
Chapter 1237: The Only Supreme God (II)

Xu Yangyi stood where he was.

There is no expression because I no longer know what expression to use in response to this sentence.

There was no idea, because of this overly terrifying guess, my mind went blank.

The universe is alive…

The creature called the universe...

This... is so ridiculous...

It's too scary...

Even if this came from the mouth of a Yahweh recorder, he began to doubt the authenticity of this statement.

"I know you are doubting it. This sentence is too unbelievable. To be honest, I am also doubting it." The next words in the voice made Xu Yangyi suspicious again.

"We...cannot confirm the authenticity of this speculation, or...after you listen to the legend below, can you explain it to us..."

It was as silent as death. After a long time, the voice sounded again: "Yes, we succeeded. We created an unprecedented God-King. The original three hundred meters of eternal fine gold only had the last fifty meters left. It could no longer support it." The alliance we built above, Kunlun, will collapse within a thousand years."

"This war has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and it is impossible for thousands of years to end - that's what we thought at the time, but... after this god-king appeared, we saw hope for the first time, and we... made the mistake of Going further and further on the road, I paid a huge price to get the master of Desire Walkers, the first pillar of Desire Walkers, and the head of the entire Desire Walkers, to go to Kunlun."

The words were a bit messy. The other party did not explain the problem of the universe, but seemed to talk about another topic. Although it was said simply, Xu Yangyi could fully imagine how much the other party had to pay to let such a terrifying first-generation Yawei go to Kunlun. At what cost.

Maybe the other party doesn't want to mention it either.

War is always cruel, there is only blood, no flowers.

However, the other party brought up the third topic, but Xu Yangyi did not feel confused because these three topics were on the same line.

"When this 'God King' appeared, we discovered something was wrong with it. It was very powerful...very powerful, so powerful...even if all Yahweh came together, they would still be far from its opponent. At the same time, it was also very powerful. Strange, we can feel its power, but it has sealed itself, as if it is afraid of its own terrifying strength. We know that this is a true god who is so powerful that the entire Desire Walker trembles. King, the first god-king in history.”

It didn't say the name of the God King. Even though Xu Yangyi's heart was scratching his head at this moment, he could only listen to it.

"But... we didn't expect that just because it is a god king... it is the first god king to appear in the long history, chronicled by the sands of the Ganges. Therefore, it can see things that we cannot see. thing."

"We didn't expect that... what it fears... is not its own power, but the universe, the rules that gave birth to our universe..."

Silence, this has been silence for countless times, just like the mentality of a person who wants to stop talking when talking about the biggest mistake or crime he has ever done.

Xu Yangyi can understand.

There was silence for the third time, this time for a full two minutes. However, at this moment, suddenly, the entire space began to fluctuate.

The spiritual power is insufficient!

Xu Yangyi let out a long sigh and frowned tightly. The soreness all over his body, the exhaustion coming from the depths of his soul, proved that he had unknowingly overdrawn all his strength. However, just as we are about to reach the most critical part, the timeline is already infinitely close to Earth time, probably millions or tens of millions of years ago! This is an unknown number of steps ahead of "Ganges Sand"! How could we stop now!

He quickly glanced at the book. This book was not the entire book of Hongmeng Contract, only half of it, but even this half was nearing the end.

The next time he saw it, it would have to be in the Taixu realm, and he couldn't help it anymore!

any idea?

His mind was spinning rapidly, and after a few seconds, his eyes lit up, and the infinite truth began to circulate. In an instant, he transformed into a demonic body.

boom! ! The demonic energy was roaring, and it was crazily involved in the Hongmeng Contract Book. Originally, he had no hope, but who would have thought that the already dim Book of Hongmeng Contract would once again erupt with endless white light, and the picture in front of him would become clear.

He breathed a silent sigh of relief and waited quietly. After a full two minutes, the voice sounded again.

"It's coming...the Lord of Desire who rules half of the known star field has truly arrived, and...we tear open the seal of the God King..."

Its voice even choked with remorse and was extremely hoarse: "Really... we can only do this... I'm sorry for the latecomers who read this book, we are sinners, and we should be nailed to the tomb of the galaxy, To mark our crimes..."

"All the first generations of Yahweh, 'Chaos of Chaos', 'Beichen Haotian', 'Pisces Star Soul Medisha', 'Invincible God of War Luo'... and many more, we have witnessed this scene together, this unconscious person The scene of the God King fighting the Lord of Desire."

"As expected, it won, and won very easily. However, just when we thought it was over, it was just beginning."

No words, just pictures.

Xu Yangyi saw clouds and mist in front of him, and he seemed to be in the clouds. When the clouds and mist dissipated, he suddenly found that he was in a broken galaxy.

In all directions, the starry sky was shattered. There were no stars nearby, only the remains of the plane.

