
Chapter 1239: Weight (I)

Yuhe gasped, and the red line also covered his body with its wings. At this moment, the whole training room was eclipsed by the beauty of this sword.

There was no move or style, but it was overwhelming. One could only feel the surging tide, but did not know where the sea was.

"Come on." Even Xu Yangyi's eyes became solemn at this moment. These sword lights did not distinguish between enemies and friends at all. Wherever they passed, the space made a sound of being cut. The invisible air was like a sea tide cracking, splitting into two pieces. The sword light in the sky was like a stream of fire in the sky, illuminating the eternal sky.

Swish! The soul hunter turned into a long golden river, swallowing the talisman and walking on it, completely wrapping him and Yuhe in it. In an instant, a clear and crisp sword sound rang out, followed by the sound of Yuchang's laughter: "Left shoulder."

Dang... a sound like a bell, clearly only one sound, but at the same time, countless ripples instantly rippled around the soul hunter, as if an infinite black lotus bloomed in the void, that was the state of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of sword lights hitting the soul hunter at the same time.

Like the wild wind in the Gobi Desert, it suddenly blew and disappeared. It was also like a meteor in the dark night, a moment of beauty.

Even with Xu Yangyi's eyes, he only saw a flash of sword light, and then he was stunned and looked at his left shoulder in astonishment.

There was a clear white dot there, which was the mark that the tip of the sword had touched his left shoulder at some point.

How did he do it?

Even he felt unbelievable at this moment. The soul hunter was his life-long magic weapon. Under the blessing of the swallowing talisman, everything was swept away, not to mention the sword light, even the magic breath and magical powers were swept away. And this sword... There was no sign at all. Soul Hunter had no defense. Even Infinite Truth only saw the surrounding talismans fluctuate slightly. He was actually hit by the sword?

Traveling through time and space, hitting himself at an unimaginable speed.

"How did you do it?" He asked, looking at the figure in front of him with a burning gaze.

Yuchang's figure had slowly walked out of the aftermath of the sword light, and smiled and said: "It must be hit, locked."

"I saw that once the sword arrived, there was no escape. Soul Hunter could only offset its power at most. No matter who it is, no matter where it is, as long as you lock it, it will definitely not escape my sword."

The spiritual energy dissipated, and a tall shadow slowly appeared. It was no longer the kind of old figure, but a young man with a handsome face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a height of eight feet. It was still a spirit body, but with a chilling murderous aura, dressed in black, holding an ancient sword. Obviously, Yuchang was only more than one foot long, but now it has become a three-foot long sword. The sword body was black, and a fiery red spread all over the body. Like a dancing flame.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time." Yuchang smiled, his figure swayed slightly, and he had already fallen into Xu Yangyi's hands.

Xu Yangyi slowly raised his long sword and flicked it lightly. A dragon roar resounded through the void, and the surrounding talismans shattered layer by layer. He sighed from the bottom of his heart: "What a good sword."

"Senior, are you willing to follow me?"

Yuchang smiled and said: "Where do you want to go?"

Xu Yangyi casually made a sword flower: "Taixu."

"Why not." Yuchang laughed.

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and his figure had turned into a black light and disappeared from the training room.

They didn't notice that Yuhe behind them had a livid face, and the muscles at the corners of his eyes were beating desperately.

Its body was already covered with tiny marks, and the blood slowly seeped out until Xu Yangyi disappeared.

"So scary... it's hitting me... the sword wind just now seemed to be aimed at Daddy, but it was actually aimed at me... and I couldn't defend myself?"

This is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is... Xu Yangyi's last short and concise conversation.

Taixu? He dared to face Taixu? Although he was just born, he still had these realms in his memory. He knew exactly what realm Taixu was.

That was the title of the Lord of the Planes... Even if he was as strong as Tiragangdis, he was still one person above ten thousand people! A true high-level cultivator, walking in the heavens and the worlds, dared not disobey.

How dare he? !

"Alright..." Suppressing the jealousy in his heart, he looked deeply at the gate: "I wish my father to die young and be slapped to death by this Taixu."


The soft red carpet, the master-level demon sculpture every ten meters around the corridor, the mural relief above the head, and the tall candles. Walking in this twenty-meter-high corridor, there is no demon around. Except for the crackling sound of the burning candles, the castle is as quiet as death.

Xu Yangyi walked silently in the center of the corridor. This is Kendramo's bedroom. It has almost dismissed all the servants. It is cold and lonely. Only a dense and indissoluble terrifying demonic aura shrouds this place, like the Nine Nether Hell.

"Kara..." A huge door has appeared in front of him, and it quietly opened with his arrival. The blood-colored brilliance bloomed from behind.

Behind the door is a wide hall, and in the center, there is a ten-meter-high throne, and a figure in a black cloak sits on it with his legs crossed. Behind it were huge pieces of colored glass and a tall statue of the devil, with the Fellers silver candles burning all over his body. The black and blood-red light in the sky cast colorful shadows through the colored glass, and was rendered blood-red by the light of the Fellers silver candles.

"Boom!!!" A thunderous sound swam outside the window, and the black shadow projected on the ground seemed to come to life, shaking like a demon in the light and death, the candlelight trembled together, lonely, vast, powerful... countless ominous feelings followed it. It hits people's hearts and can be heard throughout the hall.

