
Chapter 1236: The Only Supreme God (I)

Ruins of Kunlun?

Xu Yangyi suddenly stood up, his eyes piercing.

How could it be Xu Kunlun?

Xu Kunlun... Is it what I think of, the Xu Kunlun that I have been to? Are they actually the former sites of Yahweh?

"How... is this possible?" He frowned and murmured.

It was so unexpected, so subversive of his conception, that it was almost hard for him to accept for a while.

But he quickly shook his head: "Forget it, I can't say for sure, maybe it's just a coincidence. The universe is so big, there are many coincidences. It's more likely that someone went to Kunlun and gave it this name. .and……"

He smiled bitterly and said: "This whole place is called Kunlun, and the ruins of Kunlun are the Seven Realms."

"Except for the name, there is nothing the same." He glanced at the eternal fine gold: "And the shape is completely different."

Not a place.

The sound continued, and he listened immediately. The emotion in his voice had returned to calmness, and he spoke slowly: "Latercomers, don't worry, you can open the Hongmeng Contract Book to make sure you are not a monster created by the gods... So, I will explain it in detail, bit by bit. Tell you."

"Tell you...the truth of this universe..."

The picture changed, the universe in front of him was turbulent, the camera quickly zoomed in, Xu Yangyi seemed to have passed through the clouds and broke into a plane.

Powerful, gorgeous, shocking.

This was the first thought when his consciousness came to this virtual plane.

Typical Chinese ancient style, there are also a few styles from other planes, as well as countless monks flying in the sky with swords, 30,000 miles of rivers eastward into the sea, and 5,000-meter mountains reaching the sky. Together they build this picture.

Flags are flying, the city towers are towering, and countless monks are waiting at the ready. Even if they are separated by countless years, one can feel the urgency of their atmosphere. What shocked Xu Yangyi the most was that the lowest level of any monk was Nascent Soul! Those team leaders who obviously have a certain status are all saints!

What a powerful force!

What a grandeur!

Even Tiragandes, the seven missing demon gods, the seven Yahwehs, the eighteen demon kings, and thousands of demon kings. But the foundation building and golden elixirs are all over the place, and they can't be so neat at all!

"This force, if it starts a plane war, is enough to destroy all planes." He took a deep breath and also felt how powerful the so-called divine creation was.

It was so powerful that other Yawei had to call on the most elite monks from their planes to form the Kunlun Alliance.

However...that's not all.

His consciousness suddenly paused and suddenly swept towards the city.

He felt that there, in the center of this giant city, there were countless terrifying auras.

His spiritual consciousness looked over inch by inch, and when he arrived at the inner city, in an instant, thousands of figures of Taixu sitting cross-legged in the array appeared on it, and the blurry figures sitting in the eyes of each array exuded a kind of heaven-destroying aura. breath!

No weaker than Mephistopheles!


A magic circle has at least seven or eight formation eyes, which means seven or eight unique positions! Not to mention, in the center of the formation, there is a figure that is completely shining with brilliance. There are giant dragons, elves, humans, and twisted Zerg... there is only one of these figures, sitting here, actually suppressing it with the power of one person. The surrounding atmosphere is too empty and unique!

"It's not Yahweh!" He immediately affirmed that the aura of Yahweh was far more terrifying than this. It came from ancient times, transformed in the prehistoric times, lived the same life as the sky, and had the same spring as the earth. As if facing the pressure of the galaxy, he was in Su Xingyao. I have heard the voice of Chaos in my memory.

"So this is..." He took a deep breath: "Above the Third Realm?"

"Go to...the first realm?"

However, this was still not enough. His consciousness hesitated and immediately continued to spread. Then, he finally felt it. In the center of this huge city, under a huge palace, there was a huge spiritual pressure that almost destroyed the world and roared into the sky.

Boundless, as vast as the sea.

Even the entire city is not in the eyes of the other party.

"Yahweh..." He breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help but take a step back: "Yahweh... who protects this city... is actually a real Yahweh..."

This thought made his hair stand on end!

Divine powerful is the so-called Divine Creation?

Not only did the elite come out, but Yahweh himself went into battle!

Even if I don’t know how many years, millions, or tens of millions of years have passed, I can still feel the glory of that battle.

In all the heavens and all the worlds, Yahweh has come out, and all the worlds have obeyed his command.

At this moment, the voice finally sounded again: "Maybe you have seen it, you know it, maybe you don't know it, but I want to tell you, this is the most powerful existence among all life forms currently known in the entire universe... …”

"Existence like me..."

"The end we thought was just the beginning. Whenever I look back on this period of history, I can once again experience this feeling of powerlessness. It should not be forgotten or buried, but should be remembered."

"So, I just want to tell you that everything you see is just the very beginning of history that even the top races in the universe want to bury..."

"It's not a climax, it's not even close to the end. It's...a reincarnation without an end..."

"Keep reading, late comers, keep your clarity, you...may be the only being in this universe who knows the truth besides us..."

"Instead of living in your own plane day after day like all living things."

