and in the blink of an eye, it was already three years later.

Sha... In the hall, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes.

It took a hundred times longer to promote the infinite truth from the Nascent Soul to the Venerable Saint than from the Golden Core to the Nascent Soul. It was less than a month at the beginning, but now it took a full three years.

Just today, he felt that the infinite truth had condensed to the peak, and everything in his pupils became clear again. If he could only see the talismans at the proton and neutron levels before, he could now see things below clearly.

Unfortunately, it was not clear enough. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how he analyzed the next layer of talismans, he could not see it clearly.

"After reaching the level of the Venerable Saint, there should be hope when you completely match my realm." He sighed softly, slowly raised his hand, and with a silent grip, the long river of magic crystals in all directions trembled instantly.

Buzz buzz buzz... Pieces of magic crystals began to shatter from the inside. After a few minutes, a thick layer of magic crystal powder had accumulated on the ground, and the pure magic energy contained in it turned into a rotating vortex of mist, like countless cosmic black holes suspended around Xu Yangyi.

And he was the star in the center, shining forever.

Let's start... His spirit and energy have been adjusted to the peak state. He opened his mouth slightly and then took a deep breath!

Swish swish swish! Countless talismans gathered crazily in his mouth. Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions... hundreds of millions of magic crystals were pulled out of a line, and the dark magic energy rolled into his body.

Without any warning, the moment he came into contact with the demonic energy, his body turned into a pale demonic body. As the demonic energy poured in more and more, his body actually began to crack.

The demonic energy in his body became more and more full, and the talisman had already reached the peak he could observe. At this moment, as the demonic energy entered, it was like a dam full of water, and finally cracks appeared.

Kakaka... Countless slight sounds rang out from his body, the gene was opening its door, the universe was opening its truth, the demonic energy from all directions was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black demonic energy vortexes were extinguished, in exchange for more and more cracks on the talisman. Finally, with a silent "click", the first talisman was completely shattered.

The dominoes of the talisman were pushed down, and then the bones of the body suddenly made a crackling sound, as if it was developing for the second time. The surging demonic energy seemed to have found an outlet to the sea. Without his call, it wrapped around him madly. If the previous situation was that all rivers flowed back to their source and streams gurgled, this time it was that thousands of rivers flowed into the sea and the waves surged.

"Here it comes..." Xu Yangyi's eyebrows moved slightly. Sure enough, when the infinite truth was pushed to the point where it matched the realm, the demon body would undergo the first evolution. He could already feel that the talismans in his body were running wildly, undergoing a rearrangement that he could not understand.

The evolution of life forms, the change of genes.

Boom... The whole void was trembling slightly, and the demon energy formed a rotating nebula around him, and finally... it suddenly converged towards the center!

Black light shone, and hundreds of millions of demon energy gathered into a pitch-black giant cocoon, wrapping him tightly in it.

There was no sound in the training room.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another year has passed. His palace was as quiet as death. A huge demon energy cocoon that was as pure as a substance and extremely pure was suspended in the air, greedily absorbing demon energy from all directions.

It looked like a dead object, but you could hear a rhythmic heartbeat. If you got close, you could even hear the crackling of bones inside, and the rustling sound of flesh and blood growing.

One day, one night, one week, one month... After a hundred days, the demonic cocoon trembled slightly.

A slight crack appeared from the top, and the next second, the cracks spread throughout the body of the demonic cocoon, becoming more and more numerous and larger. In the end, the entire demonic cocoon was covered with cracks, and with a loud bang, it truly turned into an eggshell-like substance and fell to the ground.

Swish... The surrounding demonic energy fled silently, even fearfully, like the ebb tide. And those dark "eggshells," before they fell to the ground, had turned gray and dissipated in the air.

In the dark mist, a pale demonic shadow was revealed. A pair of huge wings wrapped something. Very majestic, with an indescribable sense of power. It is not as skinny as some demons, nor is it a bit broken. It is like an umbrella made of the finest silk and steel. The muscles bulging on it carry a cheetah-like strength.

The beauty of wild power in the wild.

It is like a stone sculpture. After an unknown period of time, its eyes finally trembled slightly. Then, as if waking up from a deep sleep, its wings quietly spread out, and a majestic and elegant monster stood proudly in the void.

There are four horns on the top of the head, intertwined, no... or rather, many parts of the body are covered with bone horns. Unlike the pale skin, these horns are black, piercing through the skin, and blood-red veins spread on them. Black tattoos spread from the limbs to the roots. Overall, it looks thin but not weak, slender but not delicate.