The invisible pressure is like a mountain, dividing the hall and the castle into two spaces.

No, where this devil is is in another space, an absolute realm that cannot be invaded by outsiders.

Intangible but tangible, the power of Taixu.

Xu Yangyi walked slowly along the red carpet in the center and knelt on the ground in front of the throne: "See your Excellency, Vice Speaker."

No one spoke, and after a long time, Kendra Mo's voice rang out: "You know... there is thunder in hell..."

Click! ! Before he finished speaking, there was another pale thunder, and the true face of hell was reflected in the darkness. Two blood-red eyes under Kendramo's cloak lit up: "You killed my butler."

Xu Yangyi put one hand on the ground and said calmly: "If you don't respect the saint, you will die unjustly."

"Really..." Kendra Mo flicked the wine glass in his hand without anger and joy, stood up slowly, like a walking hell, and walked gently to Xu Yangyi: "So... what about you?"

"Do you really fear me?"

Boom! The thunder rolled, pulling the two figures not far apart out of the swaying darkness, as if they merged into one.

"Of course I respect you." Xu Yangyi lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

There was no answer. After a long time, Kendra Mo spoke hoarsely and looked directly at the top of Xu Yangyi's head: "We lack trust."

"You should know why I invited you here."

"I said, I only want you to lead me to the peak of Devil's Oven. From now on, we will owe nothing to each other."

Under the cloak, a red and white hand stretched out, like faded leather, and gently touched Xu Yangyi's head: "But you killed the butler who sent the order, and you don't trust me so much?"

"Who gave you confidence?"

Xu Yangyi lowered his head, and the red hand on his head was like a tarsal maggot, almost touching his soul and making his hair stand on end.

"People can change." He pressed Taixu's real body to touch his own depression, his heart beat like a drum, and he said in a deep voice: "Perhaps, this thing can make you change your mind."

He held a one-meter-long box in his hands and presented it.

"Oh?" Kendra Mo smiled and reached out: "You know... people tend to become stubborn when they get older, and I have been very stubborn since I was young."

Boom! ! The thunder shone and enveloped the entire Tiragandes. The electric dragon was roaming around, and the demonic sculptures and alluring candlelights around it were beating wildly, as if they were about to come to life.

At this moment, a brilliance brighter than thunder and lightning flashed from the void. In the blink of an eye, within a few tenths of a second of thunder and lightning, the box opened silently.

A brilliance like autumn water was reflected in an instant, and the candlelight in the entire hall seemed to feel the surging sword energy, and they all pressed together, as if the hell was silent for this sword. Kendramo's pupils suddenly shrank, and a strong sense of crisis immediately followed him!

The first feeling is that it is unbelievable.

He wants to fight with himself?

The second feeling is that it is ridiculous.

A venerable saint... wielding his sword against a Taixu peak?

This is courting death!

No matter how powerful this sage is, even if he is a peerless genius for thousands of years, he cannot erase the huge gap in realm! At most, it's just a little difficult to kill. Who gave him the courage!

At this moment, a killing intent from the void completely locked onto his neck. The next second, lightning flashed, and Kendramo's head flew up.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure changed from motionless like a mountain just now to aggressive like fire. He tipped his toes suddenly, and the whole palace trembled. There was a loud bang, spider webs spread under his feet, and a shock wave suddenly erupted, rolling up the surrounding sand and dust. , forming gray waves, this layer of palace was completely shattered with a loud noise, and he had already risen into the sky, with a long roar, holding the fish intestines in the air.

Time seemed to slow down, from extremely still to extremely moving. Kendra Mo's headless body on the ground was like a rock, and the ground was cracked by sword light in the air. The moment he held the fish intestines, hundreds of sword lights rushed out like a chain of swords!


His heart was beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. Xu Yangyi's energy and energy climbed to the top in an instant. This was the strongest sword he had ever swung because... his opponent was too terrifying.

The sword moved like a dragon and snake, and the entire hall began to erupt with a loud bang from the inside, shattering in an instant. Kendramo's torn cloak with flesh and blood was strangled in the air by the crazy sword light and turned into dots of demonic energy in the sky.

There was silence, and only the roar of the sword could be heard. For several minutes, Xu Yangyi suddenly retracted the fish intestines, and with a clang, the sword was sheathed. Only then did his chest rise and fall violently, and he was covered in cold sweat.

Jing Ke stabbed King Qin... At that moment, his mind was almost blank. Only the shuriken remained.

Swish, brush... Kendramo's fragmented black magic light slowly fell to the ground, as if a piece of boundless black snow had landed here. At this moment, its voice suddenly sounded: "So that's it..."

"You know, before I destroy any plane, they will put up a symbolic resistance."

"The reason why it is symbolic is that they also know the gap between the two sides, the distance that is like heaven and earth. However, they are still unwilling and unwilling, so these efforts are destined to be in vain."

Silent, all the black magic light converged towards the center, and its voice was plain with a touch of unconcealable anger: "What a sword."

"But, it's not enough."

"And for your arrogance, you will receive my most severe punishment!!"

"Severe punishment for Taixu's sword!"

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