
Chapter 1240: Weight (Part 2)

Boom! ! All the black lights suddenly gathered, spinning like a galaxy, and re-condensed the shadow of Kendramo. The black cloak fluttered and flew straight up. A vast breath like the sea sprayed wildly in all directions!

Rumble... 90 Oh. After the baptism of the sword rain just now, this hall is on the verge of shattering. This terrifying demonic energy is the last straw that broke the camel's back. With a loud bang, a dark beam of light rushed into the void with a deafening wail.

At this moment, countless top nobles stood up from their seats.

"Kendramo's full-strength attack?" The huge body of the grizzly prince suddenly stood up, turned into black light and flew to the top of the castle, squinting his eyes and looking at the other side: "Who is it? What makes this old immortal so angry?"

"What a surprise... This is an old monster that is about to die, and someone dares to provoke it..." On the other side, the King of the Evil Eye also squinted his eyes and said.

In another castle, the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant tapped his cup gently and licked his lips: "It's getting chaotic... Well, how can such a grand scene be so quiet?"

In Kendramo's castle, all the servants and demons around, within a radius of 10,000 meters, were all frightened and knelt on the ground and trembled. Xu Yangyi stood calmly with a sword in his hand. Just in front of him, endless black light condensed, and a huge figure was condensing rapidly.

Kendramo's demon body!

Sudden anger, a saint dared to swing a sword at Taixu! This shame made it unbearable!

"You are so bold." Yuchang's phantom appeared beside him, and the two young men looked at the ocean of magic with burning eyes. This is the real sea. Taixu's magic power is boundless and bright as the moon. If you don't face this monster directly, you can't imagine how powerful Taixu, who is known as the master of the plane, is.

Like a mountain, like a mountain, like a cloud, like a sea.

"But I'm looking forward to it." Turning into a young form, Yuchang's momentum seemed to be even better, and he said with a touch of excitement.

"Of course I'm looking forward to it." Xu Yangyi's expression remained unchanged, neither happy nor sad. He pointed at the center of the vortex and said lightly: "I want to tell it a truth."

"Even if Taixu wants to gnaw off my bone, he must be prepared to bleed. Maybe... I can break all his teeth."

He took a step forward, his expression extremely solemn: "And the opponent who is so weak, is he really determined to fight to the death with me?"

As for the future, is it a concern, or is it anger?

Or the concern after being angry?

No one can guess.

It is precisely because it is impossible to guess that we have to fight. No saint is willing to face a peak Taixu. 、

"Boom!!!" With a loud noise, a slender bone claw suddenly stretched out from the sea of ​​black fog. Hanging on a corner of the huge castle.

Followed by the second, the third... a total of eight legs, hanging in the eight corners of the castle, and in the center, sixteen blood-red eyes are already shining.

All the demonic energy dissipated as the sixteen eyes opened. In the center of the black fog, there was a huge humanoid spider, about fifty or sixty meters in size, with the castle as its nest, hanging upside down in the center.

It was covered with strange black talismans. Where the spider's head should be, a humanoid body grew out, and the lower body was a huge spider. It was colorful, with twisted joints, and its body and claws were covered with barbs. An old, but murderous face was looking at Xu Yangyi.

It was not big, but the demonic energy that filled the space was magnificent and pure. It was really like facing an endless sea, and no one could sail in the sea of ​​suffering.

It was not fierce, but had a cruel beauty. However, this beauty made any creature who saw it feel cold in their hearts and feel the trembling from the soul.

"Roar!!!" Kendramo's chest bulged, and he suddenly let out a huge roar. This roar was so crazy, so angry, so fierce, so terrifying that the entire Deception Palace trembled slightly. The void on all sides collapsed with its roar, and the entire castle, except for the place where its claws were hanging, was completely reduced to dust.

The sound waves were visible to the naked eye, and became silver shock waves that dissipated in all directions. Xu Yangyi took a breath, and Yuchang stood up, using all his spiritual energy to block it. However, the space in front of him was broken like paper. A powerful force that could not be expressed in words, no... it could not be described as powerful, that was a force that surpassed himself by a large realm and was completely different in nature, and it hit him from the front like a meteorite!

Even his skin and his hair were undulating like the sea at this moment. He could feel that an ordinary saint would probably be annihilated under this roar!

"Yuchang!!" He roared, and black air flashed under his feet, and black light boiled in a radius of one kilometer. With a loud bang, the figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"Domain?" Kendramo's voice echoed violently, and he laughed loudly: "It's just a trifle. Demons don't have domains, but... any domain is just a joke in front of demons."

Its sixteen blood-red eyes swept around, but its brows immediately frowned.

How is it possible?

No trace?

It can't even find the trace of this human?

This is impossible. Kendramo is at the peak of Taixu. A weaker upper realm can be the master of the plane. His spiritual consciousness is so huge and exquisite that he actually swept the surroundings for thousands of miles and couldn't find the other party at all!

