
Chapter 1241: Weight (Part 3)

But soon, this fluctuation disappeared.

It's Kendra Mo.

He is the deputy speaker of the great original family of Ferrers. It is a shame that he cannot win against a venerable saint.

Moreover, it also has no way out.

The Devil's Oven is its final salvation. Anyone who stands in its way will either bow down or die.

"I admit, you surprised me." After a few seconds of silence, its voice slowly sounded: "Are you hinting at me?"

"Hint to me about your power. Hint that even if I want to do something, I will still care about this power?"

" you think your power is too strong? And..."

After a pause, its voice turned completely cold: "You really pissed me off."

Before it finished speaking, its figure flashed suddenly, and it was obviously huge, but it mysteriously disappeared into the void.

So fast!

Xu Yangyi didn't care that the spiritual energy in his body was still boiling. Once it was transported away, his whole body felt as painful as a knife, and the fish intestines immediately danced into a white light. However, just as the fish intestines were waving, it became dark in all directions...

Those were Kendramo's claws, which were not afraid of waving the fish intestines at all. They were holding the sky towards the center, like the Five Finger Mountain suppressing the Monkey King.

A series of sword marks scratched the devil's claws, but only left pale marks. "Rumble..." Lightning flashed across the void all around, surging demonic energy swirled, and endless talismans gathered in the void, forming a huge portal in the blink of an eye, swallowing the two of them instantly.

After a brief dizziness, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes, forced teleportation, and instantly tore apart the space. His control over power has reached its peak... This old monster is really incredibly powerful! Even if you are so old that you are about to enter the grave, it is too difficult to resist.

In front of us is a land of blood and fire. An ancient palace stands in the distance. Terrifying cracks cover the earth like blood vessels. The flames of hell are beating in it, and lemures and servant demons appear in the flames from time to time. Among them, let this become a real hell.

This is Kendramo's own plane, his real home base. He had been here once when he first came to deceive the Nie Palace.

Sha...Yuchang holds the hand tightly, and the spirit of the weapon floats around. The two of them lean on each other and look around with an extremely vigilant light.

The air seemed to be frozen, and everything was completely silent. Countless demons were clearly making piercing screams in the flames, but there was strangely no sound at all. It's as if... there is some terrifying existence peeking at everything and swallowing up all sounds.

The calm before the storm.

The next second, the whole ground trembled, rumbled... the flames were beating, and stones were shaken up into the sky. The sound of "dong-dong-dong" was like a war drum, beating the ground desperately, shocking people's hearts.

"Coming..." Yuchang took a deep breath and was about to defend Xu Yangyi, but then, Kendra Mo's huge demonic body suddenly appeared in front of him!

Appearing without warning, it was like space was torn apart!

"Should..." Xu Yangyi's pupils sharpened suddenly, and before he could even say the word "death", a huge force hit him like a falling meteorite, hitting him head-on.

At this moment, he almost heard the sound of bones breaking, and his body was rushed away without warning. It was too fast, so fast that he couldn't even see the flaw. Infinite Truth couldn't be activated. In the face of the speed that was invisible at all. , all magical powers have no chance to take action!

At the same time, Kendramo's huge claws had already grabbed him at lightning speed, pulled him hard in his hand, and raised him in front of his huge head.

"see it!"

"This is power! Before my power, you have no room for resistance!"

"You alone dare to show your sword to me! Who gave you the courage?!"

Kakaka! The overwhelming amount of demonic energy gathered, causing his bones to crack loudly when he was pinched, cold sweat dripping down his face, and he could not speak at all, because his whole body was trying his best to resist this demonic energy. If he lost his breath, he suspected that his internal organs would turn into mince.

In front of him was Kendramo's ugly head. Flames and dark demonic energy filled the void with its angry roar: "You must remember, human being!"

boom! ! He grabbed Xu Yangyi and smashed it against the ground. Suddenly, countless spider web patterns appeared from the ground. It looked at his palm and said ferociously: "Remember... who created you!"

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be on the list of the Ferrers family!"

"It's not like I'm against everyone else's opinion, you can't enter the waiting list at all!!"

It grabbed Xu Yangyi again and smashed it down with a bloodthirsty smile, then the second time, and the third time... With loud noises, he smashed down the ground for a full meter, and there was only one thing in the void. All that's left is its vast sea of ​​demonic energy.

"It's not can't buy your own things at the auction at all."

boom! ! the fifth time.

"I've been as kind to you as a mountain of kindness, and this is how you repay me?!"

boom! ! the sixth time!

"Challenging me as an ant... is not only stupid, but you are also ungrateful!!"

boom! Seventh time!