The scene changed again, and as it continued downwards, countless talismans suddenly surged through the ground. Xu Yangyi was caught off guard, and with a muffled groan, blood began to bleed from his orifices.

Each of these talismans is based on the infinite truth he has mastered, and he cannot analyze it at all now.

He tried his best not to look at these pictures. After dozens of seconds, the pictures finally stopped flickering, and when he raised his head, he couldn't help but gasp.


A huge diamond, standing in the universe!

It is oval-shaped, irregular, and only a few hundred meters in size. On top of this diamond, tens of thousands of meters of surface are built, flowers and plants are planted, buildings are built, and even... creatures are produced.

"Xu Kunlun..." He opened his mouth slightly and shook his head uncontrollably: "Xu Kunlun... is there a diamond star inside?"

"It's called eternal fine gold." The majestic voice sounded again: "The crystal is a priceless treasure in the universe, even for Yahweh. Even Yahweh alone cannot break it."

"It is so strong... that it can imprison Yahweh, and such a large amount of eternal fine gold has never been seen before. It is the only heaven that can transmit power without attenuation, even one-fifth of the amplitude. The treasure of materials and earth is far more rare than you can imagine, and after we discovered it, we immediately built it into the Holy City of Kunlun. It can be said that if it were not for its core, it would be difficult for us to survive this Ragnarok."

"Going back to the previous topic, we have finally discovered the Godhead. The formation of any Yahweh takes hundreds of millions of years. It is simply impossible for Yahweh to fall like this while more second-generation Yahwehs appear at the same time. But... we discovered it too late... In the end, we only obtained six godheads."

Xu Yangyi listened quietly.

"The winged angel Xiphiel fell into the sea of ​​immortals and was killed by the Seventh Pillar of Desire himself."

"The Unbreakable Dragon God Korok fell in the Pool of Birth and was killed by the Sixth Pillar of Desire led by seven second-generation Yahwehs."

"Qiao, the immortal prophet, fell on the cliff of immortality and was killed by the fourth pillar of desire."

Names that had never been heard of sounded out one by one, six in total, and on the screen, six bright and transparent crystals appeared, being brought back one by one by the Yahweh of Kunlun.

However, the voice trembled: "However... we... made an extremely wrong choice..."

"This choice... marks the end of the second Ragnarok, and separates the universe from the center into a chasm that can never be crossed. It is called the 'River of Death to End the War.' We... may win. But I saw the...real truth that I never wanted to see..."

The sound stopped and there was silence. Xu Yangyi almost thought that the battery was "out of power". However, the Hongmeng Contract Book was not ejected.

"Five minutes have passed. From the lower fourth realm to the middle third realm, there is more and more spiritual power for it to squander."

After a full minute, the voice sounded again, with a long and faint sigh: "We... chose... to create the 'God King.'"

This simple sentence made Xu Yangyi's pupils shrink slightly.

He had a hunch that perhaps, this was the real "beginning."

The beginning of everything, the beginning of all things, the beginning of the destruction of the earth, is also the beginning of... the truth.

It was so silent that no breathing could be heard, and the voice said: "Maybe you can't understand our thoughts, that's because you haven't seen the brutality of that battle. The Seven Lords of Desire, also known as the Seven Pillar Gods, have annexed everything that can be seen. If we retreat from our civilization, the creatures hundreds of millions of light years behind us, their civilizations, and their history will all be in flames.”

"We discovered it too late... We discovered the Godhead too late. We don't have that many Yahwehs - even the second generation of Yahwehs are fighting against each other. Kunlun is our last line of defense."

"If we break through Kunlun, the history of the universe will be rewritten. The battle back then was so critical. Even Taixu and Doppo will become cannon fodder. This is a battle that, in the true sense, concerns the existence of the race in the universe."

"We have no choice."

"You can no longer see the eternal fine gold, because... all the eternal fine gold has been sealed from here on. This is a gift from the universe, and it is also a demon released by the universe. Because... there is a Yahweh, It discovered the greatest secret of eternal gold..."

The voice became bitter: "Fusion..."

"It...can fuse anything. We never know how this terrifying monster was created. It can even fuse with the godhead!"

"That gave us an idea, a crazy idea..."

"We took action and merged all the gods together. Even... Yahweh, who was seriously injured, chose to sit down and merge into his own godhead..." The voice became more and more sad, as if to apologize: "We did it unintentionally, latecomers , we really didn’t intend it...we...can only do this..."

"For the people behind us, for our home planet, and for... the billions, billions of living beings who are unwilling to surrender... this is the last way..."

"And... we succeeded..."


Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. In other words, in this universe, has the "Supreme God" appeared?

Beyond all Yahweh, at the true pinnacle, the truly strongest life form?

His voice could no longer control his emotions, and he said hoarsely: "Before this... I have a question..."

"What do you think the universe is?"

Xu Yangyi didn’t need to answer, and he couldn’t hear it either. He said in a trembling voice: “Do you think the universe is a noun, or... a creature called the universe...?”

“The universe... is alive...”

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