
Chapter 1238: Yuchang Awakens

Everything seemed to be right.

The surrounding light was shining, and he had reappeared in the palace, but he did not pause, but pondered with a burning gaze for a long time, and then he spoke passionately: "It is possible."

Affirmative words.

"There is something that can prove that Yahweh once existed there."

He closed his eyes and said word by word: "The Dark Dragon Clan... Stargazers... or, should I call them God Guiders..."

"Where there are God Guiders, how could Yahweh not exist?"

"I didn't expect it, this is such a clear hint!"

It's too coincidental... He doesn't believe in coincidences, any coincidence is a product of necessity!

If he explained it with coincidences, he would not have reached where he is today.

He closed his eyes and cleared his mind again. The Stargazers were here, Yahweh had a mark here, and the Eternal Pure Gold happened to be divided into seven pieces... The name happened to be Xu Kunlun...

When he opened his eyes, there was only heat in his eyes.

The truth was not far away from him, and he couldn't wait to return to the Seven Realms.

"But first... we need to remove the Demon God's mark..." He suppressed his beating heart and exhaled; "Moreover, Mammon may also be in the Seventh Realm - this just proves that the Seventh Realm should be the Xu Kunlun, otherwise what is Mammon doing here?"

This explanation is a bit far-fetched, but he doesn't want to overturn it.

"If the Demon God's mark is not removed, he will be discovered as soon as he returns to the Seventh Realm..." He smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't want to have anything to do with a real Yahweh, and this Yahweh was obviously not upright.

At this moment, a demonic energy suddenly entered the hall.

His eyes turned slightly cold, and a black crow appeared in the void. This is the restriction he set, and his understanding of the talisman is not comparable to that of ordinary people. But people with less strength than him can never break into his restriction.

In other words, the strength of the person who came is far above him, and he didn't even feel the fluctuation of the restriction. And...he is very familiar with this demonic energy.

It is the mark of Kendramo.

"Master Xu." A demon's voice sounded from the crow's mouth in a low voice, very politely: "The deputy speaker told me a year ago that if you wake up, please let you go there immediately."

The word "immediately" was uttered very clearly, and Xu Yangyi said lightly: "I know."

However, the crow did not leave.

"What?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the other party coldly. This was not the other party's real body. The real body should be near his palace, but the other party should be able to see his attitude when talking with his spiritual consciousness. And the other party came to deliver a message, and his realm was obviously not high. How could a demon with a low realm be so ignorant? After a saint nodded, he dared to stay here.

"Master Xu." The demon's voice was flat: "The deputy speaker meant... immediately."

"Immediately, set off now. And I will wait for you here."

Swish! The murderous intent in his chest boiled instantly.

"Wait for me?" Xu Yangyi's voice was already cold: "Or surveillance?"

"Who allowed you to invite a saint in this tone? Is this the etiquette of the vice-chairman?"

"This is not etiquette." The devil's voice also became cold: "This is an order."

"The order from the vice-chairman needs you to execute it immediately! There are no conditions!"

Xu Yangyi looked at the crow deeply, his chest heaving slightly, his hands clenched into fists, and after a long time, he regained his composure and said coldly: "I know. You wait."

However, the devil's tone did not give in at all, but immediately pushed hard, and his voice was raised several degrees: "Please allow me to say it again."

"It's 'immediately!'"

"Please leave immediately! Now!"

Hidden in the seemingly gentle language, there is a sharp sword that cuts the face.

Xu Yangyi smiled.

At the main entrance of the palace, a tall demon was repeating Kendramo's words with an arrogant look. Behind him was a not-so-new carriage, the realm was the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. However, at this moment, the entire palace suddenly rolled up thousands of miles of waves.

It was not allowed to react at all. In the layers of cloud caves, Xu Yangyi's face lingered. He looked around and immediately fell on it. He smiled gently.

The next second, his head slowly lifted back, revealing an illusory upper body, and his chest had bulged to the size of one meter. Black smoke came out from the corners of his mouth and nostrils, and his eyes turned red.

"This is..." The devil was stunned for a moment, and then screamed wildly: "You dare!!! Alien!! The deputy speaker will not forgive..."

Before the voice fell, a terrifying breath fell from the sky, and the red light, with the raging fire waves of hell, spewed out of the mouth crazily!


The whole palace was shattered within a radius of 10,000 meters, and the ground was shaking. What blocked this breath, whether it was the ground or the layers of power on the Deception Palace, were all shattered in this second!

"Hua La La..." There were countless servants and demons around, all of them were stunned at this moment, and their dull faces were reflected red by his breath. After a few seconds, a circular pit of tens of meters in size appeared on the ground, which was bottomless, and the demon and the carriage had turned into cosmic dust.

Anything that touched his breath was turned into powder, not simply destroyed. A neat circular hole of tens of meters in size appeared on the ground, and the surroundings seemed to be cut by a knife, extremely smooth.