Swallow the talisman and walk in the void.

Three seconds later, its chest bulged, and crazy demonic energy condensed in its mouth. In all directions, when the people in its territory saw this scene, they were frightened out of their wits, and screamed like ants and fled in all directions. .

The hill-like Kendra Mo ignored this scene at all. Instead, his chest became bigger and bigger. Black demonic energy had gush out from the seven orifices. He suddenly opened his bloody mouth and let out a blast that was far beyond what Xu Yangyi had seen. A hundred meters of breath spurted out from its mouth like a sea wave!

"The Demon King's Breath!!!" With Kendramo's maniacal laughter, the overwhelming demonic energy swept through the surrounding areas. This breath was so powerful that the flames of hell directly burned all the surrounding territories into ashes, and wherever it passed, the ground A huge ravine appeared in an instant, and the sky was torn apart. Countless demons that escaped were reduced to ashes thousands of meters apart, and they had no time to scream.

This is the power of Taixu!

Raising his hand to break the sky, turning his palm to control the earth, one person is enough to destroy a plane, the supreme existence.


still none!

After breathing for several seconds, it still couldn't find Xu Yangyi!

"How is this possible?" It finally realized something was wrong, this field was very weird. Although the devil does not have a domain, how broad is his vision? I don’t know how many times it has seen the human domain, but it has never seen any sage who can withstand Taixu’s full blow without breaking the domain.

There is none in this field!

Moreover, even the monks can’t find the formation in the domain!

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed from the back of its neck, making the night brighter. Xu Yangyi's body hung upside down and suddenly appeared behind him, slashing through the air with a sword, bringing up the sky with fragrance.

The speed of the sword was so fast that it was almost an afterimage. However, Kendramo was faster. At this unforgettable moment, a devil's claw had already been raised like lightning, and he gently pinched the sword. In an instant, the fragrance that shook the void was instantly annihilated, like a flash in the pan.

Lifting weight seems to be light, twisting leaves and flying flowers.

"Maggot." Its voice was like thunder, and a red eye light shone over it: "How dare you provoke me?"

"Repent deeply...Devil's punishment will come from heaven!!"

Kakaka... In just a few tenths of a second, a huge gap opened in the sky above Xu Yangyi. Countless complicated talismans quickly condensed, and a demonic energy as vast as the starry sky formed a terrifying beam of light that crashed down!

No panic.

Xu Yangyi knew very well how powerful Taixu was and had already made complete preparations. At this moment, his eyes suddenly sparkled, and two black holes quickly opened.

Infinite real version of Jeet Kune Do!

It was a moment of life and death, but he saw... This time he really saw it, clearly and clearly. Just on the upper left side of the light pillar, there was an undetectable gap in the dark and crazily intertwined talismans. At the moment of seeing it, the fish intestines immediately activated.

Locked, sure to hit!

boom! ! ! The beam of light enveloped the entire castle, and vast shock waves swept in all directions. Kendramo raised his hand, raised his head and let out a sharp and strange smile in the air: "Zhichzhizhizhi!!"

"This is punishment... punishment for Taixu's sword! Regret it and kneel down..."

Before it finished speaking, all its eyes shone at the same time, and it suddenly lowered its head and looked at the place where Xu Yangyi was in disbelief.

Black light flashed, the ground was as smooth as a mirror, and the previous castle disappeared in an instant as if it had never appeared before.'s as bright as a mirror in a radius of ten thousand meters, and the larger rocks are turned into powder.

However, in this mirror world, Xu Yangyi's figure was still hanging upside down in the air. He tiptoed and quickly flew to the other side. He immediately took out the elixir and swallowed it. The chaotic aura in his body was recovering. However, his eyes stared at Kendramo extremely cautiously, and his chest rose and fell sharply.

So strong...

It’s so strong that there is no reason for it!

Is this the peak of Taixu? Obviously he saw it, he caught the flaw in that moment, he was bold and careful, and he made a big move. However, the aftermath like the universe almost shook his own meridians.

Suppressing his racing heart, he slowly raised his sword and pointed it at Kendramo again.


What a shame!

Kendramo fell silent, and his chest began to rise and fall. He didn't even hit the opponent with one blow! That abominable sword, this little man actually dared to use it on himself!

Over and over again!

However, he still didn't speak, because he noticed something even more bizarre.

That magical power did not collapse, but was...dispelled by this mere sage! Moreover, the magical power had not yet reached its peak, and it collapsed instantly as if it had been cut off by something?

This mere human has found a flaw in his magical power?

This is absolutely impossible!

My own entropy devil's heart is parasitic on the other party's body, and when things come to an end... Can I really sit back and relax in that weak state?

For the first time, fluctuations appeared in its heart.

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