It finally seemed to vent the fury in its heart, panting and letting go. Everything around it was destroyed. The entire fragmented plane trembled in its fury, and a 10,000-meter crater had appeared in the center.

"Ha..." it let out a long breath, sneered and loosened its clenched fists: "Learn to be grateful and repay your kindness to me. Do you understand?"

However, before it finished laughing, its expression was already stunned.


After spreading the five fingers, Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged in his palm and looked at it calmly, without any scars on his body.

"This..." Even Kendramo was stunned. After a second, it suddenly remembered something and licked its lips with its scarlet forked tongue: "Ah... your name entered the demon furnace and was protected by the other party... I was wondering how you were so bold that you actually thought of provoking me."

"So that's it... you are so bold!!"

Boom! ! The eighth time, this time it used all its strength, and saw a black light falling vertically from the ground, directly penetrating the entire split plane. From this point on, terrible cracks quickly spread across the plane, and the entire plane made a loud cracking sound. Endless flames spread in the cracks, and the entire plane, except for the palace, was smashed to pieces by this smash. Become the planetary belt of the universe!

"Hmph." Kendramo snorted coldly, surrounded by black mist, and returned to the appearance of wearing a cloak again. With his hands behind his back, he said indifferently to the void below: "Climb up."

"I can't hurt you under the protection of the demon furnace."

At this moment, it suddenly felt...

A little heat on the back of the neck?

What happened?

The cloak moved, and a red hand wrapped in demonic energy stretched out from the sleeves, touched it, and when it reached in front of him, two blood-red eyes suddenly opened under the cloak, looking at his fingers in disbelief.


A trace of blood appeared on the finger, and Kendramo's tall body trembled slightly, shook his head, and seemed unable to believe the result in front of him.

Hurt it...

A human saint actually hurt himself...

When? Oh... By the way, it was the first sword, when he couldn't find the opponent, and then he didn't give the opponent a second chance to attack.

Just this sword... Actually cut through his own demonic defense? And the skin of the demon body?

Super-level supernova... The highest level of eternal diamond?

"Are you surprised?" Xu Yangyi's voice appeared behind him. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in a golden light curtain. This light curtain was very thin and looked like it would break at a touch. However, Kendramo had just hit it so many times, but not a single vibration could be transmitted to it.

After a few seconds of silence, Kendramo spoke hoarsely: "The more skilled you are, the more courageous you are... I am more and more certain that you have a chance to stand in front of the demon furnace."

"Do you regret it?" Xu Yangyi jumped down from the air and said.

"Regret it?" Kendramo turned his back to him, and his voice was also neither happy nor sad.

It turned around slowly, but the voice changed very quickly, with a burning taste: "No... I am very excited..."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, and his heart sank instantly.

The silent negotiation failed, and there had to be a conclusion between him and Kendramo.

Why did he draw his sword?

No one wanted to be an enemy of a peak Taixu. He was confident, but not conceited. He didn't think he could defeat Kendramo. So, he chose to show off his muscles and tell the other party that he was not easy to mess with. If he really wanted to harm him, he would usher in his full-scale counterattack with the weakened form of the Heart of Entropy Demon sealed in his body!

Either the fish dies or the net breaks.

But the other party still chose to ignore it. Perhaps, with the other party's life fire about to go out, it is like a shark that smells blood. Once it finds any opportunity to survive, it will never let go.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

"Master Xu... I really didn't expect that you... gave me such a big surprise." Kendramo raised his finger to show the blood on it, put it into the cloak, made a sucking sound, and said with emotion: "You know, I have many choices, and finally decided on you. At that time, I thought you were just a little bit better than the top three of the Ferrers family... Until now..."

"Now, I am more determined, it is you." Its figure slowly walked over, and said word by word: "You are really likely to become the first human to engrave your name in hell... Fufu..."

Kendramo, who was more than two meters tall, finally walked in front of Xu Yangyi and stood still. It lowered its head to Xu Yangyi's ear and whispered like a lover: "Human, be good... Otherwise, I can't kill you, but I can chop your dog and the other bald man you brought into pieces."

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Threats, this is his Achilles' heel. Especially threatening friends.

He looked at Kendramo with a half-smile, and also turned his head to answer softly: "It is still unknown who will win."

"Do you really think this is my limit?"

The four killer weapons, Nanming Lihuo, Lingling Shengyan, Desire Talisman, and God-killing Poison, have long been ambushed in his body and are ready to fight. Even if they can't subdue this madman, once the Seed of Chaos is launched, he doesn't think Kendramo can survive.

You want war, I will give you war.

Everyone is clear about the current situation, but no one said it out loud. Kendra stood up and sneered: "I admire your courage."

"But I hate the stupidity of overestimating one's own abilities."

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