"Demon God..." All the servants and demons knelt down with a plop, trembling.

" turns out to be annihilation, which seems to be very different from ordinary demonic breath..." Xu Yangyi's illusory face disappeared in the cloud cave, and a cold voice came slowly: "This is the price of teaching you to learn to talk to the saint."

"With your life."

Inside the palace, Xu Yangyi looked at his body. This demonic body seemed to be more different from what he imagined, but now there was no time to think about this.

It's time to showdown.

Kendramo couldn't stand it anymore. With this tone, the Heart of Entropy Demon was ready to be implanted in his body...No one could guarantee a pleasant expression on his face.

"No one can stop me from returning." He raised his eyes and looked at the blood-red and pitch-black night outside, and one of the suns that was so bright that it was terrifying, and murmured: "You can't either."

At this moment, his eyes suddenly moved, and the Infinite Truth immediately started to work, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"It's time to wake up..."

A familiar and unfamiliar aura appeared in the training room below.

Very powerful... Even Xu Yangyi now can feel its power, the indestructible and invincible sharpness, even through so many layers of palaces, still makes him feel like he has been electrified.

This is his own sword.

Yuchang awakens!

"Clang!" A dragon-like sword sound resounded through the void, and this sword sound was so clear that the whole palace was shaking.

"This..." All the inferior demons in the palace passages were surprised to find that any metal tools, whether swords or knives and forks, were actually suspended in the air and humming towards one place.

Kakaka... In the palace, in the shocked eyes of the servants, all the swords and shields of the armor seemed to have heard the king's call, trembling desperately, and with a hum, they suddenly flew into the air and lowered the sword tip towards one place.

Very good... very timely! Xu Yangyi's eyes were fiery, and countless doors in front of him opened. With a bang, he had turned into black light and appeared in the training room.

"Dad, Dad!" Hong Xian was stunned for a moment, very happy, and then looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment. He was now in demon form. Hong Xian was timid and didn't dare to come up to recognize him.

"Good boy." Xu Yangyi touched the other's head, um... maybe the head, and smiled: "Bored?"

"Not bad." Hong Xian hugged Xu Yangyi's head affectionately with her wings and said happily: "Dad, you have become ugly again!"


This unfilial daughter!

Xu Yangyi grabbed it down unhappily, and the other's wings were still flapping, but he immediately saw Yuhe behind the other.

The other party also looked at him in amazement.

Two pale demon bodies, but Xu Yangyi's body was obviously more powerful than Yuhe's, whether it was the streamlined muscle lines, or the complex patterns, or even the bone barbs, demon horns, and even the wide demon wings, any one of them was more powerful and more explosive than the other.

This is a difference that can be seen at a glance, and there is no need to compare strength.

"You... have broken through..." Yu He still couldn't believe it, staring at Xu Yangyi in a daze.

How could it be... I finally broke through the middle stage of the Venerable Saint and was moving towards the late stage, but the other party actually broke through the demon body?

It knew very well how powerful its demon body was, and it was even more aware of how much potential this unknown demon body had.

He practiced hard just to break through the Great Void one step earlier. Its blood told it that on the day of the Great Void, the demon body would usher in even greater changes.

Who knew that the other party would also break through! The demon bodies that it had evolved before couldn't get any benefits, but were suppressed in the opposite hand. Now...

It didn't dare to think about it.

"Oh? Halfway through the middle stage of the Venerable Saint?" Xu Yangyi was also a little surprised, and nodded: "Practice well."

After that, he walked towards the light curtain on the other side.

"Yes..." Just as he turned around, a low voice sounded.


Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Yu He to reply, but it was good, he knew the situation very well.

As for the child, if he is not obedient, he should be beaten more often. A good man is born out of a golden stick, right?

His education policy must be correct.

Regardless of this awkward child, his eyes fell on the light curtain on the other side.

Being so close, he could fully feel the majestic sword intent inside.

It was not that the other party did not break his seal, but that the other party's sword intent could no longer be suppressed. I am afraid that once it is opened, it will be a crazy explosion of sword rain all over the sky.

"It can actually reach the point where my heart beats faster..." He licked his lips and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to crush his own restrictions, but it was not the case. At this moment, the long-lost killing field exploded.

He had a hunch that the fish intestines were at the peak of their life at this moment. If he was careless, he might really suffer.

At least... I can't be defeated in front of my son and daughter, right?

After doing all this, he gently pinched a few magic formulas with his fingers and clenched them hard!

Boom! ! !

With a shocking sound, the entire restriction exploded completely. But this loud noise was not caused by the restriction, but a brilliant light within the restriction, like the rising sun, or like thousands of dragons coming out of the sea, breaking through the air at an unimaginable speed!

It was a sea of ​​swords, the beauty of swords, and pure swordsmanship.

One sword light chilled fourteen states!

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