Besides nothingness, there was annihilation. The aftermath of the power that was everywhere and at all times, even the phantom, made him feel like being pricked by needles, and the demonic energy almost involuntarily reached its peak.

Then, he saw it.

With a roar that seemed to come from ancient times, from the era of Ganges sand, a vague figure as majestic as a star, with its shape completely outlined by light, fell down like the collapse of the Milky Way, turned into thousands of blue light spots, and sank into the universe. When he fell, he was still pointing forward, his fingers were trembling.

Just in front of it, countless nebulae were swirling, and a blue mist-like creature, also about the size of a plane, slowly appeared.

And at this moment, at the end of the universe, a brilliant light suddenly burst out.

"It's coming..." The blue mist-like figure, who should be the first supreme god, the real God King, screamed: "It's coming... It's coming!! "

"We didn't know what was coming..." Yahweh's voice sounded, perhaps with too much sadness and regret, and his voice seemed to calm down: "But we knew it soon..."

"This is the rule of the universe, and it is also one of the bases for us to speculate that the universe is alive..."

"The beginning of the great destruction..."

These voices resounded in Xu Yangyi's ears, and he couldn't listen to them anymore.

His eyes only fell on the light.

The endless brilliance and the endless beauty seemed to attract people's souls. It can be vaguely seen that in the far distance, countless creatures and planes were absorbed and flew to the center with the light, and the light was rushing towards here at an unimaginable speed.

"It's so fast that it's like a biological reaction... As soon as something that can destroy the balance of the universe appeared, this 'rule' appeared without any warning."

"We know, we have always known that Yahweh is also restricted, and it is still within the balance. The other Yahwehs are our restrictions. And the Desire Walker Clan is not out of the restriction. At least, two or three Yahwehs in Kunlun can tie with one of the seven Desire Pillar Gods."

"But the God King is different. It has broken through the shackles. It is the Immortal Lord and is eternal. There is nothing in the universe that can stop it. So... we suspect that the universe's 'body' chose to take action and set new 'rules.'"

"This... is its beginning..."

"A beginning that we can't even imagine..."

Buzz... Xu Yangyi was stunned, and all the images in front of him disappeared. The anxiety in his heart even formed boundless anger. He almost cursed, but the sound sounded at the right time.

"I'm going to erase some of the things below. You can't know these unless you reach our level. Find us and join us."

"We... have been working hard to find the truth and escape this terrible fate since then. We are waiting for you, waiting for you everywhere in the heavens and the worlds, and we are also waiting for you by your side, within your reach, watching over billions of lives..."

The voice became smaller and smaller. When the screen opened again, only the broken piece of eternal pure gold was left in front of him. All Yahweh, all the land, buildings, creatures and trees on it were gone.

"Do you know why we speculate that the universe is alive?"

"Do you know... what a living thing is?"

"Any living thing has beneficial factors in its body. When external harmful factors invade, these beneficial factors will take action and wipe out. When the wiping fails, it will 'get sick.'"

"The God King is a harmful factor, or in other words, an uncontrolled factor that destroys the balance, so the 'beneficial factor' of the universe is in action. We made this judgment from the perspective of biology. Of course, it is not true... at least when I wrote the Book of Hongmeng Contract, there was no answer."

"This answer may be sought by generations of Yahweh. Perhaps after dozens or hundreds of generations of Yahweh, we are all pursuing this truth, but we do not regret it."

"Especially after the only thing we have seen in this chronology of Ganges sand is the 'erasure' of the universe itself."

The fourth silence, but Xu Yangyi felt that this might be the last time.

Because the first half of the Book of Hongmeng Contract has reached the last page.

"After this erasure, everything is there, but... the God King disappeared."

"It was as if it had never appeared and we had never created it. It disappeared before our eyes. After the white light flashed, everything disappeared without a trace."

"And their battle really broke Kunlun. From then on, cracks appeared on Kunlun..."

Xu Yangyi looked carefully and indeed, six cracks appeared on this piece of eternal gold.

"From then on, this place was called Xu Kunlun, to commemorate the truth we accidentally discovered this time, and to commemorate the struggle of all beings in the universe... until..."

"Sisi..." A hoarse voice sounded, and everything in front of him was annihilated again, and the remaining copy of the Hongmeng Contract Book finally shone through the last page.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sighed.


You, me, and him are all pursuing reality. Who would have thought that outside the earth, in the vast galaxy, reality is so cruel.

He wanted to put the book away, but at this moment, he suddenly stood up.

No... No!

Kunlun...Xu Kunlun...Seven Realms...Six Cracks...

"Xu Kunlun...It is the Seven Realms!"

“Six cracks split the eternal gold, right? Isn’t it... exactly seven pieces?”

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