Every muscle and every corner was full of strength. The face was still Xu Yangyi's, but a pseudo-crown that was almost bone-like formed from the upper part of the brow.

He did not speak, but quietly raised his hand and looked at it in some astonishment. Then he raised his head and looked in all directions.

"This feeling..." He took a deep breath, and he looked at this new world curiously like a baby in the new world.

Everything was very different.

The previous layer of talismans had collapsed, revealing the more subtle and complex talismans underneath. He knew that as long as he peeled off the layers like this, he would definitely see the origin of life. And the world now is like this in his eyes. Every brick and stone, even in the air, can see wandering talismans.

He slowly raised his hand, and countless talismans coiled around like fish, forming a beautiful spiral.

"The talisman of the next level..."

"This is already closer to the essence of life. You can start practicing from now on. Every cell, every gene, every talisman will gradually strengthen yourself..."

He pinched it suddenly, and suddenly, the void exploded. Without any magic energy, the whole void was covered with spider webs, as if it was about to shatter.

What a powerful force!

This is just pure physical strength... However, he did not continue to test the strength of his body, but his chest rose and fell slightly. With a wave of his hand, a book with a black cover appeared.

The Book of Hongmeng Contract!

However strong the demon body is, it is always on him. He can test it at any time. Now, there is something more urgent. He seeks the truth, his way, he can't wait to see what is recorded in the big net woven by the gods.

The huge net woven by Yahweh for hundreds of thousands of years...Because of the war of gods caused by this secret, and even because he touched it, he was hunted by the incarnation of Mammon...Now, a new chapter is about to open!

"Come on..." The hand on the book trembled slightly. The white light on the pages could not be covered at all, forming a dazzling brilliance.

"Let me see... what's inside!"

He lifted it up with force. In an instant, the endless white light swallowed him. When he opened his eyes again, he appeared again in the place where he left before.

Surrounded by the vast galaxy, in front of him, the towering figure of the Lord of Desire had not completely dissipated. The sense of terror that enveloped his soul swept his heart from the moment he appeared.

The spiritual power was quickly drawn out, and the entire galaxy was once again stirred up. The magnificent voice that he had heard before slowly appeared again.

"God King, Immortal Lord, for those who have come this far, perhaps... only these two titles are our highest honor..."

"Before the first Ragnarok, no one would fantasize about these two titles, because any Yahweh thought that his was unique and eternal in the universe. The first Ragnarok told us that there are at least thousands of Yahwehs in the universe, or even more. After this tragic war, everyone knows that no Yahweh is easy to mess with. Similarly, no one would fantasize about this peak."

The last trace of restlessness was appeased, and Xu Yangyi listened quietly to this ancient secret, which may even be the biggest secret in the universe.

The soul was intoxicated by it.

This is his reality.

A seeker of the truth hundreds of thousands of years, or even tens of millions of years later, listening to the truth of the universe.

"No one thought that after just 50,000 years of peace, the second Ragnarok would come so suddenly." The voice fluctuated, and even as a recorder, he could feel the unrest in his heart.

"This is a far more terrible fight than the first Ragnarok. All the Yahwehs of Desire Walker attacked at the same time, bringing the entire hell into an endless abyss."

Silence, Xu Yangyi could feel the other party's mood when recording this passage.

The picture fluctuated, and the perspective was gradually pulled away, so far that the planes became chess pieces, and on each chess piece, endless fireworks exploded. Some extremely tall figures, like galaxy walkers, walked in the universe.

"Many Yahwehs who survived the last war were killed in an instant, forming endless fluctuations of divine power. After these fluctuations of divine power, countless godheads were left behind, bringing out more of the next Yahweh. The Desire Walker was like a locust that devoured the plane, advancing from the Sirius region in the northwest, making the universe a hell."

"This is an era of Yahweh's outbreak. The large-scale fall of the first generation of Yahweh brought about the birth of the second generation of Yahweh like weeds. Countless planes where Yahweh should not appear, countless planes that did not have the conditions for Yahweh to appear, also had Yahweh. They... all added Participated in this unprecedented war, but... some joined the Desire Walker, and some joined other Yahweh camps..."

"This battle lasted too long, so long that the Yahwehs and the star fields they ruled formed an alliance. The Desire Walker occupied half of the known star fields and founded the 'God Creation Dynasty,' and the rest of the Yahweh, in order to fight it, founded... a name you may have heard of..."


"And... after this Ragnarok, this place was completely broken and shattered. In order to commemorate this battle, this place is also called... Ruins of Kunlun..."

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